I'm not just an action star

Chapter 431 Precious Gift

"Hello, Brother Long, I'm so glad to meet you." Ge Wen greeted Wu Long in Chinese and shook hands with Wu Long. "

Calling him "Brother Long" made Gewen feel closer to Wu Long.

He, the cultural promotion and foreign commissioner of the Caribbean Alliance, is nothing in front of a global superstar like Wu Long.Unless he is a person with a similar position as the foreign commissioner of the Merikan country, otherwise a small place like the Caribbean Alliance can't do anything to Wu Long.

"Welcome to the imperial capital."

The two took their seats.

Qiuya has already told Wu Long about Ge Wen's visit.Now that the two meet, Gervin still has to say it again in person.Ge Wen didn't know how Qiu Ya relayed it, so he had to explain it himself when facing Wu Long anyway, in order to prevent Wu Long from mishearing when Qiu Ya relayed it.

"We very much hope that your next film will be based on the Caribbean Sea. For this, our Caribbean Alliance will send a luxury cruise ship and a Caribbean card as a private thank you. And for the film we will shoot, we will also You can invest and assist in framing and shooting."

Gervin produced a book about cruises, and a black card.

"This cruise ship is more than 260 feet long. According to your habit, it is more than 80 meters. There is a helipad on the cruise ship, where helicopters can be parked. This cruise ship is worth more than [-] million US dollars. Brand new, no one has used it, It hasn't been named yet either. You can name this cruise ship whatever you like."

"With this Caribbean card, you can stay in any five-star hotel in the Caribbean Union countries for free. If there are no five-star hotels in the local area, usually the most expensive hotels in the local area are covered by the Caribbean card. Whether it is a hotel or luxury Shops, or other consumer entertainment venues, as long as there are Caribbean signs, you can use them, and everything is free.”

"These two gifts are called 'good things come in pairs' in your words. This is a private gift from our Caribbean Alliance. I hope you can accept it."

What a great handwriting!

Let's not talk about the Caribbean card, just talk about this cruise ship, which is worth [-] million US dollars.

Tsk tsk, I'm really willing.

Wu Long shook his head.

"Your gift is too great. Although the movies I make can make money and have a certain influence around the world. But I can't guarantee that every movie will be popular and can maintain that kind of influence. I accept your Gift, the movie doesn't meet your requirements, what should I do?"

Gwen smiled, he still has some understanding of Chinese people's sophistication.Regarding Wu Long's words, he thought that Wu Long didn't want it, but he was worried that if he took the money, the matter would not be successful and his reputation would be damaged.

"Brother Long, don't worry. This is a private friendship between our Caribbean Alliance and you. It has nothing to do with this cooperation. Even if the movie doesn't meet expectations, it won't affect our friendship."

Regarding this gift, there are also differences within the Caribbean Alliance.I think there is no need to give such a big gift for normal business cooperation.Just a cruise ship costs more than $[-] million.

Wu Long made a movie about the Amazon rainforest, but he never took a cruise ship or a private jet.

It can be suggested that the person who does this is someone who has a better understanding of the East.

I think that if such a big gift is not given, there is a high possibility that Wu Long will not help make movies.

After all, making a movie is not something that can be done just by making a movie.It is possible to shoot, but the question is whether it can be done well.If he can't make a good film, Wu Long will definitely not take the risk of making a film for the Caribbean Alliance for his own reputation.

And most importantly, the second film of the Amazon Rainforest is about to be released.The first one has detonated tourism in the Amazon rainforest.The second part will definitely consolidate the tourism volume of the Amazon rainforest, and even show further growth.

If you want to break this situation, you must sign a contract with Wu Long as soon as possible and publicize it.

And people like Wu Long, who is a master of martial arts in the Eastern Land Society, value face very much.When you receive the money, you will work hard and do your best.If things are not done well, they will continue to do things until they get better.

Is $[-] million a lot?

is a lot.

Can you see?How many times is the effect of [-] million US dollars?

The money for this cruise ship is nothing more than the income from investing in Wu Long's Caribbean movies.In the Eastern language, the wool comes from the sheep.

As long as Wu Long accepts the gift, he no longer has to worry about the movie hitting the street.

Wu Long still shook his head.

"I don't have time for this cruise ship."

It would be a lie to say that Wu Long was not moved.Cruise ship, beauty, sunshine, sea, blue sky, feast.

However, how many times a year can you play on a cruise ship?

Not having time is not an excuse.You can't play it a few times a year, and you have to spend money on maintenance and maintenance.Although cruise ships are not expensive, maintenance and maintenance are very expensive.This thing is almost like a private jet.Even if you don't drive it, it still needs maintenance.

For a luxury cruise ship worth [-] million US dollars, the annual maintenance cost may be unbearable in the millions.What's more, there is also the rent of berths for cruise ships and the wages of crew members, which is also a huge expense.

With Wu Long's current wealth, it's not that he can't afford a cruise ship.The main reason is that it is not used frequently, and it costs money to maintain and maintain the crew.

No need.

Gewen thought to himself, fortunately, he had already thought that Wu Long might say that.

"Brother Long, I forgot to tell you that the cost of maintenance is borne by our Caribbean Alliance. We will provide free maintenance and supporting services for this cruise ship for life."

Good guy, Wu Long called him a good guy.

Do you want to pay the salary of the crew?

Do you want to pay the parking fee?

Where is this cruise ship going to be used?Or are you going to use it in the Caribbean?

If in the Caribbean, how many times a year can I take a Caribbean vacation?

Wu Long did not say these words.If he really said it, he would drop the price.

He changes the subject:

"After I heard about your intentions yesterday, I have been thinking about the feasibility and what kind of movie to make. The Caribbean Sea, apart from the sea, has no gimmicks. So I plan to make a movie about Pirates of the Caribbean. If you agree, then sign the contract."

"Pirate movies?" Gervin shook his head slowly. "Brother Long, I'm afraid it's not a good idea to make a pirate movie. Pirate movies used to be popular all over the world, but in today's era, pirate movies have declined. If you make a pirate movie, probably not many people will like to watch it."

"However, there are many legends in the Amazon rainforest. What are the legends in the Caribbean Sea? The most attractive legend, besides pirates, is shipwrecks. Treasure Island is also related to pirates. So if you don't shoot pirates, what suggestions do you have?" Wu Long asked.

Gwen couldn't answer right now.He really didn't have any suggestions, because what Wu Long said made sense.You can't take pictures of the sunshine and sandy beaches of the Caribbean Sea, and it's even less likely that such landscape films will be watched.

Make a romance?That's even more funny.

But pirate movies are really outdated.

"The only thing I can think of right now is a pirate movie. If you don't make this one, forget it."

Gervin can actually call the shots, and he has been authorized when he comes.When discussing within the Caribbean Alliance, it was unclear what content to shoot.Everyone decided to listen to Wu Long, after all, Wu Long is an expert in making movies.With Wu Long's understanding and grasp of the film market, they believe that Wu Long can come up with good ideas and good content.

But now that Wu Long is making a pirate movie, Gwen dare not make up his own mind.After all, a cruise ship that sends [-] million US dollars is not a small sum.

Pirate films, this theme was mentioned during the internal discussions of the Caribbean Alliance.Most voted down the proposal.Pirate movies are really outdated, no one will watch them, how can they promote the Caribbean?

"I need to report to my superiors, can you wait for me for a day?"

"Yes." Wu Long pushed the cruise booklet and Caribbean card on the table back to Gwen. "Please take these back."

Ge Wen wanted to push back to Wu Long, but Wu Long shook his head:

"Since you can speak Chinese, you should have heard the saying, You don't get paid for nothing."

"Okay." Gervin retracted.

To put it nicely just now, this is a private gift and has nothing to do with this cooperation.But if the higher-ups do not agree to make a pirate film, and he insists on giving the cruise ship and the Caribbean card to Wu Long, then he must be responsible.

After receiving Gervin's report, the Caribbean Alliance held another meeting to discuss it.

"No, the box office of a pirate movie must be poor and no one will watch it!"

"I don't think so either. I was against it. Now I don't even agree with Wu Long making a pirate film."

"Pirate films used to be prosperous, but now few people watch them. If people watch them, there will be no one to make pirate films."

"I think it's better to make a romantic movie. In the Caribbean, it is a holy place to find love!"

"You are not professionals, why should you listen to your judgment and decision. If you have such talent, wouldn't it be great to make or act in a movie by yourself? Why invite Wu Long?"

"I believe in Wu Long. Maybe pirate movies are outdated and no one watches them anymore. But everyone should pay attention, pirate movies have been out of date for a long time. Fashion and hot spots are also regular. There are troughs and peaks. Maybe pirate movies have passed Wu Long's hand, can become popular again.”

"I agree with this point. According to my understanding, Wu Long also had a similar situation when he was filming TV dramas. The scripts he wrote were different from those of others, and he used operas to show them. Some people may know that operas were created in Wu Long's Few people in the country listen to it anymore. But Wu Long’s TV series about the White Snake are all filmed in the form of opera.”

"What's the result? There are many TV series about the Legend of the White Snake. When Wu Long comes out, many people will like to watch it."

"So, don't underestimate Wu Long's grasp of the film and television market. He understands this better than all of us. It is precisely because of this that his films have such good results."

As a result of the discussion, it was finally decided to let Wu Long make up his own mind and shoot whatever he wanted.

When Ge Wen got the result and met Wu Long again, Wu Long began to attach conditions.

"Take back the cruise ship, I'll take the Caribbean card."

"I also hope to strengthen and deepen the connection and cooperation between the Caribbean Union and our country's film and television culture. Our film and television can be screened and broadcast in the Caribbean Union countries without restrictions and conditions..."

Gewen looked at Wu Long in surprise, he didn't expect that Wu Long would propose such a non-commercial condition.Because, if Wu Long's movies and TV shows are played, Ge Wen doesn't think it's strange.But Wu Long did not add the prefix of his own movie and TV, which made Ge Wen have too many associations with Wu Long's identity.

Seeing Ge Wen's expression, Wu Long immediately understood Ge Wen's inner thoughts.He added:

"Now that I am alone in the world, many people in China and many old-timers have a lot of ideas about this. They think that I am eating alone, and even think that I have robbed many people's food."

"Since you can speak Chinese, you should know something about the situation in our country. This condition is called pink eye disease. Understand? I am too radiant. If I don't take care of other people in the country and the interest groups behind them, I am fine by myself, but my Relatives, relatives, friends, colleagues will be very passive."

Ge Wen obviously has a good understanding of Chinese culture, and Wu Long said so, he understood.

This is not Chinese culture at all, it is common all over the world.

That is jealousy!

The same is true in Holland, and even within the Caribbean Union.If you get too much for yourself and don't share some with others, not only will no one help you in the future, but you will also do things that are not good for you.

Gewen believes that Wu Long insists on filming in Haolaihu every year and cooperates with Haolaihu Film Company, that's it.Divide the interests of the country of Merikan and give the interests of the country of Merikan.And not only cooperate with Weiner Films, but also cooperate with Lion Films.

Immediately, Gervin nodded to express his understanding, and he would do a good job in this area, and he could also sign a contract with relevant parties.

After several days of discussions and discussions with relevant higher authorities, Gervin finally signed the relevant contract with Wu Long on behalf of the Caribbean Alliance.

The luxury cruise ship Wu Long didn't want it, but took the Caribbean card.Even if the maintenance fee is paid by the Caribbean Alliance, Wu Long doesn't have a few days a year to play the cruise ship, and he still wastes the cost of hiring crew members.If you really want to play, just rent one.

The second part of the Amazon Rainforest is about to be released, Wu Long came to Haolaihu.

As soon as he arrived, Wu Long met with the senior executives of Lion Films.When they learned that Wu Long's new film was going to be a pirate film, the production cost was still around 5000 million.Such a big production was used to shoot an outdated subject, they hesitated.

They believe that the unavoidable law is coming.This time Wu Long makes a pirate film, it is very likely that he will hit the street.

"Wu Long, the era of pirate movies is over. Now when making pirate movies, one hits the market. No director dares to touch the theme of pirates, and no film company will invest in making pirate movies. Audiences don't like watching pirate movies anymore. gone."

"You have also read the script. The pirate film I made is not a traditional pirate film."

"In our opinion, there is no difference. It's just a pirate movie with a little scary fantasy added. But your pirate movie still doesn't get rid of treasure hunting. And pirate movies have nothing to do except treasure hunting. "

"What if I insist on filming?"

Sure enough, there is no law that a director can escape. If you always succeed, you think you will always succeed.If you are superior, you will not listen to other people's persuasion.

Too confident, too much thinking that his fans will support him.

Regardless of whether it is a director or an actor, there have been such examples, and the results are all ruthlessly abandoned by the market, the box office is dismal, and the film hits the street.

It can be seen that Wu Long's future is like this.

However, Lion Pictures still wants to maintain a good relationship with Wu Long.I have made a lot of money from Wu Long, so I can't refuse it directly.

"If you insist on shooting, the company won't be able to pay that much money. Tens of millions are fine, but 5000 million is impossible."

"Consider cooperation? I will contribute a little, Weiner Films will contribute a little, or other film companies will get involved."

If other film companies get involved, maybe Wu Long will cooperate with other film companies in the future.The previously signed agreement will also be voided.

The agreement signed by Wu Long is not a long-term one, but Lion Pictures has the priority.However, with 5000 million yuan, no film company would make such an obvious loss-making investment to make a pirate film with outdated themes.

"Okay, fine."

Wu Long had already anticipated the concerns of Lion Pictures.Gervin and Lion Films think there is nothing wrong with it, and pirate movies are indeed outdated.But that's a traditional pirate movie, no.It's just that Lion Pictures didn't dare to gamble even after reading the script.

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