I'm not just an action star

Chapter 430 The Unexpected Guest

Falling in love with you, I'm not just an action superstar

In addition to the task name, whether it is the task goal, or the task content and prompts, there are misleading.It's not misleading, it's just a prerequisite.

Maybe get a few more best actor awards, Wu Long can also complete the task, it depends on when the system judges.But if Wu Long is like this, then the task should be considered beautifully completed.

The task is beautifully completed and barely completed, and the situation may be different when the lottery is drawn.

How many more Best Actor awards, exactly how many?Not clear.

He has won too many Best Actor awards, indeed surpassing the Best Actor.But if you make someone else a best actress, such a best actor is more worthy than winning an award yourself.

Of course, it's not good to promote others as movie kings, so it's a competition.

The above is Wu Long's understanding of the completion of tasks determined by the system.

"Whether the host draws a lottery."

Wu Long chose to draw a lottery.

Countless spheres of light danced in front of Wu Long's eyes. Wu Long thought quietly, with his current status, what else does he need to draw?

There are a lot of prestige points, and you can exchange them for almost anything you want.

In addition to immortality, or some fantasy.

The ball of light jumped away, and in the end only one remained in front of him.

When the sphere of light was opened, Wu Long finally felt a wave of turmoil in his heart.

"Reward: The movie world that the host first entered, the movie world of "Jin Ping Mei"."

Seeing the reward clearly, the waves in Wu Long's heart formed a monstrous wave.

Is this a reward for a world?

What do you mean?

With excitement, Wu Long read the reward reminder.

If Wu Long dies in the real world, whether it is accidental or natural, he will not really die, but enter the world of "Jin Ping Mei".Wu Long can live another life in the world of "Jin Ping Mei".

In the world of "Jin Ping Mei", as long as he is careful, or his strength improves, he will not die early like the protagonist of "Jin Ping Mei", nor will he be beaten to death by Wu Song like "Water Margin".

Not to mention his own woman, being raped by her son-in-law...

In short, this "Jin Ping Mei" is a real world, and it is also a world that can be changed by Wu Long.How the world changes and develops depends entirely on Wu Long himself.

This is equivalent to Wu Long having one more chance to travel through.It's just that you know in advance which world you will travel to the next time you travel after death.

Such a reward is too awesome!

It can be said that Wu Long has an extra life, a life in another world!

After receiving the reward, the system pops up a new task.

"The host has successfully comprehended the spirit of the task, knows how to think outside the box, and is not misled by the words, and has passed the test of the system. This system is an all-round martial arts system. Although it is an entertainment version, it is not an entertainment system. The actor or something is just a title on the host's growth path , not the purpose. There is a famous saying in the film world that with great power comes great responsibility."

"I look forward to the host continuing to complete the next task!"

【Mission Name: Not Just an Action Superstar】

【Mission Objective: Not just an action superstar. 】

[Task content: Do something other than an action superstar. 】

[Hint: You are on the right path. 】

This time, the task name is consistent with the task objective, and the task content and task prompt are as simple as one sentence.

Not just an action superstar?

Do you mean not only acting in action scenes?

No, "Sweet Honey" is not an action movie.

Do things other than action superstars mean screenwriting and directing?

Look at the tips, you are on the right path.Does it mean to expand the influence of your country's films to the outside world?

It should be this one.

To truly look up to the world, you should not rely on Haolaihu.

There is still a long way to go.Letting go of it now is not enough.It is still necessary to slowly turn the attention of global audiences through the influence of Hao Laihu.

This is called taking advantage of the situation.

"Brother Long, someone wants to see you. She's a beautiful woman who came from the country where the sun never sets. She made a special trip to see you." When Qiuya spoke, a meaningful expression appeared on her face.

"what is it call?"

"Keira Nelly."

"I don't know. Did you say why?"

"I said I wanted to learn acting from you. You are the most versatile actor in the world. Only with your teachings can I understand the true meaning of acting."

Seeing Wu Long thinking about it, Qiu Ya deliberately said, "It's very beautiful."

"I can say such a beautiful promise, and my appearance should not be bad. Tell her that I am busy and not free."

Qiu Ya was a little surprised by Wu Long's decision, she nodded and left.

Uneasy Kayla did not sit on the sofa, but walked back and forth.She knew that she was very impulsive, and if she took the liberty to come to Wu Long like this, it might arouse Wu Long's resentment, which would not be a good thing.

However, when she saw that Angeli had won the Golden Hill Award for Best Actress, and then won the Scarlet Film Award for Best Actress, she couldn't sit still.

Opportunity is to be fought for.

She had read gossip magazines and various rumors on the Internet, saying that in order to be able to act in Wu Long's movie, Angeli deliberately met Wu Long at the shooting club, and then the two dated, and Wu Long asked Angeli to act.

And Angeli approached Wu Long after Zhu Di got two actresses.

Angeli can do it, and so can she!

She knows the rules of Wu Long's filming. After filming "Terminator 2" this time, she will definitely come back and call for filming.If she went directly to Haolaihu, she would not be able to compete with the female stars there.Therefore, she decided to attack early and came to the capital to find Wu Long who was doing the post-production of the movie "Terminator 2".

If Wu Long hated her because of this, and she offended Wu Long, it would just cut off the chance to act in Wu Long's movie.This is the same as not being able to act in a Wu Long movie now, and there is no loss.

But if she is lucky and Wu Long likes her, she will get the chance to act in Wu Long's movie.

In fact, when Wu Long appeared suddenly, it caused a stir in Haolaihu.When Judy won the Golden Hill Award for Best Actress and the Hauska Best Actress Award, she began to pay attention to Wu Long and make up her mind.

It's just that she wasn't full at that time.

However, she has a plan and started to learn Chinese.If you want to impress Wu Long, you have to speak Wu Long's language, so that you can get Wu Long's approval.

The sound of footsteps came, and Qiuya appeared in front of her after going and returning.

"I'm sorry, Brother Long said he's not free. He neither wants to see you nor teach you how to act." Qiuya said with a smile.

You woman, your wishful thinking is wrong.It really surprised me that I can speak Chinese.It's a pity that the current Wu Long is no longer the Wu Long of the past.

Keira had expected such a result, but she was not reconciled.

"Can I wait for him here? I want to beg him again in person."

"If you do this, Brother Long may be even more disgusted."

"Perhaps you're right. But if I don't, I won't be content."

"up to you."

"Thank you."

Wu Long was so busy that he didn't leave until very late, and he also ate dinner here.

When he went out, he found Kayla waiting at the reception.

"Brother Long!" Kaila immediately greeted Wu Long in Chinese when she saw Wu Long coming out.

Wu Long looked at Kaila, who was outstanding in appearance, with the classical beauty of Western women.

"You are looking for me?"

"Yes, Brother Long, my name is Keira, and I want to be your student and learn acting from you."

"You've been waiting here and haven't left?"

"I have read a lot of oriental allusions. When seeking a teacher to learn art, you must be sincere and persistent. In some stories, you need to kneel and wait outside the house for three days and three nights, rain or shine, and finally sincerely impress the master and accept him as an apprentice."

"have you eaten?"

"Miss Qiu arranged for me to have a working meal."

The company's working meals are not takeaway.Wu Long was worried about the hygienic conditions of the takeaway, so he asked his aunt who could cook to set up a small cafeteria in the company.

"You speak Chinese well." Wu Long praised the other party.

"After I saw that Judy won the Golden Hill Award for Best Actress and the Hauska Best Actress Award for "The Silence of the Lambs", I decided to learn Chinese well and be your student learning to act." Keira hurried Explanation.

This shows both her honesty and her diligence and hard work.As for scheming, who doesn't have scheming?

"Brother Long, I can do what Judy can do, and I'm happy to do it. I don't think I'm worse than Judy and Angeli."

When Qiu Ya heard Keira say that, she almost laughed out loud on the spot.Keira seemed to speak in a vague way, but presumably a man should be able to understand.

Wu Long shook his head.

"It's useless. I have lost the ability to create gods. From now on, it should be difficult for my films to win the best actress. Even if you are allowed to act in my films, there is no chance. Think about it, they can't Always let the heroine of my movie win the award, it's not fair to other people."

Can't win any more prizes?

For a moment, Keira felt dazed and confused.

Wu Long can no longer win the Best Actress award, is it still necessary for her to follow Wu Long?

No, Wu Long said that on purpose, in order to drive me away.According to the routine of the Eastern martial arts story, this is also a test.

It must be so!

Besides, what if you can't win the prize?As long as I act in Wu Long's movie, I can be popular.If I can't follow Wu Long, I'm afraid I may not be popular in this life, let alone win the Best Actress Award.

It was such a moment of thinking that Keira made an immediate decision without hesitation.

"I came to learn from you. I just hope to worship under your sect and be your disciple. Brother Long, I am also your fan. To be with you is the simplest, most simple and most basic form of a fan. wish."

"Have you signed a brokerage contract?"

Kayla was overwhelmed with excitement.

"No." She blurted out.

She has already been approached by talent scouts, but she has actually only acted in movies and TV shows.It's just that I'm underage and I haven't signed a brokerage company.

And her goal has always been Wu Long, so naturally she will not easily sign a contract with a brokerage company.

"Tomorrow, you will sign a contract with Mr. Qiu, an ordinary newcomer appointment. After signing, you will temporarily work as an intern assistant with me. If you want."

"I would!" Keira's answer was full of joy, like a little girl receiving a gift.

Qiu Ya glanced at Wu Long, is she going to be kidnapped into her own pot?

Actors all over the world are eager to run and come and play, but Keira followed Wu Long, which in itself is a big breakthrough.External publicity can play an advertising role.

Qiu Ya wanted to understand what Wu Long meant.

The next day, Kayla came early to wait.

You still acted, which made Qiu Ya, who came later than Keira, complain in her heart.I secretly asked who was the first to come to the company to open the door this morning, and then I asked again, and it turned out that Kayla was the first to come.

Hehe, Qiu Ya thought that she was a very scheming woman, so she showed the contract to the other party.

Shortly after signing the contract with Keira, another visit came.

Qiu Ya was at a loss when she heard the reception outside informed the other party's background.He hurriedly tidied up his appearance before going out dignifiedly.

"Ms. Qiu, hello, I'm Guillermo Gervin, the Cultural Communications Specialist of the Caribbean Alliance."

"Hi, Commissioner Girvan."

Qiu Ya and Ge Wen came to the reception room, and the receptionist brought tea.

After some discussion and understanding, Qiuya knew the purpose of Gervin's visit.It turned out that the cause was the "Plague of the Python" and the TV series "The River", as well as the legends about the Amazon rainforest.

When these formed a craze, tourism in the Amazon rainforest experienced a terrifying increase.This makes the Caribbean, which is also a tourist destination, very jealous.The tourism boom in the Amazon rainforest has even affected the tourism industry in the Caribbean.

Whether it’s the increase in tourism to the Amazon rainforest or not, tourism to the Caribbean has declined.

To be honest, tourism in the Caribbean is the sea, islands, and beaches.As long as there is sea, there will be these.

But there is only one Amazon rainforest.The unique environment and humanities there are also unique.

In order to save the disadvantage, the Caribbean Alliance decided to send someone to look for Wu Long, hoping that Wu Long's next movie would be about the Caribbean Sea, which would be like the Amazon rainforest, hype it up and drive tourism growth.

Qiu Ya did not rashly agree to let Ge Wen meet Wu Long.If Wu Long doesn't have that kind of subject matter, it's better not to meet each other. It's better for her to refuse than Wu Long's direct rejection.

"Wu Long is very busy recently, and the post-production of "Terminator 2" is relatively heavy. I will go and see if he is free now. If he is not free today, we will make another appointment."

Qiuya is not afraid of the other party's reputation, nor does she bow her knees because there are no trivial matters in foreign exchanges.

She found Wu Long and told Wu Long about the situation.Wu Long thought about it and asked the other party to talk again the next day.

"You want to talk?" Qiu Ya was quite surprised by Wu Long's decision.

"En." Wu Long nodded.

Qiu Ya asked curiously, "You really want to make a movie about the Caribbean Sea?"

"It's not impossible to shoot."

Ge Wen was very happy to receive the news, and Wu Long was willing to meet, indicating that there was a chance.He came here this time with a lot of sincerity.Not only the filming funds promised by the Caribbean Alliance, but also a separate gift for Wu Long.

Making a movie is not just about making a movie.

Say you make a movie in the Caribbean, just make a movie in the Caribbean?

what is the storyCan it arouse the interest of the audience?If a bad movie is made, not only will it hit the box office, but it may have a negative effect on the Caribbean tourism industry.

According to Wu Long's performance, his films have always been on the rise or at the same level, and have never slipped.This is uncommon, or even never happened before.

For other directors, even if they have won the Golden Mound Award or the Hauska Best Director Award, there will always be peaks and troughs.

The same is true for those movie stars, even movie kings and actresses, there have been times when the box office hit the street.Some even became box office poison.

Therefore, everyone is wary of whether Wu Long's next film will hit the street.

In order to ensure that Wu Long can make good Caribbean movies with all his strength, it is necessary to ensure that Wu Long gets enough benefits.Wu Long, who has taken advantage of it, will wholeheartedly make good Caribbean movies and promote the Caribbean.

At least, when the Caribbean sea animal tourism declined and the Amazon rainforest tourism increased, some people in the Caribbean Alliance said that it must be the Amazon rainforest that secretly gave Wu Long benefits, so Wu Long would go to the Amazon rainforest to film. Still making two movies and one TV series in a row.More to come up with operational hype about what Dr. Cole is missing.

If Wu Long didn't get the benefits, why would he suddenly make a movie about the Amazon rainforest?Still working so hard?

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