Falling in love with you, I'm not just an action superstar

Wu Long did not participate in the Golden Hill Awards in the later stage of the production of "Terminator 2" with Shi Lei and the others nervously.

Although "The Calamity of the Python" had a good box office, this kind of film couldn't get the admission ticket of the Golden Hill Award.However, "The Devil" was nominated for the Golden Hill Award for Best Actress in a Drama Series.

This made Angeli happy and anxious, but also a little complained that Wu Long did not come to participate in the Golden Hill Awards.At this time, how much she needed Wu Long to be by her side to encourage her.

Maybe just like the outside rumors, Wu Long didn't dare to come if he didn't come to participate in the Golden Hill Awards.Wu Long was afraid that Angeli would not win the Golden Hill Award for Best Actress, so he simply refused to participate.

"The Devil" has only one nomination, and the chance of winning the award is not great.

Fortunately, Angeli was interviewed by the host during the red carpet, which made her feel hopeful.

"Hi, Angelique, welcome."

"Hi, it's an honor."

"I didn't see Long, he didn't come with you?" The host actually knew that Wu Long wasn't coming.

"He is busy with the filming of "Terminator 2" and has no time." Angeli did not forget to help Wu Long promote "Terminator 2".

"I heard that you not only gained weight for the filming of "The Devil", but also went to women's prisons and street experiences?"

There is a small pitfall to this question.The front is normal, but this street experience is not normal.The street experience means that Angeli experiences doing that job.In fact, it is not, this question is intentional, and I want the effect of the program.

Angeli almost answered yes, but fortunately she realized it.

"I gained weight. I went to a women's prison to communicate with some female prisoners, and I didn't have any street experience."

"I saw a lot of people on the Internet saying that your acting skills are great and you will definitely win an award. Some people also said that your acting skills are not good, and you got the shortlist only by acting ugly. What do you think about this? What do you think? Can I win an award?"

Angeli smiled at the camera.

"I think that the actors who can be nominated have the strength to win the award. Of course I hope to win the award. I think the actors who are nominated all hope that they can win the award."

The answer was watertight.

After chatting with a few more people, Angeli left.

She wasn't bothered by the host's question trap.Sometimes, even if some ridicule is inappropriate, and some questions have traps, as long as they are not too excessive, they are all within the tacit unspoken rules.

Programs need to create hot spots, and actors also need to create hot spots.If you get angry and go crazy in public because of this, I am afraid that there will be fewer awards, programs, and announcements in the future.

Please come, you can't generate topics, and you can't create hot spots.Inviting others to come can create topics and create hot spots.As a program party, it is obvious who will be invited.

Some out-of-date celebrities even don't hesitate to create topics and hot spots by themselves, even if they blackmail and smear themselves, they still attract people's attention.This is the entertainment industry. If you have no popularity or traffic, you just wait to be ashes and be forgotten.

The Golden Hill Awards officially started, and Angeli was quite nervous.Especially when the awards for Best Actress in a Drama Series began to be announced, she felt that the surrounding sounds became noises, and the sound of her heartbeat seemed to be thumping, thumping, thumping on both sides of her forehead like a subwoofer Plopping.

"The winner of this year's Golden Hill Awards for Best Actress in a Drama Series is "The Devil" Angeli!"



In fact, many people saw that Wu Long did not come, and thought that Wu Long had obtained inside information or guessed the result, and Angeli would not be able to win the prize, so they did not come.

Now the results come out, beyond the expectations of many people.

We must know that Angeli has not acted in a movie for a long time, and the first movie is Wu Long's movie.Wu Long has already won Jiang Shuang'er and Zhu Di as two actresses, and it is not likely that Angeli will win another actress.Even if you want to get it, you should have about ten years to have a chance.

However, only a few years?

Angeli took the Best Actress.This is both surprising and enviable to many.

Wu Long, he is really not an ordinary man!

However, it is not easy to get into Wu Long's play.Fortunately, there are many actresses who have approached Wu Long.It can be said that almost all female stars who have never won the best actress, whether they are first-line or few-line, have approached Wu Long.

It was not easy to find Wu Long, it was not easy to meet Wu Long, it was even more difficult to have a meal with Wu Long.

Many people secretly concluded that if they were not new actresses, they probably would not have had the chance to be favored by Wu Long.

Angeli came to the stage to accept the award, and she was so excited that she shed tears when she gave her testimonial speech.After saying a round of thanks, the most important thing is to thank Wu Long.

"Without Brother Long, I don't think I would have won this award. He taught me how to act, and told me how to integrate into the role. He said, you can't play a role, you have to become a role. You have to impress yourself before you can impress others. If you become a character, how do you experience the character's emotions, how do you experience the character's heart?"

"Acting is not about facial expressions or body language. Facial expressions and body language happen because of the characters' emotions and change because of the characters' emotions."

"He asked me to give up my appearance and figure, saying that I needed to transform, and let me play the role of Irene. He also asked me to really understand the character in depth, to understand the character's life, to experience the character's psychological journey..."

After the awards ceremony, Angeli called Wu Long immediately to tell Wu Long the good news.

Angeli is already very satisfied to win the Golden Hill Award and the Hauska Award.As for the best actress who won the Golden Hill Award, it is estimated that it will be difficult for Hoska to get it.Not saying it's impossible, but the chances are getting smaller.

However, Wu Long said to let her win the prize, and she did.

Besides, there are opportunities to win some European film awards.

After winning the award, her coffee status soared, and she was instantly squeezed into the ranks of first-line actresses.There are more advertisements and endorsements than before, and global announcements are more frequent.

The Internet and the media have also changed their tone, saying that Wu Long's failure to participate is not because he is worried about not getting the award, but because he will definitely win the award, and it doesn't matter whether he comes or not.

In March, the Hauskar Awards Ceremony was held as scheduled.

Angeli also received a Best Actress nomination.Although I have expectations for winning the award, I don't have too many expectations.Participating with a relaxed mood, the state of the whole person is different in front of the camera.

As if, with the aura of a queen.

"Hi, Angeli, nice to meet you." On the red carpet, the host warmly greeted Angeli.

Angeli also did not expect to be interviewed by the host.However, can you win an award?Forget it, in the oriental saying, let everything be natural.

"Hi, me too."

"I heard that you acted in "The Devil", long after the movie was finished, you couldn't get out of the role?"

Angeli nodded.

"Yes, I got too deep. Brother Long kept pointing me out, and I finally got out of the role completely."

"I heard that you deliberately gained weight in order to play a good role. Now I see that your figure has recovered better than before. Is there any secret?"

"Yes. Brother Long is very effective for fitness. According to my situation, I specially formulated a set of body shaping methods with oriental mystery. After these methods, I can restore my body to its original shape."

"Can you tell me?"

"It's very complicated. It starts from both physical and mental aspects, including the entire work and rest time, as well as detailed requirements such as breathing and diet."

"Spirit? Breath? It seems that it really has an oriental mystery."


"Wu Long didn't come today, do you feel that without him by your side, your confidence in winning the award has decreased, or you are not so confident?"

"I think every actor who is nominated is very confident that he can win the best actress..."

After chatting for a few more words, Angeli left, and the next guest was interviewed.

I accepted the interview, can I win the award?

Maybe, maybe not.

Angeli greeted others with a smile, the original indifference in her heart became no longer indifferent, and there was always a kind of worry about gain and loss lingering in her heart.


Hearing someone say hello, Angeli turned her head to look and found that it was Judy.Once the actress, the best actress winner.

She is Wu Long's first female best actress.

"Hi, hello." Angeli hurriedly greeted Judy.

Whether it's entering the industry, or the number of times she has made a movie, or winning the best actress, Judy is ahead of her.It can be said that Judy is her predecessor.

She investigated Judy, after Judy won the best actress.Originally thought that Zhu Di was favored by Wu Long because she climbed into Wu Long's bed.But she found that was not the case.

At the beginning, Zhu Di was not well-known, but before finding Wu Long, she had already decided to be the heroine.Wu Long did not replace Zhu Di, nor did he ask for anything from Zhu Di.

It wasn't until after Zhu Di won the award that she had a secret relationship with Wu Long.Of course, this secret communication was only found out after Angeli and Wu Long also had a relationship.

"Nervous?" Judy asked Angeli.

Angeli nodded in acknowledgment.

"After I won the Golden Hill Award for Best Actress, I was in a very good mood. It is not bad to win one of the two Best Actresses. I am very content. But after the interview just now, my state of mind changed again. gone."

Anyway, you are also Wu Long's woman, although others don't know it.But as Wu Long's woman, she still has this sensitivity.I believe you can also perceive the relationship between me and Wu Long.With such thoughts, Angeli was very frank with Judy.

"Same as me." Judy comforted Angeli. "I feel that you have a great chance to be the best actress tonight."

"Thank you Ji Yan."

"It's better to say, trust Brother Long."

Angeli showed a knowing smile.

"Yes, I should believe him."

That being said, the tension didn't actually go away from Angelie.

It was hard to wait until the awards ceremony started, and the best actress award was announced.However, in the midst of apprehension, he still smiled the whole time, pretending not to care.

Life is like a play, as expected.

In and out of the play, sometimes I really can't tell where the truth is.Perhaps, it has never been real.

Angeli, who was always thinking wildly from time to time, finally waited until the best actress was announced.

"The winner of this year's Hauska Best Actress is "The Devil", Angeli!"

There was a momentary hesitation in the applause, and then it became enthusiastic after a while.

Some people applaud right away habitually, some applaud after being surprised, some applaud after shaking their heads, and some applaud only after that...

Many people thought that Angeli had only received one nomination, and won the Golden Hill Award for Best Actress, and the best actress at Hoska would not be awarded to her again.

Unexpectedly, Angeli actually won the Best Actress Award at Hoska.Together with the Best Actress Award at the Golden Hill Awards, Wu Long became Wu Long's second double actress!

Adding Jiang Shuang'er, Wu Long is the third best ska actress!

Wu Long's magical power after becoming a girl is so terrifying that it is shocking and frightening!

Angeli felt a little dazed, wondering if she had hallucinations because she wanted to win the prize too much.She stayed there without standing up, worried that she would make a fool of herself by hallucinating and standing up.

The camera was aimed at her, fully showing her stunned appearance in front of all the audience watching the awards ceremony.

"Haha, Angeli definitely didn't expect to win the prize!"

"Looking at her appearance, the whole person is stupid."

"She must not believe it's true."

The person next to him pushed Angeli, and Angeli looked at him.

"Go, it's you."

"Is it me? Is it really me?" Angeli asked the people around.

Everyone smiled and nodded at her and congratulated her.She just stood up and thanked the people around her.

On stage, she was also teased by the host.

"Angeli, were you surprised by your appearance just now, don't you believe it's true?"

Angeli nodded honestly.There must have been a camera on her, and I'm not ashamed to admit it.This is a selling point instead, making her even more popular.

"Yes. I thought I was hallucinating, and I couldn't believe it was real. Until someone woke me up..." Angeli thanked the person who woke her up just now.

Then, she talked about her acceptance speech.The most important thing is to thank Wu Long, without Wu Long's guidance, her acting skills would not improve so fast.Wu Long not only has good acting skills, but also teaches others to perform.

Not to mention that Angeli called Wu Long after the awards ceremony, but said that the next day, various media and the Internet were discussing this matter.

Some said that Angeli was stunned, and some lamented that Angeli won the double actress.More people were discussing Wu Long.

It can be said that it was an accident or a coincidence that Wu Long was able to win a double actress Zhu Di.But now that there is another double actress Angeli, no one can say it is luck.

As a film king, he can still become a film queen, who in the world can do it?


Only Wu Long can do it.

So, will Wu Long win another double actress?Even if you don't win a double actress, the Golden Hill Award or the Oscar, any actress will do.Can Wu Long still do it?

If Wu Long could do it, who would it be?

More actresses, their hearts are just around the corner.

They asked Rocky to inquire about Wu Long's situation, asked Tom to inquire about Wu Long's situation, and even found Chiba Huasui to inquire about Wu Long's situation.

No matter what, you have to try it before you are reconciled.

Or, if you try it once and it doesn’t work, you are still not reconciled.

On the day when Angeli won the double actress, Wu Long received a system notification that the task was completed.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the task of [Beyond the Road to the Movie King], and get a chance to draw a lottery."

Seeing the prompt that the task was completed, Wu Long smiled.

[The Road to Surpassing the Best Actor] The goal of this mission is to "get more Best Actor Awards".In fact, according to this mission goal, he should have completed the mission long ago.But he couldn't wait for the task completion prompt.

Task content: Receive more Best Actor awards in various TV awards or film awards.Once the task is completed, you will get a chance to draw a lottery once.

Judging from the content of this task, there are no special requirements.

Judging from the hints: hint: actor, no one thinks too much, only too little.When winning the best actor award becomes a habit, you will understand that the actor is only mediocre.This trophy is just a prop.

He didn't miss anything either.

It's always been strange, until now that Angeli has won the double shadow, and the task prompts to complete.It is very likely that the completion of the task is related to Angeli's award.

Combined with the task name "The Road Beyond the Movie King", Wu Long understood what was going on.

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