Wu Long is busy filming "Terminator 2".All parties in the country are happy that Wu Long has finally appointed a newcomer, at least it shows that Wu Long is working seriously after attending the meeting.

Last time, Hong Kong Island begged him to bring a newcomer, Zeng Zihong, and he did.Let Zeng Zihong play the killer in "Slaying the Wolf". Although it is a supporting role, the role is very important.

After that, Wu Long didn't continue to lead Zeng Zihong and let him develop on his own.

Now the newcomer Wu Jing led by Wu Long, some people secretly complained.It is said that Wu Jing is not only surnamed Wu, but also a member of Wu Long's martial arts team, and he is Wu Long's own.

Wu Long should give others a chance, other brokerage companies or own studios are fine, that's only fair.

Others say that traffic stars are also stars.They worked so hard, why didn't Wu Long give the little fresh meat a chance?

These gossip spread to Wu Long, Wu Long also smiled.

The more he said this, the less he would give him a chance.

On McCann's side, "The Devil" is about to be released, and Angeli is starting to build momentum.

Before, she was fired for acting in "The Devil", playing ugly and gaining weight, the whole model body collapsed.But after the movie was shot, she couldn't fully walk out of the role.

There are also rumors that because of her deep involvement in filming, she began to have lesbian tendencies.

It is also said that she often calls Wu Long who is far away on the other side of the ocean, asking how to get out of the role.

A few days before the release of "The Devil", Angeli made a public appearance, participating in a brand show.

She regained her figure, hot and provocative.In a short interview with the media, he confessed that he finally got out of the role.

The movie, based on a real-life experience, was finally released amidst the hype.Wu Long did not appear in this movie, but it was directed and written by him, and it has enough box office appeal.

There are also many people who went to see Angeli's ugly appearance.Want to see if this ugly is really ugly, or just a gimmick.

Many women went to see this female-themed movie.

As a result, when Erin, played by Angelique, appeared, the audience was stunned.

Compared to the original Angeli, it's really ugly!

Then, when Irene made that upward movement of shaking her head, all the audience in the cinema were stunned again.

This is so, so handsome!

This action!

Handsome than a woman!

Handsome than a man!

Women like it, and men like it too.

For some reason, even though the appearance is not good-looking, there is a unique temperament exuding.

Just ask, who has ever seen a woman do such an action.

There is a scene in the film where Erin goes to the public restroom to wipe her body and wash her hair before going on a date, and uses a hand dryer as a hair dryer to dry her hair.

In this shot, the figure of Irene shown in front of the audience is not Angeli's model figure, but the fat figure of a middle-aged woman.

It's true that Angeli ruined her model figure in order to act in this movie.

At the end of the movie, many people remembered Irene's movement of shaking her head.

Many film critics also talked about this action, thinking that this action added points to the character.Wu Long is worthy of being a master of both director and screenwriter. He can set up a character casually, which can also make people impressed.

The film critics are very objective about this film, and most of them are praises.It is said that Wu Long has grasped a degree well.Based on a real person, without beautifying or making excuses for the characters.It's just an objective presentation of real people's experiences.

The real story has already been reported.Everyone knows that the childhood of criminals is indeed like this, and criminals are indeed unhappy.

But being unsatisfactory is not a reason for you to kill innocent people.

In fact, film critics praised the film, in addition to Angeli's acting skills, and this film reflects many social problems in the country of Merikan.

That is to say, although the shooting period of this film is less than one month, the idea and theme of the film are profound.

Some people joked that Angeli played a powerful female assassin in "League of Assassins", but she died and killed herself.

In "The Devil", she also played a killer, but this time it was a serial killer.As a result, he died and was executed by trial.

On the first day of box office, "The Devil" temporarily won the annual championship, which surprised many people.

"The Devil" is not a blockbuster, and it is a female-themed film. It has to be said that it is a miracle that it was able to win the box office champion on the first day.

Although this first-day box office champion is temporary, it may be broken by later films.But such a film that did not exceed 1000 million U.S. dollars is really a miracle.

Some people say that this is because Angeli sacrificed her beautiful appearance and hot body in exchange for it, but more people think it is the addition of Wu Long's director and screenwriter.

Regardless, the audience who watched was at least satisfied.No disappointment, Wu Long did not lose points.The online rating is also very high, it is worth everyone to watch.

In terms of box office trends, "The Devil" performed very smoothly.There were no sharp rises and no rapid falls.

The good performance of "The Devil" made Lion Pictures secretly laugh.The investment is small, the income is large, and Wu Long makes a random film, and he makes money like this.

Weiner Films is an idiot.

It has become a common practice for the industry to laugh at Weiner Pictures.

Everyone knows that Weiner Pictures had the best relationship with Wu Long at the beginning.Wu Long handles many things through Weiner Pictures.Weiner Pictures also cooperated with Wu Long with all its strength, without setting up obstacles or making things difficult.Financially, Wu Long was not calculated.

Such a good cooperative relationship, originally everyone did not see the opportunity to poach corners.

Unfortunately, when Wu Long wanted to abandon Weiner Pictures and develop the global film market on his own, he angered the upper management of Weiner Pictures.

Weiner Pictures has made so much money from Wu Long, how could it be willing to give up such a large piece of meat.

Of course, not only from the perspective of Weiner Pictures, but from the perspective of industry insiders including other film companies, Weiner Pictures has actually done nothing wrong.

Weiner Pictures also made a profit.But Lion Pictures made it even worse.Lion Pictures' profit sharing is much higher than the lowest price in the industry.It is simply disrupting the market.

But is it really disruptive?

of course not.

Lion Pictures isn't losing money in business, it's just making less money.

But now it seems that although earning less, it is better to earn less.

And in fact, earn less?

Not a lot of money.

The so-called earning less is compared to the previous Weina Pictures making a lot of money.

None of Wu Long's films lost money.There is no return on investment less than 3, and the average return on investment is greater than 5.

Such a return on investment, even without the global market, is still a considerable profit.

As for Wu Long's films, the investment is relatively small, the shooting cycle is short, and the capital flow is very fast.Not to mention that some directors have recovered their investment.

It can be said that Wu Long is a very good partner.

It doesn't work to treat Wu Long as an actor or director.

It doesn't work to treat Wu Long as an ordinary partner.

Lion Pictures boldly repositioned Wu Long's strength and promoted it to a strategic partner, which is why they gave such a low cooperation price.

Now it has been proved that Lion Pictures has taken the right step.

Weller Pictures needs someone to take responsibility for this.Tom, who was in charge of connecting with Wu Long, naturally became the person responsible for this matter.

He didn't fire Tom, but let Tom continue to sit on the bench.Keeping Tom is to let Tom continue to contact Wu Long and repair the relationship between Weiner Pictures and Wu Long.

The success of "The Devil" has made everyone realize that Wu Long is a good director even if he is only a director.In this way, Wu Long's career line is still in a rising period or a stable period, and has not slipped into a trough.

It is rumored that there will be an Amazon rainforest adventure film after "The Plague of Anaconda".This movie is "The Plague of Python 2"?Or other films, so far there is not much information revealed.

All I know is that the accompanying retired special forces are going to shoot this second film.

Using retired special forces as actors instead of working professional actors made everyone look forward to and worried about Wu Long's film.

Unfortunately, Wu Long is still filming "Terminator 2" in his own country. There is not much news about when the second film will be released.

Shanghai and Shanghai fully support Wu Long's filming.In the last sound scene, an old steel factory was needed, so I found one for Wu Long to film.

There is also a reason for supporting Wu Long so much.I want to use Wu Long's movies to make Shanghai, an international metropolis, popular.

Shanghai is actually well-known internationally, but in the eyes of Shanghai's managers, it's not enough!

"Terminator" hits the world, allowing the city of Shanghai to be directly displayed in various places around the world.This is the advertising effect brought by a movie that can be screened around the world.

According to statistics from Shanghai, after the hit of "Terminator", the number of overseas tourists visiting Shanghai has doubled.Indirect economic benefits have also increased significantly.

Of course, Shanghai is looking forward to maintaining this growth momentum after "Terminator 2" hits the big screen.The early realization of Shanghai is the Shanghai of the world.

"Brother Long, why don't you design more martial arts moves for the two terminators? I feel that your previous movies had a lot of martial arts moves, but now there are fewer and fewer martial arts moves in your movies."

After the filming was over, during the chat with Wu Long after dinner, newcomer Wu Jing not only asked doubts.

Being able to think is a good thing, it shows that Wu Jing wants to learn something.

"Can't fight."

"Why? It's because the setting is a robot, so it doesn't fight like a human?"

"The answer is in the script given to you, but it hasn't been filmed yet."

Wu Jing recalled the script, then scratched her head.

"Brother Long, I still can't think of the reason. It seems that I am not a genius. Not only am I not a genius, but I am also stupid."

"How many days have you been in the industry, just say this. The reason is indeed because of the setting of the Terminator, but not because they are robots, but because of the setting of the t-1000. It is a liquid robot, do you know liquid? You How to fight with water."

Wu Jing slapped his head and exclaimed:

"My head is really stupid. It's in the script. You punch me, but I wrap you up. Because blows are ineffective against liquid robots, t-800 can't use martial arts."

Wu Long nodded, and mentioned the next plan to Wu Jing by the way.

"Your performance is good. You are also a veteran. I plan to write a film that reflects our soldiers, and you will be the protagonist. But I am only a screenwriter, not involved in filming and acting. Would you like to play?"

Wu Jing didn't answer right away, apparently in a daze of shock.

Who would have thought that Wu Long would give him the chance to play the leading role after he played the villain only once?

It was so simple and dreamy that he wondered if he was hallucinating.While hesitating, he didn't know how to answer.

"Brother Long, you mean to let me be the lead actor?"

"Yes." Wu Long nodded.

"But. I'm only acting for the second time, and now I'm still playing the villain. Is this appropriate? I'm afraid I won't perform well and fail your expectations." Wu Jing's voice was obviously disturbed.

"If you have the opportunity to play opposite me, you will learn a lot. But I don't direct or participate in the show. This is a big test for you. The opportunity is given to you, and it depends on whether you are willing to accept such a test."

"Yes, of course I would." Wu Jing scratched her head. "I'm just afraid that the performance will not be good. I'm sorry for your care."

"I believe in my eyesight to see people, and I also believe in your hard work."

"Thank you, Brother Long." Wu Jing's words choked up a little.

Just ask, who can have such treatment and opportunity?

But when he met Wu Long, he had such a chance to reach the sky.What kind of kindness is this? Wu Long and him are neither related nor related.He didn't give gifts, nor did he help Wu Long.

"Since you agree to play the leading role, I will give you a task. To make this kind of film, you must need the approval and support of the army. I will hand over the script to you after I write it. You can review it and discuss it with the army. Look at this How to shoot the film, what needs to be paid attention to, and whether you can get the support of the army."

Wu Jing immediately replied like a soldier:

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

"Terminator 2" is finished and enters post-production.Wu Long wrote the script of "Wolf Warrior" and gave it to Wu Jing, asking him to find a director and raise funds for the filming.Wu Long said that he is only a screenwriter and will no longer participate in other work of "Wolf Warrior".

Wu Jing took the script and knew that Wu Long was going to test him.This kind of test is clearly to cultivate him as a pillar.It means that he not only has to act, but also participates in the entire filming and production process.

The script in his hands is not only a script, but also a heavy responsibility.

If you don't trust him, you won't give him such a heavy responsibility.

Wu Long did this because he wanted to see if this Wu Jing was as capable as the previous one.Of course, the one from the previous life had a wealth of experience.Now this one is just a rookie who just entered the film and television industry.

Wu Jing clearly realized that she was a rookie, so she approached Guo Hao with the script and asked Guo Hao what to do.

As far as he knows, Guo Hao was the director who first cooperated with Wu Long, and later became Wu Long's queen director.

Guo Hao read the script and fell in love with it immediately.what to do?Ask me to shoot!

"Your script is very good, how about I direct it?"

Wu Jing said in surprise:

"That's great! Director Guo, actually, that's why I came to ask you for advice. But I'm just a rookie and I don't know anything. I don't know anything about the salary. Or Director Guo, you can operate this film Bar."

Guo Hao didn't delay, and agreed directly.

"It seems that Brother Long's vision is very accurate. You know how to come to me with the script."

"I knew this was a test. Brother Long told you, didn't he?"

"It's not what you think. Brother Long didn't tell me. But I can guess what Brother Long means."

"What does Brother Long mean? I have never figured out why Brother Long gave the script to me, a rookie, and just let it go."

"Brother Long finished filming "Terminator 2", according to his habit, he should go to Haolaihu to shoot a film, and then come back to make another film. So he just wrote this film and appointed you as the starring role. As for how to shoot , He doesn’t care how to invest and operate. If the operation is not good and the film is made into a bad movie, he can see many people clearly. The script is given to you, and no one can change it if you are the leading actor.”

"You know about the meeting, right?" Guo Hao asked Wu Jing.

Wu Jing nodded: "I heard."

"Brother Long doesn't know how to be a babysitter, and he doesn't have so much time to keep an eye on everything." There are some things that Guo Hao can't explain very clearly.

A good actor needs to know a lot of things.Wu Jing was able to bring the script to Guo Hao for discussion, which showed that Wu Jing knew to cooperate with someone Wu Long trusted, and passed the test.

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