I'm not just an action star

Chapter 427 You Are Not A Genius

"Wu Jing, your debut is really a great sacrifice!"

When filming Wu Jing's scene, Wu Long and Wu Jing made a joke.

Since he joined martial arts, he has mostly done odd jobs.Even when filming, he is still a faceless passerby.Take a weapon and dance around in the background.

Unexpectedly, when I met Wu Long for the first time, I got a big surprise and played the first villain directly.

In order to celebrate Wu Jing's first official filming, and to make this first time even more meaningful, when Wu Long planned to film Wu Jing's scene, he shot the t-1000 time-traveling scene in the first scene.

That's right, the shot with no clothes on!

The crew all laughed.

Wu Jing also showed a shy smile.

Wu Long himself took pictures like this, and he didn't really mean to tease him.

"Come on! Let the first scene in my life become more memorable!"

Ready and clear.

Wu Jing took off her clothes and went on stage.

"In this scene, at least the audience can see my muscles. Although not as good as Brother Long's muscles, my muscles are not bad."

"Ha ha!"

"After you become a policeman, remember that you have just come into this world, and you need to understand the surrounding situation and understand the world. So when you walk, you look around, not to be wary of anything, but to do these actions with the idea of ​​understanding the world .”

"Including after entering the police car, you have to have an understanding attitude to touch the vehicle-mounted police communication system on the police car. The setting of the t-1000 can understand the electronic equipment that is touched. After touching it, you will use it. gone."

"Finally, you have to remember one thing. You are not a human being, you are a machine! You must perform the mechanical sense of the machine. This mechanical sense is not like a mechanical dance, but a mechanical sense expressed from the expression .”

The scene where Liquid Robot had no clothes was shot three times.Because Wu Jing didn't wear any clothes, Wu Long didn't ask too much, and he passed it almost as soon as he could.

The scene of getting in the car was shot more than a dozen times.It is mainly the expression of the eyes, which requires both the coldness and caution of the killer, and the mechanical sense of a robot who only knows how to execute programs.

In the end, under the influence of Wu Long's use of non-phase skills, Wu Jing was substituted into a liquid robot and experienced what is called a robot's temperament.


When Wu Long shouted "Pass", Wu Jing withdrew from the plot world.

"Brother Long!" Wu Jing ran towards Wu Long in shock. "Brother Long, I seem to have gotten into the drama just now!"

"I feel like a robot. I have no feelings, no emotions, no thoughts of my own. I feel that all my actions are instructions issued by the system. That feeling is really amazing!"

"It's easy to get involved in acting with Wu Long. Do you know what is called Brother Long in the industry?" the cameraman said.

Wu Jing shook her head.

"Everyone calls Brother Long the God of Experience School!" A staff member hurriedly told Wu Jing.

The cameraman said: "Yes, everyone calls Brother Long the God of Experience School. Because even if he is a director or watching from the sidelines, he will always enter the movie world. His concentration and devotion can often resonate with the actors. The empathy of the actors It also aroused a general resonance, and even those of us who work in it sometimes can't help but substituting into the movie world."

"So amazing? Doesn't seem very scientific?" Wu Jing looked at Wu Long.

Wu Long smiled without saying a word.

The cameraman went on to explain:

"It turned out that everyone thought it was impossible. Later, a psychologist explained that this was a group effect. Similar to group hysteria, this is the principle. Everyone was psychologically affected by Brother Long's concentration. One by one, the more people were killed. influence, the wider the group phenomenon will be triggered.”

"So that's the case. I thought I had acting talent, a genius?" Wu Jing laughed at herself.

Everyone laughed.

"Aren't you a genius? It's easy. Act when no one is around, and see if you can get into the show easily? If you can, it means you're a genius. If you can't, it means you're just being talked about by Brother Long, and you're slowly being played by Long." Brother guides into the play."

What the cameraman said made Wu Jing express that he had learned it.

The first meeting and confrontation between t-800 and t-1000 was in a large shopping mall.It was also the first time the two Terminator met Zhao Si, the future leader of the rebel army.

Here, Wu Long took out a shotgun from the rose gift box and frightened the fleeing Zhao Si.

"Hu Jun, when you saw me take out the shotgun, your eyes widened in panic." Wu Long told Hu Jun.

Hu Jun nodded to express his understanding.

"When you turned around and ran away, there was an expression of wanting to cry but not tears in panic."

Hu Jun nodded, Wu Jing was listening to Wu Long's talk, and he himself was learning and pondering.

"When you see a Liquid Terminator disguised as a policeman, because the two ends are blocked, you have to add a desperate expression."

"The layering of these expressions creates a gradual process, which makes your performance richer instead of facial makeup."

Hu Jun and Wu Jing nodded at the same time.Got it, Wu Jing thought.Sure enough, acting with the actor and receiving the instruction of the actor has benefited a lot.

"Wu Jing, the Liquid Terminator you play needs to have a characteristic that makes people remember. For example, when you come out of the corner, your head will be slightly forward, and your chin should be slightly retracted. It gives people a kind of low-key feeling. Head, eyes squinting up a bit."

"The eyes are squinting upwards, and the eyes are originally a little bit upwards. But because of the posture of lowering the head, the eyes become parallel gazes. This kind of gaze is very aggressive and aggressive, and also has a provocative meaning."

"On the screen, you must be able to see the whites of your eyes."

According to his own words, Wu Long made a gesture to demonstrate to Wu Jing.

"Just like me. It makes you look tough."

"There is a saying in the photo book, those who look down on the three eyes are fickle, ungrateful, and ruthless."

"The same is true for the eyes of a wolf or tiger when they stare at their prey, ready to strike."

Wu Jing followed Wu Long's example.

"Yes, that's it. Draw your eyebrows back a little bit and frown slightly. Your eyes should look like they're bulging out." Wu Long corrected Wu Jing's movements.

"Does it look like I'm going to kill you with my eyes?" Wu Jing asked.

Hearing what Wu Jing said, Wu Long nodded with a smile.

"Yes, it can be described as such."

In this plot, the Terminator played by Wu Long first shoots the Liquid Terminator with a shotgun, and the special effects of Wu Jing in the later stage are punched out of silver-white dents.

Then, taking advantage of the opportunity of the Terminator to load the bullet, the Liquid Terminator got up and grabbed the gun of the Terminator played by Wu Long, and the two scuffled.

In this scuffle, Wu Long did not change the original moves.

The original two Terminator robots, you catch me and hit the wall, and I catch you and hit the wall.Those thin walls are broken at the first hit.In the end, the Terminator played by Wu Long was smashed into the shop by the liquid terminator, then thrown out of the shop, smashed the glass, and flew out of the shop.

The impact of this sense of power is much better than pure martial arts.Visually, this is how a robot should fight.It feels like pure machines colliding with each other, with a very mechanical sense and mechanical artistic conception.

Then Zhao Si escaped on a motorcycle, and the Liquid Terminator chased after him.The front view of Hu Jun is not the motorcycle that Hu Jun is driving.

There is a base frame under the motorcycle, and the base frame has wheels. The base frame is moved by driving, and Hu Jun pretends to be driving a motorcycle.

If Hu Jun didn't learn to drive a motorcycle, the action of driving a motorcycle at this time would not be realistic enough.

And the back shot of Zhao Si driving away on a motorcycle, and the shot of flying over the flower bed from the side were all done by a stuntman acting as Hu Jun's stand-in.

The car chase scene, the heavy truck chasing motorcycle scene is quite exciting.In order to restore the original movie as much as possible, Wu Long had to find places with similar scenes in Shanghai to shoot.

In the direction of the shooting location, Huhai did provide a lot of help.

After escaping from the pursuit, Zhao Si called home, leading to the murder of his adoptive parents.Afterwards, there was a plot to show that Zhao Si was still a child and had the nature of a child.

No longer like the first "Terminator", the protected object will only panic and run away.This plot makes the characters fuller.

Zhao Si was still a boyish boy.After learning that he can command the Terminator, he will make childish actions.

For example, to test whether what the Terminator said is true, ask the Terminator to lift one foot and stand on one foot.When the Terminator does, he'll dance with his fists in his fists and jump for joy.

He called for help just now, but someone came to help him.Because he can control the Terminator, he immediately turns into a bear and tells others to go away.

After being scolded as a little stupid pig, he immediately acted like a villain, pretending to be a big brother with his arms around his chest, letting the Terminator beat his younger brother and thugs, and let the Terminator teach the other party.

When he saw the Terminator pulling out his gun and killing people at every turn, he stopped immediately.And the Terminator swears that he will never kill again.

The rescue of Zhao Li in the mental hospital was nothing but Zhao Li's wonderful escape.There are also two more classic lenses.

A classic shot is the process of the liquid terminator passing through the iron gate, which is shocking.This plot setting is very characteristic and has an interesting scene.

Liquid Terminator's body went through, but the pistol was stuck inside.Finally, it was necessary to turn the wrist to adjust the posture of the pistol to pass between the two iron railings.

The second classic shot is after the Liquid Terminator opened the elevator door, and the Terminator played by Wu Long shot his head with a shotgun.

This headshot is wonderful, no blood spatter, no head smashed like a watermelon, but smashed in half.The surface is human face and skin, and the inside is silver-white liquid metal.

I believe that audiences who see this setting for the first time will be greatly shocked.

It's not just a big hole like the liquid terminator with shotgun bullets in front, but like an alien monster with its head split in half.

The head was split in half, but it was still alive.

It looks scary.

After rescuing Zhao Li, there is a very interesting plot.

Zhao Si wanted to reset the Terminator played by Wu Long to make it more humane.So there was a plot of cutting the scalp and opening the metal head.

The filming of this plot uses a variety of combinations, and does not use computer special effects.

There is a live performance by Wu Long. A fake scalp is cut open on the right side of the top of the head, turned to one side, clamped with iron tongs, and the other side of the head of the iron tongs.

The scene in this shot is Wu Long's live performance, and it shows Wu Long's frontal close-up.Because Wu Long needs to speak and have rich facial expressions.

When the metal head is opened, here is the dummy head.

In this plot, there are several interesting plots to enrich the characters.

For example, after taking out the chip in the brain of the Terminator played by Wu Long, the Terminator shuts down and cannot move.At this time, Zhao Si snapped his fingers at the Terminator, and saw that the Terminator did not respond.He raised the Terminator's hand again, but the Terminator still didn't respond, like a puppet at the mercy of others.

Here, it shows the curiosity, activeness and playfulness of Zhao Si, the characteristics that children of this age should have.

After Zhao Li took out the Terminator's chip, she showed distrust of the Terminator.Even if this Terminator once saved her and her son, but in her memory and experience, the same Terminator was chasing and killing her.

Therefore, she believes that she must rely on herself, not the Terminator.After all, the Terminator will stand on the opposite side of human beings in the future and will be the murderer of human beings.

She worried that there might be some conspiracy she didn't know about, or understand.

To be on the safe side, she decided to smash the chip with a hammer.

This plot enriches Zhao Li's role.She is not like the previous one, her role is more facial and single.She grew up and changed, becoming independent and thinking.Because of being sent to a mental hospital, he became more suspicious and did not trust others.

Next, Zhao Li went to kill the software engineer played by Zhang Zikang, whose wife was played by Li Siyi.

Similarly, for the software engineer and his wife, the original version also gave some characters that enrich the plot of these two characters, allowing the audience to have a deeper understanding of these two characters when watching the movie.

This is why the "Terminator 2" movie is more than two hours long.

If it was another film, Zhao Li would kill the software engineer directly, and there would be no problems with the software engineer's family.

In the original version, a software engineer was added to take his work home to do on weekends. His wife asked him to stop working, fulfill his promise to his son, and take his son to play.

At first, software engineers were reluctant, saying that their work was very important.In the end, he was persuaded by his wife.Put down work and take my son to play.

This plot not only enriches the characters, but also makes the transition of the plot less rigid.

Why did the software engineer agree to Zhao Li to help destroy the computer factory, destroy the metal arms and chips in the computer factory?

The motivation of software engineers to do this can be explained through the plot of this warm family return.Software engineers still have humanity, so they help Zhao Li.

In the end, he even sacrificed himself.


Not only because he is human, but also because he loves his wife and son.As Zhao Li said, his research brought doomsday to this world.In the end, he and his wife and children will die too.

He can put aside his work for his wife and children, for the warmth and harmony of the family, and of course he can sacrifice himself and destroy the computer factory for his wife and children.

Adding this seemingly redundant plot makes the whole film and the development of the story more convincing and able to withstand scrutiny.

Wu Long did not delete this episode, and filmed it according to the original version.

In the computer factory, the original version arranged for Wu Long to play cool.

Can't open the door?Grenade solution.

Hang a row of rifle grenades on your body as bullets.Such a large grenade is much more powerful than hanging bullets.

When Wu Long carried a six-barreled machine gun and dragged a long string of bullets to shoot downstairs, he was very handsome and cool.

The machine gun has no recoil, fake?

It's true, because Wu Long plays a robot, not an ordinary person.With the strength of the robot, the recoil of the machine gun is useless.

After playing cool with the six-barreled machine gun, I used the grenade to blow up the car below to play cool.

There was a wonderful scene in the battle at the steelworks.

The Liquid Terminator turned his fingers into spikes and pierced Zhao Li, and then turned the fingers of the other hand into spikes, ready to pierce Zhao Li's eyes.

This scene is very exciting, and what is even more exciting is that the Terminator played by Wu Long splits the right side of the Liquid Terminator with an iron rod.Made out of computer special effects, the liquid terminator's right hand is connected to the right side of the body and the body is divided into two halves, the visual effect is amazing.

Finally, Zhao Li's handsome action of holding a shotgun with one hand and slamming down to load it is also a highlight of the film.

The Terminator played by Wu Long blasted his upper body in half with a grenade, like two pieces of rotten iron, one of which was connected to a human head, like an alien monster.

At the end of the film, the Terminator played by Wu Long is going to die himself, Zhao Siliu's eyes, and the Terminator said that he finally understood what it means to cry.

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