I'm not just an action star

Chapter 426 Make Him a Child Actor

The original was considered a big production at the time.The production cost exceeded US$[-] million, and the global box office exceeded US$[-] million.

This video does a lot of modeling.

There are many metal skeleton models of the light terminator t-800, and there are more than ten models based on Arnold's head.

Metal skull skeleton models, some with only the head, some with arms, some with only arms, some with only the upper body, and some with the whole body.

Some Metal Skull Skeleton Figures don't move, some move.

There are also various models based on Arnold.Some had half their faces injured, and some had open heads.Some have only the chest, while others have the upper body.There is also a full body model.

Also, some of these models can move.

Those who acted by Wu Long also had to make these models.Before he returned to China, that is, after the filming, the prop team was not disbanded, and continued to work under his orders.

In the plan, it must be filmed.The original greatly surpassed the first episode.

The tank truck containing liquid nitrogen and the car that was hit are scaled down models.This collision is more dangerous and not easy to do with a real car.

The tank truck moves sideways and emits sparks, which is a real-scale tank truck.Fireworks are installed under the tank car, and the fireworks are sprayed to simulate the sparks generated by the friction between the tank car and the ground.

When the atomic bomb exploded, the destroyed buildings were models, and the destroyed cars, roads, and trees were all models.

This time, Wu Long no longer considered the gun ban at the beginning of the film without a gun.Arno's one-handed shotgun circling and loading action is really cool.

How handsome without a gun?

In Zhao Li's son Zhao Si, the age in the movie is only 10 years old.It takes a teenager to play it.

Qiu Ya, who was in charge of selecting actors, asked Wu Long's fan group first as usual.

Wu Long's fan group is all adults, and the question is to ask the fans' relatives, friends, and family members if they are willing to act.

First an online interview, and then an offline interview. After several rounds of screening, a boy named Hu Jun was finally selected.

The 13-year-old Hu Jun can actually see a trace of the temperament of a tough guy in the future.On the immature face, there was a little determination in the eyes.

His father is a baritone singer, and he also knew Cui Yang, Dong Chen, and Chu Jian. Because of Wu Long's songs, he became a fan of Wu Long.

His mother is a drama actor, and became a fan of Wu Long because of Wu Long's live performances of acting face-changing, makeup and storytelling.

The couple are both in a Wulong fan group, and it happens that Hu Jun is also a fan of Wulong.When the couple asked Hu Jun if he wanted to act with Wu Long, Hu Jun shouted excitedly: "Yes!"

Therefore, Hu Jun participated in the casting with the help of his parents and finally won this opportunity.

After signing the contract, Hu Jun received performance training and learned to drive motorcycles and cars.

After Wu Long came back, he met Hu Jun and his parents.Hu Jun is studious and talented in acting.Perhaps it is due to the genetics of his parents that he is a good seedling for acting.

"How are you learning motorcycles?" The boy loves cars more.Wu Long asked this question first, and narrowed the distance with Hu Jun.

Seeing Hu Jun's appearance, Wu Long remembered the actor in his previous life.Hu Jun's appearance has the shadow of the other party, but I don't know if he will be like the other party in the future.Or will it be better than the other party?

"No problem. If there is no age limit, I can get a driver's license." Hu Jun expressed a little complacency.

Teenagers are like this. They like to talk about their achievements and show others that they are capable.He is a fan of Wu Long, and being able to show his strengths in front of Wu Long is what he wants to do most.

Wu Long said to Hu Jun and his parents:

"Actually, there are not many shots of him driving a motorcycle, just one or two shots that are not dangerous to increase the authenticity. More often, he is just riding on a motorcycle with a shelf under it. We use The car towed the motorcycle."

This explanation can reassure Hu Jun's parents.After all, teenage children are driving motorcycles or filming movies. As parents, there are very few people who are not worried.

"Can't you really drive?" When Hu Jun heard that he couldn't really drive a motorcycle, his face showed obvious disappointment.

"Of course not, you are still underage. A lot of shots are from the back, but it's actually a stand-in."

"What a pity."

Since Hu Jun played the role of the future leader, Wu Long simply invited Hu Jun's parents to play Zhao Si's adoptive parents.

Zhao Si's adoptive father doesn't have many roles and is not demanding.When asking Hu Jun's father to audition, it was easy to meet the requirements.

Hu Jun's mother is a drama actor and has acting skills.Although acting in a drama is different from acting in a movie, the principles and foundations are there.As long as it is not so exaggerated and restrained, it is easy to perform.

At the beginning of the movie, soon after the t-800 played by Wu Long and the t-1000 played by Wu Jing appeared, Hu Jun and his parents appeared on the stage.

"Hu Jun, your adoptive mother asked you to tidy up the room, but you ignored her words, acting rebellious." Wu Long told Hu Jun a joke.

Rebellion in adolescence, plus bear children.

In fact, Hu Jun in reality did not appear rebellious.Therefore, his perception of rebellion is not in place.

"That is, if you want to do something, but your parents don't let you do it, are you unhappy and angry?" Wu Long said here, shaking his head and said: "No, so if you really rebellious in the future, you will say I taught you bad."

Hu Jun's parents laughed when they heard it.

"In this way, we use other substitution methods. There is someone you hate, for example, among your classmates, there are people you don't like, who you hate, and he asks you to do something. If you hate him, he has no right to control You, so you ignore his words, or even do the opposite. You grasp this emotion and use it to act out this scene."

After listening to Wu Long's advice, Hu Jun imagined that the person he hated asked him to do a certain thing, and he would definitely not want it, so he did it in reverse.

After several attempts, Hu Jun's performance was remarkable.

Wu Long lectured to Hu Jun's parents again.

"Although you are his adoptive parents, you still love him. It's just because Zhao Si is too precocious, and everyone, including Zhao Si, thinks that Zhao Li is crazy. Knowing that his mother is a lunatic, this is very difficult for a child. Bad thing. That's why he rebelled."

"You all have to show the kind of helplessness that you can't beat or scold in the face of rebellious teenagers and brats."

"Hate iron but not steel." Hu Jun's father said.

"Yes." Wu Long nodded.This is the unique words of Hu Jun's father in that era.

Zhao Si's adoptive mother picks up things and lectures Zhao Si, Zhao Sixiu's motorcycle ignores her adoptive mother.The adoptive mother came into the house and asked Zhao Si's adoptive father to take care of Zhao Si. The adoptive father went out to preach, and Zhao Si drove his friend away on a motorcycle.

Both Hu Jun's father and mother filmed these scenes more than a dozen times.

Hu Jun is only a child and it is his first filming, so he will inevitably be nervous.After filming more than 30 times, Wu Long shouted "pass" when he was almost crying with guilt.

There are not many dramas in Zhao Si's family, only a few.

The liquid robot went to the house to ask Zhao Si, and got Zhao Si's photo.

Zhao Si called home and told his adoptive parents that he was safe.At this time, it was the liquid robot that had become his adoptive mother who answered the phone.

But Zhao Si's adoptive father didn't know about it.The dog outside knew that it was not his owner, so he yelled loudly.

In this episode, there is a special scene.

Liquid Robot thinks that Zhao Si's adoptive father is long-winded and prevents it from making phone calls.The left hand holding the phone was replaced by a right hand, and then the left hand turned into a sharp object like a sharp sword, which pierced Zhao Si's adoptive father's mouth, pierced through his head, and nailed Zhao Si's adoptive father's head to the wooden door of the cabinet.

"Before the phone changes hands, you have to squint your eyes. This squinted look should express that you are annoyed, so go to hell."

"When you stretched out your left hand, you didn't care that you were killing people, but focused on listening to the phone, hoping to learn about Zhao Si's situation from the phone."

"During the phone call, the Terminator I played pretended to be Zhao Si's voice, deliberately said the wrong dog's name, and asked you how the dog was doing. You have to smile on purpose, that is, pretend to be very enthusiastic and say that the dog is fine. It looks like a dog. Nothing is true. But in the next second, you immediately change your face. You become impatient, Zhao Si is damned, and you want to kill Zhao Si right away. With this expression, ask Zhao Si where he is now. "

Wu Long was talking to Hu Jun's mother.

"I heard that you don't know the dog's name, know that you are a liquid robot, hang up the phone immediately. You find that the phone is hung up, know that you have been found out. Suddenly become very angry and turn your head to look to the left. Then my camera will follow Let your eyes move to the right, so that the audience can see the picture of your left hand turning into a long sword and stabbing Zhao Si's adoptive father to death."

"When your head moves to the left side of the camera, you have to tilt your head and look at Zhao Si's adoptive father. It's like you are angry, you killed him, but you are still not relieved."

That is a sharp weapon that cannot be opened, and it is a metal product.It didn't really stab Hu Jun's father's mouth, and it used a borrowed position to shoot.

"Then you pull out the sword and watch the sword change back into your hand. During this process, your eyes must change. Watching the sword change into your hand, you are thinking about where there is a flaw and it will be seen through."

Hu Jun's father took these scenes more than a dozen times.The scene of him talking, passed a few times.It took more than a dozen times to pass, and it was a dead scene.There is also a shot of the corpse falling after the sword is drawn.

The scene of Hu Jun's mother calling on the phone was over after a few times.

After all, she is a drama actress with solid skills.Having filmed a few scenes before, she has mastered the scale of filming, so she will be fine soon.

Hu Jun has been watching his parents filming and learning from it.

When the drama of Hu Jun's parents finished, the three members of the family applauded to celebrate.

In the film, Zhao Liying has a lot of plays, and it also tests her acting skills.Because 14 years have passed, the young Zhao Liying was made up into a woman in her thirties.

There are more wrinkles on the face.

In the movie, she has a lot of experience.Go to learn guns, go to computers, and learn all kinds of knowledge.He also collected firearms privately, and went to the computer factory to blow up the computer factory, but was arrested.

After being arrested, because of what she did and what she said, people thought she was crazy and put her in a mental hospital.

With such an experience, it is impossible to maintain a beautiful face.

In those domestic dramas, after the hero and heroine go through gun battles, etc., their hair is not messed up, and their faces are not stained with dust.No matter when, the heroine is beautiful.

Zhao Li can't.Her experience is vicissitudes, and there must be imprints of vicissitudes on her face.

In , her appearance is in a mental hospital, erecting the bed, using the bed to exercise, doing pull-ups.

"Li Ying, your opening must be sharp. After the first episode, the character has completed the transformation. From a hunted person to a rebellious fighter."

Hearing Wu Long's joke, Zhao Liying nodded.After filming, she got the script, and Wu Long asked her to study it.

Terminator screened, and she was instantly catapulted to A-list stardom.

This can be said to reach the sky in two steps.

In the first play, she played the heroine in a youthful way.Said to be the heroine, there is basically no appearance.Of course, there are also many shots that require acting skills.

And she, with Wu Long's help, successfully demonstrated her acting skills.

When it was released, she became famous immediately.

Although famous, but still can not become a first-line star.But even if she is not a first-line actress, she is more popular and famous than many popular actresses, which makes many people secretly jealous.

Advertisements, announcements, and variety shows waved to Zhao Liying one after another.But she was not in a hurry to cash in, and worked hard to learn acting skills.

After the release, she became a first-line celebrity.Except for the announcements that she had to go to, she rejected commercials, variety shows, etc., and wholeheartedly integrated herself into the role.

Here, she doesn't have much place to show her acting skills.In this film, the characters are not given too many opportunities to perform.As the heroine, she was right to panic the whole time.

But now it's different.Whether it's Zhao Si, the future leader, or the robot t-800, they all have room for performance.

The role of Zhao Li has more character designs.

Even Zhao Si's adoptive parents, the t-1000 liquid robot, the software engineer, the software engineer's wife, and even the psychiatrist in charge of treating Zhao Li had a chance to perform.

The fullness of the human design has increased the quality.

After filming with Wu Long, Zhao Liying gained the influence of Wuxiang Gong, and studied acting skills, and her acting skills have made a qualitative leap.

After she turned around in the movie and appeared in front of the audience for the first frontal shot, it was over after only two shots.Get Wu Long's appreciation.

Next, shoot the scene where she is beaten and electrocuted.Wu Long originally wanted to use a double to take the film for Zhao Liying, but Zhao Liying was determined not to use a double.

"I heard that Jiang Shuang'er doesn't need a double in many dangerous scenes, but I also use a double in this non-dangerous scene, so I won't be worthy of Long Ge's girl."

In Wu Long's plays, the actors who are his partners or heroines are jokingly called "Dragon Girl" or "Dragon Girl".

"However, in order to perform realistic effects, the electric shocks use real electric shocks."

"Not afraid. Can this be used for hype?" Zhao Liying asked with a smile.

Wu Long nodded.

"Okay, you can send a few painful photos yourself, don't say much, just say that you were shocked, or that you were shocked. When the popularity of your Weibo post subsides, the crew will talk about why you were shocked, and say that you How to pay for filming. When the heat subsides, we will release a documentary segment of the film crew’s filming to prove that it is true.”

"Brother Long, you are really powerful. One electric shock, you can use it to stir up three waves."

Hype is good for everyone.Zhao Liying took the heat and began to maintain her attention.

Zhao Liying took a painful photo after removing her makeup.It hurts my heart to see such a beautiful girl being electrocuted.They all speculated why she got an electric shock and where the electricity leaked.

When the crew's documentary segment is circulated on the Internet, they will be surprised to find that Zhao Liying's makeup is so old.Surprised, there will be curiosity.If you are curious, you will pay attention.

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