Falling in love with you, I'm not just an action superstar

After filming "The Devil" and the second film in the Amazon rainforest, Wu Long returned to the imperial capital to start filming "Terminator 2".

Knowing that he had returned to the imperial capital, the higher-level department of film and television invited him to hold an internal meeting together.So far, only Wu Long has allowed outsiders to participate in such internal meetings.

It can also be said that this is a precedent.

It can be said that this is giving Wu Long a certificate, an official certificate of qualifications.With this proof, he is the No.1 leader in the domestic film and television industry.

In the future, no matter whether it is an old man in the film and television industry or a capital crocodile in the film and television industry, Wu Long will be able to sit on an equal footing with them, and even call himself a superior.

Of course, this certificate of qualifications also made Wu Long shoulder a responsibility.

Wu Long has now proved himself, he is a global film king, a global director, and he has opened up his own global film market channels.

With such a weight, if Wu Long went to the market by himself, he would have fallen behind.

"Wu Long, you can't just cultivate female stars, you have to cultivate male stars too. Don't worry about being upstaged by male stars. You can't beat someone as handsome as you, and you can't beat someone who can fight, let alone be as handsome as you. .”

"You have already won so many awards. Since you are willing not to win awards, why not train a few more young people. You can do so much by yourself, as a director, actor or screenwriter. Train young people to help you, Only when you take charge of the overall situation can you play a greater role.”

"You not only need to train male actors, but also train new directors and screenwriters to improve the industry as a whole. Only then can you be worthy of the global film channel you have established and make better use of this channel."

From a broad perspective, this statement makes sense.It has worked hard to develop channels in the global film market, but only Wu Long's films are out there alone. This is a waste of resources and reduces revenue.

It's not worth it.

Wu Long is alone, and he has to take care of the future. How many movies can his movie channel produce in a year?There is only one at most, because the other one is distributed by Haolaihu, and Wu Long only holds the domestic distribution rights.

The channel built in this way has spent a huge amount of investment, but for the distribution of Wu Long's one movie a year.Too wasteful and ineffective.

But apart from Wu Long's films, there is really no way for other domestic films to make a big hit in the global film market.

Comedy, foreigners will not laugh after watching it.

Action movies, with the shadow of Hong Kong Island, have long been tired of abroad.Unless the filming is wonderful and innovative like Wu Long's.

The films advocated by Wu Long with the theme of science fiction and future direction enter the global film market, export our life, modern development, and values, and express our own voice through the entertainment media of film.

But apart from Wu Long, there are no other movie stars who can take on the role, no.

It's not enough for female stars alone.

And there are other male stars.

However, the global market doesn't like those sissies and niches.

With a face that he thinks is handsome, there is no muscle on his body.Except for the face, there is no figure of a man.Some of these male actors even filmed action and martial arts scenes.

A man should have masculinity.

Even if you can't fight, you shouldn't praise femininity.

The use of such stars for external publicity can only be said to let others see and think that men in this country are like this.In such a country where men are prevalent, there is no fighting spirit at all, and there is little fighting power.

Cultural output is also a kind of bright muscle.

If there is only Wu Long alone, it can only be an example.

Wu Long agrees with this statement.He is not afraid of planting trees by himself so that others can enjoy the shade.It would be a good thing if someone could go out into the world like him.

The motherland is strong and prosperous, not behind closed doors.The display of strength in all aspects, culture is also a kind of strength, and cultural output is also a kind of strength.

We can't always be exported by other people's culture, causing people in China to always think that foreign countries are good.

It's not that you need the approval of others to be good for yourself.Such a statement is just another version of Ah Q's spirit.

Cultural self-confidence does not mean that we do not need the approval of others.Do foreign countries need your approval?No need, but you lick yourself to agree.

What is true cultural confidence?True cultural self-confidence means that foreign countries must recognize it.It's not that I'm begging you to agree, but that you think you must agree.

I said so, and you nodded in agreement, thinking I was right.

It's an ideology.

People all over the world understand and know, so they will not be misled.

Self-isolation, play by yourself.It will only make others do not understand you and do not agree with you.

Why are others desperately exporting culture?It is to improve their international status through such awareness.

Since Wu Long has passed the realm of winning awards, he should consider this.

Let Oriental Film and Television dominate the world in the future!

But this goal cannot be accomplished by Wu Long alone.It can't be done by relying on the female stars he supports alone.

One person cannot conquer the world.

He needs to lead more people to fight the world together!

Alas, it is difficult!

Now is the era of capital talk, traffic stars are easier to copy and easier to control.If the star is too strong, the capital is not easy to control.

Well, just like him, without Xing Zhongfei's help, it would take more time and energy to achieve the present achievement.

Scripts, stories, novels, animation, he needs to lead a direction.Many domestic talents, as long as there is a goal, they will swarm like locusts.

Wu Long found Shi Lei.

"Do you know anyone who works in manga and anime?"

Shi Lei has contact with this industry and should have connections.Hearing Wu Long's question, Shi Lei nodded.

Wu Long talked to Shi Lei about his plan to develop comics in the next few years, mainly to cultivate young people.At that time, it will be much easier to develop film and television with comics.

After hearing Wu Long's plan, Shi Lei shook his head with a wry smile.

"Actually, there are many manga and animation talents in China, but they are all reduced to migrant workers."

"What do you mean?"

"For example, there used to be subsidies for the development of domestic animation, but..."

Shi Lei talked about some unspoken rules, and let Wu Long understand why the development of domestic animation is still so difficult when the support funds are available.

Let’s talk about the comics industry again.

Many cartoonists have signed contracts with comic companies or comic platforms, but the copyright does not belong to them. The comics make money, and the authors only earn part-time wages.

Many cartoonists rely on drawing cartoons, and cannot earn money to support themselves.

Wu Long can't change too much, he can only say to do his own thing well.He asked Shi Lei to help contact trustworthy people, preferably his own fans, and started to form a comic platform and company.

Take advantage of fans, a factor of high loyalty, to try to ensure the stability of the company and the plan.

Make a good plan, come up with the outline of the story of the Marvel universe, let Qiuya take charge, and test the waters of Marvel.

Of course, many settings need to be changed.For example, it happened in the land of China, and they are all Chinese.Realize localization and orientalization.These will be handed over to the recruited screenwriter and creative team.

Before Wu Long returned to China, the preparations for "Terminator 2" had been handed over to Qiu Ya for help.Just wait for Wu Long to come back and start filming.

Before the filming started, because I hadn't seen Qi Ke and Luo Chang for a long time, I first had dinner with the martial arts team they led to connect with each other.This is more helpful when shooting.

At the eating place, Wu Long first chatted with Sun Jian, Qi Ke, Luo Chang, and the familiar Wu Xing.Then Qi Ke and Luo Chang introduced newcomers to Wu Long.

After the introduction along the way, these newcomers were very excited to see Wu Long's performance.Wu Long is their idol, and many people joined in because they wanted to be able to film with their idol.

Wu Long graciously took photos with them and said some words of encouragement.

When the last one was introduced, Wu Long was stunned.

"This is Wu Jing. He liked to practice martial arts since he was a child. He served in the army for five years. After retiring from the army, he joined your fan club and tried every means to join our martial arts."

Wu Jing, why does your appearance sound familiar to me?

Unfortunately, I took away your luck.How about I give it back to you?

This Jing and Bijing are similar in appearance, but have different experiences.But since he likes filming, Wu Long decided to give him a chance.

Like Qi Ke and Luo Chang, even if they were given a chance, they couldn't make it big.There's no way, they don't have celebrities, and they don't have that luck.

Maybe this Wu Jing can do it.

"It's good to be a soldier. The army can train people."

Wu Jing was excited to face Wu Long.He liked martial arts since he was a child. When he saw Wu Long's videos and movies when he was a soldier, he immediately knew that Wu Long had real kung fu.

Now Wu Long has become famous in the global film industry, spreading Chinese Kung Fu all over the world, even being able to fight giant snakes and anacondas. In Wu Jing's mind, Wu Long is amazing.

When Wu Jing got excited, she couldn't say anything, but kept holding Wu Long's hand with both hands.

Finally choked out a word.

"Brother Long, I finally see you!"

"I'm not that easy to see. Seeing me, I want to try your kung fu."

"Well, I've been wanting your advice."

The two came to a slightly wider place and began to practice.

Others whispered.

"what's the situation?"

"Brother Long seems to take him very seriously?"

Among these newcomers, only Wu Jing received special treatment from Wu Long and wanted to try Wu Jing's kung fu.Newbies who can join Qi Ke or Sun Jian's martial arts have all been tested by them.Without considerable martial arts skills, it is impossible to join their martial arts team.

With Wu Long's fame, their martial arts team is now the top team in the industry.It is famous not only at home, but also abroad.Many foreign films have invited them to act as action directors and stand-ins.

Luo Chang leaned his head slightly towards Qi Ke's ear beside him.

"Wu Jing and Brother Long know each other?"

Wu Jing was summoned by Qi Ke to do martial arts under Qi Ke.

"I don't know, I probably don't know each other." Qi Kexin said that I was also very confused.

However, Wu Jing was the most powerful and most photogenic of the martial arts they recruited.Qi Ke and Luo Chang guessed that Wu Long, as a director and actor, should have seen Wu Jing's great potential, so he should try Wu Jing first.

Wu Long and Wu Jing had a friendly exchange of traditional martial arts and modern fighting. Wu Jing did not have stage fright when facing idols, and fought well.

With Wu Long's strength, if Wu Jing really fights, he is sure that the two of them will hit it off.Wu Jing also followed Wu Long's order and beat Wu Long for real, without pretending to be polite.

For other newcomers, Wu Long didn't call them out to practice.Just call him out to practice, this is to give him a chance to perform.If you don't know how to perform at this time, you don't know how to seize the opportunity.

As an actor, if you don't even know how to grasp the opportunity, how can you be popular?

Wu Jing doesn't want to be a martial artist forever.He joined Qi Ke's martial arts because he wanted to learn from Wu Long, hoping to get Wu Long's appreciation and give him a role.

Qi Ke and Luo Chang used to be martial artists, and at most they only acted in unknown roles in the past.Since I followed Wu Long, I was able to play a supporting role.

It's a pity that the two of them don't have any celebrities, so they won't be popular no matter how much they praise each other.

Wu Jing felt that she should be able to do it.And Qi Ke developed his own martial arts after defecting to Wu Long.Unlike Luo Chang, who followed Sun Jian's martial arts team.

He saw that Qi Ke's martial arts team was relatively new and had more opportunities after entering, so he chose to join Qi Ke's martial arts team.

After fighting Wu Long, Wu Jing realized that there was indeed a huge gap in strength between himself and Wu Long.Wu Long is the same as in the legend, not only has real kung fu, but also really hard kung fu.

Fighting against Qi Ke and Luo Chang, Wu Jing felt that he still had a chance of winning.Fighting with Wu Long, I immediately felt what it means to look up to a mountain.

Chance of winning?Don't think about it.What can be learned from it is the most important thing.

Next, everyone eats and drinks together.Talk about interesting things, talk about Qi Ke, Sun Jian, Luo Chang and others' martial arts filming other people's movies.

Talk about the gaps and shortcomings of the reconciliation, and what advantages do you have on your side that you don't have.

The next day, Wu Long decided to let Wu Jing act as the liquid robot t-1000.This role Wu Long has never been determined, he originally wanted to give newcomers a chance.

People like Qi Ke and Luo Chang cannot be praised as big stars.Their current reputation is enough to be a martial artist, play an important supporting role, or play the male second or third male.Compared with them before, it is already different.

Wu Long was still thinking about how to find newcomers, but Wu Jing himself sent them to the door.

The liquid robot t-1000 is very easy to act, the whole process is cold-faced killer, just keep a cold face.For newcomers, it is not difficult.

If Wu Jing performs well, Xing Zhongfei can invest in Wu Jing and make a movie for Wu Jing alone.

At the party last night, Wu Long paid special attention to Wu Jing's matter, and it quickly spread in the industry.Some people joked that both Wu Long and Wu Jing's surnames are Wu, could they be relatives?

When Wu Long asked Wu Jing to film "Terminator 2", many people were shocked.

This kid Wu Jing has succeeded in one step!

Not long after retiring from the army and joining Qi Ke's martial arts, Wu Long came back and met them for the first time, and gave him an important role.

This is luck!

The same is martial arts, why I don't have the luck of Wu Jing?

The matter of Wu Jing was magnified.And Wu Long's meeting is also circulating in the industry.The stars in the industry began to exercise, practicing martial arts and fighting, hoping to be favored by Wu Long and give them a push.

Wu Jing can do it, professional actors like them should be better than Wu Jing.

"Wu Jing, are you a relative of Brother Long?"

"Wu Jing, did you give Brother Long a gift? Tell me what Brother Long likes, I'll invite a dragon tonight!"

"Brother Jing, please tell me if you have anything to do in the future."

Wu Jing was approached by Wu Long and asked him if he would play a villain in "Terminator 2", but Wu Jing was completely confused.All he knew was nodding and talking, and he signed the contract without even reading it.

He believed that Wu Long would not lie to him, and was knocked unconscious by Wu Long's pie thrown from the sky.So much so that when he returned to martial arts, he didn't react to the changes in other people's attitudes towards him.

It's like getting rich overnight, and I don't know what happened to me, what to do.

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