Another anaconda burst out suddenly, extremely fast.

There is also a second anaconda, this is the second one!


"Here it is!"

"Fire now!"

"Kill it!"

Except for Wu Long, everyone raised their guns and shot at it.As soon as the second anaconda dodged, its body moved sideways to dodge, and all the bullets were fired.

The second anaconda flashed again, and circled behind the crowd.When everyone turned around, the tail of the second anaconda swung over.

clap clap clap!

Including Wu Long, everyone was swept away by the tail of the second anaconda.

Some of their guns fell into the water, and some flew into the grass.One by one lay on the ground and cried out in pain. Because Wu Long was carrying the host's body, he couldn't escape the attack of the second anaconda's tail.At this time, the host's body was thrown aside, and Wu Long got up from the ground.

The second anaconda stood up and glanced at the front half of its body, and finally looked at Dr. Cole's son who was getting up from the ground.


Wu Long shouted and rushed to the second anaconda.

The second anaconda that was biting Dr. Cole's son suddenly turned to bite Wu Long.

Wu Long jumped up vigorously, and the second anaconda bit the air.Wu Long was on top of the second anaconda's head, and punched out during somersault, hitting the top of the second anaconda snake's head.


The snake head of the second anaconda was punched to the ground by Wu Long.

"Run!" Wu Long yelled, "I'll hold it back!"

Dr. Cole's son immediately ran to the water's edge.When passing by the doctor, he fled to the rubber boat alone without helping the doctor who was getting up, and rowed away with the paddle.

"Wait for me!" the doctor yelled.

"Help me!" the cameraman yelled.

The ship's mechanic got up and went to help the doctor.

The head of the second anaconda was knocked to the ground by Wu Long, and its tail immediately swept towards Wu Long who was in the air.Unable to dodge in the air, Wu Long was swept away by the tail of the second anaconda and hit a tree.

The second anaconda raised its snake's head and shook its head, obviously knocked out by Wu Long's punch.It saw the cameraman who was picking up the camera to shoot, and immediately ran over and bit the cameraman.

Wu Long got up from the ground, rushed towards the second anaconda, grabbed the second anaconda's tail and shook it vigorously.


The second anaconda was thrown to the ground by Wu Long like noodles.The head of the snake that was about to bite the cameraman was also shaken and thrown to the ground.

"Run!" Wu Long shouted.

The second anaconda flicked its tail again, and Wu Long was thrown into a tree.He turned over and grabbed the branch, and saw the angry second anaconda turn around and swim towards him.

The tree was very tall, and the second anaconda climbed up the tree around the trunk.

Just when the second anaconda bit Wu Long, Wu Long let go of his hands and fell down.

The second anaconda bit the air, hung down from the tree, and bit at Wu Long who had fallen to the ground again.

After landing, Wu Long rolled over and avoided the attack of the second anaconda.He ran left and turned right, and the second anaconda chased after him, opening its mouth to bite Wu Long from time to time, and its speed did not slow down because Wu Long ran the "zigzag" route.

Dr. Cole's son rowed the rubber boat to the side of the Magic, just as he was getting on the Magic.Suddenly the water surged.

There was a splash of water.

An anaconda emerges from the water and capsizes Dr. Cole's son's rubber boat.Dr. Cole's son overturned from the rubber boat and fell into the water.

The third anaconda!

The people who had already boarded the rubber boat were suddenly frightened, and quickly got off the rubber boat and returned to the shore.

Two giant anacondas!


This time I'm going to die here!

Everyone looked behind them, expecting Wu Long to save them, but they saw that Wu Long was about to be overtaken by the second anaconda.

Wu Long could feel that the second anaconda behind him was about to bite him.Seeing the three-story black snake totem statue in front of him, Wu Long jumped up and climbed up the black snake totem statue with the flexibility of a monkey.

The second anaconda circled up and climbed up the statue of the black snake totem to pursue Wu Long.

The third anaconda in the water bit Dr. Cole's son and swung Dr. Cole's son towards the black snake totem statue.

The second anaconda wrapped around the black snake totem statue did not bite Wu Long, but stretched out its head and opened its mouth to bite Dr. Cole's son who flew over.

Immediately afterwards, the second anaconda threw its head into the sky, and Dr. Cole's son was thrown into the air by the second anaconda.

"Ah!" Dr. Cole's son exclaimed in the air.

A third anaconda rushed ashore from the water and chased the crowd.The crowd scattered and fled, and the third anaconda chased the doctor.

After the second anaconda threw Dr. Cole's son into the air, it opened its mouth and bit Wu Long.

Wu Long jumped out vigorously, and the second anaconda bit the air.Wu Long in the air didn't just jump out blindly. He jumped over the doctor's head and just landed on the head of the third anaconda chasing the doctor.

The third anaconda was dropped on the head by Wu Long, and its head suddenly fell to the ground.When it wanted to throw Wu Long out with a shake of its head, Wu Long rolled over, jumped off its head, and fell to the ground.


Dr. Cole's son fell from the sky and hit the ground hard.

After landing, Wu Long turned around and kicked, hitting the third anaconda with one kick, and kicking the front half of the third anaconda sideways.

The second anaconda got off the black snake totem statue and bit the cameraman who was fleeing while filming.

Wu Long quickly picked up a stone on the ground and threw it at the head of the second anaconda.The stone swished past and hit the second anaconda on the head, but the second anaconda failed to bite the cameraman.

In a hurry, it turned around and ran towards Wu Long.

The third anaconda was also enraged by Wu Long's kick, and swept its tail towards Wu Long.Wu Long threw himself to the ground, and the anaconda's tail swept over his back.

The second anaconda came and opened its mouth to bite Wu Long.

Wu Long rolled on the spot, dodging the attack of the second anaconda.

The third anaconda coiled its body, trying to wrap around Wu Long.

Wu Long jumped up, stepped on the entwined anaconda snake, and jumped out of the snake's encirclement.

The second anaconda opened its mouth to bite Wu Long again, and Wu Long jumped aside to avoid it.

The third anaconda also opened its mouth to bite Wu Long, but Wu Long jumped to the other side to avoid it.

In this way, the two anacondas bit Wu Long continuously, and Wu Long jumped left and right to avoid the anaconda's attack.

Wu Long didn't run into the water, and he was no match for the anaconda when he entered the water.

After making a circle on the bank, Wu Long ran back to the statue of the black snake totem.Wu Long jumped up again and climbed onto the statue of the black snake totem with hands and feet.

The second anaconda pursued closely, and immediately circled the black snake totem statue to pursue Wu Long.

This time, Wu Long did not climb to the top of the statue of the Black Snake Totem. When he climbed to two-thirds of the height, he flipped back and jumped off.

Due to inertia, the second anaconda continued to circle the statue of the black snake totem.Seized by Wu Long, he landed and punched the second anaconda below the head.

Subduing Dragon Fist!

The seven punches hit the second anaconda in succession, directly making the second anaconda soft, releasing the black snake totem statue, and sliding to the ground.

When Wu Long landed, the third anaconda opened its mouth and bit it.He jumped somersault and landed kicking the anaconda on the head.


The head of the third anaconda was kicked sideways by Wu Long.

Wu Long landed, walked quickly along the body of the third anaconda, and punched the third anaconda at the same time.

It's Subduing Dragon Fist again!

The third anaconda was beaten to the ground by Wu Long's Jianglong fist.

Wu Long beckoned others to come over and lifted the third anaconda.Wu Long found the belly of the snake at the seven-inch position, and punched the Phoenix Eye Fist at one of the positions.

In the same way, the second anaconda was lifted up, and the snake's abdomen at the seven-inch position was also punched with the hyacinth's eye.

"Long, did you kill the anaconda?"

"No, just make them temporarily weak."

"Why not kill them?"

"This is their territory. We killed two anacondas, and we also killed two people. I don't kill the two anacondas, but I want to tell Boyuna that I don't want to hurt them."

"But they just wanted to kill us all!"

"Are you sure that after killing these two anacondas, there will be no other giant anacondas?" Wu Long asked.

No one answered, no one can guarantee.

"If there are other giant anacondas, these two weak anacondas will make them scruples. It's like a tactic on the battlefield, the wounded will not be killed, and the wounded will drag other people down. So, let's go back now To the Magic, sail away from Boyuna!"

Wu Long carried the body of Dr. Cole's son, and others carried the host's body, and returned to the Magic by rubber boat.

Turn the boat around immediately and return to the voyage.

At the stern, looking at the Black Snake Temple gradually moving away, Wu Long remained silent.

The doctor came over and said beside Wu Long:

"The three of them decided to blow up the wooden wall, so all three of them died. You said, is this retribution? Is it Boyuna's punishment for them?"

"Maybe, who knows?" Wu Long sighed. "What I'm worried about now is whether the Black Snake will let us leave Boyuna. I hope it will let us survive for my sake."

The flashback host, the son of Dr. Cole, and the doctor of biology are discussing quietly.

The host wants to enter the restricted area for the sake of the show.

Dr. Cole's son wants to enter the restricted area in order to find his father.

The host persuaded the doctor of biology that there might be different creatures in the restricted area.If a doctor of biology discovers and brings back samples, he will be famous all over the world and become famous in the biological circle.The doctor of biology agreed to enter the restricted area in order to become famous.

The film ended here, and the three people who decided to break into the restricted area died.

And a Ph.D. in Biology, who was bitten to death by a poisonous snake he didn't know, was considered to have seen an undiscovered creature.

The plot is not that great, action movie plots have always been like this.To watch Wu Long's movies is to watch Wu Long's action scenes.

This time Wu Long fought the giant anaconda very well.In particular, the scene of him jumping on the surface of the water by stepping on floating dead wood is more realistic than both.

On top of this reality, his movements are chic and elegant, making people believe that he is a master of martial arts.

Avoiding the attack of the anaconda, his dexterous and rhythmic dodging movements are in stark contrast to the panicked movements of ordinary people.

Online comments, the lion's roar is against a lion, and the subduing dragon fist is against a giant anaconda. May I ask, what kung fu on this planet can't be fought by a dragon?

A plot in the movie uses a real video of Wu Long beating an anaconda.This increased the authenticity of the movie, making many viewers believe that Wu Long really entered the so-called restricted area of ​​the Black Snake Temple in the Amazon rainforest and was attacked by several giant anacondas.

Because of this, Wu Long and the others quietly stopped their trip to the Amazon rainforest and searched for Dr. Cole.

The global screening of the film triggered a wave of Amazon tourism around the world.

There are many Internet celebrities who have traveled to the Amazon and began to tell people about the various adventures of the Amazon rainforest.

Some people say that there are indeed blood-sucking bats, and some people say that there are indeed bat people.Some people say they have seen a big anaconda, and some people say they have seen a ghost tree.

The local Amazon rainforest hastened to expand these mysterious legends, taking the opportunity to expand tourism.

Some people believe in such legends, while others question them.

It is impossible to say that such a thing can happen now that technology is so advanced.

It is a joke to say that Boyuna's restricted area is difficult for ordinary people to enter.Can't get in by boat, can't you take a helicopter?

If Dr. Cole has a GPS positioning transmitter, he can directly call the helicopter for rescue.Now that science is underdeveloped, it is still possible to deceive people with such ignorant legends.Now such legends can no longer deceive people.

People who argue about these, but Wu Long's martial arts is nothing to argue about.Wu Long has used his strength to conquer men all over the world, and his martial arts can fight against giant anacondas.

Ordinary people have the ideas of ordinary people, and people in the industry have the opinions of insiders.

The special effects team led by Shi Lei is in charge of the "Magic Fortress" film special effects company.

The special effects of these movies and televisions are all produced by Magic Fortress movie special effects.It can be seen from these films that Magic Fortress Film Special Effects Company has grown into a top film special effects production company in the world.

In the production of film special effects, Magic Fortress has a strong competitiveness.

It is an oriental style movie special effect.

It's a car movie special effect.

It is a special effect of a science fiction movie.

It is a special effect for movies with mysterious and biological themes.

These films prove that Magic Fortress involves all aspects of film special effects production, and has already had domestic and foreign business contacts with Shi Lei and his company.In the future, even if Wu Long doesn't make movies, Shi Lei and his team can survive in the movie industry.

Two weeks after the global screening, the documentary was officially broadcast on various TV stations around the world.

This documentary records every detail of Wu Long and his crew going to the Amazon rainforest to film.Once again, it shows that there is no Dr. Cole, and there is no Dr. Cole's son. They are all fictional.

Finding Dr. Cole is an operation with .But the anaconda that climbed onto the boat was real.It is also true that Wu Long beat the anaconda with the Dragon Subduing Fist.

There are shots that are not in the video and movie, but in this documentary.There is also a shot of the anaconda swimming away after being thrown into the water.

The broadcast of this documentary has let many people know the truth, but some people still believe that the documentary is fake.This documentary was made to cover up the truth.

What is the truth?

The truth is that Wu Long really encountered an accident in the Amazon rainforest, so he had to stop filming and return.

Others recognized several unusual characters on the crew from the documentary.

Those people, who used to be the special forces of Merican, are now retired.And with these few special forces in the crew, it seemed that the crew must be hiding something.

Because of the documentary, the box office, which had originally declined, rose again.People from all walks of life praised Wu Long's operating methods and successfully made the box office a hit.

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