I'm not just an action star

Chapter 423 "The Calamity of the Python"

release.Thanks to the popular broadcast, as well as Wulong's video and various operating means of live broadcast, the first games around the world were sold out.

The movie started, the host recovered from his injury, and called the team to start again.

Or take a rubber boat to the Magic, cross the narrow river and enter Boyuna.

Seeing the Magic again, eliciting a flashback, is what the first episode was about.After boarding the Magic, immediately set sail and continue onwards.Everywhere, there is a flashback of the content of the episode.

In the first 10 minutes of the film, the content flashed back, and it was clearly explained that this was the second expedition to Boyuna to find Dr. Cole.And, it has exceeded the scope.

There are no clues left by Dr. Cole on the Magic.Going forward, it's all up to Wu Long to take the lead in searching by himself.

"Look, what is that?" The host pointed to a wooden statue erected by the river.

When everyone came out to watch, they saw a big gray-black statue standing in the bushes, with a snake's head on top and a human head under the snake's head.Under the human head is the body of a coiled snake.

It gives a feeling that when a person stands there, a huge snake wraps around the person's feet from the person's feet to the person's head, and then the snake is planning to start from the person's head and swallow the person into the stomach.

The cameraman said: "Let me think about it, it seems to be a snake totem?"

Dr. Cole's son recalled slowly:

"Yes, this is the Black Snake Totem. It is said that if you want good weather, you must choose a person every year to dedicate to the Black Snake Boyuna. And the place where the Boyuna Black Snake Totem is located is the Boyuna forbidden area."

"Before we entered Boyuna, although we were in danger, we would not die. But if we entered the forbidden area of ​​the Black Snake Totem, people must die. Even everyone will die inside."

The host sneered.

"Hmph. I almost died before."

The cameraman nods.

"If it wasn't for Brother Long, I'm afraid we would have died at the hands of the bat tribe."

The doctor stared at the tall black snake totem.

"Then do we still want to go in? Since it's a forbidden area, I think it's better to forget it." The doctor was reluctant to enter.

If it wasn't for the signing of the agreement and the good salary, he really wanted to quit.

The cameraman added:

"On the contrary, I have seen from the legend of the Amazon rainforest that people who believe in the black snake, and tribes and villages that offer people to the black snake every year, if they encounter wounds that cannot be healed, they can pray to the black snake. If they are blessed by the black snake, the wound will be even Deadly, but also able to heal itself."

"Even dead people, if they sincerely pray to the black snake, they can be brought back to life."

"Some people even say that those who can enter the center of the forbidden area with the permission of the black snake can live forever."

Dr. Cole's son firmly stated:

"I want to find my father, I must go in!"

The host said: "Our program is to find Dr. Cole. Maybe Dr. Cole is trapped in the forbidden area, waiting for us to rescue. We have guns, don't worry about any problems."

Everyone looked at Wu Long. The host was afraid that Wu Long would say that this is a forbidden area and cannot enter.

Wu Long looked at the totem statue slowly passing by, and said:

"You can go in, but if it's too dangerous and I decide to retreat, all of you must retreat immediately without delay."

"Okay." Dr. Cole's son said.

"Yes." The host agreed.

Driving past the totem statue, there is actually a tributary.

"Where are you going?" asked the ship's mechanic.

Wu Long looked at Dr. Cole's son.

"What do you think your father would choose if he came here?"

Dr. Cole's son shook his head.

"He will choose based on the clues he has. We don't have clues, so we can't judge based on that."

The host looked at the tributary and said, "I think if you want to explore, you should choose the tributary."

Wu Long thought about it and made a decision.

"Sail along the main river."

"Why?" the host asked.

"Our boat has a deep draft. If the tributary is shallow, our boat is easy to run aground." Wu Long replied.

"Okay, listen to you."

The Magic sailed along the main river, only to find that a wooden wall was built in the front of the river, blocking the entire river and making it impossible for ships to pass.

"Who did this?" the host scolded.

"It doesn't matter who built it. We can't get through it, and Dr. Cole probably can't get through it either." Wu Long ordered to turn around and go to the tributaries.

The Magic number went back to the tributary, returned to the mouth of the tributary the next day, and turned into the tributary.

The entrance of the tributary is relatively small, and after sailing for a period of time, the river surface becomes wider.But the Magic can only walk in the middle of the river. Although the water surface on both sides is wide, the water is very shallow and belongs to swampy land.

If the Magic number sails in, it is easy to run aground.

Another day passed, and while the Magic was driving, Wu Long found a boat in the shallow water.

"Stop the boat!" Wu Long ordered. "Look, there's a boat over there."

Dr. Cole's son cupped his hands around his mouth in a trumpet shape, and yelled at the ship:

"Hi! Is anyone there?"

Called several times, no one answered.

"How is that ship there?" the host asked.

Wu Long replied: "That boat is an inland flat-bottomed boat with a shallow draft. It can go in when the water is high. Maybe it went in, maybe it floated in, no one knows."

"Fly a drone over there and have a look," he ordered.

The cameraman took out the drone and flew it over to check.After the drone flew close, it found that the hull was mottled and there was no sign of people.He checked the surroundings of the boat and found nothing unusual or dangerous, so Wu Long decided to drive a rubber boat there.

The distance from the Magic to the ship was more than [-] meters, and there were many dead trees sticking out of the water in the middle of the water.The rubber boat sailed carefully on the water and came safely to the side of the boat.

"Hi, is anyone here?"

"Excuse me, is anyone there?"

"We are the crew of the Magic, we are here to find Dr. Cole, there is no malice!"

"Anyone? Please allow us to board the ship!"

Everyone called a few times, but no one answered, and began to board the ship carefully.

There was no one on board, Wu Long saw a piece of paper in the corner, picked it up and found it was a hand-drawn map.

"Here's a map."

Dr. Cole's son came to see it, and immediately shouted excitedly:

"This is my father's handwriting! It's the map he drew, he's been here before!"

This is an abandoned map because of the traces of alterations on it.The alterations included the wooden wall on the main river.

"Your father and the others should have encountered that wooden dam barrage, so they wanted to go around this tributary. Maybe the tide is falling, and this ship is stuck here, maybe it's because of something. They may set out by rubber boat or from land .”

On the other side, came the host's voice.

"Ha, look what I found. Dynamite!"

"They must want to blast that wooden wall and sail over."

Everyone meets.

"Now it is certain that Dr. Cole has been here, and they may have transferred to this ship."

The doctor asked: "Why did he change ships instead of the Magic?"

"Maybe the Magic is too deep, and some places are difficult to pass, so they changed ships."

"Judging from this discarded map, Dr. Cole chose to bypass the wooden wall from here. This is a water swamp area, and some places may not be able to enter even by rubber boats."

In places that are too shallow, the propeller of the rubber boat is easy to hit underwater things or aquatic plants.

When leaving, the host ignored Wu Long's objection and took the explosives away.The host's reason was that these explosives belonged to Dr. Cole, and they might be able to use them when they came to Dr. Cole.

The Magic moved along a tributary and ran aground.Then the propeller was entangled by water plants, and after a long time, it finally exited the grounding area, and it was getting late.

At night, the anaconda boarded the boat.The plot here is the same as the video of Wu Long beating the anaconda with the Dragon Subduing Punch, but it uses a different perspective.

The next day, Wu Long decided to reverse the boat and leave.The tributary here cannot turn around, but can only go backwards.

"No, I can't leave, my father is in front!" Dr. Cole's son objected.

The moderator supports Dr. Cole's son.

"Dragon, we can go forward in a rubber boat."

"Inflatable boats can only travel short distances, not too far. If the water ahead is too shallow, the rubber boat can't do anything about it," Wu Long explained.

The host shook his head: "No, Long, we are here to find Dr. Cole, and now we have his clues, if you back down when you encounter a little difficulty, this is not in line with our purpose."

"You can't talk about the front, Wu Long, you can't retreat without looking for it. This is not allowed!" Dr. Cole's son said: "Maybe my father is trapped not far ahead. Maybe we can find him by moving forward. You Now let me give up, I ask you. If it is your relatives who are trapped, what would you do?"

In fact, Wu Long understands the mood of Dr. Cole's son.

"I understand how you feel. But this is a forbidden area for black snakes. The appearance of a big snake last night is a warning to us. If we continue to move forward, the consequences will be disastrous!" Wu Long explained the reason for his reluctance to move forward.

"We have guns," said the host. "And explosives."

"However, this map shows that he doesn't know the way Dr. Cole detours. Obviously, the route he drew is the planned route. It's a map route, and he doesn't know what he encounters on the road."

Wu Long opened the map and showed it to everyone.

"Look, these routes have been changed and changed. Who knows where he went?"

"Then search one by one. We are here to find people, not to visit the park. There are ready-made roads in the park, but not here!" the host said. "Your task and agreement are also to find someone, not to back down."

In the end, Wu Long agreed to advance in rubber boats.

The two rubber boats set off together.

"The water is too shallow, it should be that the river has diverted."

"It's also possible that it's not the rainy season and the amount of water is reduced."

A rubber boat was entangled in water plants and hit a rock on the bottom of the water.Even after clearing the weeds, the propeller is broken.

Paddle and move on.

The propellers of the host's inflatable boats can still be used, so go ahead.

Suddenly, there was a sound of water splashing, and an anaconda emerged from the water, tipping over the rubber boat of the host and the others.

Several people fell into the water, splashing in the water up to their thighs, shouting for help.

Wu Long and the others paddled desperately to save people.

Suddenly, the surface of the water churned, the host screamed and was entangled by the anaconda.


"No, what if you hit him!"

At the critical moment, Wu Long jumped out of the rubber boat, walked on the surface of the water, and jumped into the water eight meters away.

Sensing Wu Long's arrival, the anaconda opened its mouth and bit Wu Long.Wu Long dodged the anaconda's attack, and hit the anaconda's head with a burst of blows.

He continued to hit the anaconda below the head again, until the anaconda was soft and fell into the water, and the host of the entanglement station was released.

Wu Long pulled the host out of the water, and the host took a deep breath.

"Let's go, leave quickly, and go back to the boat!" Wu Long ordered.

"Did you not kill it?" the host asked Wu Long.

"No, it's just a temporary stun."

"Why not kill it!"

"This is the forbidden area of ​​the black snake, if we kill it, maybe none of us can escape!"

"I don't believe in any nonsense forbidden legends. The legends are all scaring people! It just wanted to kill me, you know? I almost died!"

The angry host took out the pistol on his waist and pulled the trigger on the anaconda.

The gun didn't go off.

"Let's go, it's God's will." Wu Long pulled the host. "Let's leave quickly!"

The host threw Wu Long away angrily, and put the gun back into the holster.Wading to Wu Long's rubber boat, he reached out to snatch the pistol from the photographer's waist.

"Hey, what do you want to do!"

"I want to borrow your gun and kill the guy who tried to kill me just now!"

The host grabbed the gun, loaded it, aimed at the anaconda and pulled the trigger before Wu Long arrived, killing the anaconda.

The blood of the anaconda spread around.

Wu Long silently got into the rubber boat and paddled the boat.The host was almost killed by the anaconda just now, and he has no right to stop the host from killing the anaconda.

The others also silently got into the rubber boat and rowed away.The host and their rubber boat could not start because of the impact of the anaconda, and they had to paddle away.

Back on the boat, everyone was in a bad mood.


The sound of the explosion awakened Wu Long.He found himself strapped to a chair and heard screams from overboard.When Wu Long was struggling, he saw the host, doctor and doctor of biology come in.

"What happened outside!"

"Don't worry, it's a small matter." The host said to Wu Long.

"Untie me."

The host shook his head.

"You hindered the plan of the program group, and you cannot be untied."

Wu Long recalled the water that Dr. Cole's son handed him after the boat exited the tributary.

"You gave me sleeping pills with him?"

The host nodded.

"You were blowing up the wooden wall just now?"

The host nodded again.

"Why are there screams? What happened?"

"It's no big deal. The wooden wall was full of snakes, and the explosion blew the snakes onto the boat. Some people were scared and screamed." The host shrugged and spread his hands as if it was no big deal.

The Ph.D. in Biology bellowed:

"I was bitten by a poisonous snake!"

The host comforted him. "Don't worry, we have snake medicine, and the doctor will cure you."

"But I don't know what kind of snake that is!"

A venomous snake that a Ph.D. in Biology couldn't recognize, no wonder he panicked.

"Don't worry, although you have a Ph.D. in biology, you are not omnipotent enough to know all the poisonous snakes in the world. Well, I'm going to clean up the snakes on the boat."

The host leaves.

After the doctor finished treating the doctor of biology, Wu Long asked the doctor to untie his rope.

"Now he has the final say." The doctor dared not.

"You also support them to move forward? Are you not afraid of the legend of the forbidden land?"

"In terms of the contract, I obey the crew."

"You tell him, I swear not to stop you. Untie me because I want to protect myself."

"Let me try."

The doctor came back soon, shook his head and said sorry, but the host refused.

The next day, the doctor of biology died of poisoning.Dr. Cole's son asked to return due to guilt, but the host was unwilling.

"The front is where your father painted, and the efforts before going back now will be in vain!"

Shouts came from outside, and it turned out that a building by the water was discovered.

It was a stone temple, and there was a statue of a black snake totem in front of the temple.

The cameraman exclaimed: "That's the Temple of Boyuna!"

"Maybe not. The Temple of Boyuna exists only in legends, and no one has ever seen it," said Dr. Cole's son.

"I have never seen a picture of this temple in the legend of the Amazon rainforest." The cameraman said: "It should be this temple!"

The host shouted happily: "Quick, drive over! We have made a big discovery!"

The Magic can't drive through, so it can only be rowed by rubber boat.As a result, when they came ashore and watched carefully in front of the Black Snake Totem Statue, an anaconda appeared, went up and bit the host's head, and wrapped his body around the host.

Everyone screamed and drew their guns to shoot at the anaconda.

Hearing screams and gunshots, Wu Long snapped the rope and chair, rushed out of the boat and jumped into the water, stepped on driftwood, jumped on the surface of the water, and landed on the shore.

The anaconda was killed, but the host had been entangled and squeezed to death by the anaconda.

"He's dead." The doctor gave up the rescue. "We shouldn't have come."

"Go back to the boat, let's return!" Wu Long made a decision.

He picked up the host's body, and suddenly everyone stopped.

Around, there was the hissing sound of the anaconda again.

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