I'm not just an action star

Chapter 422 Phaseless Art Snake Fist

After filming "The Devil", Wu Long started to make a second film about the Amazon rainforest.Shot some shots in the Amazon rainforest, came back and continued to shoot some shots.

And "The River", after the filming of The Devil, finished the eight episodes of the first season.

Why is the original version only eight episodes so short?Because the ratings of the previous broadcast were not high, the show was canceled, so a hasty ending was made.

The "River" filmed by Wu Long only has eight episodes, which is different from the original version.There are no zombies and no supernatural events.In the end, there will be no diversion of the river, preventing the Magic from sailing out of Boyuna.

The play "The River" was originally filmed for the purpose of filming "The Calamity of the Python".The purpose of filming a TV series is to run "The Calamity of the Python", except for Wu Long, no one else would do this.

Many people say that Wu Long is ugly, but the ratings of "The River" are not low.Although not the highest, it is also in the forefront.

It's just that "The River" has only eight episodes, which makes many movie fans feel unsatisfactory.

Just at this moment, when many people on the Internet strongly urged Wu Long to continue filming "River", the movie version of "River", "The Calamity of the Python", came out.

The original "The River" episode eight, find Dr. Cole returns.On the way, Dr. Cole's son was killed by mistake, and Dr. Cole's wife wanted to resurrect her son, which attracted a black snake to seize the house.In the end, although he was driven out and Dr. Cole's son was rescued, the Black Snake changed the river course and trapped the Magic.

In the current version of "The River", Dr. Cole was not found.Because the host's injury has not improved, he finally decided to return.

And "The Calamity of the Anaconda" became the second expedition to find Dr. Cole.

The original version was for filming a mysterious tribal documentary, because he saved a person on the way, but was taken by this person with ulterior motives to catch a large anaconda.

Wu Long's version of "The Calamity of the Python" is different from the original version.This version enters the Amazon rainforest to find Dr. Cole, and encounters a man-eating snake blocking him when he goes deep into the forbidden area.

Before the screening of "The Calamity of the Python", the video of Wu Long beating the anaconda with the Dragon Subduing Fist was released on the Internet.

At night in the rainforest, on the Magic under the lights, a green-brown anaconda climbed onto the boat and swam to the bow.

After being discovered by the night watchman, there was a burst of panic.

This big snake's body is as thick as a human's thigh, coiled together like a hill.The anaconda stared at the people in the cabin, and seemed to have discovered the people inside.

In the video, someone can be heard saying:

"What should I do? Do you want to shoot?"

Then, I heard Wu Long's answer:

"You don't need to shoot, I'll knock it away with the Dragon Subduing Fist."

Later, Wu Long was seen walking out of the cabin towards the anaconda in the screen.The anaconda hissed and threatened when he saw Wu Long approaching.Wu Long continued to move forward, and the anaconda stood up like a cobra.

Suddenly, without any warning, the anaconda opened its mouth and bit Wu Long.Its bite, like a ejection start, is so fast that it can hardly be seen clearly.

People who watch this video, as long as they see this, can't help screaming, worrying about Wu Long.

But seeing Wu Long dexterously dodge and dodge, the anaconda bit the air.Wu Long, who dodged to the side of the snake's head, punched quickly, and his fist was also too fast to be seen clearly in the camera.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!"

Seven consecutive beeps formed a string.

It is conceivable that this is the sound of a fist hitting an anaconda.

After the anaconda was hit by Wu Long's fist, its erect body fell to the deck.

Next, viewers watching the video saw a scene that shocked them.Wu Long stepped forward and grabbed the position behind the anaconda snake's head, and flung the snake's head out forcefully.


Such a big anaconda was thrown out by Wu Long like a bundle of hemp rope.The posture of flying out is like a giant arrow shot out.

When the anaconda's tail flew out of the boat, the anaconda fell into the water.

Seeing the anaconda being thrown overboard, everyone rushed out of the cabin and appeared in the camera.

"Dragon, how did you do it?"

"Why did the anaconda stop moving when you punched it a few times?"

"Did the anaconda be injured internally by you?"

"Did you kill the anaconda?"

In the middle of the screen, Wu Long explained with a smile.

"I punched seven times in a row just now, which is the seven-star nailing dragon move in Jianglong boxing. The seven punches correspond to the Big Dipper, and the star is used as a nail to hit the dragon."

"The anaconda is a snake, and the snake is seven inches long. The seventh punch at the seven-inch position of the anaconda can temporarily paralyze the anaconda."

"So, the anaconda didn't die just now?"

"not dead."

"But, how can you throw such a big and long thing? I mean, that big snake is not only long, but also must be heavy. It is difficult to throw it like this."

Wu Long still kept smiling.

"Actually, it's not all my strength. It wasn't me who threw the anaconda out alone, but the anaconda threw itself out."

"There is a skill in Chinese martial arts called leveraging strength to strike strength, and there is this technique in Taijiquan. When I caught the anaconda, the anaconda wanted to resist. The snake resisted because it wanted to wrap its body around the opponent. I heard that the anaconda The anaconda's entanglement strength, with the anaconda's strength, I follow the trend, use the rotation force to change the direction of the anaconda's entanglement strength, and use the anaconda's strength to throw the anaconda out."

At the back of the video, a description of being in the boxing gym is added.Rocky punched Wu Long, but Wu Long dodged, grabbed his fist and threw it away.

Netizens in China watched it and called it a good guy!

Netizens all over the world are discussing this video.

Some people questioned that this video is fake, and the so-called anaconda is a computer special effect.Some people say it is true, because through software technical analysis, there is no trace of computer special effects.

Some people say that only Amazon's giant anaconda can grow so long and so big.The average anaconda is about five meters long.Amazon's giant anaconda can reach a length of more than ten meters and weigh more than 220 kilograms.

The lion's roar against the lion, the subduing dragon fist against the anaconda, Wu Long's martial arts are really amazing.Not only can you hit people, but you can also deal with animals and snakes!

Another netizen asked again, Jianglongquan deals with big snakes like anacondas.What if it is a small snake?

What if it is a cobra that can spray venom?

Regarding the questions from netizens, because Wu Long has the most comments and likes on his social accounts, Wu Long decided to broadcast live how to deal with snakes.

Or deal with the most ferocious king cobra.

In other words, Wu Long rarely does live broadcasts.This live broadcast is not only a live broadcast on the Internet, but also live audiences can come to watch it live.

Viewers who want to watch live register online, and then draw lucky viewers to watch live.

On the day of the live broadcast, even if Wu Long's live broadcast room did not start broadcasting, it was still very popular even when the screen was black.He did not broadcast live in Los Angeles, but returned to the Imperial City to do live broadcast.

Half of the audience were foreign fans, and everyone witnessed Wu Long's live broadcast with excitement.

In the eyes of many people, the cobra is terrible, and the king cobra is even more terrible.The king cobra is ferocious, feeds on other snakes, and is the longest of all venomous snakes.It will actively attack people and spray venom.

However, in the eyes of many people, the fearful and ferocious cobra is famous all over the world for playing cobra.

That is the Three Kingdoms.

Everyone wants to see what is the difference between Wu Long and the snake charmers of A Sanguo in dealing with cobras.

The audience entered the basketball hall and saw a transparent glass room in the center of the basketball hall.This glass house has no roof, only four walls.In the glass room, there is a three-meter-long king cobra.

Wu Long was just outside the glass room, welcoming all the audience.Say hello to the audience, someone who wants to take a photo with him, or come down and take a photo with the King Cobra outside the glass room.

These are all live.

The audience in the live broadcast room can see the arrival of the live audience, and see the live audience taking a group photo with Wu Long, and then they can only post barrage envy.

The time for the official live broadcast is up, please sit down and start the official live broadcast.

"Hello, everyone. I'm Wu Long, and I haven't broadcast live for you for a long time!"

"Regarding the video I posted on the Internet of using Jianglongquan to beat anacondas, some people suspect that it is fake. Some people think that Jianglongquan can only hit big snakes, and it is not easy to fight small snakes."

"That's true. The Subduing Dragon Fist is for subduing dragons, so it's not good for hitting small snakes."

"To beat a little snake, I use the snake fist, which is called using a snake to control a snake."


"It's good to make a snake out of a snake."

"King Cobra: Take... takeaway? This is the takeaway from the human world that my mother said, it's amazing!!! I like the human world!"

"King Cobra: How embarrassing, do you want me to take off my glasses?"

"King Cobra: Snake punch in front of me? Don't you know my recipe is snake?"

"King Cobra: Snake Punch? Snake? Delicious! Then go up to Gaba and eat Brother Long in one bite."

"King Cobra: Is this person going epileptic here? Don't care about anything else, let him bite his mouth first."

There is a big screen at the scene, and above it is the barrage in the live broadcast room.These barrages were played on the big screen, and the audience was so happy that some of them burst into laughter.

According to the system, giant anacondas and large boa constrictors are counted as dragons, and the Subduing Dragon Fist is used.

What to use against snakes?

Then use Snake Fist.

The fist is a snake fist, but it is not an ordinary snake fist.

Wu Long entered the glass room and attracted the attention of King Cobra.


The king cobra raised the front third of its body, facing Wu Long, and made a startling hiss.Apparently, this king cobra was warning Wu Long, don't get any closer, otherwise it won't be polite!

Facing the king cobra, Wu Long stood with his feet back and forth, squatted slightly, and made a gesture with his hands in the shape of a snake's head.

Snake punch!

At the same time, Wu Long's non-phase kung fu was substituted into the king of snakes, his right hand, like a snake head, swayed like a snake, and his whole body flicked, as if a big snake had come out of him, and he stood up and looked down at the king cobra.

Wu Long used the system to search at the beginning, but he didn't expect to use Wuxiang Gong to affect snakes!

Almighty martial arts system (entertainment version), only perform, not kill!

Only perform, don't kill snakes.

Since it is an entertainment version, the performance can not only be performed on humans, but also on animals.

What is the essence of the art of acting?


People watch plays, movies, TV, or even novels and stories, and are deceived by their contents, emotionally moved and shed tears.I am happy for the protagonist in it, and weep for the protagonist in it.

To be able to do this, the author of the novel can be said to be a master of deception.

The actors who perform also deceive the audience and make the audience mistakenly believe it is true.From this perspective, the actor and actress are also masters of deception.

Under the influence of Wuxiang Gong, King Cobra was deceived into thinking that Wulong Snake Fist is a god level!

God-level boxing, its meaning is transformed into form.

In the perception of the king cobra, Wu Long is no longer a person, nor a prey, but a snake king!

As soon as Wu Long released his snake fist, it seemed as if a huge snake appeared behind Wu Long.

Transformation of Fist Soul!

God-level boxing has a boxing soul, and the snake boxing boxing soul is a snake.

God level, refined soul, gas into form, deified coercion!

The coercion of the snake king is pressing on the king cobra.The king cobra was too frightened to stand up again, so it quickly shrank its body and fell on the ground, like a docile rope.

In fact, for King Cobra, all this is false.It was just Wu Long's performance that fooled the King Cobra.

There is no coercion of the Snake King at all.It's just that under the induction of the aura, the king cobra mistook it for coercion.

Seeing Wu Long's Snake Fist move, King Cobra immediately lowered its body and stuck its head to the ground without moving. All the audience were stunned.

The live broadcast room also called him a good guy.


"The king cobra is really afraid of the snake fist!"

"You can really make snakes out of snakes!"

"There's no scientific reason for this at all!"

"Why are snakes afraid?"


"Ask for Brother Long's science score."

After subduing the king cobra with one trick, Wu Long exited the glass room and closed the door.

After Wu Long withdrew, King Cobra returned to its original form.

Really god!

Many people thought beforehand that Wu Long would play cobra like the people from Ah Sanguo, but the result was different!The live broadcast was not over. Wu Long saw the bullet screen asking for the science score, and he was really there for the science score.

"I think the audience at the scene must be the same as the audience in the live broadcast room. They are full of reasons and want to listen to my explanation."

"Actually, the reason is very simple, because I am the film king!"

The audience at the scene had question marks on their faces.

I can understand Wu Long's words, but I don't understand what they mean.

Because you are the actor?

So the king cobra was subdued by you?

Come on, you are not the only actor, try another actor, just ask which actor dares to go in and face the king cobra?


"Could it be that King Cobra is afraid of the actor?"

"The world's greatest discovery?"

"What amazing logic."

Wu Long continued to explain:

"Everyone knows I'm good at acting. Don't laugh, I'm not bragging."

Everyone laughed.

"After entering the glass room, I immediately began to perform to this king cobra. I acted as the king of all snakes. Under the king of snakes, everything is an ant."

"The king cobra was confused by my acting skills, and thought I was really the king of snakes, so he quickly bowed his head and surrendered."

"So, Snake Fist is second, and acting is the key. If someone has learned Snake Fist, don't try to use Snake Fist to fight poisonous snakes like me. What's wrong with you is not because your Snake Fist is not strong enough, but because of your acting skills. No, poisonous snakes won't be fooled."

When the live audience and the audience in the live broadcast room heard Wu Long's explanation, their expressions were clearly "I believe you, you big-headed ghost"!

Can King Cobra watch a show?Will watch you perform?

What a joke.

Snakes are short-sighted and cannot see very far away.So what kind of performance, what kind of acting skills, the king cobra can't see clearly at all.

Since you can't see clearly, how can you be deceived?

After the live broadcast, Wu Long's live broadcast caused widespread controversy around the world.

Especially the snake charmers of the Three Kingdoms thought that if Wu Long could do it, so could they.Playing King Cobra, they call ancestors.

So some snake charmers punched the snake in front of the king cobra, and the car overturned and was bitten by the king cobra.Even some people were sent to the hospital but were not treated in time, and died of poisoning.

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