I'm not just an action star

Chapter 421 Subversion of Image Shooting

After the third episode of "The River" was broadcast, some people questioned that it was impossible for Wu Long to defeat the bat tribe without his eyes being completely invisible.

Others like the way he jumps up, spins in the air to face the ground, parallel to the ground, kicks the Batman, and pushes the cameraman and Dr. Cole's son.

This trick is actually difficult. Many people played this trick live, and ended up overturning.

Others love his Thomas full-spin leg sweep.This trick is not difficult, and it is also used in hip-hop.Good arm strength is required.

There are also people who are interested in his muscle-splitting hand, thinking that this move is too handsome and cool.If you learn it by yourself and use it to subdue others, you will win the admiration of others.Unfortunately, no one will do this trick.Even the martial arts masters in the martial arts gym don't know it, and even deny that they have such martial arts.

Disjointed hands, only exist in novels or TV movies.

Of course, there are still people discussing whether or not the bat people exist.If so, what methods do they use to temporarily blind the eyes.This method is terrible. If someone learns it in reality and uses it to do evil, it will cause terrible consequences.

Amidst the many discussions, "The Devil's Head" started filming.

The devil's head, Irene Wuornos, doesn't look good. Angeli knew this in advance, and she was willing to play ugly.The other is the figure of Irene Wuornos. Compared with the serial female murderer in reality, Angeli needs to gain [-] pounds.

Angeli can also change her figure without gaining weight by making a fake belly or something.But Angeli didn't do that. Instead, she didn't hesitate to destroy her model figure and added thirty pounds to herself.

Because she knows that only by doing so can she win the approval of the judges and be considered a devotion to art.

Besides, such an approach can be used for hype.Hype for "The Devil" while filming, and hype for weight loss products or processes after filming.She is confident of regaining her model figure.

Wu Long personally demonstrated to the makeup artist what he wanted, the makeup of Irene Wuornos.

He shaved off Angeli's eyebrows and painted spots on her face.Angeli's pretty face gradually became fierce and sharp under his hands.The makeup artist seemed to see a murderer slowly appearing in front of her eyes.

It is said that Wu Long's makeup skills are comparable to those of top makeup artists, and now it seems that the rumors are true.This made the makeup artist, who was a little uncomfortable in his heart, put away his unhappiness and change it into admiration for Wu Long.

Finally, after getting Angelie to wear false braces, a female murderer appeared in front of everyone.

Angeli looked at herself in the mirror, thinking about the character design, and gradually substituted into Irene Wuornos.

She knew that "The Demon Head" was adapted from a real-life story, and she followed Wu Long's request to learn about the female murderer.Having been taught by Wu Long, she can already take on the role without the influence of Wu Long's Wuxiang Gong.

When she squinted at the female makeup artist behind her from the reflection in the mirror, the female makeup artist was shocked and subconsciously backed away.

One look can scare people.

Angeli's acting skills have indeed been improved and reached the top level after acting with Wu Long several times.

According to the real-life story of the protagonist, Irene's childhood was actually unfortunate.She never met her father because he was in a mental institution before she was born.

Just like every child, Irene really had innocent dreams when she was a child.However, everything changed when she was four years old.

Her mother left her with her alcoholic grandparents and she was never seen again.

Thus, Irene's tragedy began.Her grandfather turned out to be a bastard, and he did something worse than a beast to Irene when she was very young.

This led to Irene selling her appearance for pocket money since she was 11 years old.

Such a thing happened in the supposedly happy childhood, such a life experience is tragic, and it also led to Irene's abnormality in the future.

After growing up, Irene began to solicit customers on the side of the road and became a road warbler.Make money doing this.However, such a life is not good, she thought of suicide.

Wu Long tells a play to Angeli.

"Eileen's suicide scene is actually very important. She is struggling because she doesn't really want to die."

"She had a five-dollar knife in one hand and an old revolver in the other and wanted to go to a bar and have a beer."

"Why? It's like her inner monologue. Even when she was a warbler, she was waiting to be discovered like an unborn gem."

"The dream in her heart has not really disappeared."

"She is looking forward to it. Since there is still five dollars left, maybe there is one last chance, and her life will change."

"You have to show such a change in eyes in the close-up."

Angeli nodded.

People who really want to die will not make excuses because of the five yuan in their hands.What are you talking about, if you don’t spend all the five dollars, you will feel that it is cheaper for others, and it is the same as providing free services to others.

She died, but the five dollar knife is still there.Who took her five dollars?This made her unhappy.

These thoughts are expressed through facial expressions at the time of suicide.Wait for Irene to follow Shelby home and express it through her inner monologue.

When shooting this close-up, Wu Long did not use Wuxiang Gong to influence Angeli.As a result, this shot was ng many times, and finally took more than 20 shots before Wu Long was satisfied.

"Eileen has been around since she was a child, so she knows when to be aggressive and when to make herself look scary, so she can protect herself."

"So, when she gets fierce, she should have the expression of a fierce man on her face."

The scene in the homosexual bar is a scene where the heroine and the supporting actress Shelby Wall meet and get acquainted.It was because of Irene's masculinity that she moved Shelby Wall.

Shelby Wall is the opposite of Eileen, she is selfish, timid, someone who just wants to be protected and dependent on others.

When the two met, Shelby, who was so pitiful, won Irene's sympathy.

Eileen makes it clear that she is not gay and berates Shelby for not trying to get her to sleep with her over a beer.

Shelby said she didn't want to be like this, she was just lonely and wanted to talk to people.Trying to have a decent night out, just want to talk to people and have a little good time before going back to my parents' enclosed cabin.

This touched Erin.Because she used to want to blend in with others, play and chat with others, and live a normal life.

However, no.

Irene seemed to see a former self, so she sat down again and chatted with Shelby.

"Irene has a classic move where she jerks her head back and throws her hair back. It looks manly and no woman would do it because it's not gentle."

Beforehand, Angeli practiced this movement many times, and it was also approved by Wu Long.

But when it came time to actually shoot, this action was repeated many times.

Wu Long tried not to use Wuxiang Gong, and the actor who played Shelby had to show that he looked down at Irene, but actually looked at Irene secretly from the corner of his eye.And at this time, it was time for Irene to lean back and shake her head fiercely.

When speaking to the two of them, he compared Shelby as a person who was not good at communication.Especially men who are not good at socializing with girls will most often peek from the corner of their eyes.He clearly wanted to understand the girl next to him, but he didn't dare to look directly at her.He lowered his head and looked around secretly from the corner of his eye.

Especially shy guys.

The scene where Erin and Shelby lie in bed for the first time is also the highlight.Here's a close-up of Erin's face.

There is a monologue as Erin follows Shelby home and into the house.

Irene has been disappointed in men, and she will never fall in love with men again.Why?Because no man has ever said she is beautiful or praised her.Even if these men do things like that to her, it's the same.

The admiration she longed for since she was a child, dreaming of being discovered like a gem, such a scene has never appeared.So she felt hopeless in life and wanted to commit suicide.

I met Shelby in a gay bar by mistake, and went home with her because Irene had nowhere to go.

After saying goodnight, in the dark, Shelby said she didn't expect Eileen to come home with her and sleep in the same bed.Eileen also said that she didn't think of it, because she hated homosexuality at first.

Just then, Shelby made a request.It's a further hint of their relationship, but not too much.It was Shelby who wanted to touch Erin's face.

Shelby didn't think Erin would agree, after all Erin scolded her in the bar and told her not to try to get her bed with a drink.

Well, now it's not a glass of wine, it's a lot of wine, and Eileen is in bed with her.

Even if nothing happened, maybe Irene would agree to touch her face, which is not an excessive request?

As a result, Erin really agreed.

Why?Because no other man has ever made such a request, never respected her like this.

Those men can touch whatever they want, wherever they want.

Those men thought that since they gave her money, she had to obey whatever she wanted, and never considered her feelings.

Shelby, on the other hand, considered Erin's feelings and asked for Erin's opinion.This gave Erin an experience she had never had before.

So Erin agreed.

It was this promise that changed Irene.

Because Shelby said something after touching Irene's face.

"It's beautiful."

It's a compliment.Eileen, who longed for praise since she was a child, but never got it, was moved by such a sentence.

In the past, even if someone lied to her and praised her, she hoped so much.However, no one did this, not even if they lied to her and said she was good.

What a failure her life was.

Now, the last five dollars actually changed her life after she was desperate.

This close-up in the dark interprets Irene's life change.

The crying feeling of seeing hopes rekindled and fantasies rekindled is on full display in the dark.

Such a shot was also ng many times before finally satisfying Wu Long.From this point of view, Wu Long really wanted to make a film for Angeli to win an award.

In order to be able to be with Shelby, Irene began to work hard to solicit business on the street to make money.In the evening, she received a business that changed her destiny again, a perverted customer.

The other party drove her to a remote place, kept teasing and sarcastic to Irene, and punched Irene unconscious while talking.He also tied up Irene's hands and tortured Irene very pervertedly.

Irene struggled desperately and let her break free.And took out a pistol from the bag under the seat, shouted frantically, and shot at the other party.

She puts all the bullets in the opponent.He ran out of bullets and hit the opponent with a gun.

This scene is a transformation of Irene into a murderer.

She met Shelby and thought her life was developing in a good direction.Unexpectedly, she met a pervert, and the gunfire completely ignited the negative energy in her heart for many years, and vented it on this pervert.

Erin took the other party's car, money, and hat, went to Shelby, and persuaded Shelby to go with her.Shelby agreed hesitantly.

The money allowed Erin and Shelby to spend a few good days.Irene sold the car and took the money to plan her life, live a normal life, and stop being a wanderer.

But Shelby has exposed her true nature. Irene has no job, so how can she support her?

As a result, Irene, who was looking for a job, realized the horror of reality.

If you go the wrong way, there is almost no possibility of turning back.

In life, there is no turning back.

Wu Long asked Angeli to show Irene's despair of being brutally hit by reality little by little until it exploded.

During the quarrel with Shelby, Irene revealed that she killed for Shelby.Angeli wants to act out an expression and situation where I gave everything for you, even killed people for you, but you don't understand at all.

When the two embraced each other, Irene actually transformed again.

She clearly knows that she has been abandoned by society and can only return to her old job.Because of this, she was unwilling and resentful towards the society.

When encountering perverted guests, she would kill them and take away their belongings.

After killing the second person, there's a shot of her smoking to calm herself down.This shows her metamorphosis, the serial killer taking shape.

This model gave her a channel to vent her dissatisfaction with society, her own life, why she had such an experience in her childhood, and everything.

It also allowed her to have more money and be with Shelby.

In fact, she knew in her heart that her criminal life would not be too long, and there would be no good results.

However, she has been lost on the verge of love and death.

Irene went to the abyss, and Shelby also played a role in fueling the flames.The two were noticed because of a car accident.Erin decided to do it one last time, and the two left after getting the car.

As a result, this time, Irene killed a policeman.

When filming this scene, Angeli was going to act out Irene's fluster.But when I got home, Shelby asked Irene to get another car, regardless of how bad Irene's situation was.

As a result, it was not Piao Ke who carried Irene this time, but a kind old man.

In order to meet Shelby's request, Irene lost her ultimate humanity, said "I'm sorry" in tears, and shot and killed the innocent old man.

This scene of crying and shooting was also ng many times, and it was finally under the influence of Wu Long's Wuxiang Gong that Wu Long's request was met.

Angeli does not have the kind of helplessness and despair in the face of despair and the abyss, but can only be pushed forward by fate. In the end, she still walks into the abyss, compromises with the darkness, and indulges the complex emotional expression of madness.

Of course, only from the performance point of view, Angeli can do it without the influence of Wu Long Wuxiang Gong.

However, Wu Long felt that it was not enough.

This close-up is the highlight of the movie.This shows that the last bit of Irene's conscience has been wiped out.

Therefore, Wu Long used Wuxiang Gong to influence Angeli, let Angeli enter the play as Irene, and really experience that feeling.

In the court scene, when Shelby testified against Irene as a witness, Irene's eyes shed not only sadness, but also deep despair and anger towards the world.

So much so that at the end of the film, Irene looked back at the camera, her eyes were full of resentment towards this world and why!

After the movie wrapped, Angeli and the actor who played Shelby couldn't get out of the role for a long time.

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