Wu Long made a gesture of a blind person listening attentively, this gesture appeared during his live performance of Ke Zhen'e.

At this time, this action only takes a very short time, that is, when the three bat clansmen raised their knives.

Then, Wu Long took the first shot, jumped up and turned his body face down in the air, his whole body parallel to the ground, kicked the batman in front of him with a knife and slashed at his chest, and pushed his hands towards the cameraman and Dr. Cole. son.

The bat clansman who wanted to cut Wu Long was kicked by Wu Long and flew out, and the cameraman and Dr. Cole's son were pushed to the ground by Wu Long.

Just after they were pushed down, the Batman's knife slashed from where they had just stood.

Wu Long also landed on the ground. He put his hands on the ground and made a movement similar to Thomas' full rotation.This is a kind of sweeping legs. This move made the two bat clansmen not expect that they were directly kicked down by Wu Long sweeping legs.

At this time, the bat clansman kicked by Wu Long was getting up from the ground.

Wu Long didn't go there, he could no longer see, he stood there and listened attentively.The bat tribe who was kicked away by him was obviously angry, and rushed towards Wu Long again.

He raised the knife in his hand to chop Wu Long, but changed it to a stab halfway, and stabbed Wu Long directly at the heart.

Wu Long listened to the sound to identify his position, turned sideways to pass the saber, grabbed the arm of the bat clansman holding the saber with both hands, swiped up with one hand, and swiped down with the other.In the end, he grabbed the wrist of the batman's knife-holding arm with one hand, and his shoulder with the other, twisting and pulling with both hands at the same time.

Disjointed hands!

The bat clansman let out a strange cry, his arm drooped and he lost control.

At this time, the two bat clan members who were kicked down by Wu Long's sweeping legs had already stood up.Seeing his companion being hurt by Wu Long, one stabbed Wu Long with a knife, and the other stabbed Wu Long with a knife.

Wu Long first solved it with both hands and pushed the bat clansman who had been dismembered with one arm and flew away.Immediately afterwards, he dodged to pass the knife stabbed by the bat clansman, and stepped forward and slammed into the arms of the bat clansman.

This action allowed him to avoid the knife from the third bat clansman.

When Wu Long slammed into the arms of the second bat clansman, an elbow hit him in pain.He also grabbed his arm holding the knife, and also used his hand to disintegrate his muscles and bones, so that his right arm was temporarily crippled.

The third bat clansman slashed through the air, and immediately chased after Wu Long and slashed across the waist.

Wu Long pushed away the second bat clansman, squatted down and shrank himself, and the knife passed over his head.He turned to face the third bat clansman, and raised his hand to grab his knife-holding arm after he slashed across with the knife.

It is also a disjointed hand, temporarily crippling its knife-holding arm.It was a disjointed hand again, temporarily crippling his other arm.

In the same way, his feet were temporarily abolished.

After dealing with the third bat clansman, Wu Long turned around, came to the first bat clansman according to the sound, and temporarily abolished his other hand and both feet.

Then there is the second bat clansman, brewed in the same way.

After dealing with the three bat clansmen, Wu Long listened attentively and no longer felt that there were other people around him, so he said to the cameraman and Dr. Cole's son:

"Okay, these three people have been resolved. There is no one else around, so hurry up and find the tree of perception."

Dr. Cole's son couldn't see it, but the cameraman saw Wu Long's demeanor.He didn't immediately control the drone to find the tree, but exclaimed:

"My God, Long, your kung fu is amazing!"

"Also, are your eyes okay?"

Wu Long shook his head: "No good."

"No, your eyes must be good. You pretended to be blind to draw the bat people out, right?" the cameraman used his imagination.

"No. It's martial arts for me, it's called listening to the sound. As long as the other party makes a sound, I can know the other party's position from it."

"My God, I really can't believe that there is such a kung fu in the world. I want to learn kung fu from you, can you teach me?"

"Your task now is to find the tree of perception and cure everyone's eyes before the sun goes down, or before your eyes can't see!" Wu Long scolded the cameraman.

"Okay, I'll look for it right away." The cameraman re-controlled the drone to look for the perception tree.But he still couldn't help talking.

"Long, you pushed me down just now. I thought I would fall hard and get hurt. But when I landed, I didn't feel that heavy. It's really strange."

Dr. Cole's son also said: "Yes, I feel the same way. Even though I was pushed down, I didn't feel like I fell hard when I fell to the ground. Chinese Kung Fu is amazing."

"Long, if I find the tree of perception and heal your eyes, how about you teach me Chinese Kung Fu?" the cameraman asked.

"If you don't find the perception tree quickly, I'm afraid you won't be able to see the sun tomorrow." Wu Long said.

"Why? Are you going to kill me?" the cameraman asked.

"I don't need to do anything, the bat people will be happy to goug your eyes and take out your heart." Wu Long said coldly.

When the cameraman heard this, he didn't dare to speak anymore.Obviously, he also guessed that the three people in front of him were not the only ones of the Bat tribe.

Dr. Cole's son asked Wu Long: "Long, did you kill those three bat people just now?"

"I didn't kill them." Wu Long said, "I just immobilized their hands and feet temporarily."

Dr. Cole's son quickly persuaded Wu Long:

"Long, you are right. We and them are actually just a misunderstanding. If you don't kill them, the conflict has not escalated to the point of irreconcilability. As long as we heal our eyes and clarify the misunderstanding with them, neither side will be hurt."

Wu Long nodded. "That's what I mean too."

"I seem to have found the perception tree." The cameraman told Wu Long happily. "It should be the tree of perception. Dragon, let's go there together."

"It's faster for you to go alone." Wu Long asked the cameraman to go alone.With two blind people, the action will be much slower.

"But, what if we meet a bat tribe?" The cameraman didn't want to go alone.

Even if Wu Long couldn't see, he could still protect him.

"I guess the Bats will split into two teams, one to deal with us and the other to deal with the people on the boat. If you go to the tree of perception quickly, you may be able to come back and cure me before the other team of Bats comes to join us. Eye."

"But..." The cameraman still didn't dare.

"There is no completely safe way. Even if I follow you, if I meet the bat people again, I am afraid it will not be as easy to solve as before. Unless my eyes recover, so we enter this jungle, which means that we need to take risks."

"The more you hesitate, the longer the delay, the greater the danger."

"Okay, I'll go right away."

While the cameraman goes to the tree of perception, the story turns to the ship.Surveillance on the ship showed that a number of bat people entered the ship and searched for the people on board.

The people on the boat were all invisible at this time. They were hiding in the cabin, but they were still discovered by the bat tribe.

The bat people couldn't enter the cabin, the cabin was locked from the inside, and people outside couldn't open it.The bat clansman knocked on the cabin door with something, and the sound was so loud and loud that everyone inside was frightened.

Suddenly, the knocking ceased and a strange murmur sounded.

The doctor of biology suddenly put his ear against the bulkhead to listen to the sound outside, and then said in a panic:

"I seem to hear them discussing in the Common Aboriginal language that they are going to burn the ship."

If they did burn the ship, they might have been suffocated or smoked or roasted to death.Even if they survived by luck, and the boat was burned and unable to start, there is a high probability that they will not be able to get out of the rainforest.

How to do?

The host suddenly opened the hatch.

"What are you going to do?" the doctor asked him.

"The wild boar I killed, I will explain to them. After I go out, you lock the cabin door!" The host fumbled to open the door and then quickly closed the cabin door.

The others didn't know what to do, and no one went to lock the hatch.Because the locked hatch means that the host can't open the door quickly if he wants to come in.

After the host walked out of the hatch, he shouted loudly:

"Don't burn the boat!"

"This matter has nothing to do with them, it has nothing to do with others!"

"We have no malicious intentions here, we don't want to hurt you, and we don't want to take anything here!"

"We're just here to find someone, to find Dr. Cole!"

"We have no intention of offending you, nor your rules!"

"I killed the wild boar, no one else had anything to do with it. The wild boar was in the grass and I didn't know what it was. I heard movement and thought the wild boar was going to charge us. I was scared so I shot."

"I'm just subconsciously protecting myself, what's wrong with me?"

"Even if I'm wrong, it's my own fault and nothing to do with anyone else!"

"Now, I'm out. If you want to punish, punish me alone. Let others go, please. They are innocent, and I killed the wild boar!"

Two bat clansmen appeared at both ends of the passage, holding knives, and slowly walked towards the host.

Strange whispers came from their mouths, as if they were reading something.After approaching the host, one of the bat tribesmen stabbed the host with a knife in the abdomen.

Pulling out the knife, the host fell to the ground clutching his stomach.

The Bat Clan retreated backwards, and the boat returned to calm.

The hatch was opened, and the doctor and doctor of biology fumbled out, calling the host's name.

The host responded weakly and in pain, and the doctor and doctor of biology came and knelt down beside him.

"what happened to you?"

"I was stabbed by them."

"Where is the wound? Is it serious?" the doctor asked.

"In the abdomen, the wound is deep, I feel bad, maybe I will die."

The doctor groped the host's abdomen with both hands and checked the wound with his hands.

The doctor of biology said: "Those bat people seem to say that if you kill a wild boar, you will be punished by the rainforest. This knife is considered punishment. If the jungle thinks you are not guilty of death, you will not die. If the jungle thinks you Damn it, this knife will kill you."

The host scolded: "What bullshit rainforest punishment. Don't they eat meat? Even if they don't eat meat, animals are living things, but plants and fruits are not living things?"

The doctor of biology hurriedly stopped the host from continuing.

"Shh, don't say such things again. If they are still on the boat and come back to stab you after hearing your words, I'm afraid you really won't survive."

The host said angrily: "Can't you wish me well?"

"I'm going to get the first-aid kit. I can't see with my eyes, so I can only give you some simple treatment based on my feeling here, hoping to stop the bleeding temporarily. You talk less and conserve your energy."

The doctor fumbled to get the first aid kit, and gave the host a simple treatment on the spot based on his feeling.

The drone captured the cameraman approaching the tree of perception.In order to save power, he landed the drone.

"This tree should be the perception tree." The cameraman compared the tree in front of him with a picture. "Exactly as painted."

"The bulbous rhizome should be in the ground, I need to dig it out quickly."

He picked up the shovel and pushed the weeds under the tree, trying to dig the roots of the sensory tree.It turned out that there was a hole under the perception tree.

"Wait, you're not going to tell me that the bulbous rhizome is in this hole?"

"Shet, I swore I would never drill holes again!"

"I came up with an idea that I could tie a drone to a tree branch and stick it into the hole to take pictures. If there is a bulbous rhizome inside, I will go in again. If not, I don't have to."

"Haha, I'm such a smart and handsome boy!"

The cameraman found branches and tied the drone with rattan grass.Manually turn on the drone's flashlight and camera to shoot, and put the drone into the hole.

In the hole, it was found that there were bulbous stems growing on the roots.

"Xie Te, I really want to drill a hole." The cameraman took out the drone.

Sitting on the ground and talking to himself for a long time, he made up his mind to go into the hole to pick the bulbous rhizome.

Back to Wu Long, Wu Long asked the cameraman to cut open the bulbous rhizome with a knife, squeeze out the juice and drip it directly into the eyes of Dr. Cole's son.

About 10 minutes later, Dr. Cole's son's eyesight recovered.

"I'm ready!"

Wu Long asked the cameraman to squeeze the juice from the bulbous rhizome into his eyes.Dr. Cole's son's eyes are fine, and he is fine, which means that the bulbous rhizome is not poisonous, and it can really heal the eyes.After ensuring that it was safe and effective, Wu Long used it to treat his eyes.

Another 10 minutes passed, and Wu Long's eyes were healed.He looked at the three bat people on the ground. The faces of the three bat people were covered with thick white paint, and their expressions could not be seen.But the three of them were very stubborn, and they never cried out in pain or strangely.

"You are very tough, I admire you very much." Wu Long said to the three bat tribe members. "There was a misunderstanding between us, it was our fault that we entered your territory without permission."

"We have no malicious intentions, we are just here to find Dr. Cole. We will not take your things, nor will we damage this place."

"If you have seen this man, or have any news about him, please let us know. Of course, I will heal your hands and feet first."

After explaining to the bat tribe, Wu Long restored the muscles of their hands and feet and connected the dislocated sockets.Return their knives and give them back.

Then, he took out Dr. Cole's photo and asked them if they knew each other.

Of course, Wu Long can't speak their language. Dr. Cole's son can speak some indigenous languages ​​commonly used in the Amazon rainforest, so he can ask them.

The other party shook his head and said that Dr. Cole was not here.

In other words, Dr. Cole did come to the territory of the Bat tribe, but left, not in the territory of the Bat tribe.

The three returned to the boat and found the injured host.Dr. Cole's son hastened to mash the bulbous rhizome to extract the juice, which dripped into everyone's eyes.

The first drop is the doctor.As soon as his eyes recovered, he immediately re-examined the wound for the host.

"Fortunately, no vital organs were injured. I have to say, this is really a miracle!" The doctor sighed.

Clean up the wound again, apply medicine, and give the host anti-inflammatory and painkillers.

"It's best to go back and go to the hospital..."

"No!" The host shook his head: "This is a primitive rainforest. People in the tribe, or those villagers, if they are injured, they don't have such good conditions to go to the hospital. How many hospitals are here?"

"Since no vital organs were injured, there is no big problem."

The doctor persuaded: "However, the wound is very deep. If the inflammation inside does not stop, if you go to the hospital at that time, it is very likely that you will not arrive at that time."

"It depends on the situation. If the wound gets worse, return to the voyage." The host said a compromise. "The show and finding Dr. Cole are more important than my injury."

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