I'm not just an action star

Chapter 419 Blindness

When everyone was arguing, the ship mechanic suddenly shouted in panic: "I can't see!"

His words put the dispute on hold.

The doctor examined him and found that his eyes were red and swollen.

"It could be bat guano or a parasite causing a bacterial infection. There are hundreds of poisonous plants and insects here. It could also be poisoning or allergies. Have you touched or touched anything?"

The ship mechanic shook his head.

"How's the situation?" Wu Long asked the doctor.

The doctor shook his head: "Not very well, I gave him anti-inflammatory eye drops, but I feel it's best to go back to the ship."

The cameraman was originally not involved in the debate, whether to move on or return, he didn't care.Although facing the threat of the Bat Clan, he was afraid in his heart.However, curiosity made him want to move on.

But seeing the ship mechanic suddenly lose his sight at this time, his fear overwhelmed his curiosity.

"I also think it's best to leave. Maybe he's blind, and it's the bat people who did it." The cameraman said.

The host laughed and said:

"If it was done by the bat people, why is he the only one who is blind, and we are all fine? His eyes must be allergic to bat droppings, or he touched some poisonous plants with his hands and wiped his eyes, which would cause blindness in his eyes."

Wu Long said seriously:

"Stop arguing with me, retreat, and return to the bow!"

"Otherwise, I will disqualify you from using guns!"

"Don't try to resist, my fist is faster than your gun!"

The host and Dr. Cole's son knew that they couldn't beat Wu Long, so they had to pack their bags unwillingly and started to return.

Wu Long opened the way ahead, looking around nervously from time to time.He always felt that there was a pair of eyes hiding in the jungle, staring at them all the time.

"Long, do you feel that someone is watching us secretly?" The doctor also felt this way.

Biology Ph.D. also said: "I feel the same way."

He felt that the ship mechanic he was supporting was very nervous. Obviously the other party didn't say anything, and he must have a similar feeling.

"Have you? I haven't." Dr. Cole's son shook his head.

The cameraman said affirmatively: "Yes, it feels like it's all around us."

The host looked around nervously.

"I feel it, and I don't."

Suddenly, a strange sound came from the tree.



Everyone looked up at the surrounding trees, and the voice seemed to be calling around them.Not far away, the bushes swayed, drawing everyone's attention to that side.

The host was the closest, holding the camera in one hand, and subconsciously touched his waist with the other.

"Who! Who's there! Come out!"

The grass stopped shaking and made no sound.

Suddenly, in the opposite direction, the voice reappeared, and the grass shook.

"Who! If you don't come out again, I will shoot!" Dr. Cole's son shouted.

The sound disappeared again, and the grass stopped shaking.

Everyone stayed in place, watching their surroundings nervously.

Suddenly, strange noises sounded around them again.Sometimes it comes from the trees, sometimes from the grass.The voice kept changing direction and position, from far to near, giving people a feeling of inexplicable fear quickly encircling and approaching.

Everyone's heart was beating violently, and everyone's nerves were so tense that they were about to break.

The grass near the host suddenly swayed again, as if there was something there.And, strangely, the sound was also transferred there.

The host pulled out his waist pistol in fear and pulled the trigger directly into the grass.

"Bang bang bang!"

He fired several shots until the grass stopped shaking.

Everyone looked there nervously.The sound disappeared, and everyone dared not move.

"I'll go over and have a look, don't point the gun at me. Don't shoot, don't accidentally injure me!" Wu Long walked over cautiously after finishing speaking.

When he pushed aside the grass, he saw that it was a wild boar.

"It's a wild boar!" Wu Long told everyone.

In the TV screen, a wild boar is lying behind the grass.

"It turned out to be a wild boar. I thought it was a bat tribe." The host pretended to be brave.

The photographer suddenly said:

"According to the legend of the Amazon rainforest, we killed a creature that was harmless to us."

Dr. Cole's son lashed out at the photographer:

"You bullshit!"

"I'm not talking nonsense!" the photographer argued, "Amazon rainforest records, we are too selfish for the jungle. Bat people are judging us, just because you killed a wild boar, Bat people will definitely think we are not qualified. "

The moderator retorted:

"Stop scaring people with your bullshit legends, I'm not a child!"

"The doctor said, maybe it's an allergy to bat feces, maybe some poisonous plants or insects. This is the Amazon rainforest, and poisonous things are everywhere."

"Those legends were used to scare those who came to drill oil wells, cut down forests or fetch rubber. But we, no! We are just here to make documentaries and find people!"

"It was just an accident that I killed the wild boar. I thought the wild boar was going to rush to hurt us!"

"I was just defending myself!"

Suddenly, I heard the doctor say: "Long, I can't see either!"

When the doctor shouted, the host didn't dare to speak anymore.Everyone looked at the doctor, then at the host, or at Wu Long.

Obviously, everyone panicked.Looking at Wu Long is to let Wu Long make up his mind and stabilize everyone's hearts.

Wu Long said:

"Everyone, don't panic. The doctor checked him just now, maybe he was infected. This kind of blindness may be contagious."

"If it's the Bat Clan's revenge, it's him who should be blind at this time." Wu Long pointed to the host.

The host wanted to say don't point at me, but he didn't dare to say it, he was afraid of causing public outrage.

"Go back to the boat immediately!"

Without Wu Long's instructions, everyone wants to leave this ghost place quickly.

Finally returned to the boat, and sailed away from the river bank, stopped in the middle of the river.Don't let possible Bat clansmen get on board easily.

"Even if they are quarantined now, I'm afraid it's too late. It's best to go to the hospital as soon as possible, and everyone will have a checkup," the doctor said.

Wu Long asked other people separately, and everyone said that his eyes were fine.The doctor of biology said that his eyes were a little itchy, and he might be infected.

"Use the radio to make an emergency call." Wu Long ordered immediately. "Hurry up and find Dr. Cole's clues to see if there is a cure for blindness in the eyes."

Since there is a possibility of infection, it is necessary to consider the possibility that the entire ship may go blind at any time.If that is the case, it is impossible to sail back to seek medical treatment at all.Only to stop in place and wait for rescue, at least the coordinates of the ship can be reported at this time.

Wu Long asked the cameraman again, in the legend of the Amazon rainforest, is there anything about the bat people poisoning and blinding others, and is there anything that can be cured.

The cameraman shook his head and said no.

Ask Dr. Cole's son again, and the other party also said that he has never heard his father talk about it.

The most hopeful possibility now is to find clues from Dr. Cole's video or notes.

The host checked the video, others watched Dr. Cole's notes, and Wu Long was in charge of patrolling the entire ship, alerting to the arrival of the Bats.

Maybe blindness has nothing to do with Batfolk, but there's nothing wrong with being cautious.

The call for help was not heard, the signal in the rainforest was very poor, and the signal in Boyunari was even worse.

Soon, the host's eyes also went blind.

The situation is developing in a worse direction, and everyone becomes more panicked.

In order to calm everyone's hearts, Wu Long comforted:

"Everyone, don't panic. The law of nature is mutual generation and mutual restraint. Where there is yin, there is yang, and if there is poison, there will be medicine to cure poison. All things balance each other according to this law. This principle is true in our east, and it is also true here."

"As long as we can find out the cause, we can quickly find a way!"

He flipped through Dr. Cole's diary together.Fortunately, he found a record.

"Maybe I've found it."

"Look here, Dr. Cole said that some indigenous tribes will paint the darts with the dried seeds of the blinding tree. When hunting, the prey will be blinded once the dart is hit, which makes hunting easier."

"He recorded a plant here, which is a bulbous rhizome that grows under the tree of perception. Using the juice of this plant, you can neutralize the acidity of the dry seeds, thereby achieving the purpose of curing blindness."

The host immediately said:

"Great, we're going to find the tree of perception."

"But where do we go to find the perception tree? Dr. Cole only drew the appearance of the perception tree, but did not explain where it grows and where to look for it."

The doctor of biology looked at the picture drawn by Dr. Cole and said:

"I know this kind of tree, they grow at 750 meters above sea level. But, only if this method really works, we are indeed blinded by dry seeds."

Wu Long asked the doctor, "Are you sure?"

The doctor shook his head: "I can't be sure." Without testing methods, the doctor was also blind.

"At an altitude of 750 meters, you have to go deep into the jungle to find it, and you have to walk for half a day." Doctor of Biology found it difficult.

"I'll go with you, let's go now!" Wu Long decided immediately. "Bring the drone, it's easy to find!"

Dr. Cole's son said, "I'll go too. Everyone is looking for my father, and I'm responsible for this."

"But if the bat people are waiting for us in the jungle, it's very dangerous!" the cameraman said.

Wu Long asked back: "Is there any other way for us? No one answered the call for help. If we wait any longer, it is very likely that everyone will lose their eyesight. If the bat tribe appears at that time, we will be lambs to be slaughtered."

Suddenly, an abnormal sound came from outside the ship.

"It's the bat people coming!" the cameraman yelled in panic.

"I'll go and have a look. Be careful to stay together." Wu Long went out and found the cameraman following behind with a camera on his shoulder.

"What are you doing out here?" Wu Long was curious, and the cameraman must have been terrified.

"My job is to shoot, to get the money, to do the job."

"Aren't you afraid in your heart?"

"Afraid to work too."

Wu Long didn't say anything anymore, and took the cameraman to patrol the ship, but found nothing unusual.

"No abnormality, let's set off quickly." Wu Long packed his things.

The doctor of biology shook his head: "I can't go, and I can't see."

Wu Long looked suspiciously at the doctor of biology, and from his expression, it seemed to be true.

He said to Dr. Cole's son: "The two of us go, go back quickly."

The cameraman said: "I'll go too, I'm in charge of filming, maybe I can help."

Wu Long agreed.

After the three left in a kayak, the camera on the boat captured the Bat tribe boarding the boat.A pale hand climbed onto the boat, and a head painted white appeared in the camera.

Wu Long took Dr. Cole's son and the cameraman forward in the jungle.

As they walked, Dr. Cole's son stopped.

"I can't see."

"What?" The cameraman looked around in horror. "You said you couldn't see it at this time?"

"It's okay, I'll take you away." Wu Long followed Dr. Cole's son forward.

Originally, Dr. Cole's son was expected to lead the way, and he might be able to find the tree of perception sooner.After all, Dr. Cole's son has been to the rainforest and knows more than Wu Long.

Who would have thought...

"I can't see either." Wu Long stopped. "It's up to you."

"What?" The cameraman felt too unreliable. He actually gave him such a heavy responsibility to a cameraman who only knew legends and nothing else. "But I don't recognize the tree of perception at all."

"My father has drawn images, and you can find them by looking for them." Dr. Cole's son hurriedly explained that he was afraid that the cameraman would not look for the tree of perception.

"Well, I can only gamble on luck." The cameraman sighed. "I think it's time to search with drones."

I originally thought that joining such a crew would not only gain fame, but also explore adventures, which would be a good job.Now it seems that there really is not such a good thing left for him in the world.

The cameraman set up the camera on a tree and filmed them.Fly the drone yourself.

"Dragon, if you can't see, how can you protect me! The bat people come to kill me, what should I do?"

"Don't worry, it's best if they come, but if they don't come, or attack from a distance, that's the trouble." Wu Long said.

"What do you mean? Come on, it's better?" The cameraman felt that his IQ was not enough.

"If they don't show up, we've been worried. If they come, I still have ears, and I can hear their position and counterattack unexpectedly. Beat them down, and you can go to the perception tree with peace of mind."

"It makes sense."

The cameraman remotely controlled the drone to fly forward, and suddenly heard Wu Long say:

"I heard movement around me, as if someone was approaching us."

The cameraman quickly observed the surrounding situation, his face changed drastically.

"Dragon, there are three weirdos, maybe they are the bat people." The cameraman's voice was trembling. "They were coming towards us and surrounding us."

"You two stand behind me back to back, and I will protect you." After Wu Long finished speaking, he neither drew his gun nor took his knife.

"Don't you use a gun?" The cameraman and Dr. Cole's son back to back.

"I'm afraid of hurting you by mistake."

Wu Long didn't want to make enemies with the bat clan.There is no mortal grievance between them. Wu Long hopes that everyone can negotiate peacefully.

"Is it okay to use a knife?"

"I'm afraid that if you move around, I will accidentally injure you with a knife."

"But, they have knives." The cameraman saw the bat tribe.

In the footage captured by the camera on the tree, three strange men appeared.These three people were covered with dry white powder or white things all over their bodies. Their faces, nostrils, and mouths were like holes, and they held machetes in their hands. They looked very scary like zombies.

"How many people are there?" Wu Long asked the cameraman.

"There are three people. One is directly in front of you, and the remaining two are directly in front of us."

"Understood, you must not move. If you move, I will accidentally hurt you. If you don't move, you are like dead objects in my world, and will not interfere with my movements and moves."

"Okay, we won't move." The two agreed.

The bat people approached slowly, and slowly circled around the three of Wu Long, making movements with their hands, as if they were about to attack, but retracted halfway.

Obviously, they are confirming whether the son of Wu Long and Dr. Cole is really blind.

After confirming, the three bat clan members looked at each other and nodded.

Suddenly, the three bat tribe members raised their knives and slashed at Wu Long and the others.

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