I'm not just an action star

Chapter 418 The Eye of "The River"

Biza Ross's car stunt was a hit because of the last one.It perfectly replicates the car stunts in Wu Long's movies, bringing the car stunts to an unprecedented peak.

A difficult car stunt can only be done by one person, and the effect and effect are not big enough.

Even if Wu Long can make it, there is only a video released.People in the crew watched it at the time, but others didn't, and couldn't prove to everyone that it was true.

Now Ross does it and proves that this car stunt is real.

Just like the gun fighting technique being used by others, it can really destroy a force by one person.

The impact of this formation is great.

Because Rose's car stunt is a tour, and the tour will not end, there will be no video.

There are only written reports, as well as publicity from the audience.

Driven by this enthusiasm, the unsold tickets for the Ross Car Stunt Show sold out quickly.

The gun fighting technique has been realized, that is.

Car stunts were pulled off, that is.

Of course, some people regret that what should be realized most is the rounded bullet.

So, shouldn't it be realized by others?

Go on an adventure in the Amazon rainforest in search of giant vampire bats and...

The big otter is a protected animal, what a pity.

But maybe Dr. Cole can be found, or something else!

Wu Long really didn't expect that Ross could replicate this car stunt.It's not surprising that he can do it.Ross, a top car stuntman, has been trained to do it too.

As long as everything is established on a normal and reasonable basis, someone should be able to do it.

Don't underestimate the talents of this world.

Under such heat, the third episode started broadcasting.

This episode is about the bat people.

Following the clues left by Dr. Cole, they came to a cave.

Dr. Cole once took pictures at the mouth of this cave. Around the mouth of the cave, there are countless aerial roots and vines of trees hanging down.

When everyone came to the cave, they found an eye mark on the mountain wall.

"What does this eye pattern mean?" the host asked curiously.

Dr. Cole's son recalled his father's story, saying:

"This should be the mark of the bat people."

"Bat tribe? Is it the big vampire bat we met?" the host asked.

The cameraman answered first:

"I know this. I saw this mark just now, and I said I had an impression. I remembered it when I heard the bat tribe."

"In the legend of the Amazon rainforest, the Bats are a brave and skilled Amazon tribe. They are also known as the 'guardians of the forest'."

"People use the story of the Bat people to scare selfish children and those who kill jungle animals and plants indiscriminately, telling them that the Bat people have been spying in the jungle on everyone who enters the jungle, which child is disobedient, or who enters the jungle and kills indiscriminately. Creatures, the Batfolk will gouge out their eyes."

Stories to scare children can be found everywhere.

When he heard that he was going to go into the cave to find clues to Dr. Cole, the cameraman didn't go in.

In this episode, Wulong didn't change the original too much.The setting follows the setting of the original version, using a fictitious primitive tribe of bat people.

Still the same as the original plot, the cameraman did not go into the cave with everyone to explore.The reason is that the cameraman experienced a psychological shadow once, and vowed never to go into the hole in the future.

In the lens, the surroundings are pitch black.Only the light from the torch and the camera flickered in the dark.The air in the cave was not good, and everyone was breathing heavily.

"Daddy!" Dr. Cole's son shouted loudly, and the voice echoed in the cave and spread far away.

However, no one heard any response.

Proceed carefully all the way, there are tree roots hanging from the roof of the cave from time to time.

This film, Adventure in the Dark Cave, is a horror thriller genre.Such a thriller horror film gives people a feeling of claustrophobic horror.

Because the cave is a special enclosed space, there is no too open space around it, which will give people a feeling of depression.Coupled with the subconscious instinctive fear brought by the darkness, audiences watching such a plot will feel worried and emotional.

At this moment, lights and cameras were suddenly shown on a corpse.

"Ah!" On the TV, the host who was in charge of filming screamed in fright.

At the same time, it also shocked some viewers in front of the TV.

"Omega!" The doctor of biology also exclaimed after seeing it.

After Dr. Cole's son took a look, he turned his head away.

"My God, no!"

"Maybe it's not him." The host comforted.He was just scared when he saw the corpse suddenly, and he was not afraid of the game itself.

The doctor also said, "Don't be him."

Wu Long covered his mouth and nose, bent down to check.He found a document and flipped through it under the light of the flashlight.

"Not Dr. Cole."

Wu Long's words made everyone feel at ease.Dr. Cole's son dared to look back.

He heard Wu Long examine the corpse and say:

"His guts were gouged out, his eyes and heart were also taken out."

The doctor said with a little anger: "Who is so cruel to do such a thing to him?"

Dr. Cole's son replied, "Maybe a Batman."

The screen shifts to the cameraman outside the cave.A videographer is setting up a camera and shooting from several different angles.

Suddenly, the bushes facing away from the cameraman made noises and shook as if something was passing by.

Because the cameraman is installing the camera, in the shot, the front and close-up views are the cameraman's big head, and the long-range view is the grass behind the cameraman.

The screen returns to the cave.

"How deep is this hole?" the doctor couldn't help asking.

Suddenly, a faint and strange sound came from the cave.

"Shhh, are you listening?"

"There seems to be a voice inside?"

"Did you hear that?"

"heard it."

Everyone stopped, stopped talking, and listened quietly to the sound together.

The sound was very strange, like someone was screaming, or someone was calling.

Dr. Cole's son suddenly called out: "Dad! Is that you?"


The sound ahead suddenly stopped.

Dr. Cole's son was in a hurry and ran forward immediately.

"Dad, here I come!"

"hold onto!"

Everyone followed Dr. Cole's son to the cave.

Dark caves, dark fronts, cave walls, tree roots, flickering flashlights.

Suddenly, with a snap, Dr. Cole's son fell to the ground.

Wu Long hurried over to help him up.

The strange sound sounded again, as if someone was whispering in the ear.

"Hush!" Wu Long signaled everyone to keep quiet.

The sound disappeared again.

"Right here!" said Dr. Cole's son.

Wu Long said: "You look up."

Everyone looked up, and there seemed to be a little bit of starlight above their heads.

"So beautiful!"

"Like a starry sky!"

"Is this the top of the cave?"

"It's not like the starry sky in the sky."

"Very close, very psychedelic feeling."

The doctor said, "It's too dark to see anything clearly."

"The hole got bigger!" said the Ph.D. in Biology.

The host said, "Let's turn on the headlights and have a look."

The light shines on the top of the head in a large area. In the light, black shadows hang upside down on the ceiling of the cave, and a pair of bright lights shine on each black shadow.

"Not good! It's a bat!" Wu Long exclaimed.

"Shet!" the host called.

The bats, disturbed by the light, flew around and bumped into the people in the cave at the same time.

Everyone screamed and ran out of the cave.

As everyone ran out of the cave, many bats flew out.Dr. Cole's son fell out of the hole because he ran too fast, and rolled on the ground a few times.

"Fortunately, it's not a vampire bat." Wu Long said, "Is anyone injured?"


Dr. Cole's son got up from the ground, checked himself, shook his head and said, "I'm not injured."

Everyone found the cameraman sitting on the ground over there, with his head down, as if something happened.They came out, and he didn't come either.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"what happened to you?"

The host and Wu Long went over to ask the cameraman, and Dr. Cole's son pushed the cameraman over to see how he was doing.

As a result, the cameraman raised his head, but couldn't help laughing happily.


"What's the matter, what's so funny?" Dr. Cole's son frowned.

"You're covered in bat shit," the cameraman said with a smile.

"Is it funny?"

"What a bastard!"

Everyone scolds the cameraman.

Camping at night, Wu Long threw the cameraman's luggage far away.

"Fake, what are you doing!" the cameraman scolded Wu Long.

Everyone also looked at Wu Long, wondering why Wu Long did this suddenly.

"Everyone is in a mess today, but you laughed at everyone in that situation. Let me ask you, are you still part of the team?"

"In case we find something bad in the cave, or if we have any accidents, don't you think it's funny?"

"We are a team, and it is even more important to be a team in the wild. You have broken everyone's hearts by doing this. Let me ask you, who will trust you? Entrust your own safety to you?"

Faced with the questioning, the master could not refute.

"Sorry, I apologize to everyone," the cameraman said.

"Apology is necessary, but punishment is also necessary. To regain everyone's approval, you need to accept punishment. I am not targeting you alone. I will treat anyone who makes such a mistake like this."

"Okay, I accept the punishment." The cameraman obediently went to find his backpack and set up a tent in another place.

At night, everyone falls asleep.

The cameras installed caught something unusual.There are strange-looking strangers who sneak into their camp and walk around in the camp.None of Wu Long and the others were alert, and no one woke up to find anything unusual.

The next morning, everyone was still fast asleep.

The cameraman came over with a camera to shoot and found a horrifying situation.

Around each tent, a circle was drawn with white powder, and an eye symbol was drawn at the position where the door of the tent opened.

In addition to the eye symbol, there is also a sacrificial plate made of fallen leaves, surrounded by broken branches to form a triangle.There are stones in the triangle, and a small skull of an unknown animal.Next to it, a bracket was built with branches, and the bones of an unknown animal were tied to it.

The whole camp gave off an extremely eerie atmosphere.

The cameraman's voice changed, and he gasped and shouted:

"Guys, you better get up now!"

"Hey, get up, everyone!"

"Things are not good!"

"Hey, are you all right!"

"Get up quickly!"

"Dragon, you are a kung fu dragon, get up!"

"Long, get up, I need you!"

The picture on the TV is the lens of the cameraman. His video camera took pictures of all the tents in the camp, and everyone lay motionless in the tent.

It feels like something happened to everyone!

That's why the cameraman's voice changed in fright.

At this moment, he was a little thankful in his heart that he did not camp with everyone.Otherwise he would have been lying motionless in the tent like everyone else.

Just when the cameraman was about to collapse, everyone moved.

Wu Long was the first to come out of the tent, and his expression suddenly changed when he saw the scene on the ground.

"What's going on?" he asked.

The others also got out of the tent, stunned by what they saw.

"My God, what happened!"


"What's going on here?"

"Someone has been to our place!"

"Where is the night watch?" Wu Long asked: "After me last night, which one of you fell asleep on watch?"

Everyone else felt ashamed and blamed themselves.

"I'm asleep."

"Sorry, I couldn't get up."

"I couldn't get up either."

Because of the anti-mosquito, you don’t have to be by the fire at night, or you can be in the tent.

"Someone did it while we were asleep."

"Is this symbol the symbol of the bat people?"

Dr. Cole's son nodded: "It's a bat tribe." Because of the panic just now, he didn't react.

The cameraman pats himself on the head.

"I remembered, there are legends about the Amazon rainforest. This means that this is their territory, and they are monitoring us and examining us all."

"Inspect us for what?"

"See if we're worth letting go?"

The cameraman continued: "What the bat people mean is that only those who are entitled to see the jungle can see the jungle."

The host shook his head: "Sorry, I don't quite understand, I don't understand these bat people at all."

Dr. Cole's son said: "It means that if we are not qualified, we will have our eyes and internal organs gouged out like the man in the cave."

"Everyone pack your luggage, let's go back to the ship." Wu Long made a decision.

The host disagreed: "Wait, we plan to move on to find Dr. Cole."

Dr. Cole's son also said: "Don't go back, keep looking for my father."

"We have been warned by the tribes on this territory that we will withdraw from their territory. This is also a kind of respect for them." Wu Long explained.

"Dragon, you are too cowardly." The host said: "We are just here to find people, not to do bad things. If the bat people want to do something, we can explain it to them."

"We can't give up halfway, Wu Long." Dr. Cole's son also advised Wu Long.

Wu Long shook his head: "No, I am the master, and you have to listen to me."

Dr. Cole's son said angrily: "Wu Long, we didn't invite you here to make you afraid of this or that. You can't do this, and you don't dare to do that. How can you find my father? Why come here?"

"Dragon. What if Dr. Cole was arrested by the Bats because he broke into the territory of the Bats? Didn't we miss saving Dr. Cole by retreating?" The host continued to persuade Wu Long.

Wu Long still disagreed.

"Since it is said that the bat people will goug out eyes and internal organs, then there is no capture alive. If they are captured alive but not killed, then the bat people will release them themselves, and we don't need to rescue them. If we don't let people go, we can't save them. .”

The host and Dr. Cole's son said at the same time: "We have guns!"

Dr. Cole's son draws his gun. "For my father, I will shoot if necessary!"

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