I'm not just an action star

Chapter 417 Perfect Copy

Falling in love with you, I'm not just an action superstar

While the host exclaimed, the photographer also exclaimed:

"Omega! You'll kill him!"

Others, including the doctor, were also surprised that Wu Long would take the risk of shooting.

However, while the doctor was surprised, like Wu Long, he felt a light hand, and Dr. Cole's son was pulled up by them.

A black object also floated out of the water, and blood spilled from it.

"Pull him up!"

Wu Long let go of Dr. Cole's son to catch the black object that surfaced.

Back to the shore together, Wu Long threw the black object in his hand on the ground.

"That's what drags people down."

"What is this?" asked the doctor. "Visually, the head and tail are two meters long."

The doctor of biology squatted down to examine.

"This is a giant otter. It is a unique animal in the Amazon rainforest. It belongs to a completely different species from ordinary otters. It can be up to two meters in length and lives in groups."

Hearing the herd animals, everyone nervously looked around.

"I judged that there was only this one big otter just now, and there were no others."

The Ph.D. in Biology stood up.

"This is very strange. A lone big otter is also sneaking up on humans. It stands to reason that big otters are very smart and have a gentle temperament, so they shouldn't actively attack humans."

The doctor said:

"Gentle-tempered? I don't think so. Long, I think it's better to get out of here and go back to the boat."

"Well. Go back right away!"

Along the way, they counted and walked through the jungle, and finally returned to the boat safely without any accidents on the way.

After returning to the ship, the doctor treated Dr. Cole's son's wound again.

After the second episode, discussions started on the Internet.

"The murderer must not be the big otter!"

"It was the ghost who possessed the giant otter and tried to drag Dr. Cole's son into the water and drown him."

"Dr. Cole's son took the ghost's toy and did not apologize sincerely, which is why this happened."

"Maybe they each leave a gift and it'll be all right."

"Even if Dr. Cole's son doesn't take the teddy bear, as long as they don't leave gifts behind, they will definitely meet the big otter."

"This big otter is really strong, it can drag a person so far, and the speed is so fast."

"You say that the gun fighting technique is real, and the big otter is also true? Could it be that the big otter is really possessed by a ghost, and there is such a thing in the world?"

Some people talked about the big otter, while others talked about Wu Long's marksmanship.

"The TV was too messy. Under the circumstances, Wu Long dared to shoot at the water under the body of Dr. Cole's son. It was dark and he couldn't see clearly, and Dr. Cole's son was struggling in the water again. It was a little bit of luck." Almost, the bullet will hit Dr. Cole's son. Will Wu Long take the responsibility for injuring and killing Dr. Cole's son?"

"Brother Long's marksmanship is very accurate. He can create a spear fighting technique, and it is impossible to accidentally injure him."

"That's a TV show, it was filmed. In reality, it's impossible to shoot. If you shoot like Wu Long, you will definitely hit the foot of Dr. Cole's son underwater."

Fox also asked Wu Long if it was possible to shoot in reality, and if shooting would accidentally injure someone.

At that time, the underwater situation could not be seen clearly at night.In fact, even in the daytime, the water in the Amazon River is not clear, and it is impossible to see the underwater scene clearly.

Therefore, Fox believes that in reality, it is easy to cause accidental injury.

"This is actually gun fighting. According to the state of Dr. Cole's son on the water, calculate his state in the water. Then use the water waves to judge where Dr. Cole's son's feet are and from which angle to shoot. will injure him."

"At the same time, it is necessary to calculate the position of the giant otter under the circumstances at that time."

Gun fighting requires calculation, and there are many calculation formulas.Calculate different situations, how to shoot.These, Fox has not learned.

Although Fox hasn't learned yet, Fox is already very strong now.Being able to deal with a faction by one person like in the movie is equivalent to the king of special forces in the movie, overthrowing an army by one person.

Fox felt that he had been sublimated in this battle, and his realm had been raised to an indescribable level.

For him, gun fighting is a kind of divine art, which can turn him into a god.

While practicing gun fighting, he also practiced martial arts fighting with Wu Long.Therefore, when entering Frank Hill alone, ground skills are often used to deal with the enemy.

In this kind of fighting, one's own height is reduced, which makes the opponents not used to it for a while and needs to adjust.This extremely short-term adjustment slowed down the speed of the opponents and also allowed Fox to gain time.

Several ex-soldiers who followed Wu Long to Amazon to make a movie also got together to drink and chat after watching the second episode of "The River".

They met Wu Long through Jin Sha's introduction.

Wu Long wants to make a movie, and he doesn't want to find actors to play special forces.He felt that actors could not play the aura of special forces.Through Jinsha, Wu Long found a trustworthy comrade-in-arms who Jinsha had worked with.

However, these people did not participate in the filming of "John Wick".

Their meeting was because of watching the second episode of "The River" and because of the Frank incident.

While going to Amazon together, they don't make the same movie as TV "The River."They follow the whole process of shooting, which is equivalent to carrying out field protection, and they charge a fee.

"To be honest, when I watched Wu Long shoot this episode and saw Wu Long shooting into the river, I laughed at the fakeness in my heart."

"I also think it's too fake. Standing on the river, you can't see the situation underwater at all. How can you shoot? Are you not afraid of accidentally hurting people?"

"Same. We've all been in war, we've been on real battlefields, we know what it's like to shoot a gun, what it's like to hit a target. When I was watching Wu Long filming, I just wanted to be in this situation. Grasp the shot."

"To be honest, I was dumbfounded when the Frank incident came out."

"I thought it was a fabrication. I didn't know it was true until I asked someone. The Fubiai Investigation Bureau intervened, but there were no clues."

"It's really gun fighting. In fact, when I was alone with Wu Long, I asked him if gun fighting is real, and if he can teach me. He told me it was a movie, and I believed it at the time."

"So, the gun fighting technique is real, Wu Long shoots into the water, he should be able to do it in reality, right?"

"When we competed with Wu Long on the shooting range before, I was still not convinced. Now that the Frank incident came out, I am convinced. Wu Long's marksmanship is really amazing."

"So, is it possible that the movies we made and the TV series made by Wu Long are also true?"

"Nonsense. We all participated in filming. We all know it's fake, how could it be true."

"The big vampire bat is fake, it's just a prop. The big otter is also fake, it's also a prop. The big otter was hunted too much because of its fur, and it's now included in the list of protected animals. It's impossible to make a real movie. So , those were just TV movies."

"Yes, those were props when we made the movie. But how do you know that Wu Long never went to Amazon or Boyuna before making the movie?"

With that said, everyone fell silent.While silent, he subconsciously picked up the wine and drank it.

"Before I competed with Wu Long, I never thought that anyone's marksmanship could be more accurate, faster or better than mine. However, I lost to him."

"So, after filming Wu Long's movie, I plan to go to Boyuna. Which of you would like to go with me?"

"Hey, you don't think Wu Long is a prophet, do you?"


Wu Long received an invitation from Biza Ross. Ross' car stunt tour is about to start, and the first stop will be in Los Angeles.

It should have been notified in advance, but Wu Long went to Amazon to film at that time.

Wu Long readily agreed to Rose's invitation.

Ross was able to invite him not only because of his outstanding driving skills, but also because he recognized him as a friend.Having such a friend in the film and television industry is of great help to filming.

It is impossible for Wu Long to perform all the car chase scenes by himself, and there must always be a car stunt team to do these stunts.

Angeli also received the invitation, and Wu Long drove to pick her up with her.

"Long, when is the filming of "The Devil Head" confirmed? I can arrange a schedule."

"I'll shoot "The Plague of the Python" after finishing it. I'm already making preparations. This film is easy to shoot and can be finished in about a month."

"Great, I thought you were going back to film, and then come back to film "Devil Head." Angeli suddenly realized after she finished speaking. "Wait, what did you just say? This movie is easy to shoot, and it can be finished in about a month?"

"My God, Dragon. How about we be serious? You told me that this is a film I might win. I need to look ugly for it. Such an important film, you alone The filming was finished within a month, which makes people sound, why does it feel unreliable?"

"The film that wins the award is the test of acting skills, not the investment of the film, whether the production cost is high or not, and whether the shooting cycle is strong or not. What you should ask is, can your acting skills pass the test? Can you win the award for yourself? ?”

"Long, I listened to what you said. I went to the side of the highway to chat with those workers with the surname surname and observe them. I also went to the prison to experience life. I went to the court to attend the trial. For this drama, I integrated my life into it .You don't know how hard I try."

"Yes, I know how hard you work. So, I am a double-awarded best director, best actor, and best screenwriter. Why can't I make a film for you to win an award? I am very confident, you Why not be more confident?"

"Of course you can make a movie that won me an award. I didn't deny it. It's just that you said that it only takes one month to finish the movie. Not to mention me, others don't really believe that a movie made like this can win an award." Bar?"

"What's so strange? When I filmed "Sweet Honey", it didn't take long. Didn't I also win the award? Although I couldn't win the Golden Hill Award and the Hosca, the Golden Fragrance Award is also in Asia. A very high award."

"Okay, you won. I'm not doubting you, I'm really just worried that I won't play well."

Wu Long and An Jili came to the VIP seats.Rose heard that they had arrived, so he came over to say hello.

"Dragon! Thank you for coming. It is my honor to have you here."

"It should be my honor to be invited by you."

The two men flattered each other first, causing Angeli to shake her head.

Ross took Wu Long to meet people in the circle, as well as Ross's friends and others.

Many people came to the scene, many car stunt enthusiasts, and many car lovers who like racing cars.

After a simple opening ceremony, the car stunt show began.

The first to start is ordinary car stunts, such as high-speed S-turning, drifting, sideways unilateral two-wheel driving, car overflying and other stunts.

In many performances, Rose didn't make a move, but his team was doing the performances.

After the regular car stunts comes the most exciting stunts and the highlight of this car stunt show.

A smaller man ran out.The clothes on this man gave everyone a familiar feeling.

A red sports car drove towards the man straight, as if hitting him.

"God, what are you going to do?"

"What kind of stunt is this?"

Although everyone knows that this is a car stunt show, but such a show is too thrilling, which makes people very worried.

At the same time, everyone does not know what the content of the performance is.

Seeing that the red sports car was about to hit the man in the middle, the door of the co-driver's seat of the sports car opened, and the screeching sound of brakes sounded, and the red sports car began to spin and drift.

Very familiar scene!



Almost everyone stood up, as if their memories were instantly ignited.

In "League of Assassins", Angeli drives a red sports car towards Wu Long, and uses rotational drift to put Wu Long into the passenger seat of the sports car to prevent Wu Long from being hit by an oncoming truck.

Right now, at this moment, Biza Rose is performing this scene in the movie!

Extremely dangerous!

Extremely exciting!

As long as there is a slight mistake, that man may be seriously injured or even die!

Everyone knows that Wu Long didn't really do this when shooting movies, but used special editing to create visual effects through special shooting.Special effects are used, film magic is used, and it is shot.

However, Biza Ross wants to show it to everyone in reality!

There was once a video on the Internet in which Wu Long used a sports car to put Angeli into the co-pilot seat of the sports car.However, many people believe that the video is fake.Just like in the movies, they are all made and edited through special effects.

Even though Ross and his team, as well as the crew at the time, confirmed the authenticity of the video, many people did not believe it and questioned it.

Now, Rose performed in front of the crowd!

He wants to help Wu Long prove that this is true and can be done!

But will he succeed?

Even Wu Long stood up to watch, worried about Ross's performance.

The man standing in the middle, imitating Wesley's appearance in the movie, bent his body slightly and hugged his head.The clothes he was wearing were exactly the clothes Wesley wore in the movie.

The red sports car rotates and drifts laterally, accurately putting people into the co-pilot seat of the sports car.And close the door, continue to open forward.

Afterwards, the red sports car circled the field. Amid the applause of everyone, the sports car stopped. Ross and the men participating in the performance got out of the car and bowed to all the audience.

Applause, more enthusiastic!

Countless people shouted Rose's name.

Rose took the microphone and said:

"Thank you for coming to watch my performance. This stunt comes from the great car stuntman Wu Long, also known as Kung Fu Dragon, Best Director Dragon, and Best Actor Dragon."

The last few words of the joke made everyone laugh.

"Dragon, I copied your stunt. I didn't tell you, I just wanted to give you a surprise. This is your patent, and I will pay you the patent fee later. I hope you can agree and don't sue me for unauthorized use."

Everyone laughed again.

Someone handed Wu Long a microphone, and Wu Long took it.

"Although I discovered this car stunt. However, I authorize all car stunt enthusiasts to use it for free!"

"However, to be honest. Is there any copyright for car stunts? I really don't know much about it."

Everyone laughed.

"Also, I want to say to your assistant, hey, you are awesome, you are so brave. In the face of an oncoming sports car, few people can keep calm and not panic or soft-footed."

When Wu Long said this, An Jili next to her motioned for her to say a few words, and Wu Long gave her the microphone.

Angeli took the microphone and said:

"Everyone should have seen the video on the Internet. Long once drove towards me in a red sports car. Do you know? My feet are still soft, and I need Wu Long to support me to walk."

Everyone laughed.

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