I'm not just an action star

Chapter 416 Night in the Rainforest

Falling in love with you, I'm not just an action superstar

Dr. Cole's son was the last to go.He's been looking at his once-bear teddy bear tied to a tree.

Everyone knew that he was missing his father, so they didn't call him, leaving him a space to be alone.

Dr. Cole's son walked to the tree, reached out to untie the teddy bear, and watched carefully.

The host called him from a distance, and he responded: "I'll come."

He stuffed the teddy bear into a backpack and went after the others.

Wu Long quickly found a place to camp.In the wild, it's actually best to live in trees.Or build a shelf like a hammock between trees and rest off the ground.

This can not only prevent poisonous snakes and insects, but also prevent wild animals from rushing into the camp.

Of course, there are also beasts like leopards on the trees.But compared to the ground, the danger is much less.

But it is too late now.Besides, with so many people, it is difficult to build such a resting place off the ground.

Fortunately, everyone has a camping tent, and if you zip it up, you don't have to worry about poisonous insects and snakes getting in.

In addition to tents, each tent is also equipped with lights.The host asked the photographer to install cameras around the camp. If something unexpected happens, the camera can be used to know what happened afterwards.

A fire was lit in the center of the camp, and everyone gathered around the fire to eat.Afterwards, someone was chatting, and Wu Long was patrolling nearby.

Dr. Cole's son took out the teddy bear and looked at it again by the light of the fire.

"Did you bring the teddy bear?" the photographer asked in surprise.

Dr. Cole's son nodded. "yes."

"How can you mess with the gifts on the ghost tree! Aren't you afraid of being cursed and retribution?" The photographer remembered the legend of the Amazon rainforest he had read.

"It's his, no problem." The host spoke for Dr. Cole's son.

The photographer was still worried, and said again: "But how can you be sure it's yours? Maybe it's someone else's teddy bear, but it's exactly the same as your teddy bear."

Dr. Cole's son said seriously:

"It's mine. This teddy bear's clothes are embroidered with my initials. There can't be such a coincidence in the world, the same teddy bear, the same position of the clothes, and the same letters embroidered."

Photographers just love talking.

"However, such a coincidence is not impossible."

He always felt that the things on the ghost tree were for ghosts, and it was unlucky to take them.So, trying to convince Dr. Cole's son to put the teddy bear back.

Dr Cole's son showed the teddy bear's feet to the photographer again.

"Look here, my teddy bear was pinched here, which is the foot. So it was re-sewn with thread. This teddy bear is too. It's no coincidence that so many coincidences come together."

The photographer couldn't say anything more.But I heard Dr. Cole's son himself say:

"It's just strange to me. I had a fight with my father at the time, and I didn't want to travel with him anymore. Because I was angry, I put this teddy bear into the sea, and there was a land apart from here. How can this teddy bear go?" will appear here?"

The host laughed:

"What's so strange about that? It should be your father who picked him up and kept him. You don't know. This shows that your father loves you very much."

It wasn't too late to chat, everyone began to go back to their tents to sleep, leaving only the night watchman to watch.

Wu Long arranged for everyone to take turns to watch the whistle. He guarded the first shift first, and then asked people to stand up and watch the whistle one by one.

In the pseudo-documentary, the audience watched the people in the camp through three cameras installed by the photographer.

A quick cut was used on TV, and when it was Dr. Cole's son's turn to watch, he was standing by the fire with a teddy bear.Gradually, he actually fell asleep.

Suddenly, a black figure came out of the camera, grabbed Dr. Cole's son's feet and dragged him out of the camera.

Dr. Cole's son, who was being dragged, screamed in panic, waking everyone up.

With a knife in his hand and a gun in his waist, Wu Long was the first to chase after him.

The others got up and chased in the direction of the cry.

The photographer did not forget his job, and after being awakened by the call, he turned on the camera and chased him out.

In the scene, the photographer's lens was edited, shaking.The light of the flashlight swayed in the jungle, forming a sharp contrast with the dark jungle.Coupled with the screams of Dr. Cole's son in the distance, it makes people feel eerie.

The photographer finally caught up with everyone and saw everyone surrounding Dr. Cole's son.Dr. Cole's son sat on the ground with a panicked expression.

Wu Long and the doctor are checking the feet of Dr. Cole's son. Dr. Cole's son can be seen scratched on the camera.

"What happened?" the photographer asked.

"I don't know." Dr. Cole's son was still trembling when he spoke. "I sat vigil by the fire. Slowly I felt heavy eyelids and I dozed off. Suddenly, two hands grabbed my feet and dragged me away."

The host asked: "Did you see someone dragging you away?"

Dr. Cole's son shook his head: "I didn't see it. It was so powerful and fast that I didn't even have the chance to stand upright to check it. It was just being dragged along, and the surrounding scenery flew past my eyes. I was Terrified, terrified."

"Long, did you see anything?" the host asked Wu Long.

Wu Long shook his head: "It's too dark, he was dragged too fast, and the flashlight couldn't be aimed."

Biology Ph.D. Look around.

"Oh my god, this is the ghost tree!"

The doctor then examined Dr. Cole's son's back and the back of his head.

"There is no scratch on the back, but the clothes are scratched. The head is fine. You don't feel the head hurt, do you?"

Dr. Cole's son shook his head.

The doctor continued: "That's a scratch with only your feet. You need to treat the wound quickly to avoid infection. Let's go, I'll help you go back and treat the wound."

Everyone returned to the camp together, and the doctor treated the wound of Dr. Cole's son.

"What the hell hit us?" the host asked.

The photographer said: "Maybe it's the ghost in the ghost tree."

Everyone looks at the photographer.

The photographer shrugged and said:

"It is said in the legend of the Amazon rainforest. It is said that there was a little girl from afar. Her mother was too busy to take care of her, so she played by herself in the jungle. One day her doll fell into the river, and she went to the river by herself. Fishing for the baby, unfortunately fell into the river and drowned."

"The little girl's body was never found. Later, people often drowned in the river. Everyone thought it was the little girl's ghost who felt lonely and asked someone to play with her."

"In order to avoid being drowned in the river again, the local people left dolls on the ghost tree as a gift for the little girl's ghost. Maybe this ghost tree is the legend."

The host shook his head:

"No, he wasn't dragged into the river."

The photographer said: "But he was dragged to the ghost tree. What does that mean? It means that he took something he shouldn't have. He took a gift that someone else left in the ghost tree! That teddy bear now belongs to the ghost tree!"

Everyone looked at the teddy bear next to Dr. Cole's son.The meaning of the photographer is obvious. Dr. Cole's son took the doll of the ghost tree from the ghost tree, so he was dragged back to the ghost tree.

Dr. Cole's son grabbed the teddy bear and hugged him tightly.

"No, that's not the case. It's just a coincidence. This teddy bear is mine, what's wrong with me taking it back?" Dr. Cole's son was unwilling.

Wu Long turned his head to look at the ghost tree, then turned to ask Dr. Cole's son.

"You said this teddy bear is yours, so let me ask you, why is this teddy bear tied to the ghost tree?"

Dr. Cole's son replied, "I don't know."

The host answered for Dr. Cole's son: "It should be that Dr. Cole came here and gave this teddy bear as a gift to the ghost tree, so he tied it to the ghost tree."

Wu Long asked Dr. Cole's son: "Do you agree with this statement?"

Dr. Cole's son thought for a while, and finally nodded.

"Since you agree with this statement, it means that your father gave the teddy bear to the ghost tree, so the teddy bear already belongs to the ghost tree. If you take the teddy bear, you are taking something that shouldn't be taken. I hope you put it back, so that Good for everyone."

Dr. Biology also advised Dr. Cole son. "Put it back. If you don't put it back, maybe the next time you drag it is not the ghost tree, but the river. Do you think we can be so lucky every time and save you?"

Even the host persuaded Dr. Cole's son.

"Put it back. Whether we are here to film a show or to find your father, we must respect local customs. You respect local customs on Father's Day and put this teddy bear here. But you took the teddy bear away. Not only did you not Respect these customs, and do not respect your father."

"Okay, stop talking, I'll put it back."

The doctor treated the wound of Dr. Cole's son, and everyone accompanied Dr. Cole's son to the ghost tree and watched Dr. Cole's son tie the teddy bear to the cistern.

After tying up the teddy bear, everyone turned and left.

Suddenly, there was a "pop" sound behind him, as if something had fallen to the ground.

Everyone turned their heads to see that Dr. Cole's son's teddy bear had fallen to the ground.

"You're not tied properly," said the photographer.

"I'm tied!" Dr. Cole's son denied it.

He picked up the teddy bear and tied it back to the ghost tree.This time, everyone watched the teddy bear for a full half a minute. After there was nothing abnormal, everyone turned around and left.


The sound of something falling came from behind everyone.Everyone's face changed, and they turned to check.

"Shet!" Dr. Cole's son cursed.

The teddy bear fell again.

"You didn't tie it properly!" said the photographer, "You don't want to return the teddy bear, so don't tie it up."

"No, although I don't want to return it, but I seriously tied it!" Dr. Cole's son retorted.

Wu Long said to Dr. Cole's son: "Maybe, you owe an apology. Tie it up carefully and sincerely apologize."

Dr. Cole's son raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

"Okay, I'll apologize."

He picked up the teddy bear and tied it back to the ghost tree.And said to the ghost tree:

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought the bear back. Well, you are happy."

Although it was an apology, Dr. Cole's son's expression was obviously not sincere.

This time, everyone still didn't turn around and leave immediately, but kept looking at the teddy bear.

Staring at the teddy bear for 1 minute, the teddy bear did not fall down.Everyone turned around, and then everyone didn't discuss it beforehand, but they had a tacit understanding, and suddenly turned back to stare at the teddy bear.

The teddy bear didn't fall.

It seems that the two falls just now were just accidents.

Everyone turned around before they wanted to walk away.


There was the sound of something falling to the ground behind him.

This time, everyone didn't turn around immediately, but they all froze in place for a few seconds before turning around.

Or teddy bear, drop again!

So weird!

Dropped three times!

This time, Dr. Cole's son didn't pick up the teddy bear right away.Under the light of the camera, his face was pale and pale.

No one spoke, but looked at the teddy bear on the ground.

"Why?" the host asked.

"He apologized insincerely!" said the photographer.

Everyone looked at Dr. Cole's son.Dr. Cole's son did not argue, and silently stepped forward to pick up the teddy bear.

Wu Long took out a piece of rope from his bag and handed it to Dr. Cole's son.

"Use this, tie it tight, and tie it several times."

Dr. Cole's son nodded.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I just miss my dad so much. My dad gave me this teddy bear and he's missing right here in this jungle. I'd love to find him."

"I'm sorry, I sincerely say I'm sorry. Please forgive me."

He first tied the teddy bear tightly with a rope, and then tied the teddy bear to the air root hanging from the tree.

After tying, everyone looked at the teddy bear for 1 minute before slowly backing away.


The teddy bear didn't fall.

However, another doll fell from the tree.

When everyone turned their heads to look at the past, there was a crackling sound, as if countless dolls were falling from the sky.

Such a scene shocked the audience in front of the TV!

The doctor of biology shook his head and said, "No, let's leave quickly!"

"Go!" Wu Long immediately made a decision.

Everyone went back to the camp to pack up their things.

While tidying up, the photographer said: "It must have asked each of us to keep a doll. But where do we have so many dolls? We don't even have a single toy!"

After packing up, everyone left overnight and returned to the ship.

Suddenly, there was a strange sound that seemed to be a smile but not a smile in the jungle.Like the sound of wind, it sounded around us.It was like a child's voice, whispering in the dark.

The sound seemed to be getting closer, scaring the doctor of biology into running.

Driven by him, everyone followed suit.

"Report the number! I want to hear your voices, and I want to know that you are all together!" Wu Long shouted.

Everyone starts counting.

The reported number is not important, what is important is to hear the voice and know who is there and who is not.

This is the most important plot in a horror film.Everyone ran together, and suddenly someone disappeared while running.Wu Long wants everyone to make their own voices, just to prevent this.


"help me!"

Suddenly, someone shouted.

Everyone stopped and looked towards the place where the sound disappeared.

"Let's go together!" Wu Long rushed over first.

The photographer followed behind him, carrying the camera and shooting all the way.

Behind, others followed.

"help me!"

The cries for help and the sound of objects being dragged in the jungle intertwined, and they quickly moved away.

In the dark, the camera shakes, the lights flicker, and the sound of breathing is rapid.



The sound of objects falling into water.

Everyone sees Dr. Cole's son being dragged into the water.Wu Long jumped down and grabbed Dr. Cole's hand.

There was a splash of water, and Dr. Cole's son was struggling and shouting in the water. Wu Long strode in the shallow water, holding Dr. Cole's son's hand with both hands to prevent him from being dragged into the water.

"Come down and help!" Wu Long shouted.

The doctor jumped down and reached out to help grab Dr. Cole's son's other hand.

Wu Long freed up one hand, took out the gun at his waist, and shot directly into the river.

"Bang bang bang!"

Three shots in a row.

The host exclaimed: "Long, what are you doing, why did you shoot! You will accidentally injure him!"

Blood came up in the water.

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