I'm not just an action star

Chapter 415 Never NO ZUO NO DIE

Such a big case is full of magic and weirdness, and it is impossible to hide it.Soon, word spread.

After media reports, the matter finally set off a frenzy of heated discussions on the Internet.For gunfighting, for this case, for Frank Luce.

Some even attempted to restore the course of events and find out who killed Frank Luce.

For example, before Frank Luce died, his son Henry died not long ago.

An insider revealed that Henry Luce was obsessed with gun fighting, and even used gun fighting to fight people with guns.

Real guns and live ammunition guns, and gun fighting techniques, will definitely kill people.Of the two, one must die.Because in "Quick Chase", when John Wick uses gun fighting to kill people, he usually has the last shot to the head.

The insider revealed that when Henry used the gun fighting technique to fight with people, he would also end up with a headshot.

Someone even released a video of Henry fighting with a gun.As one person released the video, more and more videos of Henry fighting guns were posted online.

The more such videos, the more people Henry killed and the more cruel Henry was.Although it is killing people in a gun fight, such a gun fight is not protected by law.

In the past, such videos were not dared to be released because they were afraid of being retaliated by Henry's father Frank.Now that Frank is dead, there is no need to worry about revenge by Frank.

Later, insiders revealed that Henry was headshot in the last gun fight.Then Frank found someone to catch the man who was fighting with Henry, and saw off the other's head with his own hands.

Therefore, neither Henry nor Frank are good people.Frank is a big boss, he is not a good person, and his subordinates are naturally not good people.

No one thinks that Frank's murderer did anything wrong, but sees him as a hero, a warrior.

Frank is a dragon, and he can't afford to lose if his son loses.The one who killed Frank was the Dragon Slayer.

Many people believe that it must be a teacher or friend of the man who killed Henry in the gunfight, avenging him.Since he was able to kill Henry with the gun fighting technique in the gun fight, it shows that the gun fighting technique is very powerful.

The gun fighting skill is stronger than this kind of person, so it is natural to think of it as his teacher.

After the screening of "Quick Chase", many people thought that gun fighting was useless, it was a fake performance, and it was just for making movies.

Now, some people have applied the gun fighting technique to reality, and have shown amazing results.

This not only slapped those who laughed at gun fighting in the face, but also made more people pay attention to gun fighting and re-study gun fighting.

The incident was circulated and had an impact, which coincided with the broadcast of the second episode of "The River/Mystic River", which made people dispute again whether the things in "The River" were true.

Since the gun fighting technique is real, why is the thing in "The River" not true?

Why can't the Amazon rainforest have vampire bats that big?

Isn't the anaconda huge?Is it long?

Snakes can grow that big, so what's wrong with bigger bats?

Perhaps, Wu Long and the others encountered too many strange and unexplainable things in Boyuna in the Amazon rainforest, so they stopped searching for Dr. Cole and claimed that Dr. Cole was a forgery.

This is often the case with events, people don't really care if things are true or not, and they don't care what the truth is.

People care about what they want to happen, what they think is true.

Even if the facts they think are false, in order to support their lies, they will find evidence to prove that the facts they think are true and refute the real truth.

This is the proverb in the Eastern Continent, "What is fake is true and what is fake is also fake".

It was amid such heated discussions that the world ushered in the second episode of "The River".

Following the last episode, Wu Long and the others used kayaks to transport the special effects to the magic number left by Dr. Cole, and then used the information on the magic number to start following Dr. Cole's footsteps.

After walking a section of water, according to the clues, they will go to land to find Dr. Cole's footprints.According to the clues left by Dr. Cole, he will look for a primitive tribe there.

A group of people were walking in the jungle, and when the photographer wanted to pee, the stone cross happened unexpectedly.

"Come on everyone! See what's here!"

Everyone hurry over.

"There shouldn't be such a thing in the jungle, right?"

Wu Long and the others chopped weeds and bushes with a knife and found the surrounding tombstones.

Dr. Cole's son wondered: "Why are there graves here? I remember my father said before that people here are not popular for burials."

The others shook their heads: "We don't know."

On a larger tombstone, the host read the words on it.

"Sir Henry Nevins, the royal hero."

The doctor of biology came to a tree and touched the tree with his hand.

"The Tree of Tears."

"Do you know? In the [-]th century, the rubber tycoons from the empire on which the sun never sets came here, destroyed the rainforest for rubber, and slaughtered the natives who did not want to be enslaved by them to death. They made a lot of money for this. This is what they call heroic act."

Just as the doctor of biology was talking, Wu Long suddenly silenced everyone.

"Shh, listen."

Everyone listened carefully, and there was indeed an unusual sound.

"Over there!" Dr. Cole's son said, pointing in one direction.

"Let's go!" The host was the most enthusiastic, and immediately asked the photographer to rush to capture the picture.

Having photographed such a big vampire bat before, it can be said that the crew made a profit!If it wasn't for the fear that the vampire bat could be resurrected, the host must have kept the corpse of the big vampire bat as a specimen.

Everyone ran to the place where the sound came from, for fear of missing the clue.After they ran for a while, the sound died away.

Wu Long signaled everyone to stop, search the surroundings carefully, and listen to the sound.

"Look, what's that?" Dr. Cole's son said, pointing to an open space not far away.

Everyone looked over, and through the gaps between the trees, it seemed that they really saw something there.

"Pass slowly!" Wu Long walked over carefully leading everyone.

"Be aware of the dangers around you, and be careful where you step!" Wu Long reminded everyone as he walked.

The doctor's perspective seemed to be clearer, and he said:

"Looks like a child!"

Everyone keeps going.

Biology Ph.D. said: "Like a little girl!"



Dr. Cole's son also saw what appeared to be long hair.

"Hello, girl, are you alone?"

The host said: "Hello, little girl, where is your mother?"

Everyone gradually approached, and it seemed to be a little girl with long hair, sitting by a dead tree.

However, when everyone looked closer.The audience in front of the TV saw a strange picture through the lens.

A long-haired girl was looking sideways at them.It seems that only half of the body is exposed, and the chest below seems to be buried in the mud.Because there are leaves around it, I don't know if the little girl fell into the pit.

In short, what the audience sees in the camera and in front of the TV screen is a weird, frightening, horrifying, and creepy picture.

As if sensing someone approaching, the little girl moved, and she turned around to face everyone.

It was a smudged face, not real, but a doll's face.

However, the appearance of such a face in the jungle immediately made people feel horrified.

Some spectators can't help but stand up, and some spectators subconsciously dodge back, or find something to block in front of them.

Such a picture is really too weird!

Suddenly, the little girl looked up.A black monkey face was revealed.This black monkey screamed at everyone with its mouth open, showing its fangs.

This change was so sudden that many viewers in front of the TV were taken aback.Knowing that something was wrong, I was already on guard in my heart, but I was still taken aback.

The photographer was obviously taken aback too, and the camera backed away while shaking, capturing everyone panicked.

The black monkey screamed strangely, jumped up the trees, jumped from tree to tree, and soon disappeared into the jungle.

Dr. Cole picks up the doll head dropped by the monkey.

"A monkey, why did Fake get a doll's head in this jungle, and wear it on it to scare people?"

The host answered him:

"I think the answer is there."

After speaking, he motioned everyone to look in the direction he pointed.Everyone followed his gaze and saw countless dolls hanging on a big tree.

The dolls were big and small, and some were clothed and some were not.Every doll has a dirty look on its body and face.

Some dolls are hung by ropes, vines, and air roots under their arms, and some are hung around their necks, which makes people feel creepy.

The audience's hairs stood on end, seeing Wu Long and the others walking towards this weird big tree, they shouted in their hearts not to go in front of the TV series.

On the screen, Wu Long and the others realized that it was not a big tree, but a bunch of trees, all of which were covered with dolls.

Walking into the tree and the tree, there are dolls around and above the head.Such a weird scene, being watched by so many dolls, always makes people feel uneasy.

Anxiety spreads over everyone, as if danger is around.

"I remember. My father once told me that this is a ghost tree!"

"Natives believe that ghosts live in trees, so gifts are sometimes left on such trees."

The doctor asked curiously: "Why do you choose a doll?"

"I know this." The photographer rushed to answer: "I read the legend of the Amazon rainforest before I came here, and there is a story about the ghost tree..."

While everyone was waiting for the photographer to tell the story, they heard Dr. Cole's son suddenly lose control.

"My God, that's impossible!"

The cameraman turns to Dr. Cole's son, who is seen walking slowly towards one of the trees.Following his gaze, he found that Dr. Cole's son's gaze was fixed on one of the toys.

That toy is not a doll, but a stuffed bear.The plush bear is also wearing a blue dress.

"That's my teddy bear Marbere."

"Why are you here?"

The host was happy, thinking that the show could be saved!Isn't such a strange thing what attracts the audience? (The role setting in "The River". In the play, there must be such an expression to express the thoughts to the audience, so that the audience can know what kind of host this is. The purpose of this host is all for the effect of the program. Can you find it? Get Dr. Cole, doesn't matter at all.)

"It's Dr. Cole, he must have been here, we're in the right direction!"

"He must have hung the teddy bear here!"

The host's analysis also conformed to the audience's thoughts.Many viewers showed smiles at the corners of their mouths. Look, it was exactly what I thought!

"My father must be nearby, let's go find it!" Dr. Cole's son cried out anxiously.

Wu Long shook his head to stop:

"No. The sun is going down, and we have to camp for the night before dark. No one walks in the jungle at night. We can't see anything at night. I don't know how many traps and dangers are around us. life!"

"According to my inquiries before I came, even locals would not enter the rainforest at night!"

Dr. Cole's son said, "We'll just spend the night here."

The host's eyes lit up, this idea is great.If it is recorded in this way, the ratings will increase.

"Yes, we will spend the night here without going anywhere else."

Photographers don't like this environment and atmosphere.

"Wait, what are you talking about? We're going to spend the night here, among a bunch of dolls?"

The host lectures the photographer.

"What? I'm afraid. When you applied for the job, you said you were brave and would dare anything."

The photographer defends himself.

"I just don't think it's necessary."

Wu Long also disagrees with camping in such a place.

"There is no need to camp overnight in such an uncomfortable place. A bad site can easily form hints in people's subconscious mind and have a bad impact on people's psychology. Let's go to another place to camp overnight."

Dr. Cole's son shook his head.

"No, it's here. My father has been here, and I may feel his nostalgia here."

The host said:

"Now let's find a place to camp. What if we can't find a good place. It's going to be dark soon, so we have to hurry up and set up camp."

Wu Long suddenly became serious.

"No! As I said, I will not come to participate in this search operation unless I have the right to make decisions and everyone listens to me. The contract is also signed in this way. If you don't do what I say, well, you stay Come down, I'll go back. I won't be filming the following shows, and my work is over."

The original version is to stay overnight under the ghost tree.Stories triggered by this kind of forced mental reduction often lead to TV or novels hitting the street.

No matter what age, it’s still filming such unreasonable scenes.

Just ask, in reality, who would spend the night under a tree full of dolls.All eyes are watching you, even if you don't feel fear, you will feel uncomfortable, you can't sleep at all, and it affects your concentration.

When the audience saw this, they applauded Wu Long one after another.

If you don't die, you won't die, which is the most classic plot in horror movies.Knowing that there is danger, but leaning toward danger.

However, this kind of filming is deliberately done in order to trigger a story.In reality, who would be doing this?

The audience has watched too many TV movies, and this kind of old plot can no longer keep up with the audience's IQ.

The original version was shot like this, it would be unreasonable not to rush to the street.

The host still wanted to argue, but Wu Long said directly:

"If you don't leave, I'll leave! I won't talk nonsense with you, and I don't have time to talk to you. If you don't leave, you can do this show by yourself. First, you violate the contract and pay me the full amount of the reward, otherwise I will sue you!"

At Wu Long's insistence, everyone followed Wu Long to leave the ghost tree and look for other places to camp for the night.

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