I'm not just an action star

Chapter 409 "Terminator"

"Terminator", the premiere begins!

At the beginning of the movie, it is Shanghai in the future.

A piece of ruins, the aircraft is flying at low altitude, avoiding the attack from the ground from time to time, and also attacking the ground.

The crawlers crushed countless skulls and skeletons, and the text tells the general background.

Time goes back to the present Shanghai.

Late at night, after one o'clock in the morning, the garbage truck was working.

The arc appeared, scaring away the sanitation workers.

The naked Terminator played by Wu Long squatted on the ground.He stood up and glanced at the surrounding situation indifferently, with no emotion in his eyes.

The audience sighed, it really looks like a robot!

The three gangsters saw the naked Terminator, and the Terminator learned how to talk to the gangsters.When the gangster wields his knife, the Terminator shows a ferocity that doesn't take human life seriously.

Kill people directly!

The appearance of this scene shocked the audience in the cinema.

So much so that the third gangster was so frightened that he hurriedly undressed to the Terminator, and none of the audience found it funny.The bastard took off his clothes and wanted to leave, but was stared at by the Terminator, and was immediately too frightened to leave.

"I want to find someone, what is the fastest way to find her?" The Terminator asked the gangster.


My head is full of question marks.

The Terminator reached out to the gangster, and the gangster replied in fright: "Call her!"

The gangster was strangled by the Terminator.

"I don't have her phone number, where she lives, or what she looks like."

The gangster's eyes are desperate, how can he find this?

Find the police!But he never dared to tell the Terminator to go to the police station.

"There is only one way. As long as you understand computers, use hacking techniques to hack into the police system. The police household registration system will record the names, phone numbers, addresses and photos of everyone in the country."

The Terminator thought for a while and asked the gangster, "Where is the computer!"

"Internet cafe."

The Terminator throws the bastard out.

Li Si, played by Qi Ke, appeared, but he showed pain.While evading police pursuit for a while, Chico used parkour to break away from the pursuit.

The Terminator came to the Internet cafe and scanned the rows of computers.He walked up to a person, grabbed the other person's neck, lifted him out of the seat, and threw him aside.Then sit down by yourself, fingers quickly operate on the keyboard, and write hacking software.

The person who was thrown out hurried to find the management of the Internet cafe. The two came behind the Terminator and looked at the Terminator's fingers that were about to appear ghostly, as well as letters and programming that quickly appeared on the screen. They looked at each other and sighed deeply. The Terminator is not easy to mess with, he is a computer whiz.

The Terminator didn't stop the two from watching behind him. He began to use hacking software to invade the household registration system, and found a person named Zhao Li in Shanghai.As a result, a total of three people came out.

After the Terminator wrote it down, he deleted all traces and got up to leave.

The two behind him had already dodged and hid, afraid of being killed.

As soon as the camera turned, the Terminator knocked on the door of a house.The other party opened the door a little and looked at the Terminator outside the door.

"Zhao Li?"

Zhao Li nodded.

"it's me."

The Terminator pushed open the door and broke in, grabbing Zhao Li by the neck.Zhao Li struggled desperately, wanted to shout but couldn't.The Terminator stretched out his other hand, grabbed Zhao Li's head and twisted it vigorously.


Zhao Li was killed by the Terminator!

The audience in the movie theater felt as if the temperature was dropping.

The Terminator played by Wu Long is too cold-blooded, and there is no emotional fluctuation at all for killing people.It seems to be doing a very normal thing.When the camera was facing Wu Long, Wu Long's eyes made all the audience in the cinema feel their hairs stand up, and fear spread all over their bodies.

Everyone had an idea in their minds. Fortunately, my name is not Zhao Li.

Those who are working as waiters in fast food restaurants use their mobile phones during breaks.A colleague forwarded her a message that a person named Zhao Li had been killed.Colleagues joked with her about the name.

Li Si near the construction site, because of the construction vehicles on the construction site, he dreamed that he would fight robots in the future.His comrade in arms was killed by a robot during the battle.

At the police station, the police found that two victims reported by different bureaus were named Zhao Li.This situation has attracted attention, and a meeting was held immediately to study whether this situation is a coincidence or some kind of connection.

Someone proposed to send someone to secretly protect Zhao Li, so that if the murderer reappears, the murderer can be caught.

Some objected that if it was just a coincidence, it would be a waste of time and effort, and potentially misleading.

Zhao Li, who was planning to go to the movies, received a call from the police while eating.Ask her if she knows the two Zhao Lis?

Zhao Li replied that she did not know her.

The police asked her if she had any enemies, etc., and reminded her to pay attention to personal safety.If you find anything wrong, call the police or call this number in time.

Zhao Li was terrified, finished eating in anxiety, and planned to go home.

She sent messages to her co-rented companions, reminding them to be careful and pay attention to safety, and to call the police in time if there is a problem.

In Zhao Li's home, her roommate was playing with her mobile phone when she heard a knock on the door and opened the door, but was killed by the Terminator who broke in.

At this time, Zhao Li just sent a message.The Terminator saw the message from Zhao Li, and sent a message asking where Zhao Li was and if she wanted to accompany her in the past.

Walking on the street, Zhao Li found Li Si who was watching her from the dark.Zhao Li suspected that Li Si might be the murderer, so she hurried away.Turning around, she realized that Li Si had followed her, and she hid in the bar in a hurry.

Zhao Li took out her mobile phone in the bar and wanted to call the police, but saw the message from her companion.She replied that she was at the bar, she didn't need to come over, and she planned to call the police.

Later, Zhao Li called the police.

When the police went to the bar, there was a car accident, and the police decided to come down to help save people.

The Terminator came to the bar, searched several times, and found Zhao Li sitting in the corner.Zhao Li also saw the Terminator. Although he looked different from Li Si, there was something wrong with the Terminator's eyes.

Zhao Li hurriedly left. She looked back nervously as she walked, and found that the Terminator was gone.When she turned around, the Terminator suddenly appeared in front of her, blocking her way.

"Zhao Li?" Although the Terminator asked this, but because he had seen Zhao Li's photo, asking was just a routine procedure. In fact, when he asked, he had already stretched out his hand to grab Zhao Li's neck.

Zhao Li looked terrified, seeing that the Terminator's hand was about to grab her neck.She jerked backwards, and the Terminator's hand gripped hard in front of her, failing to grab her.

In the camera, Li Si pulled Zhao Li back to escape the disaster.

But the Terminator couldn't catch it, and looked at Zhao Li again, and punched it straight to Zhao Li's head.

Zhao Li screamed in fright.Li Si on the side pulled hard again, pulling Zhao Li aside, avoiding the Terminator's fist.

The Terminator turned his gaze to Li Si, and then to Zhao Li.At the same time, he punched Zhao Li's chest again.Because Li Si pulled Zhao Li twice, the two had already stuck together, and Li Si didn't have the space to pull Zhao Li away.

He could only turn around, throw Zhao Li away, and stand in Zhao Li's position. He was punched in the back by the Terminator and flew out.

At this point, the audience in the movie theater saw something different.

The way the Terminator punches is a bit like a mechanical punch or a robot punch.It doesn't feel very coherent, but one command to arrest people, the second command to hit people if they can't be caught, and the third command to beat people if they can't be hit.

The movement of the Terminator looks very mechanical!There seems to be a pause between grasping, hitting, and hitting, but the process of each movement is very fast and sudden.

Li Si was beaten into the air, and even Zhao Li was brought down and rolled out.

Because of the fights here, the bar dancers run away.The three who hit up Zhao Li before rushed over and stopped the Terminator who was walking towards Zhao Li.

"Hmph, what kind of skill is bullying a woman? You have the guts to try two tricks with me!"

Passerby A took off his shirt, revealing his whole body.

He performed a few kung fu moves and shouted loudly: "Iron Wire Fist!"

Passerby B quickly kicked a few tricks. "Twelve-way pool legs!"

The audience laughed.

Just as Passerby C was about to speak, Passerby A rushed towards the Terminator.After punching the Terminator several times in a row, the Terminator stood still and let the passer-by beat him, without moving a muscle or feeling any pain.

Passerby A looked up at the Terminator in shock, and was punched flying by the Terminator.

Passerby B stepped forward and kicked the Terminator a few times.As a result, he couldn't kick the Terminator, and kicked the Terminator's head, but his feet hurt.

The shocked passer-by B was punched away by the Terminator.

Passerby C picked up a wine bottle and rushed towards the Terminator, shouting: "Goro gossip stick!"

The audience laughed again.

A wine bottle wanted to hit the Terminator on the head, but the Terminator grabbed the knocking bottle. Passer-by C wanted to take the bottle back, but the bottle didn't move at all.

Passerby C who wanted to let go was punched away by the Terminator.

Li Si got up from the ground, grabbed Zhao Li and fled outside.Outside the bar, Li Si dragged the taxi driver out of the taxi, put Zhao Li in the car, and drove Zhao Li away.

The Terminator chased it out and saw someone coming on a motorcycle.The Terminator rushed over and lifted the tail of the motorcycle.The rider realized that the situation was wrong, and was swept away by the Terminator when he looked back.

The Terminator put the rear wheel of the motorcycle back on the ground, jumped from the tail of the motorcycle to sit on the motorcycle, and drove to chase Li Si and Zhao Li.

In this chase scene, the Terminator uses superb motorcycle skills to catch up with Li Si and Zhao Li in an unusual way.

Li Si tried to overtake several times, but was blocked by Li Si's car.Li Si hit the car a few more times and finally knocked down the motorcycle.

The Terminator, who had been thrown and slid, was lying in the road, and a van came and drove over him.After the truck drove by, the Terminator on the ground disappeared.

On the truck chassis, the Terminator grabbed the chassis and moved backwards, then climbed onto the roof of the truck and looked at the taxi ahead.

There's only one shot of the Terminator climbing from the bed of the truck to the roof of the truck, there's no cut in between.

The car is a real truck, and the wheels are spinning rapidly.The truck is actually driving, it's just that the truck isn't moving.

When this scene was filmed, except Wu Long and the truck were real, the rest were all green screen.The wheels are actually suspended, so the wagon doesn't move.

Li Si in the taxi told Zhao Li about the situation, explaining that he was here to rescue Zhao Li.After introducing the situation, I found the Terminator standing on the top of the truck behind.

Li Si changed direction and turned right under the overpass.

The van doesn't get off the overpass, and the Terminator jumps off the van, off the overpass, and lands on the hood of the taxi.

No matter how Li Si shook the car left and right, he couldn't shake the Terminator out of the car.At this time, the audience in the movie theater had the illusion that the Terminator was an unbeatable Xiaoqiang, who was attached to Li Si and Zhao Li and couldn't get rid of it no matter what.

The Terminator smashed the front windshield of the taxi and reached into the car to kill Zhao Li.

When Zhao Li cut off the clothes on her chest, the audience didn't laugh because of it.On the contrary, I felt that I was always in tension, and Welfare failed to attract the attention of the male audience.

When the Terminator was thrown out, the audience breathed a sigh of relief, thinking they were finally free of the Terminator.

As a result, a police car drove over, and the Terminator ran to stop the car and was hit and flew.The police stopped to check, and the audience thought it was over, and they would definitely be robbed of the police car.

Sure enough, the police were beaten by the Terminator, and the police car was taken away.

The Terminator was worried about not being able to find a taxi, and when the audience felt relieved again, the high-level platform notified the location of the taxi.

The hearts of the audience were raised again.

In the parking lot, Li Si told Zhao Li that he wanted to change cars.Zhao Li asked the police to let her wait here, but Li Si disagreed, thinking that Zhao Li should go to a place that no one knew.

Seeing the police car approaching, Zhao Li suddenly ran out to wave.

As a result, the police car accelerated and crashed into her, and she also saw that it was the Terminator driving the police car.

Li Si rushed out and hugged Zhao Li to avoid the impact.Then he pulled Zhao Li away and saw a person opening the door to pick up the car. Li Si went to pull the driver out of the car, snatched the car and took Zhao Li away.

The Terminator came after him in a police car and staged another car chase.

The Terminator shot with a stolen gun, but unfortunately the pistol was of little use and failed to hurt Li Si and Zhao Li.

The audience gasped when two cars drove sideways on two wheels into an alley.

Eventually, during the mutual collision, the Terminator's car failed to brake and hit the wall of the T-junction.Li Si's car caught fire, failed to leave before the police arrived, and was taken away.

After the Terminator's car crashed into the wall, it was stabbed by the steel bars behind the wall.He fled the scene and entered someone's home to treat wounds.

He gouges out the damaged eyeball to reveal the real electronic eye inside.

Next, the Terminator broke into the police station.In the police station, he got the gun and killed everyone.Police bullets couldn't kill him, but his bullets could.

Li Si took advantage of the chaos and took Zhao Li away, away from the city.The subsequent plot is almost the same as the original.

When the movie ended, the audience was hooked.

The discussion started before we even walked out of the cinema.

"The way that metal skeleton walks is the same as Long Ge performed at the premiere."

"Yes, at the premiere, I wondered why Brother Long had to show that one foot was injured. It turned out that he wanted us to walk like a metal skeleton."

"Although the Terminator played by Brother Long has a human appearance, it looks like a robot no matter how you look at it."

"Is there a possibility that Brother Long is actually a robot, that's why his kung fu is so strong and his strength is so strong."

Not long after the premiere, there were comments on "Terminator" on the Internet.

"After Long Ge broadcasted the make-up Terminator, many authors wrote about the t-800 robot. But none of the writers thought of killing people from the future back to the present! It can be seen that there is still a gap between the writer's brain and Long Ge. "

"The truth is revealed. Brother Long is actually a robot, not a human!"

"Brother Long wants to prove that he is not a robot, so he needs to cut his skin and flesh to prove that his body is not a metal skeleton!"

"Brother Long doesn't have kung fu to fight in the whole film, but his fists are full of energy. The gun battle in the police station also has the action of gun fighting. It's just that bullets are not wasted so much. With the aiming technology of electronic eyes, a headshot is a routine operation. .”

"It looks thrilling and logical. The photo of Li Si is shown at the end of the film by Zhao Li at a gas station on the side of the road. It means that Zhao Li's son knew Li Si was his father when he grew up, so he chose to let Li Si Come back to protect Zhao Li, so I will give the photo to Li Si."


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