I'm not just an action star

Chapter 410 "John Wick" Causes Trouble

Falling in love with you, I'm not just an action superstar

The premiere changed places every day.Hong Kong Island and this country are on the same day, followed by Europe and North America in Los Angeles.

The North American distribution rights of "Terminator" are still handed over to Lion Pictures.

Weiner Pictures didn't offer a lower price, so there was no way to get the distribution rights.

Although there was no singing in the performance at the premiere, the mechanical dance still shocked the audience a lot.Many actions seem to make people feel that they cannot be done by humans.There are street dances similar to mechanical dances, but they are not as professional or as good as Wu Long.

This makes many people doubt Wu Long, and think that Wu Long is a robot?

Don't blame the Westerners for their open minds, that's just how they are.

When Wu Long played Hannibal, they thought that Wu Long must be a murderer and had killed people before.

Wu Long plays a killer, they think Wu Long must be a killer.The rounded bullets may be fake, but the gun fighting technique is definitely real.

Now, Wu Long's performance is completely different from his normal demeanor.Although it has a human appearance, it feels like a machine.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with thinking that Wu Long is a robot.

"Terminator" brings you not only brain holes, time paradox and other issues, but also the prosperity and advancement of Shanghai shown in the movie, which makes many Westerners have a question in their hearts, is the land of China so advanced and civilized?

Many modern domestic films cannot be screened on a large scale in the global film market.

The most screened in foreign markets are martial arts films, mythological films, or films depicting the backwardness and ignorance of the land of China.

In short, it is right to reflect the badness and insufficiency of the land of China.

Modern comedy films with high domestic box office did not get a lot of opportunities to be screened abroad.Even if there were, not many people would watch them.

The "Terminator" showing now is different.

The audience's point of view is not comedy, but science fiction and action.As a result, a different Huadian was found.

"Why? Can you use your mobile phone to surf the Internet when you take the subway in Shanghai?"

"Can there be a signal in the subway?"

"Is it only like this in Shanghai, or is it like this all over the land of China?"

"They don't use parts and don't carry wallets?"

"My God, do you use your mobile phone to pay for everything? Are bank cards obsolete?"

"Shanghai in the movie is Shanghai in the future, right? Why do I feel that it can only be realized in the future?"

"Can you buy a ticket by swiping your phone on the subway?"

"Can you buy tickets by swiping your phone on the bus?"

"What is this? Drone delivery?"

It can be said that Wu Long brought some private goods in the movie, showing the normal life of modern China in the movie.

Let audiences around the world see it and let them know that modern China is not the China they imagined.

In such an advanced and developed country, it is not abrupt and strange for someone who can determine the future destiny and lead mankind to defeat robots in the future to appear on the land of China.

Although the image of Shanghai as an international metropolis has surprised many Westerners.But everyone pays more attention to the background designed by the movie "Terminator".

This is a serious and well worth pondering question.

Can AI intelligence be able to, will it form a consciousness of independent thinking, and will it treat human beings as enemies.

This issue has actually been discussed before.In science fiction, there has been similar content.Even made similar movies and TV series.

But in "Terminator", AI intelligence has developed to send robots back to the past, that is, from the future to the present to kill people. This is unprecedented.

It was also suggested that "Terminator" is essentially a killer movie.It's just that the killer changed from a human to a robot, and returned to the present from the future.

It can only be said that the current killers can no longer satisfy Wu Long's movies.

Bullets that can bend and gun fighting skills have made modern killer movies absolutely impossible.Some movie fans even shouted that no one can make killer movies and gunfight action movies that surpass Wu Long.

If you want to surpass Wu Long's killer movies or gunfight action movies, you can only surpass them in terms of plot and characterization.

There are good people who rank the killers in the movie, and the top of the list is undoubtedly Wesley in "League of Assassins".

Wesley can not only use a sniper for long-range sniping, even with a pistol, he can also shoot curved bullets.Even without a gun, close combat is very powerful.

No.2, of course, is Johnson Wick in "Quick Chase".Gunfighting makes him invincible at close range.

The bride in Kill Bill, no.Because he only used a knife and did not show marksmanship.

But if "Terminator" is counted, there is no doubt that Wesley, who is at the top of the list, has to give up his position and give No.1 to the Terminator t-800.

The question is, can the Terminator count?

He is a robot, not a human.

Can he really exist?

Along with the screening of "Terminator", there are also figures of T-800.This figure is not only popular in its home country, but also in North America and Europe.

After Wu Long went to Europe to perform, he came back and continued to shoot his movies and TV series.

In New York, another city in Merrickan, something happened.

The sequelae of gun fighting in "Quick Chase" came out.

Because gun fighting has attracted many gun enthusiasts, it has also attracted a lot of gun violence.

Among them, Henry, the son of Frank Luce, the biggest tycoon in New York's underground world, was beaten to death.

The cause of death was related to gun fighting.

Henry also likes gun fighting, and is even more obsessed with gun fighting.After he started practicing gun fighting, he felt that as long as he had a gun in his hand, the melee distance was king.

This also made Henry, who was already praised by many people, even more self-righteous.

He started looking for people to fight guns.

As a result, in a gun fight, he was killed with a gun fighting technique.Two shots to the chest, one to the head.

It was originally agreed that fighting with guns is a matter of life and death, with no accountability or revenge.As a result, after Henry died, the man who fought with him was wounded by Henry's men and brought to Frank.

Frank actually opposed Henry practicing gun fighting. He thought it was just a movie, not real.

Henry's death proved this point.

"If the gun fighting technique is real, someone would have invented the country of Merikan, where gun fights are held every day. It's not an actor's turn to invent it."

"An actor invents something just to make the performance look better. But spreading the truth everywhere will only hurt those who believe it."

Frank took off his coat and asked his men to bring a saw.

"I only have such a son, but you killed him. Don't you have a family? If your family is dead, won't it be painful?"

Frank confronts Henry's killer.

"You have no credit." The other party looked at Frank weakly. "Everyone agreed that if you are killed in a gunfight, you must not pursue revenge. As a big boss, aren't you afraid of breaking your promise? Who will trade with you in the future?"

"That's between you and him, not me and your promise. In addition, a deal is a deal. If it's a deal, I will keep my promise. You are not a deal now, you are killing my son!"

"My only son!"

"Your son killed so many people, why didn't you say so?"

Frank rolled up his sleeves.

"Show him and let him know the pain of losing a loved one."

The subordinates took out a tablet computer, clicked on the play, handed it to the other party, and showed it to the other party.

The other party saw the scene in the video and shouted: "No!"

His eyes were red, angry and excited.However, he was tied up and could not resist at all.

In the video, his family members were brutally killed.Even his girlfriend was not spared.

"Why! I promised not to retaliate!"

"Why! You bastards!"


Frank took the saw and laid it on the man's neck.

"Is it very angry? My son was killed by you, and I am as angry as you are now!"

"It's painful, isn't it? My son was killed by you, and I'm in as much pain as you are now!"

Frank grabbed the opponent's head with one hand and pulled the saw back and forth with the other.

As a big boss, his son died, but the murderer who killed his son was fine. Isn't this a ridiculous thing?

In this way, how can he deter his subordinates?How to overwhelm other people?In the underground world, who would be afraid of him?

The son was killed, and those who don't take revenge can't be big bosses.

Others will think that this tiger is not as ferocious as it used to be.Think he, the lion, is old.His enemies also thought he was old and it was time for reckoning.

In this underground world where the jungle preys on the weak, a boss who is not fierce enough is not far from death.

Only a fool who can't figure it out will fight with his son.

No matter what he did, it was impossible for him to let go of the murderer who killed his son.

He has watched "John Wick", because his son is obsessed with gun fighting, he went to watch it specially.Otherwise, at his age, he wouldn't go to those boring movies.

People who have nothing to do go to the movies.

He is very busy.It's not because of his son, he won't find time to do such boring things.

In "John Wick", Vigo knew that John Wick was so powerful, why did he send someone to kill John?That's the reason.

Vigo must use John Wick's blood and life to defend his position.

What he did was just like Vigo in the movie.It must be done, and must be done.

From this point of view, he thinks that Wu Long still understands the principle of the underworld where the weak eat the strong, otherwise such a story would not be possible.

This has nothing to do with family affection, but only with power and status.

Even if he had another son, even if Vigo had another son, whoever killed their son must die, without exception.

They are big bosses, they can't show any kindness and kindness, let alone have the kindness of women.

In John Wick, John Wick went too far.Because he just died a dog and was robbed of a car.

John Wick knew that Trasov was Vigo's son, but he still insisted on killing Trasov.This is not a question of losing face, it is a question of challenging authority and supporting status.

Vigo wanted to negotiate peace with John Wick, and it was easy to negotiate compensation, and it would even be no problem for Trasov to apologize in person.But John Wick hung up the phone directly, not giving a chance for peace talks.

People like John Wick are too self-righteous.

That is to say, in movies, because of the aura of the protagonist, director and screenwriter, they survive.In reality, he died many times long ago.

Kill a gang by one person?

Special forces dare not say that.

So, John Wick must die!

Wu Long, you played John Wick, you lied to my son by taking the dancing skills as real, and you made out some shit gun fighting skills, and you advertised it everywhere.

You are going to die!

My son wouldn't have died without the spear fighting technique you created!

Aren't you great in the movie?

Just let me see if you are very good in reality!

"You say, how many people are needed to kill that John Wick who knows how to fight with guns?"

Frank threw his head out and the saw on the ground.

"Boss, are you talking about John Wick in the movie "John Wick"? Or the self-proclaimed Kung Fu King Wu Long?"

"What do you say?"

"I think taking ten people is enough to kill Wu Long. However, I will take 20 people."

"Go, I'll wait for your good news."

Nathan took the order and left.

Regarding the gun fighting technique, Nathan didn't think it was an invincible marksmanship.Like Frank, he thought it was just fabricated by Wu Long.In order to attract people to watch "John Wick" in the cinema, I also found someone to boast that the gun fighting technique is very powerful and has practical effects.

Therefore, he didn't think that Wu Long could kill many people with the gun fighting technique.Maybe in the video, Wu Long's marksmanship is very good.However, many people who are very accurate at shooting targets on the shooting range may not be able to perform well in real gun battles.

In addition to marksmanship, experience in gun battles, as well as courage and guts all play a large role.

Wu Long is a murderer, he has killed people?

Nathan didn't believe it.He thinks Wu Long is just an actor with excellent acting skills.

It is even more impossible to say that Wu Long is a killer.

It is impossible for a celebrity to become a killer.As a killer, it is possible to be seen.A celebrity that everyone knows, if someone saw Wu Long appearing near the murder scene, they would definitely speak up.

"You are just unlucky, Wu Long. Your luck has run out, and it's time to say goodbye to this world."

If you want to trouble Wu Long, you need to know where Wu Long is.He might be in Los Angeles, he might be filming somewhere, he might not be in McCann.

If it was in New York City and wanted to know who was where, Nathan could easily get accurate information.

But Wu Long was in Los Angeles, so it was a bit troublesome.If you want to inquire about Wu Long's news, you must either find someone in Los Angeles, or find information dealers to buy information.

It is not very good to go directly to people in Los Angeles, and it is easy to be exposed.The safest and safest method is the intelligence dealer.

Nathan asked his confidants to buy Wu Long's news, and soon learned that Wu Long had finished filming outside and was in the company's post-production.

This is great and saves a lot of hassle.

If Wu Long was filming with the crew outside, it would be difficult.Could it be that even the crew members were killed together? If so, I am afraid that it is not the police who trouble them, but the Fubiai Investigation Bureau.

Nathan called the men.

"As you all know, Henry is dead. He is the only son of the boss, and the boss is very angry. We have to do something. Simply clean up, and we will go to Los Angeles immediately."

New York City is in the east of Merickan, and Los Angeles is in the west of Merickan. If you want to go faster, you must take a plane.Just fly, no weapons.

Going to Los Angeles to buy weapons may attract the attention of local forces in Los Angeles.

It is said that Wu Long is related to some local underground forces in Los Angeles.In order to avoid being detected by local forces and to prevent Wu Long from being alerted, Nathan planned to drive there.

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