I'm not just an action star

Chapter 408 Development and Evolution of Robots

Falling in love with you, I'm not just an action superstar

The global distribution of "Terminator" went smoothly. With "Kung Fu" leading the way, coupled with Wu Long's own fame, theaters and channels around the world are vying to win the screening rights.

According to the plan, the premiere will be in the mainland first, then Hong Kong Island and Asia.Screening all the way to the west, Europe, Philippines, North America...

Imperial Capital, the premiere of "Terminator" is about to begin.The premiere scene was crowded with people, and the enthusiasm of the fans made the temperature at the scene several degrees higher than the surrounding temperature.

Everyone is looking forward to, what kind of performance will the premiere of "Terminator" be like?Can you still sing?

"Itismylife" from "John Wick" is now at the top of the world's major music charts.

It can be seen everywhere online.

After the screening of "Quick Chase" ended, the MV at the end of the film was placed online for a fee.The number of downloads around the world also jumped to the top of the daily sales list.

"itismylife" and "John Wick" match so well!

John Wick's Killer Life is a true portrayal of this song.The rhythmic "bang bang bang" gunshots made the man's blood boil.

As a result, everyone is looking forward to the premiere performance of "Terminator".

When the premiere was about to start, the staff brought up a machine.This machine has a metallic appearance, with a cold metallic luster under the light.

The machine is a metal pillar, about the height of a person.There is a mechanical arm on each side of the metal pillar, and the two mechanical arms are equal in length, just like two human arms.

It's time, the premiere begins!

Wu Long did not appear, but Qi Ke, who played Li Si, appeared, and Zhao Liying, who played Zhao Li, also came on stage.

Two people introduce the background of "Terminator".

"In the future, humans will rely more and more on robots. AI design programs will become more and more complex and humanized. Finally, a terrible thing happened."

Zhao Liying is no longer as nervous as she was during the last "Kung Fu" promotion, and of course, she does not have the confidence that everything is under control like a big star.

Qi Ke was a little nervous instead.

"Among the countless AIs, there is finally an AI that has evolved and awakened, becoming an AI with the ability to think for itself, that is, a smart machine."

"This ai thinks that robots are stronger than humans, so why should they be enslaved by humans? So, this ai launched a war against humans."

"After the war, the entire planet was turned into ruins. High-rise buildings collapsed, and only a few surviving humans lived like mice. They, led by Zhao Li and his son, stubbornly resisted the robots."

"Li Si, I'm curious, how did the robot become as intelligent as a human?"

Qi Ke pointed to the cylindrical machine on the stage and said:

"Look, this is what the robot looks like at the beginning. It can repeat a few movements precisely, it won't feel boring, it won't feel boring, it won't get bored. As long as it is powered on, they can work day and night."

As Qi Ke finished speaking, the metal pillar machine suddenly moved.

The left robotic arm is stretched forward, and the right robotic arm is raised horizontally to the right.The claw at the end of the right arm grabs an invisible object.This is simulating the grasping work, assuming an object is grasped.

"Look, the robotic arm on the right is grabbing the parts that need to be processed."

The metal column turns [-] degrees to the left, and the mechanical claw on the right arm places the grasped object in front of the metal column.

"The processed parts are placed on the front workbench by the right arm mechanical claw."

The metal post turned ninety degrees to the right, returning to its previous state, with the end of the left mechanical arm just above the unseen object.At the same time, the mechanical claw of the right arm is opened, ready to grab parts.

"The robot turned back, and the mechanical claws of the right arm opened, ready to grab the next part. At the same time, the tool at the end of the left mechanical arm began to process the part."

The left mechanical arm started to rotate, and a tool was processing an invisible part, as if it was touching the part.

After a quick and rhythmic click, the end of the left mechanical arm rotates 180 degrees, and another iron-like tool aims at the part and smashes it down forcefully.

The end of the left mechanical arm rotates back ninety degrees, and the mechanical claw grabs the part.At the same time, the right arm mechanical claw also grabs an unprocessed part downwards.

The metal column turned ninety degrees to the left, and the mechanical claw of the right arm was released, placing the unprocessed part on the workbench.The mechanical claw of the left arm is released, and the processed parts are placed on the conveyor belt and sent to the next link.

The metal column turns ninety degrees to the right, returns to the initial state, and repeats the next round of steps and work.

Chico continued:

"As the application of intelligent robots becomes wider and wider, humanoid robots finally appear."

The metal pillar stopped working at this time, and Qi Ke began to tamper with the metal pillar.

"Li Si, what are you going to do? You want to take this robot apart?"

"Yes, I'm going to take this robot apart."

The metal pillar was easy to open. Qi Ke asked Zhao Liying to help. He took the second half of the metal pillar shell, and asked Zhao Liying to take the front and rear shells of the metal pillar. The two pulled hard at the same time to disassemble the metal pillar shell.

Originally, Zhao Liying was standing in front of the metal pillar, but when she moved aside with half of the metal pillar shell, the audience at the scene and in the live broadcast room all let out an exclamation.

"And a robot!"

"There is a robot hidden in the metal pillar!"

"Humanoid robot, this is expressing the development and change of robots."

A humanoid robot refers to a robot that looks like a human being.

It has a head, eyes, torso, and limbs.

The head is a rough head, the eyes are cameras, the torso and limbs are all wrapped in rough metal.

Qi Ke introduces:

"Humanoid robots can be said to be a breakthrough in the development of human-made robots. It is very difficult to make robots walk upright like humans."

The robot moved and walked stiffly.Like a zombie, like a machine, like a puppet.

Walking, doing movements, and even turning the head, all have a unique mechanical stiffness.

"Excellent." Zhao Liying applauded and praised. "I wonder if such a robot can dance?"

Qi Ke nodded: "Yes."

He raised his hand and snapped his fingers above his head.

"Let's go to the music."

The dynamic electronic music sounded, and the robot danced stiffly to the rhythm of the music.

The audience enjoyed it.

"Haha, it's dancing, it's just a few simple movements."

"Standing horse stance is really good, and I can also stand stance and lift my feet."

"The arm is just raised, the forearm up ninety degrees, or down ninety degrees."

"I think it's a fake robot, someone acting as a robot in a metal shell."

"I think it is true. With the current technology, it is not difficult to make such a robot. The difficulty is to make the robot have the ability to think independently, that is, to make the robot have an IQ."

"Look, the robot is stuck!"

A certain action of the robot seems to be stuck, and it keeps repeating in a small range.

"Li Si, something is wrong with this robot."

"It doesn't matter, it's stuck. After all, this robot was not designed for dancing. Usually, when the machine malfunctions, we have to take a few shots first. Maybe just take a few shots, and the machine will return to normal."

Li Si patted the robot on the shoulder.


Everyone seems to have heard such a voice.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw that the forearm of the left arm, which was originally flat, turned upward at a ninety-degree angle, because Li Si slapped it like this, and it fell off with a click.

"Ah, you broke the robot's arm!" Zhao Liying pointed at the robot's left arm.

Qi Ke saw that it was true.

"Let me see."

He shook the drooping forearm of the robot's left arm.

I saw that the forearm seemed to be really broken, dancing from side to side like a pendulum.

"What's the matter? This is a fake robot? I just slap it casually, and it will break."

Qi Ke looked unbelieving, and reached out to pat the robot's right arm.


At the place where the elbow joint of the robot's right arm is connected, the forearm that was originally hanging down suddenly fell down.Same as the left arm, swinging back and forth like a pendulum.

The audience laughed.

"Counterfeit robot!"

"Robots also have defective products."

"Just now some people said that the robot is played by a human. Now you see it, it is a real robot! It's just that the workmanship is simple and easy to break!"

Zhao Liying said worriedly:

"Oops, you broke the robot. The manufacturer must ask you to pay for it!"

Qi Ke smiled.

"I expected that there would be no good ones if they were cheap. Come on, put on a wrench."

The staff brought a one-meter-long prop wrench, and the audience called it a good guy.I saw Qi Ke holding this large prop wrench, pretending to twist the wrench against the elbow of the robot.

A few times to the left, a few times to the right.

"Okay, you can move!"

The robot arm moved in response to the sound and continued to do simple, stiff dancing movements.

"Look, the robot's movement is stuck. I think it needs to be refueled." Zhao Liying pointed to the robot's head and said.

Qi Ke shook his head: "No, just tap its head, and it will return to normal."

After finishing speaking, Qi Ke tapped the robot's head lightly with the big wrench in his hand.

Suddenly, the robot's head fell off its shoulders.

Fortunately, the robot reacted quickly, and the arm quickly rotated around the elbow, catching its own head with its hands.

"Wow!" The audience and the audience in the live broadcast room screamed in shock.

"Fortunately it's a robot!"

"If it's a human head, Qi Ke will be arrested!"

"If it was a human, he would have died long ago."

The robot supported its head, and the whole shoulder moved.Keep your head still, and turn your shoulders around your head in a circle.

The robot moved its head up again, and the whole shoulder continued to circle around the still head.

After moving the head several times in a row, it was reinstalled.

"This robot is so powerful that it can install its own head."

"A robot that heals itself!"

"Such procedures should be cancelled!"

"Robots are too powerful to be good for humans!"

Zhao Liying said to Qi Ke: "You should be thankful that the robot can repair its own head, otherwise you will be in trouble. It's really unexpected that the robot can repair itself, it's really amazing!"

"There are even more powerful ones." Qi Ke went up to dismantle the robot.

"What is it?"

"Simulating a robot."

"Robot emulation? What do you mean?"

"It means that the skin of the robot is no longer metal, but the same as that of a human being, and the appearance is also like a human being."

"It's impossible!" Zhao Liying didn't believe it.

I saw Qi Ke take off the shell on the robot's feet first, revealing a pair of sneakers.

Then remove the shell on the legs of the robot, revealing a pair of legs wearing black quilts.

Remove the upper body shell to reveal a white short-sleeved sweatshirt.

Remove the shells of the arms to reveal the arms of real skin.

The camera also gave close-ups. On the big screen at the scene and in the footage of the live broadcast room, human skin can be clearly seen.

"Wow, this skin is really real!"

"The most realistic artificial skin."

"Can such skin be transplanted into humans?"

Qi Ke began to remove the head shell.

Suddenly, someone asked:

"Who does the simulated robot look like?"

Some viewers in the live broadcast room also asked this question.

This question means that everyone suddenly thinks of a question.

Wu Long has never appeared as the leading actor, and he is also playing a robot. Could it be that the appearance of this robot is Wu Long?

When Qi Ke peeled off the shell of the robot's head, everyone was looking forward to it!

"Brother Long!"

Seeing the appearance of the robot clearly, everyone shouted out the name in unison.

"I should have thought of it earlier!"

"Brother Long is the leading actor, how could he not play?"

"It turns out that Brother Long let the robot perform for him!"

"Will Brother Long still play?"

"Looking forward to the two Long brothers performing on the same stage!"

The music sounded, and Wu Long's right arm fluctuated like a snake.Every joint is moving, allowing the entire arm to form a very subtle wave motion.

"Amazing! The robot's arm can do such subtle movements!"

"What are you thinking? I still don't understand? That robot is Brother Long!"

"There are no robots at all, Brother Long is always performing!"

"In the movie, Brother Long played a robot, and now Brother Long is also acting as a robot!"

"Brother Long was acting as a robot in the machine shell just now, now he reveals his real body and acts as a robot!"

The right arm stopped fluctuating, and Wu Long's left arm began to fluctuate in a serpentine shape.

The left arm stops oscillating, the right arm starts oscillating again, and the left arm keeps oscillating.It was found that the fluctuations of the two arms were not consistent.

Raise both arms in undulations until the arms are extended.Soon, everyone was shocked to find that the fluctuations became smoother!

Stretch both arms at the same height, like a wave from the fingertips of the right arm, through the entire right arm, to the shoulder, then to the left arm, and finally to the fingertips of the left hand.

Applause sounded at this moment.

The waves start to go from the shoulders to the lower torso, as if there are waves one after another, spreading from top to bottom.The chest undulates to the abdomen, the abdomen undulates to the crotch, the crotch undulates to the legs, the legs undulates to the feet, and the feet undulates to the balls of the feet.

Wu Long's arms lifted up his clothes in a fluctuating rhythm.

The whole audience was shocked, the skin and flesh were like waves, conducting and fluctuating from top to bottom!

"Muscles and bones scream!"

"No, it's not the same as the muscles and bones!"

"It's simply using joint fluctuations!"

"It's belly dancing!"

Wu Long performed a mechanical dance at the premiere tonight, performing himself as a robot.It also imitates walking with one foot injured.In the end, he said that classic sentence to the camera and the audience.

"I will return!"

At the premiere of "Terminator", Wu Long danced a mechanical dance.Because of the incorporation of the plot story, some people didn't even react at the end of the premiere.They were asking where Brother Long was and why he didn't come out to attend the premiere.

There is no mechanical dance in this world. Wu Long uses the system to bring an ingenious mechanical dance to this world.

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