I'm not just an action star

Chapter 407 Specially Written Award-Winning Film

Everyone knows that Wu Long kicked the hyena, and the roar of the lion scared the lion to sit on the ground.These are already unbelievable.But now, Wu Long actually punched the giant anaconda!

The eight-meter-long giant anaconda was actually thrown out by Wu Long like trash.

So shocking.

The giant anaconda weighs at least two hundred kilograms. How could Wu Long throw it out easily?

Who would believe it if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes?

"Dragon, how did you do it?"

"Why did the anaconda stop moving when you punched it a few times?"

"Did the anaconda be injured internally by you?"

"Did you kill the anaconda?"

Wu Long explained with a smile.

"I punched seven times in a row just now, which is the seven-star nailing dragon move in Jianglong boxing. The seven punches correspond to the Big Dipper, and the star is used as a nail to hit the dragon."

"The anaconda is a snake, and the snake is seven inches long. The seventh punch at the seven-inch position of the anaconda can temporarily paralyze the anaconda."

Hearing Wu Long's explanation, everyone had to marvel at the infinite mysteries of Chinese Kungfu.

"So, the anaconda didn't die just now?"

"not dead."

Hearing that the anaconda was not dead, everyone worried that the anaconda would come on board again.Even if Wu Long said that the anaconda was afraid of being beaten and dared not board the boat again, everyone didn't believe it.

Next, everyone couldn't sleep, so they didn't sleep at all, and discussed the anaconda.

Compared with the real anaconda just now, the giant anaconda in Wu Long's "The Catastrophe of the Python" is much bigger and more flexible.

Anacondas move slowly on land, but they are extremely flexible and much faster in water.

The giant anaconda in "The Calamity of the Python" is very fast, whether it is in the water or on land.Movies need to be exaggerated to be thrilling.

After filming the scenes and materials of two films and one film and television drama, the crew began to return.

When I come to Amazon, I do so with great fanfare.

Going back to study is going back in secret without making a fuss.

Even though there was no publicity, someone still saw Wu Long at the airport.The news of Wu Long's return from the Amazon rainforest spread, and netizens asked whether Wu Long had found Dr. Cole.

"I'm sorry to make a joke with everyone. There is no such person as Dr. Cole in reality. Our trip to the Amazon rainforest is not to find Dr. Cole, but to film. I will make a film about the Amazon rainforest. New films and TV series set in the rainforest."

"The TV series is in the form of a pseudo-documentary. In order to let the crew enter the state in advance, we have actually entered the shooting state from the beginning. In other words, our departure is also part of this pseudo-documentary TV series."

The TV station also released news, the content of which was similar to what Wu Long said.

However, sometimes things develop very strangely.

Although Wu Long and the TV station made clarifications, there are still some people who don't believe Wu Long and the TV station's clarification. They think that Wu Long and the TV station must have concealed something.

These unbelieving people kept posting related remarks on the Internet, and some people believed what these people said, thinking that Wu Long and the TV station must have encountered something, and concealed this adventure of finding people.

There are also people who earnestly popularize the legends and forbidden places about the Amazon rainforest.

Some people say that there is a lost civilization there.

Some people even say that there is a mysterious power that can bring the dead back to life.

Wu Long and the others must have come back after encountering a blow. In order not to expose what happened to them, they denied this adventure of finding people.

The more people say this, the more people will believe it.

For this reason, before the filming of the movie was finished, the Amazon rainforest ushered in a tourism and adventure fever.

Of course, many accidents happened in such Amazon rainforest expeditions.

Some people die, but it shows that there is a problem.

Even when Wu Long found time to watch Fox practice gun fighting, Fox curiously asked Wu Long what he was doing in the Amazon rainforest and whether there were any secrets there.

Fox now intends to retire and no longer be a killer.The days are free, and there is no need to fight and kill, and I am curious about other things.

"It's no secret, it's the same as I explained to the public. It's actually a hype, people think that we go to the Amazon rainforest for a real purpose. When the movie comes out, people will go to the cinema to watch my movie."

Fox was silent, and he couldn't see whether he believed Wu Long's explanation.

"Will there be a second part of John Wick?"

"Maybe, maybe not."

"In the second part, will gun fighting be upgraded?"

"No, it's a combination of different gun types facing different environments. Add this into it. As for the gun fighting technique, the demonstration of "John Wick" is enough."

Fox heard this and laughed:

"Many killers watch "John Wick" repeatedly, just to practice the gun fighting skills in it. Your movie has a lot of negative effects."

"A knife is just a tool. Whether a knife is good or evil depends on the person holding the knife, not the knife itself."

In fact, there is an even crazier gun fighting technique, and that is "Tearing Doom".The plot inside is so crazy that the enemies stand there for the protagonist to shoot and kill, and no matter how many bullets the enemy has, they cannot hit the protagonist.

Wu Long does not plan to make "The End of the Tear".

When the two were chatting, a newspaper on Fox's desk attracted Wu Long.

"Merrican's First Serial Female Killer Was Executed Today"

In this newspaper, this headline is very eye-catching.

"Do you like watching this?" Wu Long asked Fox.

The newspaper put it like this, obviously Fox was reading this report before.

"It's not like I like it. I'm just collecting her cases and analyzing her flaws. If it were me, what should I do to ensure that there will be no evidence to prove that I did it and let me avoid punishment."

"With your ability, do you need to analyze this?"

"Always be alert to yourself. In many cases, a carelessness is fatal to yourself. No one can guarantee that they will not be stupid. They can only remind themselves at all times. Remind themselves not to make mistakes, and remind themselves that they may also become victims."

The meaning of Fox's last sentence, he retired maybe not vigilant enough.If one day a murderer targets him and shoots at him, he may be killed by the murderer because of his carelessness.

Analyzing murderous cases will help him avoid such situations in advance.

After leaving Fox's house, Wu Long went back to the office to write the script.

Of course he doesn't need to write a script, he just needs to exchange it with the system.

From the case in the newspaper, Wu Long remembered that there seemed to be a movie in his previous life, which was about a female serial killer.The protagonist of this film won the Best Actress award for Hoska.

After a search in the system, I found such a movie, and it really won the Best Actress Award at the Hoska Awards and the Best Actress Award in the Drama Category at the Golden Hill Awards!

Through the introduction of the coach of the shooting club, Wu Long met an official of the Los Angeles police.Through this official, Wu Long obtained all the information on the serial female killer and the details of the cases involved.

For this reason, Wu Long personally explained the gun fighting technique to the coaches of the shooting club.

"When the enemy rushes in front of you, if you raise your gun and aim at it, you are likely to be beaten. Or when the two sides meet face to face, you can shoot faster than whoever draws the gun. The gun is drawn from the holster at the waist and stuck to the side of the chest. Note that the thumb holding the gun must be placed between the gun and the clothes. This will prevent the clothes from being pinched."

Wu Long stretched out his left hand against the half-body target in front of him, and continued to explain.

"If I am face to face with the enemy, and the gun is parallel to the ground on the side of my chest, then the height of the muzzle is the height of the opponent's chest."

"When shooting gun fighting techniques, keep your side facing the enemy. This will minimize the area under the enemy's muzzle as much as possible, and also ensure that because I am sideways at this time, my muzzle will automatically be aimed at the midline of the opponent's body."

"It's the same way to shoot with a gun. When I get here, I shoot directly, obviously faster than the enemy. Two shots shoot the enemy's chest, so that the enemy cannot continue to attack or resist. If the muzzle of the gun is raised slightly, it can directly headshot."

"In this way, it can be faster than others, and it can also ensure that the bullet hits the opponent's chest 100% of the time."

A shooting coach said:

"Hey, Dragon, your move is somewhat similar to the cowboy's quick shooter."

"That's true." Wu Long agreed with this statement.

Cowboys use revolvers.When the two sides compare guns, they aim at the enemy's position and shoot immediately when the gun is out of the holster.With such a fast draw and fire, there is no way to aim with glasses.To hit the opponent, rely on experience and intuition.

In the end, the shooting coaches competed with Wu Long whose gun was faster.Use the same method to shoot half-length targets, and see whose gun fires first and who can hit more accurately.

The result is definitely Wu Long wins.

The Los Angeles police also invited Wu Long to give a lecture on gun fighting, but Wu Long did not refuse.Even if he doesn't talk about it, others can learn from the movie.Don't underestimate others, the country of Merikan is known as the country of guns, and there are not a few people who are talented in guns and shooting.

These are all done by Wu Long in his spare time. Currently, he is still filming movies and TV series.

"Angeli, I have a script here, do you want to act it?"

Wu Long gave Angeli the script of "The Devil".

Just looking at the title, Angeli's heart skipped a beat.

"Is this a movie about women?"


Angeli couldn't help but think about it.

Wu Long also wrote a movie "The Silence of the Lambs" with a female protagonist before. With this movie, Judy successfully won the Golden Hill Award and the Best Actress of the Oscars.

Wu Long's production is definitely not an ordinary script, which is a consensus in the industry.

Angeli quickly flipped through the pages, and when she finished watching, she immediately realized that this movie was likely to win her the Golden Hill Award or the Hauska Award for Best Actress!

"Thank you, dear. I must play the witch. When are you going to shoot?"

"After the filming of "The Plague of the Python", we can prepare."

This kind of film is easy to shoot, the production cost will not exceed 1000 million, and the shooting cycle is short. It can be finished in less than a month.If you're fast, you can shoot four scenes or nine script pages a day.

"Angeli, this script is based on a real case, and you may win an award. If you want to play this serial female killer well, you need to communicate with real female killers and put yourself into them."

"I understand, thank you, Dragon!"

Angeli thought of something, and said:

"Long, can't you also play female roles? You have played Hannibal again, why don't you tell me about the play and teach me how to experience it?"

"Of course I can. But, I'm me, I'm always a man in your subconscious, understand?"

Angeli nodded, seeming to understand.

"By the way, you have to sacrifice your pretty face."

"Pretending to be ugly?"

"Yes, play ugly. Otherwise, you won't win the prize."

"It's like being ugly is guaranteed to win a prize. Well, I accept it."

The giant anaconda in "The Calamity of the Python" also uses a combination of props and special effects.The close-up uses realistic props to show the details, allowing the audience to see a huge anaconda that they think is really there.

At the same time, there is also the TV series "River/Mysterious River".

The original version of "The River" was only shown for one season, and was cut because of the low ratings.This is also due to Dr. Cole's son, Lincoln Cole, as the protagonist. He has no characteristics and abilities, and his strength is too weak.

Like "Supernatural" and "Grimm", the protagonists have frontal combat capabilities.Even if they fail, it proves that they have fought.

What about Lincoln Cole?The zombie who didn't show up in the first episode was somehow sealed.This makes the audience see that Lincoln Cole has no convincing strength at all except for having the courage to cut himself and bleed a little.

This way of solving the problem makes the audience think that the whole show is just playing tricks.

In the second episode, knowing that there is a cemetery nearby, there is something wrong with the tree full of dolls, and they have to spend the night under the tree.Even if there is no problem, so many ugly dolls are watching, can you sleep?

It's like being in a room full of paintings, so you can't fall asleep.

At that time, even if it was too late to make the journey, he should have left there and spent the night elsewhere.Otherwise, you'd be like a fool who had to forcibly compose for the sake of the plot.

In fact, they left to spend the night elsewhere, and ended up sleeping until the night watchman fell asleep too.The people who waited for the night fell asleep and found that everyone was sleeping under the doll tree. This effect is frightening.

In this episode, Lincoln Cole behaves uselessly and has no opinion.He couldn't save his mother, he just cried and shouted that he shouldn't come.

No strength, no courage, no responsibility.

It is unreasonable not to rush into such a drama.

Wu Long changed the plot of the original version.

In the first episode, although the so-called zombie ghosts were invisible, Wu Long covered his hands with his own blood so that he could catch the opponent.

After Wu Long grabbed the opponent, he beat him violently, and finally sealed the invisible thing again.

In this way, the audience will have expectations for the protagonist Wu Long.The reason why Wu Long knew this was because he speculated from the blood in the sealed eggshell.

In the second episode, Captain Kurt asked to stay overnight, but Wu Long said absolutely not.Traveling at night is dangerous, but staying overnight in such an environment is equally dangerous.To find another place, not too close to the doll tree and the cemetery.

Then I woke up in the middle of the night and found that they were sleeping under the doll tree. I felt weird and left overnight.

During the walk, Dr. Cole's wife was pulled into the shallow water, but the bodyguards around her failed to pull her up. It was Wu Long who rescued her.

When they returned to the doll tree in the red circle, Wu Long discovered that Dr. Cole's wife was missing, and everyone went back to look for it.

Before Mrs. Cole went deep into the water, Wu Longfei jumped out, grabbed Mrs. Cole, and rescued her with all her might.

However, they still couldn't leave.

Wu Long asked how to leave, and the dolls opened their eyes one after another, calling "Mom".From this, Wu Long thought that the other party wanted his mother's bones, so he went to the cemetery to find the corresponding tomb, dug out the bones and put them in the water.This time, they were finally able to leave.

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