"The filming of "The Terminator" has been finished, what are you planning to film next? Are you still going to call for filming?"

Today, Xing Zhongfei came to discuss the global distribution of "Terminator" with Wu Long, and asked Wu Long about his future plans by the way.

"Well, I still can't give up. After all, in the eyes of many people, there is the pinnacle. If I leave there, it will be equivalent to leaving the spotlight of the global film industry. That will not be good for maintaining my reputation."

Xing Zhongfei nodded.He originally thought that Wu Long was planning to abandon Hao Laihu, so he wanted to persuade Wu Long not to give up Hao Laihu.Hao Laihu is a pass, and with this pass, you can take your own private goods.

If Wu Long's reputation declines or becomes unstable, it will be unfavorable for Feihong Pictures to develop and maintain channels in the global film market.

It can be said that the entire global channel of Feihong Pictures depends on Wu Long alone.

The entire Chinese film going global depends on Wu Long, the leader, to take the lead.

The domestic film and television industry has already realized this.Regardless of whether it is an actor or actress, whether it is a director or a film company, they all try their best to build a relationship with Wu Long, and strive to go to the world under Wu Long's leadership.

Okay, let's call the next movie, what are you going to shoot?

This is indeed a problem.

Continue the killer movie?Even if it is "John Wick 2", I am afraid that the audience will get tired of it sometimes.

"John Wick" ended its run at the global box office with nearly $[-] million.

The production cost is less than 3000 million US dollars, but it can earn such a high box office, which really makes many film companies jealous.

It is said that the executives of Weina Films, who had the opportunity to get a share of the pie, regretted it unceasingly.

The return on investment is 10, can you not regret it?

And those who were not optimistic about the movie at the beginning were slapped in the face by the box office.

If it weren't for this kind of action movie that some female audiences don't like, the box office will be even higher.

"Quick Chase" did not win the annual box office champion.But the films that overwhelm it are big investments, and in terms of return on investment, they can't compare to "John Wick".

In the original world, the global box office of "John Wick" was not ideal, only more than 800 million US dollars.It's just that the global box office is not ideal, but there is definitely no loss, and there is still profit.

Otherwise, there will be no second part.

This kind of action movie does not have too many special effects, no complicated plots, simple shooting, short shooting cycle, short investment, and making money. It is the type that film companies like.

The production cost of "Quick Chase 2" was only 1000 million dollars more, but the box office successfully soared to more than 7000 million dollars.It shows that movies like "John Wick" can form a series, and you can make money by filming them.

When everyone was waiting for Wu Long to start filming "John Wick 2", there was a news on the Internet that Wu Long had gone to the Amazon rainforest with Angeli.

It turned out that Dr. Cole, a wildlife expert and explorer, disappeared while filming an exploration documentary program in the Amazon rainforest.

This Dr. Cole, no one knew him.In other words, not many people know him.

But after he disappeared this time, many people on the Internet claimed to know Dr. Cole, and expressed regret for his disappearance, hoping to find Dr. Cole as soon as possible.

Dr. Cole gradually became known.

He is a wildlife expert with a wealth of expertise.

He is an explorer with rich experience in wilderness survival.

He is an enthusiastic environmentalist.

From the photo, Dr. Cole has blond hair, blue eyes, and a handsome face.When he smiles, he can fascinate countless women.

According to legend, he discovered a mysterious place in the Amazon rainforest.However, it was regarded as a restricted area by the locals, and no one dared to enter.

Whoever goes in, no one can come out.

In fact, even if there is no so-called forbidden area, the Amazon rainforest itself is a dangerous area.

There are piranhas, black crocodiles, giant anacondas over four meters long, and many poisonous snakes and plants.If you are not careful, you will die in the Amazon rainforest.

Many people think that Dr. Cole is dead, but Dr. Cole's family firmly believes that Dr. Cole is still alive.They hope to invite Wu Long to go to the Amazon rainforest to find Dr. Cole.

As for why Wu Long was invited, Dr. Cole's family said that Wu Long was agile, knew Chinese Kung Fu, could climb to the top of bamboo with lightness kung fu, jumped on trees, and knew how to fight with guns.There is no one in this world who can beat Wu Long alone.Only Wu Long can find Dr. Cole.

In addition, TV stations have provided funds and resources to make a documentary about this search operation.

This is a win-win situation.

Dr. Cole's family originally had no money to invite Wu Long to find someone, but with the intervention of the TV station, Wu Long was invited.

The TV station spent money to get the copyright to shoot the documentary.With Wu Long's traffic and popularity, this person-hunting adventure documentary is sure to make money.

Wu Long, through this kind deed, not only consolidated his popularity, but also won the favor of more people.

Soon there were videos of Wu Long and Angeli on the Internet.

"Hi everyone, I'm Wu Long. Now our team has arrived at the Amazon Jungle Hotel. Tomorrow, we will set off from here and enter the Amazon River by boat after we prepare the necessary supplies."

"Located in the northern part of South America, the Amazon River is the river with the largest flow and the most tributaries in the world..."

In the video, there is a tropical rainforest environment and a big river.

The Amazon Jungle Hotel, right by the Amazon River.

Due to the signal problem, the live broadcast method was not adopted.

Wu Long and his team came to the Amazon jungle hotel to rest for two days before setting off by boat.Along with the boat, there is also a famous local guide.

On the Internet, people who saw Wu Long's video praised Wu Long one after another.Wu Long's heroic spirit of taking risks in order to save others is deeply loved by people.

Some people think that Wu Long is putting on a show, and even think that Wu Long is not in Amazon at all.It was shot with green screen, and the background of the Amazon jungle hotel was used for post-production special effects.

Such remarks were refuted by a large number of Wu Long fans.Wu Long is a trustworthy person, if he says he is in Amazon, he must be in Amazon.

Amazon is not a difficult place to go, Wu Long doesn't need to use this to deceive everyone.

A local tyrant confirmed on the Internet that after his investigation with Amazon, Wu Long was really in Amazon.

With the confirmation of the local tyrant, everyone began to expect Wu Long to find Dr. Cole.

More people are looking forward to watching the documentary of Wu Long's expedition to the Amazon.

The vast Amazon River is full of waves.

In a trance, people mistakenly think that this is not a river, but the sea.

Angeli and Wu Long stood at the bow of the boat watching the scenery.

"Wu Long, aren't you afraid it will affect your reputation if you deceive everyone like this?" Angeli asked Wu Long.

There is no such thing as Dr. Cole. The Dr. Cole in photos and a few videos on the Internet is actually played by Wu Long through makeup.

"No, it's enough to publicly declare that this is a pseudo-documentary marketing. Everyone has nothing to lose, but they are amazed at my marketing method."

The team brought by Wu Long, in addition to photographers and other crew members, also has some retired soldiers from McCann.

These retired soldiers were found through Jinsha.Wu Long just chooses, besides looking at their faces, they also look at whether they have acting talent.Pick out some who will perform and bring them to Amazon for filming.

In this trip, a total of four films will be shot.Two films, a pseudo-documentary TV series, and a documentary truly record every detail of this trip.

The pseudo-documentary is also an excuse for this shooting trip.The use of this film for marketing hype was inspired by an American drama "The River" in Wu Long's previous life.

The show was only filmed for one season and was not renewed due to the low ratings.

When Wu Long came here, he didn't really go deep into the no man's land deep in the rainforest.Otherwise, if an accident happens, it will be troublesome.

At this time, the ship was on the way, and the cameraman took pictures of the surrounding conditions.There is also a drone in the sky taking pictures from above.

On the surface of the big river, a ship can be seen going upstream.Compared with the Amazon River, the boat looks very small.

The boat departs from the mouth of the Amazon River and goes deep into the rainforest.

Entering the rainforest area, the river narrows.Bird calls, animal calls, and unknown calls came from the banks on both sides of the river from time to time.

Start filming the mockumentary about finding Dr. Cole.

"The signal is ahead!" Angeli shouted.

Those who participated in the acting looked forward one after another.Wu Long said to the photographer: "Shoot the front, pay attention to capture."

The result is nothing.

"Where's the ship? The signal position display is here!" Angeli said.

"Maybe, in the water!"

As soon as the camera turned, a cage in the water was already lifted up.There is no need to search for it without taking pictures. Underwater shooting is expensive and time-consuming.

The annunciator is on the cage.In the plot, the location of the signal is used as the starting point to simulate the tidal trajectory and calculate six points.But the first five points do not actually exist, only the sixth point exists in reality.

But if you want to go to that place, it is not marked on the map in detail, and you don't know which river passes there, which means you have to walk there.

Hiking in the Amazon rainforest is extremely dangerous. If you are unlucky, you may be injured or even die. Some people oppose it.

But Dr. Cole's family insisted.

At this point, the tour guide shook his head.

"No, you can't go."

"Why?" Wu Long asked the other party.

"It's a forbidden place, no one can go in and come out alive."

The protagonist Wu Long certainly didn't want to take the risk of breaking into the forbidden area, but that's how movies and TV are arranged.If the protagonist is not willing, then force him to be willing.

At the strong request of Dr. Cole, everyone went in two rubber boats.

In the actual shooting, the rubber boat will not be photographed here.When I return to Merikan, I will choose a similar river.

From here, draw two lines.

One, it's a pseudo-documentary.The other one is a movie.As for the second film, it's a sequel to the first.

The first movie Wu Long is going to make is "The Calamity of the Python".

Through the rubber boat, they find Dr. Cole's boat.

The filming on this boat was also done after returning to Merikan.

In the pseudo-documentary, everyone heard knocking in the boat, and they searched separately, and found a door that was welded to death from the outside.

Written on the door: "DO NOT OPEN THIS DOOR, DANGER!"

Dr. Cole's family believes that Dr. Cole was sealed inside.The person who sealed the door was worried that someone would come to rescue Dr. Cole, so he deliberately wrote that it could not be opened.

Wu Long and Angeli suggested not to open it, but the others were employed by Dr. Cole, so they followed Dr. Cole's request.

In their opinion, what danger could there be?

The Plague of Anaconda is a little different from the original.In the original version, they met the snake catcher Paul Salang and kindly took Paul in.Unexpectedly, Paul was a bad guy and used them to catch anacondas.When passing Paul's old ship, the captain Mate died because he got on the ship to take something.

In the version shot by Wu Long, there is no such person as Paul.They found clues on the boat, and Dr. Cole moved on to another boat.There is a map left by Dr. Cole on board, as well as a box of explosives.After taking these back, I followed Dr. Cole's map and changed my way.

Then, they found a giant serpent statue totem, and a wooden wall blocking the river, making it impossible for boats to pass.

After blasting the wooden wall, many snakes flew to the ship.

The fried wooden wall will not be filmed here, but will be filmed after returning to Merican.Some of these snakes were venomous, and some people were bitten and poisoned and fell into a coma.

Wu Long decided to return to the voyage to save people, but unfortunately he died before the ship turned around.

The ship moves on to find Dr. Cole.

The crew stayed in the Amazon rainforest and filmed according to the plan formulated by Wu Long.

At night, you need to put down the gauze curtain to prevent mosquitoes.

Because different scenes are to be taken, the boat will advance along the river.

One night, Wu Long, who was sleeping, was woken up by the night watchman.

"Dragon, there are giant anacondas on our boat."

"What?" Wu Long, who was in a daze, was suddenly sobered up. "Is the anaconda on board?"

The opponent nodded.

"Call everyone up."

Everyone came to the bow together, and sure enough there was a big snake coiled on the bow deck.This big snake was more than eight meters by visual inspection.Sensing people coming out, Anaconda looked at Wu Long and the others.

"What should I do? Do you want to shoot?" someone asked Wu Long.

No one dared to catch such a big snake.If you want to grab it, you will be entangled by it instead.Once the thigh-thick snake body is tightly wrapped.Not only can people's ribs be entangled, but also the flesh can be squeezed, so that the blood cannot flow. In the end, it is either suffocated or squeezed to death.

"You don't need to shoot, I'll beat it away with the Dragon Subduing Fist." Wu Long raised his hand to stop the people around him from raising their guns and shooting.

"What? Subduing Dragon Fist? Can hit anaconda?" Everyone obviously didn't believe it.

Angeli also worried: "Forget it, dragon. This anaconda is too long. If you get entangled by it, so many of us can't help you out. In the end, we will shoot the anaconda to death."

"Don't worry, I'm sure." Wu Long just told everyone to retreat, and he slowly walked towards the anaconda.

Subduing Dragon Fist is different from Dragon Fist.Dragon Fist is a kung fu created by imitating a dragon, and it uses the shape of a dragon to hit people.

Subduing Dragon Fist is a boxing method specifically aimed at dragons, using punches to subdue dragons.

This subduing dragon is subduing a real dragon.

That is to say, if there are dragons in this world, and you want to deal with dragons with your bare hands, Subduing Dragon Fist is the best boxing method.This is also one of the methods warriors use to deal with dragons in a certain world.

[Martial Arts: Subduing Dragon Fist (Incomplete) (Master)]

The incomplete version of the Dragon Subduing Fist certainly cannot subdue a dragon, but no matter how big an anaconda is, it is only a snake, not a dragon.To deal with snakes, the incomplete version of Jianglongquan is enough.

Four cameras shot Wu Long and Anaconda at the same time.One is in the cabin, looking out from the door.There are two cameras on the left and right of the ship facing the bow.

There is also a machine, which is on the top of the ship and shoots at the bow of the ship below.

None of these cameramen are timid.Each of them was not afraid of being harmed, and became the prey of the anaconda, and even ventured out to shoot.

When the anaconda saw Wu Long approaching, he immediately hissed and threatened Wu Long.Finding that Wu Long didn't intend to stop, the anaconda stood up in front of it like a cobra.

Suddenly, without warning, the anaconda opened its mouth and bit Wu Long.It seemed to start off by bouncing, and the speed was too fast for people to see clearly.

Wu Long dodged to one side, and punched the anaconda lying in front of him continuously.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!

He punched seven times in a row, hitting the anaconda right to the flesh.

The anaconda was beaten and fell to the deck like a deflated balloon, limp all over.

Taking advantage of the anaconda not slowing down, Wu Long stepped forward and grabbed the position behind the snake's head, and threw the snake's head overboard.


The anaconda flew out like a huge arrow shot out.When the snake tail flew out of the boat, the anaconda fell into the water.

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