I'm not just an action star

Chapter 405 Textbook Movie

After "itismylife" was sung, the audience was enthusiastic.Wu Long wanted to end the performance, but no one would let him.

"Brother Long, you have mobilized everyone's emotions, now you say it's over?"

"No, we don't agree!"

The audience is too enthusiastic, and this situation cannot be forced to end.Forcibly ending it will break the hearts of fans.

At least one more show is needed to end.

For this situation, Wu Long was prepared.In fact, in terms of time, there is also time reserved for singing an additional song.

"We agreed, just sing one more song!"

"If you agree, I will sing."

The audience cheers:


Wu Long signaled to the band to start.

The prelude sounded, very familiar music.

This is Wu Long's entry bgm when he played against former UFC champion Barrett.Later, when Rocky played games, he also used this bgm.Even in Rocky's movie, there is this bgm.

There are songs, but no songs.

Now, Wu Long is going to sing this song.


The current live version has a few more changes than the bgm.

After the song was sung, no matter how strongly the audience requested it, Wu Long would not return.

After the premiere began, audiences in North America crowded into the cinema and began to watch the anticipated "John Wick".

There are also those who don't like Wu Long's movie, and go in to watch it, just to have an excuse to laugh at Wu Long and black Wu Long.

Audiences outside of North America anxiously wait for a day or two to quickly pass for their turn at local screenings.

In the movie theater, the official screening.

At the beginning of the film, John Wick, played by Wu Long, got out of the car injured.He sat on the ground and took out his mobile phone to watch his wife's video.

He thought that he was going to die.

This is actually the end of the film.At the end, John wakes up.He is like a Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death.

The film unfolds and John's wife dies.

In the first ten minutes, John was in sadness, and the movie was a little dull.Until he was attacked at night, his car was robbed, and the dog left by his wife was killed, everyone knew that the good show had begun.

The owner of the auto repair shop is reluctant to modify Trasov's car because he recognizes it as John's car.He also asked the other party if he had killed John, and when he learned that John was not dead, he quickly let the other party go.Even Trasov's father Vigo didn't give him face.

Later, Vigo was teaching his son a lesson, saying that John was very powerful and could kill people with a pencil.

Then, Vigo sends a group of killers to kill John, and the excitement begins.

Gun fighting!

In this way, it is displayed in front of the audience with a sharp posture.

John shooting and killing people is like playing a rock and roll with a strong sense of rhythm, which makes people's blood excited.Everyone will sway their bodies with John's movements, and hear the sound of John's shooting, like a beautiful melody and moving movement.

Finally, the professional cleaners appeared, which opened the eyes of the audience.


"Gun fighting technique is indeed a killing technique!"

"I must practice this spear fighting technique!"

"Brother Long's posture holding the gun is very handsome."

"It's too cruel, too violent. One shot won't work, you need to shoot a few more shots."

"Shoot mercilessly, don't give the enemy a chance to come back, I like it."

When John went to the nightclub to kill Trasov, Wu Long was only recognized by an action he sang and performed at the premiere.

Slide the shovel to sweep the legs!

In the following plot, there are no twists and turns, just kill, kill, kill, and the audience will enjoy watching it!

End, continue on to the beginning.John woke up, not dead.He went to the pet hospital to find medicine to treat his wound, and then took a pet dog away.Pin his thoughts on his wife on this new dog.

At the end of the film, it was the theme song "itismylife" sung by Wu Long at the premiere.

The difference is that what everyone sees now looks more like an MV.

During the singing, everyone saw the highlights of John shooting.And the rhythm of the shooting corresponds to the rhythm of the song.

"Bang bang bang!"

Like brainwashing, it is engraved in the minds and hearts of the audience with the singing.

In the audience's understanding, this song "itismylife" was written for the movie "John Wick" and the protagonist John.

John's career as a killer was his life.His life is "bang bang bang", killing people quickly.

The song should not be called "itismylife" it should be called "Bang Bang Bang".

After the movie ended, some of the audience who came out couldn't wait to imitate the posture of John holding the gun in the movie.

For this reason, there were quarrels in some places.

It is said that if it wasn't for watching a movie, they would definitely fight.

North American film critics have praised this film as a work of conscience.

The production cost is 3000 million, and there are no bells and whistles, such as rounded bullets.It is not the gun fighting technique of dancing with a gun as everyone guessed before.It's not like holding a gun and posing Chinese Kung Fu moves.

It's the brainwashing "bang bang bang" rhythm.

"Gun fighting technique, this is a term invented by Wu Long. I can say that gun fighting technique is very useful in actual combat!"

"Handsome magazine change, handsome gun switching left and right hands, handsome gun shooting, this is a movie that completely rewrites the history of gunfight movies!"

"Movies worth seeing are no less than those with a production cost of hundreds of millions."

"The film was slow at the beginning, but after ten minutes, it began to stimulate the audience's adrenaline."

"All the way to kill kill kill, all the way to bang bang bang, a very cool shootout movie."

"It can be ranked as a classic gunfight movie."

"I think that after watching this movie, many people will start to learn the gun fighting skills in it. Especially the killer, I think they should learn more."

"It can be seen from this movie that Wu Long's other identity is definitely a killer. Moreover, he has killed people before!"

"Without the experience of being a killer, and without killing people, you will definitely not be able to play John Wick in John Wick."

The next day, John Wick opened in Europe.

Wu Long also held a premiere in Europe.Some people have seen the premiere performance of Los Angeles on the Internet. Although it is only a simple two songs, the people present are still crowded in every corner.

The music of "battleanity" sounded, and the audience shook their shoulders following the rhythm, imitating the appearance of walking.

The shoulder-shaking dance, dubbed by the Internet, was even more tidy tonight than in Los Angeles, and the scene was more intense.

However, when Wu Long uttered the lion's roar, many people shouted loudly at the same time, trying to overwhelm Wu Long's voice.Unfortunately, they didn't succeed.

The lion's roar amplified by the power amplifier actually overwhelmed the roar of everyone present.The suppressed audience was even more excited and excited.

Afterwards, everyone spoke on the Internet one after another. We faced Lion's Roar head-on. Although we lost, we were still happy.

On the third day, "John Wick" was released in Asia.

Wu Long returned to the imperial capital for the premiere.The same performance, because someone transferred the overseas premiere back to China, so everyone knows the process.

When Wu Long yelled "Stop arguing", everyone actually yelled the same words at the same time.

"Stop arguing!"

There was joy at the scene.

Everyone found that the combined voices of all people were also not higher than Wu Long.

After the premiere, everyone entered the theater to watch "John Wick" with the same expectation.

Watching a gunfight movie in a country that bans guns makes it easier to feel excited and excited.Because I can't get it, I want it even more.

"Shadows and Voices" also wrote the movie review "A Murder Caused by a Dog" immediately after watching the movie.

"The plot of the movie is simple, and the whole process is only for the service and design of gun fighting skills. Brother Long's handsome gun posture makes every man want to own a gun, and hold a gun as handsomely as Brother Long...

Although the theme song at the end of the film was sung by Brother Long at the premiere, when watching it in the movie, with John Wick's shooting action, the rhythm of the whole process is on point.

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

After watching the movie, even when I walk out of the movie theater, my mind is still full of Brother Long's ruthless shooting rhythm..."

Hot comment: "Don't mess with Wu Long's dog!"

Hot review: "Kill a gangster for a dog!"

The performance on Hong Kong Island, because it has already been screened for one day, is not considered a premiere performance, but a promotional performance.

Wu Long's martial arts, Wu Long's hidden weapons, and Wu Long's Taoism all made those people in the Hong Kong Island Land Company admire and admire them.

Even if Wu Long has no Taoism, there is no Taoism in this world.so what?Others don't believe it, but people on Hong Kong Island believe it.

In the previous "League of Assassins", the bullet that can bend is too fantastic.Some people believe it, some people don't.

Even if he believes that Wu Long knows the way, he doesn't believe that the bullet will turn around.

But now, in "John Wick" there are no fantasy round bullets, it is a gun fighting technique that everyone can learn!

so amazing!

If Wu Long was on Hong Kong Island, he would definitely be able to dominate all the local companies on Hong Kong Island!

Wu Long became the emperor of all the land companies on Hong Kong Island, so he could lead the land companies on Hong Kong Island to fight all over the world!

Wu Long's position in the land company on Hong Kong Island is unrivaled.

It is said that the two land companies originally planned to sell the horses.Because "John Wick" was released, everyone rushed to watch "John Wick", which made it impossible to show the horse and had to postpone the date.

This incident has become the talk of the streets and alleys of Hong Kong Island. It is said that although Wu Long's "Quick Chase" is a shootout film, although it fights and kills, it can contribute to maintaining social stability.

Gein has been moping about it in the office since John Wick came out.

"Boss, why haven't you been happy after watching John Wick? Don't worry, I've followed your instructions. No one will steal a good car or kill a dog. Really To kill a dog, one must kill the owner of the dog."

Gein glanced at his men.

"Last time you said that bullets will never turn. Wu Long knew it, so he filmed "John Wick" to tell you. You don't understand bullets can turn, do you understand gun fighting skills? Tell me, this Can you practice spear fighting?"

"Boss, I'm afraid it will be difficult. We are used to using guns, and learning gun fighting skills may make our marksmanship worse."

Gein nodded, this was also his concern.If you don't learn spear fighting well, it will affect your original habit of using a spear, which will lead to a decline in your marksmanship.

"I think, for newcomers who are interested in joining us, we can let them watch John Wick. Start with them. I need some bodyguards who can fight with guns. I don't want one day, someone will kill someone with guns. Come in and shoot me bang bang bang."

"Cross Thorns" is a killer organization, and their attention to Wu Long's movies began with "Kill Bill".

After the screening of "Kill Bill", an originally inconspicuous killer "Fox" in the killer world singled out his own killer organization and wiped it out.

This is a major event that is enough to cause a sensation in the killer world.

Because of this, "Fox" was promoted to the top killer in the world, and some people called it the king of killers.

Of course, there will be many people who will not accept that the killer is king.

However, "Cross Thorns" thought of "Fox"'s actions, which may be related to "Kill Bill", and began to pay attention to Wu Long's movies.

Some even speculated that the "fox" became so powerful because of Wu Long's training.Just like Rocky.

Therefore, some people believe that Wu Long may also be a killer.

But when they watched "Kill Bill", it seemed that there was nothing worthy of the killer's praise.

The same goes for League of Assassins.

Just when "Cross Thorns" was about to give up such attention, "John Wick" appeared, which shocked the top management of "Cross Thorns".

The knife skills in "Kill Bill", someone in "Cross Thorns" knows the knife skills, and thinks it is nothing more than that.

The rounded bullet in "League of Assassins" is a fool who believes it.

However, the gun fighting technique in "John Wick" is real!

Anyone who is a master of guns can see that the gun fighting skills used by the protagonist in the movie are not imagined out of thin air, not handsome for the sake of being handsome, or made up for making movies.

There is some truth in it!

After watching it repeatedly and keeping it in mind, the executives of "Cross Thorns" began to try to practice the gun fighting skills in "John Wick".

Faced with the shooting test of the humanoid target, the "Cross Thorn" executives found that in close combat, such gun fighting skills are simply magical Chinese kung fu!

All over the world, there is not only one killer organization like "Cross Thorns", but also other killer organizations or individuals.

People with insight will choose to try after watching "John Wick".

In addition to killers, there are also those shooting enthusiasts who are also learning and trying.

Only a week later, someone released a gun fighting practice video and explained the reasoning behind it.

Wu Long, who was filming "Terminator", was invited.I hope that after the movie is finished, he will go to relevant departments to explain gun fighting techniques when he has time.

After their own analysis and pondering, they thought that if they could get the explanation from Wu Long, the person involved, they might be able to understand gun fighting skills better.

After Wu Long finished filming "Terminator", he took time to give lectures.

"Wu Long, hello, welcome to give us a lecture!"

Both sides shake hands.

"Wu Long, we know that you didn't come into contact with firearms until you went to Merricken, right?"


"Did you learn this spear fighting technique from Merikan Guoxue, or did you make it up for the movie?"

"It was made up for filming." Wu Long began to speak the speech he had prepared.

"Did you make it up for the movie?"

"Really, there is no need to lie to you. I need to be innovative in making movies. The last time I filmed "League of Assassins", I used flying cards to weave turning bullets. But I know that turning bullets is too contrary to science. Not really. If my new movie doesn’t have something else new, audiences won’t buy it.”

Everyone quietly listened to Wu Long's narration.

"You must know that when guns are commonly used in the West, it is impossible to always use fists and cold weapons. Once or twice is fine, no matter how many viewers there are, they will not watch it again."

"So, I thought of integrating Chinese martial arts into shooting."

"A gun held out to shoot, or held too far from the body, is vulnerable to attack or being snatched. Then put the gun back."

"When aiming by raising the gun, the gun is probably near the central axis of the human body. The distance is short and the central axis. I immediately thought of Wing Chun. Wing Chun pays attention to keeping the center line."

"I began to compare the traditional way of holding a gun with the frame of Wing Chun, and found the place where it can be integrated, found the difference, and slowly compiled the gun fighting technique through experiments."

Wu Long explained the gun fighting techniques that integrate the central axis re-locking system, directional shooting, Mozambique shooting, contact shooting, etc. one by one.

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