I'm not just an action star

Chapter 404 Premiere of "John Wick"

Still held a simple premiere, after all, it is not a big production.The cost of a mere 3000 million US dollars, if there is a big-screen premiere, how can those films with a production cost of hundreds of millions of dollars survive?

More or less still have to give others a way to survive.

Cutting off people's wealth and slapping faces in public will be resisted by colleagues.Success may not be enough, but failure may be more than enough.

No major supporting roles.Even Perkins, played by Angie, is just a small role.

Everything makes way for the protagonist.

It will be screened first in North America, one day later in Europe, and one day later in Asia.In this way, Wu Long can use this premiere to hold a fan gathering, which can be regarded as paving the way for the global screening of .

In Los Angeles, fans who came early were surprised when they saw rock instruments being placed on the scene.

In other words, Brother Long hasn't sung for a long time.Regardless of whether the soundtrack is Chinese or English, it seems that Long Ge's singing is a long time ago and a very distant thing.

"Brother Long is going to sing at today's premiere?"

"Oh my god, I really made a lot of money watching Long Ge's premiere today!"

"I'll call someone right away!"

Take pictures and post them online.

It is said that Wu Long did not plan to hold the premiere. Lion Pictures persuaded Wu Long, saying that many fans want to hear Wu Long's lion roar, so it is better to give everyone a lion roar at the premiere to let everyone know that Wu Long is in Feizhou's video did not lie, and Wu Long agreed to host the premiere.

Such a statement, of course, came from Lion Films.This can brush up the reputation of Lion Films.To only receive Wu Long's 20.00% commission, Lion Pictures has to use Wu Long to earn some prestige for itself.

In the end, Wu Long actually wanted to sing at the premiere without making a sound.Wu Long's fans and fans who didn't know beforehand felt extremely happy.The audience who originally planned to arrive at the normal time came early one after another.

Seeing this, the top executives of Weiner Films were very upset.

Fortunately, there are different voices of black Wulong on the Internet, which made them feel a little more comfortable.

"Wu Long never sang at the premiere, which shows how unbearable the production cost is only 3000 million US dollars. Even Wu Long is not sure. I am worried that the box office will be poor, so I will make up for it with live singing."

"It's still a killer movie. This is Wu Long's third killer movie. With 3000 million US dollars, what kind of tricks can you shoot? Gun fighting skills? Dance with a gun?"

"Strictly speaking, Wu Long's movies are basically killer movies. They are also killer movies, but Wu Long is not a killer. In fact, they are also killer movies, and the blue-eyed fox is a killer. There are also killers. Wu Long is so fond of killers, It's hard to say that Wu Long has nothing to do with the killer."

"I heard that gun fighting is the addition of gun shooting to Chinese Kung Fu. It's hard to imagine that you have to put on a Chinese Kung Fu look when you shoot. It's not beautiful, and it's not real. The box office is not optimistic."

Wu Long is not a god, there will definitely be people who will ridicule him and laugh at him.Even if no one ordered it, someone would do it.

Some are fans of other celebrities who are jealous, and some are simply displeased with Wu Longhao.

Anyway, Cui Yang, Dong Chen, Zhang Ying, Chu Jian and others who accompanied Wu Long this time felt that their lives were worthwhile.

Before they met Wu Long again, they never thought that their lives would have such colorful and memorable experiences.

The countdown to the premiere begins.

In the crowded scene, because more people came than expected, the police force and staff had to be temporarily increased to maintain order.

"Ten, nine, eight..."

As the countdown resounded through the night sky, Cui Yang and the others who had already prepared on the stage couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

You must not embarrass Wu Long!

When they received Wu Long's invitation, they decided to participate.For this reason, they have practiced for a long time, not only not to embarrass Wu Long, but also not to embarrass Chinese musicians!

When the countdown ends, the band plays music.


The bgm of the classic scene in the movie!

All the audience at the scene were excited, and their shoulders moved in accordance with the rhythm of the music, simulating the posture of walking.So many people shaking their shoulders like this made the audience feel very high inexplicably.

Better than dancing in a nightclub!

.This kind of action is matched with this bgm, and it will become popular on the Internet starting tonight.

At this time, Angeli appeared in a Perkins costume.Her demeanor imitated Miren Ishii, but she had her own taste.She has worked as a model, adding the temperament and charm of a model, and is different from Ishii Miren.

When she glanced at the audience, the audience felt the sharpness of the killer Angeli.Fearing that she would be unhappy, he threw a shot, and the bullet turned around and shot at him, killing him.

Angeli appeared on the stage, and after going around the field, Wu Long appeared in the bgm.

His appearance brought even more momentum.

It seems that there is a kind of coercion, spreading from the stage to the surroundings, pressing on the audience.

Anyone who touches Wu Long's eyes will have a feeling of wanting to kneel on one knee to express surrender.

The king is coming!

When the bgm was over, Wu Long's momentum stopped, and the pressure on the scene disappeared without a trace.The audience suddenly felt no longer burdened.



"Welcome everyone to the premiere. I am Wu Long, and I love you all!"

The audience cheered loudly in response.

"Long, I love you too!"

"I love you, Kung Fu King!"

"Let me introduce you to the band members, guitarist Chu Jian!"

Wu Long came to Chu Jianjian's side, and Chu Jian played a solo.Wu Long shook his head following the melody, posing as if he was playing the guitar.

After introducing Chu Jian, Wu Long came to Dong Chen's side.

"Our bass player, Dong Chen!"

Dong Chen also came to play a bass improvisation.

Wu Long nodded and swayed aside, playing the bass.

Afterwards, he came to Cui Yang's side.

. "Our keyboard player, Cui Yang!"

Cui Yang played a quick improvisation.

Finally, Wu Long came to Zhang Ying's side.

"As the saying goes, good shows come out last, and important characters come out last. Finally, I would like to introduce to you, Zhang Ying, the beautiful drummer of the band!"

Zhang Ying came to add flowers.

Every time a person is introduced, the audience gives respectful applause.

Wu Long continued to speak: "Originally, I didn't plan to hold the premiere ceremony. Because there is nothing to perform, and it is full of killing skills!"

When he said this, the audience immediately laughed.

It was broadcast live, and online viewers responded one after another.

"Killing skills!"

"Gun fighting is a killing technique!"

"It looks good!"

"The kung fu is normal, but the bullets are ridiculous. It depends on whether the gun fighting technique is really a killing technique."

.Wu Long continued to speak:

"Lion Films heard that I would not hold the premiere, and they were in a hurry. In order to convince me, they used the lion's roar to persuade me. They said that someone on the Internet questioned that the video of me using the lion's roar to scare the real lion in the Philippines was fake. , I should yell a lion's roar at the scene to let the fans defending me know that they are not wrong and the lion's roar is true."

"So, tonight's premiere is very simple, just give a lion's roar. Sing another theme song, and the premiere will be over. Don't waste everyone's time watching the movie."

The audience yelled:

"No, we want to be delayed by you!"

"We want to see the premiere show!"

"Long, you have to perform forever and ever, it can't be too simple."

Just when everyone was shouting happily, Wu Long suddenly opened his mouth and shouted:

"Stop arguing!"

This voice is the voice of the housekeeper.It was Wu Long who replaced the charter woman, imitated the voice of the charter woman with the Jiuyin scripture, and then performed the lion's roar to call it out.

For a moment, Wu Long's voice overwhelmed all the sounds at the scene and reached the ears of every audience at the scene.The closer he got to Wu Long, the louder he felt the sound made his eardrums buzz.

Fortunately, Wu Long's mouth was yelling towards the sky, not at the audience.

When Wu Long's voice disappeared, the scene was quiet.

Everyone was shocked by Wu Long's voice, and they all froze on the spot.

The audience who watched the live broadcast online also did not speak at this time.Then, they rushed to speak.

"Oh my god, I almost thought the speakers were going to explode!"

"Is this the lion's roar?"

"I hope my speakers aren't broken."

"No, it's a lion's roar!"

"This is the lion's roar skill of the charterer! The world is too short to come to the pig cage city to kill people and play the piano. The charterer can't see it and uses the lion's roar to stop it."

"Yes, that's what the charter woman shouted at that time!"

The audience at the scene also broke out in a more enthusiastic way after a short period of silence.


Applause, screams, and shouts all mixed together.

"This is the voice of the charter woman!"

"My God, Brother Long can speak in the voice of a charter woman!"

"Is this the lion's roar?"

"Did the lion sit down on the ground in fright when he heard this sentence?"

After the audience's voice became quieter, Wu Long explained:

"Just now, I used the renter's lion's roar technique. The lion's roar technique and the lion's roar are the same thing. The lion's roar technique can speak loudly, and the lion's roar is a roar, and the sound is like a lion."

"Of course, the effect of my lion's roar just now was so loud with the help of amplifiers and speakers. In fact, if there is no microphone, the sound will not be so loud when it is transmitted to a distance. "

"The lion's roar is to put it clearly, it is loud and loud. Except for those who have undergone special training like me, there are also normal people who are born with loud voices, and their shouts are also lion's roars."

"Next, I don't use a microphone to make a lion's roar. But this lion's roar, only the audience close to the stage can feel the power. Then I use the microphone to shout a lion's roar, so that the audience in the distance can feel it."

"Look, I'll start counting one, two, three."

Wu Long took off the microphone and handed it to the staff, and then began to count.





Wu Long took over as the Lion King and let out a lion's roar.

The audience in the front row suddenly Wu Long stood on the stage and roared at them like a lion.

This roar carried the threat of a beast.

Some spectators quickly covered their ears, and some spectators were so frightened that they wanted to back away.

The live broadcast was shot directly in front of Wu Long. Viewers who watched the live broadcast on the Internet found that Wu Long seemed to have turned into a lion, roaring at them off-screen, trying to jump out of the screen and bite them.

"My God, it's scary!"

"Oumaiga, the dragon looks like a lion and wants to bite me!"

"I was so scared that I fell off the chair!"

"I was so scared that I threw the Coke out!"

"I threw a donut at the screen!"

The audience near the stage boiled.

"Ah, it's really like a lion roaring!"

"Wu Long is a lion!"

"My ears are going to be deafened!"

"I almost thought there was a real big lion!"

Wu Long took the microphone back to the staff and put it on again.

"Next, I give a lion's roar into the mic so the whole audience can feel it, okay?"

The audience shouted: "Good!"

"Let's count one, two, three!"




The audience followed Wu Long to count in unison.

After counting "three", Wu Long roared again.


This time, the lion's roar spread throughout the audience, many audience members covered their ears one after another, and some people were so frightened that they wanted to back away.

The lion's roar overwhelmed all the sounds, and when it disappeared, there was a brief silence again at the scene.

Wu Long made a gesture to the band behind him when the audience was about to resume the excitement.

.The voice rang out.


Like the prelude to the hoarse effect, it was like a lion walking towards the crowd with its teeth open.

"This sain' tasong for the broken-hearted."

At this time, Wu Long who was singing was like a vicissitudes of life lion.He licked the wound on his body and told everyone.

The strong sense of rhythm makes the audience sway with the rhythm.

"no silent prayer for the faith-departed."

Then, the vicissitudes of life lion gave the audience a look that none of you understood, turned around and walked slowly along the edge of the stage, like a lion king patrolling his territory.

"Iain't gonna be justa face in the crowd.

you're gonna hear my voice.

when is out it is out aloud. "

After singing here, Wu Long suddenly made a movement of drawing his gun.In fact, everyone can see that Wu Long has nothing in his hand, it's just the void holding the air.

If there is one, it is a transparent gun that no one can see.

"it's my life."

Wu Long is loading the invisible gun.

"It's snow ornever."

Wu Long held the gun with the central axis relocking system, as if looking for a target.

"Iain't gonna live forever."

Wu Long pretended to shoot.

"I just want to live alive."

Wu Long performs the action of changing magazines.

Chorus: "it'smylife."

"my heart is like an open highway."

Wu Long swept his legs with a sliding shovel, performing the movements in the movie.

"like frankies said.

ididitmyway. "

Wu Long was doing the attacking action, and then the central axis re-locked the systematic shooting action.

"I just live."

Wu Long changed the magazine.

"it's my life."

Wu Long loaded the invisible gun, held the gun with the central axis relocking system, and looked for the target among the audience below.


All the audience at the scene were shocked by this flaming and explosive rock song.As if, this is not a premiere performance, this is a rock scene!

Some people yelled, and some were overwhelmed by Wu Long's handsome gun-holding movements.

Viewers on the Internet watched the live broadcast, one by one shouting regret for not coming to the scene.

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