I'm not just an action star

Chapter 403 "Terminator" Filming Starts

After a period of study and understanding, Fox began to push the door of gun fighting.

"Long, I found that many movements in gun fighting have the shadow of traditional Chinese martial arts."

"That's true, that's why I let you practice martial arts. Whether it's traditional Chinese martial arts or modern fighting and fighting, it's not one or the other, and no one is better than the other. There are no high or low martial arts moves, and there are strengths and weaknesses. And including Martial arts, including martial arts, will develop and change from ancient times to the present."

"When there were no cold weapons, the ancients used their bare hands. With cold weapons, they developed the martial arts moves of cold weapons. Now it is hot weapons, why can't they develop the martial arts moves of hot weapons?"

As long as Wu Long is free, he will teach Fox the gun fighting technique.With his guidance, Fox learns faster and understands deeper.

At the same time, Wu Long is also completing the post-production as soon as possible.After the post-production is completed, it will be sent to Lion Pictures for viewing.

Lion Pictures is full of expectations for this film, but also uneasy.After waiting for such a long time, finally seeing the finished film, the people of Lion Pictures were somewhat excited.

Investment is nothing because it is not a big investment.The most important thing is to break the unspoken rules, and issued a very low discount to Wu Long.

At the screening, everyone saw Wu Long's handsome, cool and dazzling gun fighting skills.It was a bit dull and slow in the front, but after the revenge started in the back, it was fun all the way to the end.

After the film was finished, everyone at the screening party applauded!

"It's the perfect blend of kung fu and guns!"

"It's great! Long, you can actually integrate guns into Chinese Kung Fu. I don't know how your brain came up with it."

"Cool shootout."

"A shootout movie I've never seen before."

Wu Long's kung fu is better than that of the original protagonist, and the movements performed are naturally better than the original protagonist.

It is well-organized, and the transition between movement and stillness is pleasing to the eye.

In the original version, the leading actor didn't practice his strength, so his movements didn't look so masculine, but a bit soft.

Wu Long's performance is different, he has practiced wholeheartedly.Actions seem to have a sense of rhythm and rhythm.The action of holding the gun, the posture of walking with the gun, and the reaction and performance after discovering the target all make people feel that he is a cold-blooded killer who has been immersed in the killer career for many years.

With the three-shot shooting, it can always give people a deep impression of "bang bang bang".

"Long, is there any premiere performance at the screening?"

"You can't shoot, so it's boring to just pose." Wu Long didn't want to pose with a prop gun.

"No need to be related, you can perform a lion's roar."

"Someone on the Internet is imitating your lion's roar. If you follow the hot spots, it will help the film."

"I'll think about it." Wu Long didn't give an affirmative answer.

There are indeed many videos of lions roaring on the Internet. Of course, they can't really make a lion's roar, nor are they roaring at a lion.

People on the Internet yelled at their pets.

Startle the dog by yelling at it.

Yelling at the cat, the cat took a look, clearly looking at the idiot.

To the chicken, to the duck, to the cow, to the pig...

All kinds of videos can be called laughing dead.

This is also a "lion's roar" Internet trend that Wu Long set off.

The screening will pass, waiting for the release of the film.These matters were arranged by Lion Films, and Wu Long returned to China to start filming the new film.

This film is the second film released by Feihong Films through its own global film channel after that.

Because the box office in Southeast Asia and North America exploded, it further promoted the development of Feihong Films' global film channels.

Wu Long's movie is the guarantee of the box office. The good results prove that it can make money by showing this movie. Why don't the theaters show it?

The reason why film channels are difficult to develop is that films sold to theaters are not guaranteed to make money.When an unknown film company sells a film to theaters, and a well-known film company promotes a film, theaters will definitely have their own considerations.

Wu Long has been considering what to choose for the second movie.

It is impossible to make films with oriental colors and culture like this again. Unless there is something new, the audience will not buy it.

Wu Long once said to Xing Zhongfei, use the future instead of the present and the past.

There has always been an important genre of movies, and that is science fiction.

Films and movie universes of the type like Avengers can be changed, and it is not a bad idea to change them to oriental ones.

Isn't it just changing the heaven and 33 days into the universe?Change the gods into aliens, right?

Any of these will work.

The sci-fi film Wu Long wanted to make was related to a program he had broadcast live.

At that time, he put on a robot makeup and played the robot t-800.

This time, he plans to make a Chinese version.

It will be filmed in China, and a big problem is the gun.

Guns are banned in the country.

Leaving aside the issue of guns, let's talk about how the Terminator found the heroine.In the original version, it was looked up in the telephone booth directory.This is simply impossible in modern times.Even in the era when there were telephone booths in the past, domestic telephone booths did not have a directory for people to look up telephone numbers.

Since the Terminator is a robot, then the computer must be very powerful.Go to the Internet cafe to hack into the system and search for someone named Zhao Li.After getting the list, kill them one by one.

In the original version, the male lead was downgraded to the male supporting role, highlighting the t-800 played by Wu Long, and the t-800 was promoted to the male lead.

The filming started after the script passed the review. The heroine was chosen as Zhao Liying, and the character name was Zhao Li.The person who came back to protect Zhao Li was Li Si, played by Qi Ke.

When the filming was announced, Wu Long's fans were shocked.

Wu Long attracted a large number of fans when he broadcast the makeup robot live.Someone once wrote a novel because of this live broadcast.

At this time, some people on the Internet questioned their souls. If the content of those novels is similar, will Wu Long be sued by the author for infringement or plagiarism?

Unexpectedly, this soul torture was really lively. Some people said it was not counted, because those novels were written because of Wu Long's makeup robots, and Wu Long could say that those authors infringed.

Someone has the final say.Because the content of the novel is written by the author himself and is what the author thinks.

For a while, it was true that the public said the public was right, and the woman said that the woman was right.

Shi Lei was even more happy, making the special effects of sci-fi themes made men more excited than making the special effects of shooting.

What's more, our country's science fiction is very weak, let alone science fiction movies.There are also some famous science fiction novels, but only a few.Wu Long's vigorous development of sci-fi films must also have a role in promoting the development of domestic sci-fi film literature.

It is said that some online writing platforms have started soliciting essays on science fiction themes.

The production cost of the original version was only 640 million US dollars, which is not a big production.But even so, the global box office has reached more than 800 million US dollars, and the return on investment exceeds 10!

Wu Long's current production cannot be as rough as the original version, but the production cost will not be too high.

For future battlefields, Wu Long still adopts the method of adding models and special effects instead of full special effects.The cost of full special effects is too high. The future battlefield is a night scene, and the details cannot be seen clearly. All special effects are not necessary.

Regarding the selection of the filming location, people from Shanghai Satellite TV in Shanghai greeted Wu Long and tried to set the filming location in Shanghai.

Shanghai is the Shanghai of the world.

Hmm, there's an inside smell.

In the first scene, the terminator comes!

"What? Brother Long, you want to play the whole role!" Director Guo Hao was shocked.

Photographer shocked!

The scene is shocked!

The drama is shocked!

The crew was shocked!

"It's not a complete result. A triangular cloth is put on the front to block it. Except for the photographer, other irrelevant people clear the scene."

Some people can only walk away with regret.

Brother Long has devoted himself to everything, just thinking about it makes me excited.It turned out to be so disappointing!

Those who were cleared out shouted in their hearts, Brother Long, I hate you!

Qi Ke is also quite resentful.Because Li Si, who he played, also had to appear in full.

The next day, the news that Wu Long appeared in the new movie Quanguo topped the list of hot searches.


Pandona called Wu Long to ask if it was true that all of them appeared on camera, and smiled when she got the answer.He also posted on Weibo that he deeply regrets not being able to be at the scene, and regrets not going to visit the class.

So, why does a sci-fi film have full-effect shots?

It is worth pondering and discussing.

A discussion on the Internet is discussing the plot.

Can't have a gun, what should I do?

No guns, just enough effort.

In the eyes of foreigners, everyone in this magical land of the East knows martial arts.In the design, there are three guests in the bar who are particularly good at playing.One knows Iron Wire Fist, one knows Twelve-Road Tan Leg, and the other knows Wulang Bagua Stick.Of course, what he called out was Goro's gossip stick, and what he used was a wine bottle.

This is just kidding.

On the dance floor of the bar, Wu Long had a movie talk with Qi Ke and Zhao Li.

"Li Ying, you are stopped by me, you have to feel that the situation is not good. When I reach out to grab you, you don't dodge, you have to pretend that you can't react in time. Then you were pulled back by Qi Ke, avoiding me Catch it."

Zhao Liying nodded to express her understanding.

"It's not over yet. If I can't catch it, I will punch you again. You are in a state of panic at this time, and it was Qi Kela who hid to the side again, so you escaped my punch."

"Qi Ke was punched flying by me and hit the sponge pad. Liying, you were also brought down and rolled out. At this time, the three people who hit up a conversation with you just rushed over and stopped the terminator who was walking towards Liying."

"Brothers of Wu Xing, pay attention, the Iron Line Fist first performs a few moves of the Iron Line Fist in front of the Terminator, and then performs a few moves of the Twelve Lutan Legs on the other side of the Terminator. Then the Iron Line Fist comes first, and the Terminator stands Let you hit, you can't hit, and you will be punched by the Terminator."

"Kick the Terminator with twelve legs. First kick the Terminator's feet, but you can't kick them. Then kick the Terminator's chest, but you can't kick them. Then kick the Terminator's head with a high whip kick. Remember not to deliberately retract your feet, Also don't kick my ears and face, kick my head above my ears." Wu Long pointed to his own head.

"Because I kicked my head, I didn't move at all. You were shocked and I punched you flying."

"You rush up and hit me with a wine bottle, shouting Goro Gossip Stick. Hit hard, don't stop. Then I will grab the wine bottle and blow you away with one punch."

The site has been remodeled not to have real floors, but foam boards.

While the Terminator was beating three brave young men, Qi Ke and you pulled Li Ying to escape.

After practicing according to the movements of the routine, there is always a pass when shooting.

Wu Long changed the plot of the original version in order to increase the thrill of the film because he did not use a gun.In the following escape chase scene, Wu Long designed the Terminator to chase out of the bar, and saw Li Si drag the taxi driver out of the taxi and drive Zhao Li away.

The Terminator saw someone coming on a motorcycle, and when he slowed down, the Terminator pushed him off the motorcycle, snatched the motorcycle and chased Li Si and Zhao Li.

During the chase, Li Si knocked over the motorcycle with his car.

The Terminator got up and ran to catch up, just as a truck was coming.The Terminator grabs the truck chassis, climbs on top of the truck, and uses the truck to give chase.

Lees drove off the overpass, and the Terminator jumped off the van, off the overpass, and landed on the hood of the taxi.

He also broke the front windshield of the taxi with his bare hands, trying to kill Zhao Li.

Zhao Li was caught by her clothes, Li Si asked Zhao Li to take off her clothes.Zhao Li didn't take it off, but when she found a pair of scissors, she stabbed the Terminator's hand with the scissors.It's a pity that the Terminator didn't let go, so Zhao Li had to use scissors to cut off a piece of cloth on his chest.

Li Si passed the intersection and saw a car parked on the side of the road. He made a sharp turn and braked, causing the car to crash into the car on the side of the road and throw the Terminator out.

A police car drove up, and the Terminator rushed out to stop the car, and was hit by the car.The police got out of the car to check and was beaten, and the Terminator grabbed the police car and chased Li Si's taxi.

Li Si drove the taxi to the parking lot and got off, and grabbed another car.It happened to be discovered by the Terminator who arrived.It turned out that the Terminator arrived at the location of the taxi that received the surveillance notification in the police car.

Another car chase.

Cars could not enter an alley under normal circumstances. When Li Si turned a corner, the car stood on its side, and the two wheels that stood up were driving on the wall.

The Terminator also used the same move to catch up.

After leaving the alley, the two sides collided with cars.Li Si couldn't get rid of it. At a T-junction, Li Si didn't brake but accelerated and drove forward.

The Terminator behind also accelerated to catch up.Li Si slammed on the brakes and drifted, and the car stopped beside the wall.The Terminator's car didn't brake quickly and hit the wall, knocking it down.

The police chased and blocked the way.Zhao Li told Li Si not to resist, and finally Li Si surrendered and was arrested.

The police couldn't find the Terminator either.

The speed chase scene is the most difficult to shoot, whether it is the Terminator chasing on a motorcycle or driving a police car behind.

Wu Long is playing the Terminator, so he doesn't need a substitute.Even if he was knocked down while filming a motorcycle, and a person slipped more than ten meters on the ground, he would act by himself.

Wear good protection and pay attention to protection.With kung fu in his body, he is more handy in acting than a stand-in.

Like jumping from an overpass to the hood of a taxi, Wu Long also went into battle himself.But this action is not really a direct jump.They were shot separately and then edited together through special effects.

Build an overpass in the studio, and only build the parts that are captured in the shot.The height is as high as the real overpass, and the taxi shape is made of green screen sponge pad below.

It was also a green screen background, and another taxi was shot, and Wu Long jumped from a place slightly higher than the top of the taxi and landed on the hood of the taxi.

Post-production special effects editing, it looks like jumping off the overpass.

In fact, it doesn’t have to be so troublesome, just shoot Wu Long jumping off the overpass directly from the real car, and he can land on the hood of the taxi accurately.

But even if it is successful, it is easy to make people feel incredible.There are ways to produce special effects, so why take such a risk?

If it does not fall on the hood and falls in front of the car, it may be hit by the car and injured.

Zhao Li and Li Si are behind the police station, so they can have guns behind them.

The Terminator killed people, grabbed guns, and started killing.

The Terminator at the back was burned into a metal skeleton skeleton. This moving metal skeleton skeleton adopts the dynamic capture of Wu Long's walking and action postures, which is endowed in the metal skeleton skeleton of CG, so that it still has a human feeling when walking.

However, for close-up or close-up shots, use a scaled model.This can capture a lot of detail and make the audience feel more real.

The details of the pure cg are not well done, it is easy to see.Wanting to do well takes money and time.

During filming, it was released worldwide.

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