I'm not just an action star

Chapter 402 Lion Roar VS Hyena

Falling in love with you, I'm not just an action superstar

Seeing that Wu Long and the others really ignored them and abandoned them, the poachers shouted and cursed in despair.

The lions growled at them because of their shouts, some stared at the poachers on the ground, and some stared at Wu Long and the four of them.

The lion's eyes sometimes stayed on the poachers, and sometimes stared at Wu Long and the others.

Angeli felt as if she could see the heart beating violently inside her body, and even the lion's roar did not cover up her heartbeat.She was worried that the lions would pounce on them at any time, so she could only pray in her heart.Then, she was glad to finally follow Wu Long out of the encirclement of lions.

"Angeli, you lead the way to our car, and I will go last. If the lion comes after me, I will use the lion's roar to block the lion's pursuit."

Wu Long came to the end.

But Kevin said: "I don't think so, the lion's target is really those poachers!"

Just now when Kevin and Jinsha were at the end, he saw the lion saw them leave, no longer always staring at them, but more at the poachers on the ground.

"Oops, Joe's camera is still there!" Kevin regretted forgetting to take Joe's camera.

"After we got back to the car, we waited for the lion to leave before coming back to get the camera," Jin Sha said.

"That's the only way." Kevin clenched his fists.

"We can't go back, but have to drive away immediately." Wu Long said.

Kevin didn't understand. "why?"

"What is your purpose of holding the camera?" Wu Long asked back.

"Prove that Joe was not killed by a lion, but by these poachers." Kevin replied, which was the purpose of this trip.

"No need." Wu Long said.

Jinsha understood Wu Long's words and explained to Kevin:

"The lions will tear the poachers."

Kevin thought about it, but still shook his head.

"No, yes. It's one thing for a poacher to be killed by a lion, but it's another thing to clarify why Joe died. I don't want Joe's death to be unclear and people to think it was a lion who killed Joe."

Wu Long persuaded: "If you take the camera back, someone must ask you how and where you got it. What happened to these poachers who were eaten by lions? Someone will blame their deaths on us on the head."

Kevin didn't expect this layer and couldn't refute it.

"Kevin, Long is right. However, the camera will not disappear there. After two days when the patrol finds here, the camera will be found. This will prove that Joe was killed by these poachers." Jin Sha Said.

Kevin understood what Jin Sha meant.

"Well, you're right. That way, the deaths of these poachers have nothing to do with us. Poachers are killed by lions, and no one thinks of us."

"That's it." Jin Sha nodded. "It's a good thing Joe etched his name on the camera."

When the four of them moved away, they heard the screams of poachers.

The pride of lions attacked the poachers.In addition to the screams of poachers, there are also the roars of lions snatching food.

Back in the car, Wu Long drove everyone back.

Angeli fiddled with the video camera in her hand, which was taken from Joe's house, another video camera of Joe's.

"Brother Long, I didn't expect you to be photographed roaring at the lion just now." Angeli shouted happily.

It turned out that after she found the lion appeared, she quietly turned on the camera to shoot.

"Delete it, or we will be exposed." Wu Long sighed.

Angeli understood the importance of the situation and quickly deleted it.

"Deleted." She told Wu Long.

While driving, Wu Long asked:

"Just now you said that Sith was brought up by Joe, but now Sith has returned to nature. But Kevin told us before that it is impossible for human-raised lions to truly return to nature. Isn't this a contradiction? "

Kevin seemed to be asked, and it took him a long time to explain:

"Joe didn't keep it very long. There was a lioness in a pride whose cub was killed by hyenas. Joe put Sith near the lioness. Sith's barking caught the lioness' attention and eventually lost The lioness of the baby took the Sith as her own to make up for the dead cub."

Jin Sha helped explain:

"Sometimes, cubs that are not from their own pride will be killed by the lioness. Even if the lioness does not kill the lion, it will be killed by the male lion. It is lucky that Sith was not killed. The lioness did it for Protect the Sith, and fight the lion. In the end, the lion didn't want to hurt the lioness, so he had to give up."

"In a pride of lions, the lioness is responsible for hunting. The lioness is injured, which has a great impact on the lions. Especially because he was injured in internal fighting, it should not be. So the male lion saw the fierce resistance of the lioness, so he did not continue to fight with the lioness. Lions fight. If there is a real fight, the female lion is no match for the male lion." Kevin added.

As Kevin said, it is always the lionesses, not the males, who hunt in a lion pride.Lionesses hunt hard and may even be injured in the hunt.In addition to hunting, they also have to take care of their children, which is really hard and hardworking.

The male lion waits for the lioness to catch the prey, and goes to grab the first one to eat.After the male lion finished eating, it was the lioness' turn to eat.If there is not enough prey, the lioness will not be full or even have to eat.

Don't lions know how to hunt?

No, male lions also hunt.

Male lions grow up and leave the pride.When the male lions who leave the lion group do not establish their own lion group, they need to hunt by themselves, or grab the prey of hyenas, cheetahs, or other lion groups.

In a lion pride, the presence of the male lion is to protect the lioness from being bullied by hyenas or other male lions.The lion's greatest predator is the hyena.

Rhinos, elephants, hippos, and hyenas are not afraid of lions, but rhinos, elephants, and hippos usually do not actively attack lions, let alone take lions as prey.

But hyenas and cheetahs will take lion cubs or lion cubs as prey.

Cheetahs alone are not a big threat to lions.

Hyenas are also pack animals. They besiege a single lioness in a group, and even kill the lioness, using the lioness as food.In most cases, they only take lion cubs as prey.Fighting with a lioness is mainly to lure the lioness away and prevent the lioness from protecting the cubs.

As night fell, they hadn't returned to Joe's house and were camping outside.

The hyena's silly laughter like a human is very strange to hear at night. It always reminds people of bad and unclean things and makes them creepy.

The four of them had a fire, and all of them rested in the morning car and took turns to stay on duty at night.

In addition to the cry of hyenas, there are also calls of lions, and other strange calls.In short, it is not easy for people with small hearts to fall asleep.

The next day, they encountered a pride of lions on their way home.

Angeli was the first to spot the pride and also spotted a pack of hyenas tackling a lioness and cubs.

"Brother Long, the little lion is so pitiful. The mother lion is about to be unable to protect her child, can you help?" Angeli begged Wu Long.

"I also didn't know that the lion's roar function couldn't scare away hyenas."

"Just go and try."

Wu Long asked Jinsha:

"I do this, can I?"

"Whatever." Jinsha didn't stop.

Kevin turned the steering wheel and drove the car over.Wu Long jumped out of the car and rushed towards the group of hyenas.

Angeli smiled and turned on the camera to shoot, and Kevin and Jin Sha also looked at Wu Long as if they were watching a show.

"You said, can he scare away hyenas?" Jinsha asked.

Kevin shook his head: "Probably not. Hyenas are not afraid of lions, even male lions. Unless Wu Long beats the hyena, the hyena thinks it is in danger, and will run away."

Wu Long was about to rush to the group of hyenas, and roared loudly at the hyenas.


The roar of the lion frightened the hyenas, who dropped the lioness and cubs and fled away.However, after not running far, the hyena, who saw the situation clearly, came back and surrounded Wu Long.

The lioness looked at Wu Long with a complicated expression, growled at the hyena, and protected her cub.


A hyena attacked Wu Long from behind, causing Angeli to exclaim.

Wu Long had noticed it a long time ago, turned around and kicked backspin, hitting the hyena's head with one kick, kicking the hyena to spin and fly away.

Another hyena jumped up and bit Wu Long's supporting leg from behind Wu Long.

Wu Long jumped on one foot to avoid the hyena's bite.

Two hyenas jumped up and bit Wu Long from left to right.

Wu Long kicked both feet left and right simultaneously, hitting the stomachs of two hyenas.

The hyena made a strange sound and was kicked out.

Wu Long's whereabouts.Below, three hyenas stretched their necks upward, opening their mouths, waiting for him to drop to bite him.He did a backflip in the air, and when he landed, he kicked a hyena in the back of the head, sending the hyena flying.Then land on one foot where the hyena is.

After landing, Wu Long kicked two consecutive pokes, kicking the two hyenas into the air.

The rest of the hyenas did not dare to go forward, and ran away screaming strangely.But it didn't run far, and seemed to want to round up the lioness and cubs.

Wu Long rushed to the hyena and let out a lion's roar, driving the hyena farther away.

"Long, be careful, the lion is back!" Jinsha yelled.

It turned out that the lion group where the female lion was located came back to rescue under the leadership of the male lion.

The lions thought that Wu Long was here to hurt the lioness' cubs, and five lionesses rushed towards Wu Long directly behind a male lion.

Wu Long replaced the Golden Retriever Lion King and roared at the male lion and the five lionesses.With the roar of the lion, a momentum pressed against the six lions rushing forward, forcing them to stop abruptly, and they all fell to the ground.

Angeli, who was in charge of filming, couldn't help laughing happily when she saw the embarrassing appearance of the five lions.Even Jin Sha and Kevin laughed.

A lioness besieged by hyenas roars at the male and other lionesses and runs towards them with her cubs.

The male lion looked at Wu Long with a complicated expression, and roared at the lioness who was besieged by hyenas.

Wu Long bypassed the group of lions and walked towards the car.Instead of walking backwards facing the lion, he looked back from time to time.He believed that the lions dared not attack him.

Returning to Joe's home, I regret to tell Joe's family that they have not tracked down the poachers nor found Joe's camera.

It's normal to not be able to track it.If it's easy to track down, poachers won't take the risk.

Joe's family told them that the police had conducted an autopsy and confirmed that it was not a lion that killed him, but that he was killed by someone disguised as a lion.

Just when Wu Long and the others were about to leave, they received news from a wildlife protection patrol and found a poacher killed by a lion group.

No one can figure out why poachers were killed by lions.These poachers have guns in their hands. Are their marksmanship so bad?

However, rhino horns, lion paws, lion skins, lion skeletons, etc. were found in the car, which is enough to prove that these people are poachers.

Joe's video camera was also found, and the autopsy report indirectly proved that Joe was not killed by a lion, but by this group of poachers.

For a group of poachers, death is death, even if their deaths are bizarre.Still want to waste time helping them investigate?impossible.

It can only be said that this group of poachers has become a negative teaching material for poachers in the Philippines.

Legend has it that a group of fierce and vengeful lions gradually spread in the Philippine prairie.Of course, more people will not believe in any vengeful lion.It just happened that a group of lions passed by and attacked the poachers for some unknown purpose.

It just so happened that the poachers were successfully attacked by lions because of their negligence.

In fact, there were bullet casings at the scene, the bullet casings that Wu Long shot.It was mistaken for the poachers to shoot, but missed the lion, leading to this tragedy.

Wu Long did not return to the mountains, but to the imperial capital.Angeli was not with Wu Long, she accepted a play.

The video of Wu Long kicking the hyena and roaring the male lion and five lionesses so aggressively that they sat on the ground with their butts on the ground began to circulate on the Internet.

"Hyenas are really dogs, not afraid of lions' roars. "

Some people popularize the wildness and courage of hyenas. Let alone lions on the Philippine prairie, even rhinos, hippos, and elephants dare to attack.

Some people say it's a pity that Brother Long didn't kick these hyenas to death.Hyenas are ugly and sound strange, so they should be eradicated.

"Brother Long doesn't know if hyenas are protecting animals. If they are kicked to death, they will be compensated. Brother Long is very wronged."

In Xing Zhongfei's office, he couldn't help frowning when Wu Long mentioned the filming in Feizhou.

"Three-year filming cycle? It's too long. I'm afraid it will be difficult to make money for this film. If our global channel promotes such a film, will people laugh at it?"

"What I'm interested in is not making money, but the theme of wildlife protection. Foreigners always talk about this, but they didn't invest, but we did. Tell me, what will those wildlife protection organizations think of them? What do you think of us?"

Xing Zhongfei nodded slowly.

"Ask who is willing to invest in this movie. If no one votes, I will vote again. Find a director who has potential and is willing to go to the Philippines. The details are all up to you, and I don't care."

"Actors should want ours. We invested so much money, are the actors still those foreigners?"

"You have to look at the background and characters of the script. The heroine's father raised lions for the rich to kill. Are you sure you want our actors to act?"

Xing Zhongfei patted his head.

"I've been busy lately."

The two continued to discuss some specific matters.

Wu Long stayed in the imperial capital for a few days, and then went home for a few days to reunite with his parents and family.Then I flew to Los Angeles to see how "John Wick" was doing in the later stage.

"Long, is your lion's roar real or fake? Can it really scare away lions?"

Whenever they saw Wu Long, Rocky, Uma, Zhu Di and others would ask Wu Long this question.The video went viral on the Internet and received a lot of hits.

Many people believe it, and many people don't believe it, thinking it was made by special effects.

Everyone wants to know whether Wu Long's lion roar can really scare away lions.

Even Fox is no exception.

"it is true."

"Does it work on people too?"


"Why don't you try yelling at me?"

Wu Long replaced him as the Lion King and roared at Fox.


Fox seemed to see Wu Long transforming into a ferocious lion and rushing towards him.At that moment, he was shocked by the momentum of the lion's roar.

"Excellent. You can save your life at critical times." Fox sighed.

If there is an assassin who wants to kill Wu Long, and Wu Long has no weapon in hand, he can buy time just by shouting like this.For a master like Wu Long, a little time is enough for him to come back.

This lion's roar also caused an interesting incident.Someone called the police, claiming a lion was nearby.As a result, the police patrolled many times, but nothing was found.

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