I'm not just an action star

Chapter 401 Amazing Accident

"You bloody bastards!" After hearing this, Kevin kicked the murderer who killed Joe angrily.

Jinsha also clenched her gun tightly, wanting to shoot at these scumbags.

"Where is the camera?" Wu Long asked the other party.

"In the bag of that car."

Kevin rummaged in the past and quickly found the camera.

"It's Joe's camera with her name on it!" Kevin wiped away tears. "I once asked her why she engraved her name on it. She said that in case of loss or accident, the person who finds it will know it is my camera."

He turned on the camera to check, and there was nothing inside.

"Did you delete all the content you took?"

The person replied: "Yes, he deleted it."

This "he" refers to the murderer who killed Joe.

"Is there no evidence?" Angeli asked.

Kevin said angrily, "It's gone."

Wu Long thought for a while and said, "This camera itself is the evidence for killing Joe. Besides, such deletion should be recoverable through technical means."

"Really?" Kevin gripped the camera tightly.

"Let's have some food and rest, and return to Jo and her family as soon as possible to explain." Jin Sha.

There happened to be a fire here, and food, and they could cook something hot to eat.

Wu Long came to Watchman and Anshao.

"What are you doing!" The two were a little terrified.

"Don't worry, I'm a law-abiding person. I'm just taking out the warhead for you, don't panic."

Wu Long really helped them take out the warhead, asked if they had any medicine, and bandaged it for them.

Jin Sha, Kevin and Angeli all looked at Wu Long a little strangely, they didn't expect Wu Long to be so kind.

The group also found Wu Long very strange.Wu Long's marksmanship is very good, and his combat effectiveness is extremely strong.One person faced the eight of them and knocked them out.They acted very cold-blooded just now, if they don't confess, throw them here to feed the hyenas.

But now, Wu Long showed kindness again, removing the bullets and bandaging the wounds for them.

Be aware that if the bullet is not removed as soon as possible, it can easily lead to infection.Once infected, it is extremely easy to die.

"Thank you!" said the lookout.

Anshao also said: "You are a good person."

These two people didn't really thank Wu Long.But at this moment, they need to win Wu Long's favor, so that Wu Long will no longer target them.

"Long, the hot soup is ready, come and eat quickly." Jin Sha greeted Wu Long.

"Okay." Wu Long threw the bullet far away.

Jinsha handed Wu Long the stainless steel box containing the canned broth.

"Thank you." Wu Long took it with both hands.

These tableware and food belong to poachers.Jinsha washed all the tableware with water and burned them with fire.

"How does it taste?" Jin Sha looked at Wu Long.

In her eyes, this man is no longer just an actor star, but a soldier king and a tough guy on the battlefield.

That fighting strength, that marksmanship, that handsome appearance, and that muscular body are all so fascinating.

Unfortunately, now is not the time.

"Very good. I didn't expect your cooking skills to be able to cook delicious dishes in such an environment." Wu Long praised.

Delicious, of course, is impossible.As long as it is not difficult to swallow, it can be praised in such an environment.The conditions are not good, and there is no seasoning. It is really good that ordinary people can do this.

Jin Sha sat down next to Wu Long.Angeli on the other side of Wu Long couldn't help but glanced at her. Her intuition made her feel that this woman, Jin Sha, must be attracted to Wu Long.

"Long, have you ever been a soldier? Why are you so good at marksmanship?"

"I practice Kung Fu, and I know Eastern hidden weapons. In this way, my wrist and arm strength can ensure the stability of the firearm without worrying about the recoil. My hidden weapons can also ensure my accuracy and aiming. So I practice guns Soon, it is equivalent to a talented player."

"Your car is also very stable, is it also a talent?" Jin Sha lightly touched Wu Long's shoulder with her shoulder.

"It's also a talent. I have specially practiced driving, because I have to film. In fact, I also practiced shooting for filming."

Jin Sha chatted with Wu Long, her head gradually got closer and closer to Wu Long.

Angeli on the other side complained about Jinsha in her heart, but of course she didn't show it on the surface.Anyway, he is also an actor, and the facial expression management can still be done well.

Suddenly, Kevin, who was thinking aside, looked up in a direction.

There, a lion appeared.


"There are lions!" Kevin reminded everyone, and put down the stainless steel box in his hand. "Don't move around, stand up slowly."

"Everyone, don't look directly at the lion, let alone stare into its eyes. That will be seen as provocative, and it will easily anger them."

Thinking that those poachers could only lie on the ground, he immediately warned: "Don't shout, or you may anger the lion!"

The lion's eyes fixed on Kevin, then swept over the others.

"Ooooh—" the lion roared loudly at them.

"What is it talking about, Kevin?" Jin Sha clenched the gun tightly.

"Show anger." After Kevin finished speaking, the lion turned its head to the group of poachers on the ground.

Jinsha looked at the lion and vaguely recognized it:

"This lion seems to be called Sith?"

"Sith? Is it Sith? That cub that Joe rescued?" Kevin asked.

"Yes, that's it." Jin Sha confirmed.

"Do you know this lion?" Angeli was surprised: "Kevin, can you communicate with it? Let it go away and don't come over."

Kevin shook his head: "As I said, lion whisperers can't really talk to lions."

Wu Long felt that the lions were all similar in appearance, and it was difficult to identify them. He didn't know how these people could be identified.It's like identifying tigers and cheetahs, they all have similar patterns, how can you tell the difference.

"Wait, Joe rescued this lion and then released it into the wild?" Wu Long asked.

Jinsha looked at the lion slowly approaching and said: "Yes. Sith's parents were killed by poachers. The lion group they belonged to was not found except that it was hiding in the bushes. The other male lions and females Both the lion and the cub were killed."

"Can't let it get any closer. If you get any closer, it will reach its sprinting distance."

As soon as Kevin finished speaking, the lion stopped moving.

Everyone looked at Kevin in shock, even the poachers on the ground looked at Kevin in surprise.

Is this the Lion Whisperer?


"Don't look at me, it has nothing to do with me. The lion can't understand what I say." Kevin explained, without taking his eyes off the lion.

"Ooooh—" the lion roared up to the sky.

"No, it seems to be calling other lions." Kevin's voice trembled.

Now this situation is what he does not want to see.They have guns and are not actually afraid of lions.But he didn't want to kill the lion.Moreover, even with a gun, it can only deal with one or two lions.If a group of lions charge up at the same time, they will be in danger.

Especially today, he has two stars by his side.If the two celebrities were injured or killed by lions, I am afraid there will never be people in the entertainment industry to fund wildlife protection.



The cries of lions sounded all around.

"It's the voice of the lioness, they surrounded us!" Kevin's expression changed.

Angeli's complexion also changed, she didn't want to die here.She saw the gun on the ground and wanted to get it.

"Don't move!" Kevin warned Angeli. "Jinsha, don't aim your gun at it. You may not be able to kill all the lions. But if you aim your gun at it, they may attack."

"That's not right, Kevin. A pride of lions never hunts a group of humans. If it's a single human, they might want to hunt if they're hungry. But with a group, they usually avoid it. Unless we offend them, or let them There is no retreat." Angeli looked around nervously.


From different directions, you can see the exposed lion head.Counting them, six lionesses appeared around them.

"Yes, we humans are not their usual prey, so they usually don't treat us as prey. Unless they are hungry, or they feel threatened." Kevin also quickly glanced around. "I've never been in a situation like this, it's not good."

Wu Long searched the system to see if he could stop the lion's attack without using a gun or killing the lion.

As a result, the system jumped out of the lion's roar function, claiming to frighten the lion with its loud voice.

Louder than a lion?

Are you sure it's not a joke?

A lion's roar without internal strength really can't hurt people, and it can't hurt a lion either.It can only frighten the lion with a loud voice according to the system.

Wu Long exchanged the lion's roar skills.

The lion walked forward again, roaring at the same time.

"Get in the car!" Jin Sha said.

"No!" Wu Long stopped.

Just when everyone was surprised, Wu Long continued to say: "Since you said that these lions are abnormal, have you ever thought that this lion named Sith is here for revenge?"

"Revenge?" Kevin felt unimaginable. "Is this impossible?"

"Long, you are talking about a movie, but here is reality." Jinsha also disagreed.

"Let's get in the car, what about them?" Wu Long said of them, referring to the poachers on the ground. "You say the Lions will give us a chance to move these ten people into the car?"

The poachers panicked.

"No, you can't abandon me."

"Please, please save us!"

"Don't leave us here!"

The voices of these poachers obviously angered the group of lions who surrounded them.Both male lions and lionesses found the roar.

Suddenly, in the direction behind Jinsha, a lioness who hadn't shown up just now rushed up from hiding.

Of the four of them, only Jinsha was used to carrying a gun on his back, and never left his body.But Kevin said not to raise the gun, and Jin Sha didn't raise the gun either.

Wu Long stuck a pistol seized from poachers in his waist.

He turned his head suddenly and let out a lion roar at the charging lioness.


Halfway through the charge, the lioness was so frightened by Wu Long's roar that she abruptly stopped her forward pace, sat down on the ground, turned around and ran away.

As the lioness charged, the other lions followed suit.

Because of Wu Long's lion roar, the lioness was scared away, and the other lionesses were also scared to turn around and leave, instead of rushing forward.

Only the lion, which was rushing towards Kevin, changed direction slightly and rushed towards Wu Long.

Wu Long turned around and roared again at the lion.


The male lion felt a more powerful and powerful momentum coming towards him with the sound, shaking its eardrums uncomfortably, subconsciously forcibly stopped the forward momentum, and sat down on the ground.

Then, the lion stood up and roared loudly at Wu Long.


Wu Long took the place of the Golden Retriever Lion King, stepped forward to block the three of them, and roared vigorously at the lion.


The male lion seemed to see a taller and stronger golden-haired lion roaring at it, forcing it to retreat again and again.

But Xiongshi didn't leave, staring at Wu Long, obviously unwilling to retreat like this.

"It's not reconciled."

The male lion looked at the poachers on the ground again.

"It seems to really care about these poachers." Kevin explained according to his own understanding.

Jinsha hesitated.

"Could Sith really come to take revenge as Long said?" She kind of believed such words.

At this time, Wu Long's words made everyone's hearts sink.

"My lion's roar can only scare these lions for a while, and it can't be too long. They get impatient and will attack again. If I shout my lion's roar twice, I'm afraid I won't be able to scare them anymore."

"Then what should we do?" Kevin looked at the lion. "Its performance is indeed becoming more and more irritable. It was blocked by the dragon's lion roar just now, and it felt that its authority was challenged. It's like the lion king being challenged by another lion."

Jinsha looked at the poachers on the ground and said:

"Try it and you'll know. If the dragon has the lion's roar function and scares them away a few times, we can try to move these people into the car. If the Sith are really here for revenge, they will definitely come to stop them."

"It's risky to do that." Kevin disagreed.

"Long, are you sure about the lion's roar?" Jin Sha asked Wu Long.

"You try it." Wu Long agreed.

Jinsha walked slowly towards the poachers.The lion noticed Jin Sha's actions, lowered his head and growled at Jin Sha.

When Jinsha grabbed a poacher and dragged it to the car, the lion rushed to Jinsha.

Wu Long quickly roared at the lion, and Jin Sha quickly dropped the poacher and held the gun tightly.

The lion stopped attacking because of Wu Long's lion roar, but still roared at Jin Sha.Jinsha didn't dare to raise her gun to aim, for fear that her actions would offend the lion.

The seven lionesses surrounded them again and roared at them.One still lowered its body, as if it was about to pounce.

"No, we have to leave quickly," Kevin said.

"Let's try to stay away from these poachers first and see how the lions react," Wu Long suggested.

"Let's get in the car." Jin Sha suggested.

Wu Long objected immediately: "No, we won't get in the poachers' car, we'll leave on foot."

"Why?" Jinsha asked back.

"Are you in your car watching people outside get killed by lions?"

Wu Long's words made Jin Sha, Kevin, and Angeli shudder.

When the poachers saw that Wu Long said he would leave them behind, they were all anxious.

"Don't leave us behind!"

"Please, don't abandon us!"

"Save us, please!"

"Don't leave us here!"

The sound of these poachers irritates the lions.A lioness, who had been lying down, suddenly jumped out and rushed towards the poachers.

"Aww—" Wu Long roared like a lion.

The lioness rushed halfway, turned and ran away.But the other lionesses did not leave. Instead, they roared at Wu Long together with the male lion.

They tried to use all the lion's roars to counter Wu Long's lion's roar.

"I can't, I can't control it anymore, all the lions are on the verge of running wild. We have to leave, even if we shoot, we may not be able to kill these lions. As long as a lion rushes over, we will all be finished!" Kevin observed lioness and other lionesses.

"Listen to me and follow me quickly. Angeli, you must follow me closely." Wu Long said to Jinsha again: "Jinsha, you are a wild animal protector. Are you going to kill the lion to protect these thieves?" Hunter? If so, what's the point of your protection?"

"Eight lions are coming from different directions, how many can you kill? If you kill a lion, other lions will target you. Maybe you can kill all the lions, but you may also be bitten and killed by a lion at the same time. .Most importantly, maybe you die, the lion dies, and in the end these poachers live, isn't that the biggest irony of you and your work?"

"Stop talking, let's leave! Let's go as you said!" Jin Sha agreed to leave.

"Kevin, keep an eye out for the male lion and let me know if it charges towards us. Jinsha and Angeli, keep an eye out for the other lionesses and call me if they come up to you. I'll use the lion's roar to open the way. As long as we get out of the encirclement, It should be safe!"

"Okay!" The three replied, moving slowly with Wu Long.

The poachers on the ground were desperate, and the voices for help became louder.The lions, stimulated by the louder sound, also roared at the poachers.

Wu Long walked towards the gap between the two lionesses, and at the same time roared at the two lionesses, forcing the two lionesses to run away.

"Don't run, return to normal speed." Wu Long led the three of them to continue walking outside.

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