I'm not just an action star

Chapter 400 Subduing

Hearing the prompt, several people looked at the place Wu Long said.Soon, they also saw the secret whistle.

Everyone observed and searched for a while before starting to summarize.

"It is confirmed that there is only one watchman and one secret sentry. There are eight people beside the car. As far as it is concerned, there are ten people in this group. I can't see the situation in the car. There is no evidence to prove that they are poachers."

After Jin Sha finished speaking, she frowned.

If you want to know whether the other party is a poacher, you need to go and check.But these few people passed by like this, if the other party is really a poacher, they must be in danger.

Calling for backup, that's impossible.Because there is no evidence, if you call people here, you can't find anything...

Seeing Jinsha's silence for a long time, Wu Long asked her:

"If you usually meet them, what would you do?"

"We will ask them to check, and we have the right to do so. Usually they have evidence in the car and will resist." Jin Sha replied: "But now we can't do that, it's too dangerous."

Angeli sighed: "There are too many of them."

"I went over, pretended to be lost and asked them for help..."

Before Wu Long finished speaking, he was interrupted by Jin Sha and Kevin at the same time.

"No, it's too dangerous!"

"You don't have to take the risk!"

Jin Sha patted Wu Long on the shoulder.

"Dragon, don't be impulsive, this is not filming, you are not omnipotent. We continue to monitor them now, as long as they want to poach and we film it, that is evidence. If they don't poach, we follow them. They trade Once it is photographed by us, we also have evidence."

This is the safest way.

"In addition, I will notify the patrol officers and stop them on the patrol route for inspection."

Wu Long objected.

"Your method is very safe, but we not only want to catch the poachers, but also find the murderer who killed Joe. According to your method, we can even film their crimes and catch them, but they don't admit to killing Joe, what should we do?" ? We don't know if they were Joe's murderers, what if they were?"

Kevin's hands dug hard into the mud.

"Long is right, if you catch them like that, even if they killed Joe, they won't admit that they killed Joe." When Kevin said this, he gritted his teeth hard.

"Then what do you want, lynching to extract a confession?" Jin Sha looked directly at Wu Long. "If you do that, you're breaking the law, and I won't let you do that."

Kevin beat the ground angrily, but knew that Jinsha was right.

"If I go over and they attack me, can I defend myself?" Wu Long asked Jin Sha.

Jin Sha nodded.

"I don't kill them, I know kung fu, I can knock them down and make them temporarily lose their ability to resist."

Jin Sha was surprised: "Wait, what are you talking about? You need to use kung fu? Don't you plan to bring a gun when you pass?"

Wu Long shrugged.

"No. If I had a gun, maybe I'd give them a reason to shoot."

Jin Sha shook her head.

"No, if you don't have a gun, you won't have the ability to resist at all. Long, this is not a movie, it's reality. There are ten of them, and each of them has a gun. If they are poachers, they will be very cold-blooded, no would care about murder."

"Don't worry, I'm sure I won't be killed by them. Would I be joking with my own life?"

Wu Long picked up a stone and looked around.

"Look at that leaf over there, it's alone. This leaf is the only one at the top of the tree. Do you see it? It's about 20 meters away. I'm going to hit that leaf with this stone, do you believe it?"

"I believe it." Angeli knew Wu Long well, and knew that Wu Long's flying knife was powerful.

Kevin only had a general understanding of Wu Long, but he didn't know Wu Long's hidden weapon of throwing knives.Jinsha also only knew that Wu Long was a movie star and director, but didn't know Wu Long's hidden weapon of throwing knives.Their eyes clearly expressed disbelief.

Wu Long threw the stone out and hit the leaf he was talking about with a "whoosh".

Kevin and Jinsha suddenly showed shocked eyes.

"See, this is my weapon."

"But, there are at least eight of them!" Kevin reminded Wu Long.

"No problem, I'll just pick up a few more stones." Wu Long smiled.

"However, there are still watchmen and secret whistles. How do you solve them? They are far away, and you can't throw stones at them." Jin Sha also reminded Wu Long.

"If I kill eight people, their weapons will become mine. My marksmanship is no worse than yours, trust me."

Angeli helped Wu Long prove it. "I can attest that his marksmanship is very accurate. I have seen it with my own eyes."

"And then? How do you press them?" Jinsha asked.

"I'd say if they don't say where Joe's camera is, I'm going to take the cars one by one and leave them there. There are lions on the savannah and hyenas and cheetahs and they'll watch Don't you want to eat these foods?"

"What if they say it?" Jinsha asked.

"Then leave it to you." Wu Long replied.

Jinsha asked again: "What if they don't say it? Or they really didn't do it, and the murderer is someone else."

"We just hid in the distance and watched them until the beasts came and attacked them. I think if the beasts appeared in front of them, they would tell the truth. If they were the murderers, they would cry out regret. If the murderers If it wasn't them, they would scold me."

After Wu Long finished speaking, he waited for Jin Sha's opinion.Jinsha looked at Kevin, who frowned.

"Long, it's too dangerous for you to do this. I personally don't agree. I still wait in secret as Jinsha said."

"But what if we are discovered?" Wu Long asked him. "At that time, we are more dangerous."

Such a situation is indeed possible.If they find out, they are really poachers, and most of them will come to kill them.There were only four of them, and Angeli didn't know how to shoot.Even if the marksmanship is good, four people can hardly resist ten vicious poachers.

Kevin didn't know how to answer Wu Long's hypothesis, and remained silent.

Jinsha sighed.

"I actually don't support you doing this, Long. However, your assumption makes me very contradictory, and I have no better way."

"I know, so I went alone, and you all objected, but I still insisted on going."

Wu Long turned on the camera and asked Angeli to record.

"I left a video to prove it, so that everyone doesn't have to embarrass themselves."

He explained the situation to the camera, then picked up a dozen stones and started to detour.

An Jili took a video camera to film Wu Long's passing process, and saw Wu Long running fast, away from their position, and then walked towards the cars from another direction.

The watchman quickly found Wu Long and used the walkie-talkie to notify his companions to pay attention.

Wu Long pretended not to notice the watchman on the tree, but the direction he chose would not allow him to turn his back to the watchman.

The watchman and the secret whistle are in opposite directions, and they are at the two ends of several vehicles, so they can see each other and protect each other.

Wu Long entered from another direction, with the watchman and secret whistle on both sides of him.

Seeing someone on the other side looking at him, Wu Long waved his hands and shouted in English:

"Hi, hello! Great, I finally met someone. I almost thought I was going to die in this prairie."

"I'm lost and I'm so lucky to have met you!"

Someone on the other side spoke the local language, and Wu Long understood their words through the exchange.

"Who is this guy?"

"I don't know! Where did he come from?"

"Ask him to see if there is someone behind him!"

Someone asked Wu Long in English:


"Who are you and why are you here? Where are your companions?"

Wu Long approached them, and these people gathered slowly, forming an encirclement circle around Wu Long.

Jin Sha, observing with a telescope, said:

"They are secretly surrounding Wu Long. This kind of hostility is likely to be poachers!"

"Jin Sha, if Wu Long is in danger, can you shoot him to save him?" Angeli asked.

"Don't worry, I will shoot. But if I shoot, you have to be careful, don't be hit by their secret whistle." Jinsha reminded the two.

"Don't worry, we listen to you."

Wu Long knew that he was surrounded, but he pretended to be tired and didn't notice that he was surrounded.

"I'm here to travel. The guide I asked took me to see the lions. For some reason, suddenly a group of elephants rushed towards us. The guide abandoned me and drove away by himself. I walked and walked, but I didn't know where to go. How long, finally see you."

Hearing Wu Long's lies, these people's eyes lit up.


"You said you met an elephant? Where?"

Wu Long shook his head.

"I'm lost, how do I know where I am? I don't even know how far I've walked and which direction to go."

Several people talked in the local language.

"He has no value, you can't keep him."

"Well, if he meets members of the protection organization and says he's seen us, we're in danger."

"Kill him, anyway, that's what he did before."

The person behind Wu Long quietly pulled out a dagger, and suddenly stabbed Wu Long in the neck.


The dagger slashed across Wu Long's head.

It turned out that Wu Long heard the wind, and when he got short, he avoided the dagger attack.At the same time, an elbow hit the opponent's crotch, and the opponent immediately covered his crotch and fell to the ground in pain.

Jin Sha saw Wu Long squat down suddenly from the scope, only to realize that the dagger had passed over Wu Long's head.From her angle, she couldn't see the other party pulling out the dagger and attacking Wu Long.

If Wu Long hadn't been able to hide quickly, Wu Long would have been stabbed to death.Thinking of this, Jin Sha couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.She also wanted to support Wu Long and prevent Wu Long from being in danger.As a result, she didn't have time to do it, and Wu Long didn't need her support at all.

It can be seen from the scope that Wu Long is agile and his movements are so fast that he can't see clearly.I saw Wu Long flashing back and forth, and soon, all five people around him fell down.

Another three people rushed over when they heard the movement, some held guns in their hands, and some saw their fallen companions wanting to draw their guns.

As a result, Wu Long threw stones and knocked out the guns in their hands.

He rushed over and knocked them to the ground.

Jin Sha heard the sound of the watchman shooting, but the watchman failed to hit Wu Long, but Wu Long picked up the gun and counterattacked, and fell from the tree with one shot.

Later, Jin Sha saw Wu Long shoot two shots at the dark whistle, and then saw Wu Long waving to them to signal them to go over.

After Wu Long beckoned, he went to drag Anshao out of the bush hideout, and dragged Anshao back all the way.

It was discussed before, and after receiving Wu Long's notice, Jinsha and the others walked over instead of driving.When Jin Sha and the others arrived, Wu Long also dragged them back.

Jinsha went to check these people's cars and found two rhino horns, twenty lion paws, a lion's mouth and teeth, a male lion head with lion fur, a complete male lion skin and a complete set of lions. lion skeleton.

"Fake, you bloody poachers!" Jinsha slammed the car door and cursed.

Ten people looked at Wu Long and didn't speak.The eyes are very fierce, even if they have no ability to resist at this time.

"Whoever of you killed Joe Elsa, where is her video camera. If you don't tell me, I will make your hands and feet numb and throw you here. Believe that hyenas and lions will treat you as a delicacy, fill you their bellies."

Wu Long used English.

"Maybe some of them can't understand English, can you speak their language?" Wu Long asked Jin Sha and Kevin.

"Actually, they can understand English." Jinsha said, "However, I can speak to them again in Swahili."

Then Jin Sha repeated Wu Long's question in Swahili.

These people remained silent.

"It seems that you don't want to admit it."

After Wu Long finished speaking, he grabbed someone's arm.He pinched the numb tendon on his arm and pulled it hard, and then punched several acupuncture points on his shoulder with the Phoenix Eye Fist, causing the opponent's arm to lose consciousness immediately.

"What did you do to me!" the man, unable to feel his arm, yelled in English in horror.

Wu Long ignored him and did the same operation on his other arm, causing him to lose consciousness in the other arm as well.

"No, you can't do that!" The man was terrified.

Wu Long grabbed the numb tendon on the opponent's foot and pulled again, and the opponent suddenly realized that he had lost consciousness in one foot.Wu Long punched the acupoint again with the phoenix eye to ensure that the other party lost consciousness for a long time.


On the other foot, Wu Long did the same, making the person lose all sensation in his hands and feet.Just now they were in pain and couldn't move, but now they don't even feel it, as if their limbs were cut off.

"What did he do to you?" asked the companion.

"My hands and feet are numb, and I can't even feel the pain. It's like I don't have hands and feet. It's terrible!" the man replied.

Wu Long showed an evil smile.

"If I do this, no one will be able to find out what I did to your hands and feet. Even if you go to the hospital for an examination, you won't be able to find out. So I didn't abuse you, and I didn't use lynching to force you to be questioned."

Grab the second person's arm and continue doing this.

"Don't worry, everyone will have it. You can't feel your hands and feet, you can't run away, and you can't fight with your weapons. Lions come, cheetahs come, hyenas come, and they can easily eat you!"

"Since you don't know where Joe's camera is, we'll have to find it ourselves."

The second person also screamed: "My hand! Ah! My foot! My God, what kind of witchcraft is this!"

Someone shouted in horror: "Wizard, he must be a wizard, a wizard from the East!"

Kevin, Jin Sha, and Angeli all looked at Wu Long in surprise. They didn't expect Wu Long to do this, and they couldn't figure out how Wu Long could do it.

"Is this the magical Chinese Kung Fu?" Kevin exclaimed.

"Forgive me, I used to laugh at Chinese Kung Fu!" Jin Sha exclaimed.

"I thought I knew Chinese Kung Fu, but it seems I only know a little bit." Angeli sighed.

The hands and feet of ten people all lost consciousness.

"Okay, you wait here to die." After Wu Long finished speaking, he clapped his hands and said to Jinsha and the others: "Let's go, hurry up and look for it."

These were all negotiated, and Jinsha and the others cooperated with Wu Long and left together.

Everyone is wondering how far these poachers have to go before they break down?After they walked more than 20 meters, one person finally couldn't bear it and shouted:

"Come back, save me! I'll tell you!"

The four stopped and turned around.

"He killed it, it's none of my business." He pointed out the murderer.

"Why did you kill her!"

"She saw us and we recognized her as Joe Elsa. He said that if he let Joe go, he would tell us. After killing Joe, he was worried that we had been caught on camera. After the inspection, he did film me. went in."

"In order to avoid being traced, we used lion teeth to fake wounds on her body, making people think she was killed by a lion."

"He was worried that you would have a way to recover the deleted images, so he took the camera away."

If you take the memory card away, you will definitely be suspected.Damage to the memory card will also be suspected.Smashing the camera will also be suspected.The only way they can think of is to take the camera away, so Joe's family will think that Joe didn't bring the camera, or the camera was lost long ago.

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