I'm not just an action star

Chapter 399 Tracking

Three people go back.

Kevin's assistant looked sad. When he saw Kevin came back, his tears could no longer be controlled and flowed out.

"Joe is dead."


"They called and said that there was an accident and they were killed by a lion!"

Wu Long and An Jili looked at each other.This is a wildlife park and a protected area, and the main wild animals are lions.It must be very unfortunate if someone is killed by a lion.

Kevin kept his shocked expression for a few seconds, then shook his head violently.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"Joe is also a lion whisperer. She is familiar with the habits and roar of lions. She will not be killed by lions!"

"That's what they said over there." The assistant replied.

"No, I'm going to see. You look after the children."

"Don't worry, I will take care of them."

Kevin forgot about Angeli and Wu Long, and rushed out to pack his luggage.

"Who is Joe?" Angeli asked Kevin's assistant.

"Joe Elsa, a biologist, conducts wildlife conservation research in another country."

The Philippine prairie is very large and distributed in different countries.There are also many wildlife sanctuaries established in the Philippine prairie, and everyone has contacts with each other, exchanging experience and research results.

"Long, let's go and have a look too, shall we?"

Wu Long nodded. "go together."

The two found Kevin and expressed their desire to go with Kevin.Kevin agreed and took the two to rent a plane.

Kevin has his own ideas. Considering the influence of the two stars, maybe they can provide outside help to him or this matter.

Before leaving, Kevin made a phone call to find out the situation and asked them not to bury him. He wanted to bid farewell to Joe's body.

After they arrived, Kevin went to see Joe's body for the first time, and checked Joe's body after obtaining consent.

After looking at the remains, Kevin came to an astonishing conclusion.

"It shouldn't have been killed by a lion."

"No?" Joe's family was surprised. "Looking at the wound, it should be caused by a lion's teeth."

"Just looking at this wound, it is indeed the injury caused by the teeth of a lion. But if it was bitten to death by a lion, it would not be the only wound."

"What do you mean?"

"I've seen many people who were bitten and killed by lions. There should be scratch marks on their bodies. Even if you don't use claws, you will have long wounds from teeth. It is very likely, Joe Instead of being mauled to death by a lion, he was killed by someone who disguised himself as a lion."

Joe's family was shocked by Kevin's conclusion.

"Kevin, do you think this was a murder?"

Kevin nods.

"Very likely. Joe is as familiar with lions as I am, and I am also familiar with the wild beasts of this prairie. I am called a lion whisperer, and Joe is also a lion whisperer. How can a lion whisperer be called like this?" Killed by a lion?"

"Others see us playing with lions, we look very relaxed. In fact, when we play with lions, we always pay attention to the emotions of lions. If we are not right, we will change immediately. We know how not to offend lions, how to prevent lions from thinking that we are threat or prey."

"So, we are rarely attacked by lions. Even if we are attacked by lions, we know how to resist or change. If we die, there will be many wounds, not just one wound."

"Who will harm her?" Joe's family was even more sad.

Kevin mused.

"Maybe it's a poacher," Jin Sha said.

Jinsha Johnson, a retired female soldier from McCann, has tattoos on her arms and wears camouflage uniforms.

She is a wildlife conservationist in the Philippines, and she has contacts with Kevin and Joe.It's just that everyone's division of labor is different.Kevin raises and rescues injured wild animals, or wild animal cubs who have lost their parents.Joe is tracking, researching the living habits of wild animals, and advocating for conservation.The two faced wild animals.

Jinsha is for armed patrol and protection, mainly facing poachers.

Kevin nodded slightly when he heard Jin Sha say this.

"It's very possible. Maybe Joe met a poacher. Joe is a member of wildlife protection and is relatively famous. Poachers should know Joe. If Joe encounters him, even if he doesn't stop him in person, he will report them afterwards. They If you don’t want to be discovered or caught, you will…”

"Can you take me to the place where Joe was killed? I want to see if there are any lion tracks around."

"I'll take you there." Joe's family also wanted to find out the situation.

Wu Long and An Jili also followed.

"Where's Joe's camera? I'll take it to shoot, maybe I can get something as evidence." Kevin asked Joe's family.

Joe's family brought a digital video camera, and Kevin found something wrong after taking it.

"Isn't this the machine she usually uses?"

"Yes, I only found this spare one, not the one she usually uses."

Jinsha immediately guessed:

"Could it be that Joe went out this time with a camera, and used the camera to capture the poacher's crime, so the camera was taken away by the poacher?"

"Did you not search the scene?" Kevin asked Joe's family.

"I searched and found some relics, but I didn't find the camera. I didn't think too much about it at the time, I thought I didn't take it with me."

"This is more reason to suspect that there was something wrong with Joe's murder. If it was really a lion that killed Joe, it is impossible for the camera not to be there."

The next day, everyone set off in two cars with a heavy heart.

"Kevin, did those stars and directors say they want to make a movie?" Lu Jinsha asked Kevin about inviting stars to do charity work this time.

Joe is also Jinsha's friend, and Jinsha doesn't want to keep thinking about Joe on the road.She wanted to find a topic to divert her emotions so that she could better control her emotions.

She doesn't want to let the hatred get lost, and she has to keep a calm heart to track down possible clues.See if it's true, as Kevin said, Joe's death was not killed by a lion, but someone murdered him.If that's the case, she must keep a calm heart and find the murderer to avenge Joe.

"No." Kevin replied looking into the distance.

In fact, not many celebrities came, and some famous celebrities originally agreed to come, but they said they had something to do and didn't come.Just asked for the account number and donated some money.

The celebrities who came were not famous enough, so they took photos and videos and donated money after they came.

No one really cared about the lions, the elephants killed for their ivory, the rhinos killed for their horns.

The biggest star to come is Wu Long who is now in the same car.Even Angeli became popular because of her role in Wu Long's movie.

Also because of what happened to Joe, the two sides didn't talk about it in detail. He didn't know if Wu Long was like other stars and just regarded this event as a show.Take photos and videos to promote yourself.Then donate some money to show that you are doing charity.

He really doesn't know.

And Joe's death made him feel a little annoyed.

Jinsha, who wanted to change the subject and make the atmosphere less heavy, also sighed helplessly.



"You want to take the road of making movies to raise funds for your park?" Wu Long asked Kevin.

Hearing Wu Long's question, Kevin had a glimmer of hope in his heart.

"Yes. Use these lions to make movies and earn some rations for the lions. Through the broadcast of the movies, let people understand the current situation of lions and wild animals in the Philippines."

"I think this is a win-win situation. They don't need to donate money, they just invest in making movies, and they earn something."

Angeli wanted to ask Wu Long if he wanted to make a lion movie, but she swallowed the words.Now she asked in front of everyone, Wu Long would be very embarrassed if he didn't want to shoot.

Wu Long searched the system and found a movie.

This movie has a lot of bugs and the rating is not very high.The only commendable thing is that all are real lion performances, no green screen, no cg, no special effects.

Wu Long intends to invest in this film, but he will not direct it himself, nor will he star in it.According to the shooting of the original movie, the actors and the little white lions need to grow up together and develop relationships with the lions.There's no way he's spending so much time here.

He doesn't shoot or act, which doesn't mean that people in China don't shoot or act.This is an opportunity for domestic actors and directors to step out and use their own global film channels.

As for funds, it can even be included in charity or aid projects, and it is not impossible for the state to invest in filming.

Of course, if not.It's fine for him to come and pay, or if any domestic film company wants to do it, they have no problem finding funds by themselves.

I am afraid that someone will rush to do this kind of international cooperation project.

He only received a symbolic copyright fee of one penny.

After thinking this through, Wu Long said to Kevin, whose eyes were twinkling with anticipation:

"If I invest in a film about white lions, how will you operate and cooperate here?"

Surprise suddenly appeared on Kevin's face.Jin Sha also looked at Wu Long, and secretly nodded in praise of Wu Long.

"I want to take the park and the lions as shares, and the box office dividends will be used as the park's income. I need the lions to participate in the performance and the use of the venue here, and I will cooperate and coordinate."

"Long, what movie do you want to make?" Jinsha asked again.

Wu Long thought for a while before answering:

"It doesn't have to be me filming it, and I don't necessarily have to participate in it. I will write a rough story, let the companies in my country perfect the script, and let them come and shoot."

"What's the plot?" Kevin asked. "Can you express some of what I want to express in the movie. For example, poaching, for example, raising lions for hunting."

"You can express what you said in the movie." Wu Long said:

"The movie is about a girl whose father runs a farm and raises many lions. The girl hated this kind of living environment where there are a group of animals and a group of lions when she goes out, until a white lion is born and becomes a partner with the girl. The white lion grows up. , the parents were worried about the danger of their daughter and separated the white lion from the daughter. Both the white lion and the girl were unhappy, and the white lion even went on a hunger strike."

Angeli was attracted by the stories Kevin told.

"However, once the white lion accidentally hurt the girl's brother, the girl's father isolated the white lion again and planned to sell the white lion."

"The girl wanted to know where the white lion would be transported. She secretly hid in the shed where the lion was transported and followed her, and found out her father's secret. It turned out that her father raised the lion and sold it to rich people as prey, and was mercilessly killed. .”

"The girl didn't want the white lion to suffer the same fate. She secretly released all the lions in the farm and fled with the white lion."

"The businessman who ordered the white lion has already paid the deposit. He is unwilling to give up the white lion, saying that if the white lion is let go, it belongs to him. So the businessman drove to chase the white lion. The father and mother worried about their daughter's safety, so they drove there too. Find your daughter."

"The girl was chased by a businessman in the wild. She asked the white lion to hide in the bushes, but she was caught and beaten by the businessman. The white lion ran out and bit the businessman to save the girl. The girl ran away with the white lion. In the end, because there was no I can’t go on without food and drink. There is a protected area in front of me, and the girl let the white lion go forward by itself.”

"The girl's father and the police arrived, and the police wanted to shoot the white lion. The girl begged her father to protect the white lion and enter the reserve. In the end, the father used his body to block the white lion from entering the reserve, and the white lion was saved."

After listening to Kevin talk about the movie script, Angeli couldn't help but think of these things Kevin said during the visit yesterday:

"That's what Kevin told us yesterday, isn't it?" she asked Wu Long.

Wu Long nodded. "yes."

"How do you shoot? With a green screen, or with the lion?" Angeli asked again.

Jin Sha didn't know much about making movies, so she watched Wu Long curiously.Wu Long looked at Kevin:

"If you shoot with a real lion, can you guarantee the safety of the actors?"

Angeli didn't wait for Kevin to answer, she exclaimed first: "Oh my God, isn't it dangerous for an actor to shoot with a real lion?"

Kevin thought for a long time before answering:

"According to your script, you need to plan to shoot for three years, so that the actors and the white lion can live together and cultivate their relationship. The filming also starts from the time when the white lion is young, and continues to shoot until the white lion grows up. In this way, there is no need to worry about the lion getting hurt. Actors. A year or two in which actors spend time with other lions keeps them safe."

"Oh my god, it's amazing!" Angeli exclaimed again.

She would love to play it.Too bad she's not old enough.If it weren't for the age issue, she would rather stay here and delay the drama for three years.

The protagonist is fine, but the supporting role is fine, she doesn't want to be so troublesome.

Along the way, Kevin's mood was finally not so heavy. He discussed the details of the operation with Wu Long, until everyone came to the place where Joe was killed, and Kevin and Jin Sha carefully checked around.Joe's camera was not found, but Jinsha found the wheel prints of another car.

"Kevin, there are wheel marks here, which are different from Joe's car." She called Kevin to look at it.

Everyone went to check, and Kevin checked the wheel marks and determined that it was different from Joe's car.

"We chased along the wheel tracks, maybe we could catch those poachers," Jinsha said.

"I'll go with you." Kevin agreed.

"Let's go together too." Angeli said. "We also took pictures of this process and put it on the Internet to let everyone know the truth and understand the situation of wild animals in the Philippines."

"Okay." Wu Long agreed.

Joe's family also wanted to go, but Jinsha didn't agree.She asked Joe's family to go back and let the police examine the body for an autopsy to prove that Joe was killed by a man, not by a lion.

A lion protector was killed by a lion. Such a thing can easily be used to question the work of the protector.Extending that lions should not be protected, they should be killed, which is not good for the protection of wild animals.

The people who came came in two groups, one group drove back in one car, and Kevin, Jin Sha, Wu Long and Angeli drove another car to follow.

Jinsha used binoculars to observe the traces of the wheels, while Kevin and Angeli took binoculars to observe the surrounding situation to see if there were groups of animals or poachers.

Wu Long was in charge of driving and pursued all the way.

Sometimes, Jinsha needs to get out of the car to look for the missing wheel tracks.If there is none nearby, search for a farther range.Sometimes I searched far away and searched a wide range but couldn't find it.However, under Wu Long's analysis, Jin Sha, who was instructed by Wu Long, found the wheel marks again.This also gave Jin Sha a better understanding of Wu Long, an actor and star.

"There are a few cars ahead!" Angeli suddenly whispered.

Jinsha and Kevin looked through the binoculars according to Angeli's prompt, and they found the vehicle that Angeli said.

"Dragon, drive the car to the bushes to hide!" Jin Sha ordered.

Wu Long turned the steering wheel, and the car drove to a nearby bush.

"Everyone be careful to hide. If it is a poacher, there will be a watchman who will be responsible for the surrounding vigilance. There will also be a secret post in ambush nearby, so that if the situation is not right, a surprise attack will be launched."

The situation that Jinsha said was the situation when poachers were camping or poaching.If it is a convoy, this will not happen.

"The watchman is on the tree. We are so lucky that we didn't observe our direction just now!" Jin Sha found the watchman.

Wu Long had already seen this lookout.It's just that he didn't say it, but was looking for the secret whistle that Jinsha said.

Since the secret sentry is lying in ambush nearby to protect and launch a surprise attack, it must be in a relatively concealed place where it can see the overall situation.

Higher bushes are the preferred location, as well as observation points.However, Wu Long did not find any hidden whistle in the high bushes around the group of people.

Wu Long continued to search, and found another not-so-high place, where the bushes had a wide view, and he could see the movement of the group.

There, at last, a person was found hiding in the bushes.

"At the two o'clock direction of those cars, there is a bush that is not too high, where there are three trees, and there is a person hiding there."

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