I'm not just an action star

Chapter 398 The Lion

Falling in love with you, I'm not just an action superstar

Weiner Films meeting, Tom was held accountable by the company.

He was responsible for docking Wu Long, but he failed to win the distribution rights of "Kung Fu", which caused the company to suffer losses.

Although "Kung Fu" is not popular, it is still a big hit.According to calculations, the box office must be at the top of the North American annual box office rankings.

Even if the 20.00% commission includes other expenses such as publicity and distribution, the company can still make money.What's more, the cost of publicity and distribution is not too much.

Furthermore, the investment in Wu Long's new film is only US$3000 million, so the production cost can be regarded as low-to-medium.In the face of big productions that require hundreds of millions of investment at every turn, Wu Long's $3000 million can be said to be a low cost.

Tom knew he was going to take the blame and didn't argue.The big office is gone, back to its original corner location.

The company ordered him to re-establish a good relationship with Wu Long.Fight for Wu Long to make a new film, which will be invested by Weina Films.The films that Wu Long made in his own country will also be obtained by the North American distribution authority, Na Films.

When did Tom make it, and when did he move back to the big office.

Reality is so cruel.

During the hot screening of "Kung Fu", a different voice gradually spread on the Internet.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and "Kung Fu" have taken Wu Long's martial arts films to the extreme, and Wu Long's martial arts films have been shot to perfection.

"Kill Bill" and "League of Assassins" also shot killer movies, gunfight movies and modern action movies to the extreme, which is impossible to shoot.

This makes people have to wonder, what will Wu Long look like if he makes a Kung Fu movie or a killer movie again?

Right now, Wu Long's killer film is already the third one, what new tricks can be produced?

The answer is no.

Judging from the "Quick Chase" currently being filmed, the production cost is only 3000 million US dollars, and it is even more impossible to play special effects like "Assassin's League".

Since there are no special effects, how can you make a killer movie new?

From this, it can be speculated that Wu Long's new film is likely to be an old-fashioned gunfight action film with no new ideas.It also means that there is a high probability that it will hit the street.

This time the public opinion that is not optimistic about Wu Long is not as serious as last time when Freeman was behind the scenes, but it also caused the majority of fans not to be optimistic about Wu Long's new film.

"Fox, if your target is Trasov, he is heavily protected in the nightclub, is there a way for you to go in and kill Trasov?"

This is the question Wu Long asked Fox.

Fox shook his head:

"According to the design in the movie, even if I can sneak in and kill Trasov, I can't escape easily. There is a high probability that I will be killed inside. There is also a higher probability that I will be discovered before I get close. "

In this case, the killer will not venture into the kill target.Be sure to find a good time to kill, or long-range sniper kill.

Reality is not a movie, the protagonist in the movie is on and off.

So, John Wick, the main character in the movie, did it.Fox is not the protagonist, and he knows very well that in reality, he is not the protagonist either.I'm just lucky.

However, the film still has Fox wanting to learn.Wu Long also told him that a movie is a movie, and what is done in the movie is arranged by the screenwriter or director.In reality, it may not be possible at all.But even so, the gun fighting skills shown in the movie can also be used as a reference for Fox.

It is impossible to make a movie according to reality.Split and hide gun fighting skills in movies, whoever is smart can learn something.

The second shootout in the film took place in a nightclub, and John sneaked into the nightclub alone to kill Trasov.

In the gun battle scene here, John has a gun fighting attack gun that faces the enemy, similar to punching or kicking.

This action made Fox pay attention, imagining whether he would be able to make such a response immediately if he encountered such a situation in the future.Whether this kind of response is feasible in actual combat, whether I can make such a correct judgment in a very short time.

A movie, usually, everything serves the story.For example, costumes, special effects, pictures, actions, stunts, etc., will be designed around the story to highlight the story itself or the theme of the story.

However, the movie "John Wick" seems to be the other way around.

In order to highlight gun fighting skills, I wrote such a story, a simple story.The plots and scenes in the story are also designed to show gun fighting skills.

Even, the simple plot is to highlight the fun of action movies.If the plot is too brain-intensive, it will cause the audience to think, and the coolness of the action will be interrupted.

You have to think about everything, and when you think about it, the action is over, and you can't seriously substitute and experience it.

It's just that blindly being cool is definitely not enough, and the audience will get tired.There are highs and lows, and the protagonist will also suffer setbacks in order to make the audience feel real.

If the protagonist is really as good at fighting as Wu Long, unrivaled in unarmed combat, good at gun fighting, and good at marksmanship, how can he fight?

Whenever there is a fight, Wu Long kills, wins, wins, and the audience will be bored after watching it for a long time.

It is difficult to guarantee that the audience can sit still and watch for more than an hour if you watch a pattern repeatedly.

So in order to change, I chose to make the scene more representative, adding different visual elements and space changes in the scene, and changing the way of fighting.

Such as home, nightclub.

Home is where everyone values.A home is invaded and is most not allowed.And John's house has two floors, so there are changes in the upper and lower spaces.

A nightclub is a crowded and lively place, and it is also a common public place.Fighting in such a place has a stronger sense of substitution for many people who go to nightclubs looking for freshness and excitement.At the same time, in the freshness and excitement, I don't want to really meet in reality.

Encountered in reality, it will really kill people.

In the design, John's fighting is not as powerful as his marksmanship, and he wins and loses when fighting with others.For example, at the beginning of the film, he was knocked down by a few gangsters.If it wasn't for the gangster who was too proud to kill John, John might not even have the chance to take revenge.

Maybe Trasov didn't kill John because he wanted to see John sad and miserable.After all, his beloved dog was killed and his beloved car was taken away, but John could do nothing.Trasov enjoys this feeling very much.

The character design of John's fighting is not so strong, so that the rhythm in the film is no longer John blindly killing, killing, winning and winning.He also gets hit, he also feels pain, so there are ups and downs, highs and lows in the rhythm.

With a gun in hand, he is invincible.

With no gun or bullets, he is weakened and in danger.

Fox also asked Wu Long whether the gun fighting technique is only effective in close encounters.After all, he could tell from the script that John's battles were mostly indoors.

The indoor situation, encounters and close distances make the gun fighting technique more reasonable.Otherwise, if it is outdoors, it will not be so close to shoot.As long as it is within the effective range, or within a relatively sure hit range, it will shoot.

Wu Long replied that it was because mid-range and long-range battles were different from close-range encounters.In medium and long-range battles, both sides can hide and have bunker protection.

Close encounters can rarely be protected by bunkers, and it is easier to reflect the gun fighting technique.

In the battle at the nightclub, John failed to kill Trasov and was injured.Leading to the assassination of Perkins played by Angelique.

"Perkins wants to kill John, what does this show?" Wu Long asked Fox.

Fox smiled.This can't trouble him, he is a real top killer.

"It means that there is no 100% safe place, and someone will always break the rules for some reason."

As a neutral place, the Continental Hotel is like a sanctuary.The first rule is that no killer business is allowed in the Continental Hotel.

According to the rules of the hotel, as long as you enter the hotel, you can be considered safe.

But Perkins violated the hotel's rules for four hotel gold coins and wanted to kill John in the hotel.

Wu Long nodded, and Fox understood the meaning expressed in "John Wick".

Fox left the crew after following the crew to finish filming scenes with gun fighting skills.He began to learn the theoretical knowledge of gun fighting by himself based on the conversation and understanding with Wu Long these days.


Angeli, who plays Perkins, doesn't have many roles. After filming her scenes, she will do charity activities. After "John Wick" finished, Angeli came to Wu Long and asked him if he would like to go to the Philippines to do a charity event together.

This is an awareness campaign to protect wildlife in the Philippines.Some celebrities spontaneously organized a trip to the Philippines to take some photos and videos, aiming to promote the protection of local wild animals.

The system did not pop up the task prompt, but Wu Long still chose to participate.

If he wants to open up the global film market, he must develop his own contacts and enrich his experience and qualifications.It is undoubtedly a good choice to promote the protection of wild animals in the Philippines.

The protection of wild animals is a good topic, which can become his future talk.Don't worry about being limited to talking about kung fu, acting and movies, but also about such a noble and civilized subject as wildlife conservation.

The film circle talks about films, and the film market not only talks about films.

The post-production special effects of the film started, and Wu Long took the time to go to the Philippine prairie with Angeli.

This event was an invitation sent by a wildlife protector named Kevin.He owns a private wildlife conservation park in the Philippines.In addition to lions, there are other wild animals such as leopards in the park.

It takes a lot of money to run such a private wildlife protection park, at least [-] to [-] dollars a month.

Kevin is not a millionaire, he makes his money writing books about wild animals or lions.In addition, it is maintained by applying for funding from the Wildlife Conservation Foundation and donations from wildlife conservation enthusiasts.

The purpose of inviting stars and directors this time is to see if anyone is interested in making this type of movie. Through the cooperation between the two parties, he can obtain part of the income to cover the park's expenses.

After arriving at Kevin's park, Kevin, the owner of the park, greeted them personally.

"I didn't expect you to come!" Kevin seemed very happy to see Wu Long.He gestured a few martial arts moves. "You are the king of kung fu, the dragon from the east!"

"And you, the most beautiful female killer 'Fox'."

Kevin has made acquaintance with the stars who are willing to visit.

"We're glad to see you too."

After chatting, the two found out that because they came late, other stars had left one after another.

"I'm sorry, you couldn't be with them because of me." Wu Long said sorry to Angeli.

After his "John Wick" finished, he was still busy for a while, and he had to arrange the post-production before he could start.This led to repeated postponements of the two's trips and missed opportunities to act with other stars.

"It doesn't matter, our purpose is to do public welfare activities. As long as we can come here and make a little contribution to the protection of wild animals, it will not be in vain."

Kevin took the two to visit the lions.

"Oh my God, this lion is white!" Angeli exclaimed when she saw a white male lion.

"This is Thor."

"Hi, Thor, hello." Angeli greeted the white lion through the barbed wire.

"Roar—" The white lion shook its fur and roared at Angeli.

"It says hello, beautiful lady."

"Really?" Angeli asked.

Kevin rolled his eyes. "You don't think that if everyone calls me 'Lion Whisperer', I can really understand the language of lions?"

"Haha." Thinking of Kevin's introduction, Angeli asked, "I heard that you can play and sleep with them, right?"

"Yes, after all, I raised them and got to know them very well. As long as I understand their habits and don't do anything that offends them, they won't regard me as an enemy, but as their family. "

Seeing the cute little lion, Angeli really wanted to go in and touch the little lion.Kevin talked about some precautions and brought out a little lion to play with Angelie.

"What can we do for lions? Adopt a lion?"

"No, no, actually, I'm not in favor of adopting a lion."

"Why?" Angeli wondered. "Won't this save more lions?"

"Because lions raised in captivity can't actually return to nature, including the lions here," Kevin explained.

"However, I seem to have heard that through training, they can be released into nature." Angeli said.

Kevin frowned, thought for a while, and organized his words before saying, "Maybe, anyway, I and many people think that's impossible."

He didn't want to refute others, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

"Could you explain that?"

"Even through training in a simulated wild environment, maybe one or two can be trained. I mean maybe. But in this kind of wild training, it is just instinct for lions to catch prey by themselves. This instinct does not represent the wildness of lions."

"The wildness of lions is an important factor for them to return to the wild. Because instinct is not enough."

"Didn't the lions become wild after being released into the wild?" Angeli still didn't quite understand.

"It's reverting to the wild, but is it necessary to wait for them to become adults or just adults when they are released into the wild? But by that time, they will miss the real hunting and living in nature. The living habits formed in the wild when they grow up are the most important thing." They can survive in the natural environment."

"The hunting of lions relies on team fighting. It is difficult for a single lion to survive, and at least two lions are needed. If a lion is driven out of the lion group, if it cannot join or form another lion group, it will face many difficulties. They might even starve to death. Not to mention a lion trained artificially?"

"Starved to death?" Angeli didn't quite believe it. "How can a lion be so big and fierce, starve to death?"

"Maybe you won't starve to death right away. If you're lucky, you'll have something to eat. If you're unlucky, there's nothing to eat. And elephants, bison, rhinos, and hyenas can all threaten lions. Especially hyenas, seeing lions weak, they Don't mind taking lions as prey."

"The lion will be attacked by the same kind..."

Kevin gave Angeli and Wu Long a lot of knowledge about lions, and also explained why they are not in favor of adopting lions.

Legal lion breeding facilities in the Philippines are saturated.What happens when a lion cub becomes an adult or can no longer be with humans?

Those lions had to be released, and that led to the hunting industry.

Like white lions, they are extremely rare in nature, so white lions have become expensive hunting products.On some farms, white lions are ubiquitous and are actually the result of artificial selective breeding techniques.

Is this against the laws of nature?

Many people don't know that when they come here to visit and see, they exclaim that there are many wild white lions.

How could there be so many wild white lions in nature?

The breeder will take the newly born lion cub away from the lion mother so that the lion mother can continue to breed and give birth to more cubs.Then make up a lie, saying that this is to prevent the cub from being eaten by the lion father.

On many breeding farms, employees and volunteers don't know where the lions end up.

There is an industry where, for young lions, cuteness and childishness are commodities to be consumed.When lions are no longer cute as adults, they become the target of hunters again.

This is a black industry chain hidden under charity.

Kevin introduced the situation of wildlife conservation in the Philippines, as well as the situation of lions and parks.Just as Wu Long and Angeli were listening with gusto, a voice came from the walkie-talkie on Kevin's body.

"Kevin, I have bad news!"

"what news?"

"You'd better come back."


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