I'm not just an action star

Chapter 397 Review Study

After the filming, Wu Long had dinner with the crew.In the evening, he and Fox returned to Fox's home.

Today Fox watched and recorded the shootout.When Wu Long was filming other scenes, Fox used his spare time to watch and learn.There is also a laptop computer to roughly browse the learning materials on the USB disk provided by Wu Long, and to think and learn according to the tactics and movements in the video.

"How do you feel?"

"Have gained something." Fox admitted his own shortcomings.

The first time Wu Long told him about gun fighting, he believed Wu Long.It is one thing to believe in Wu Long, but quite another to witness such a demonstration.

A film shoot is a film shoot, and there is definitely a sense of exaggeration and room arrangements.But this kind of arrangement will also appear in reality.Even if it does not appear, it can also be used as a reference for some similar scenarios.

If an experienced professional killer only regards Wu Long's purposeful filmmaking as filmmaking, it can only show that the professional killer's strength can only go so far.

If you can't understand it, that is the ceiling of your strength.

If you can comprehend it, it is possible to break the ceiling and jump to a level that has never been seen before.

The reason why a killer is a killer, not a tough guy, nor the king of special forces, is because killers have always been ambushed and assassinated.

The target is in the light, but the killer is in the dark.The killer is the hunter and the target is the prey.The killer knows a lot about the target, but the target knows nothing about the killer.

The environment and timing are all selected by the killer, which is most beneficial to the killer.

Therefore, the killer will have a higher success rate.

The same is true of Fox's ability to succeed repeatedly.

But in the case of John Wick in the movie, he was surrounded by a group of killers, and the situation was not good for John.

"If I were in such a situation, I could only fight out and escape instead of being surrounded."

When Fox takes on his own organization of killers, he's the hunter. In the long shot of "Quick Chase" today, if he is the protagonist, he is the hunted one.

From the analysis of the shooting situation, the killers who entered the protagonist John Wick's house were all professional killers rather than those gangsters or people on the road.Some of these professional killers are still elite.

Faced with such a siege of killers, it is difficult for Fox to guarantee that he can get away with it.The reality is not to make a movie, there is no ng to do it all over again.So when he wiped out his own killer organization, he killed in a scattered and planned way.

Like a movie scene, he doesn't usually encounter it.If the assassination target is too difficult or well-prepared, he will snipe it from a distance, or even use an explosion.Instead of putting yourself in danger like in the movie.

"Gun fighting is not understood as it is on the surface of the term, fighting with guns or using guns in fighting. At least in the simple gun fighting you showed me today, the protagonist John Wick first thought of protecting himself. At the same time, when facing multiple targets, how to hit the first shot, where to hit the second shot, and the order and purpose of each shot must be calculated in a very short time," Fox said.

"For example, when facing a three-person battle formation at the beginning, if it was me, I would not have the strength to rush up and shoot close. And if the distance is a little farther, I can't guarantee that I can kill the three of them with only three shots. So if you can't kill them quickly, it's going to be a constant firefight with them."

Fox is confident that he is strong, but he will not rush forward for close combat.Because the opponents are not only these three people, the longer the time, the worse it will be for him.

It is basically impossible to explode the heads of three people with three shots.As soon as the gun is fired, others will hide.

"I can kill two people at most, but in the exchange of fire with the third person, their people will definitely surround me. At that time, I couldn't escape even if I wanted to."

"What you told me before, the method of hitting the feet or the torso first, I also understand a little bit."

"When facing these three people, John took the first shot to kill one with a headshot, but the other two reacted immediately. At this time, John can only deal with one of them. So he raised one hand and the one close to him The killer's gun, the other hand shot the third in the foot."

"If I hadn't practiced with Rocky, I wouldn't have understood why the other hand shot didn't go directly to the torso or head, but to the foot."

"you understood?"

Fox nodded.

"Understood, it's competition."

Wu Long felt a little surprised.Unexpectedly, Fox understood, and thought he needed to explain it.

Fox demonstrates, raising his left hand up and his right hand down.

"It's actually like punching. The left hand needs to be lifted up hard, and the right hand has to give a downward force at the same time. This can not only make the left hand get the maximum force, but also keep the right hand stable and accurate."

"Otherwise, the movement of the left hand will interfere with the movement of the right hand because of the opponent's resistance, affecting the shooting accuracy. If John doesn't hit the third person, he may be hit by the third person."

Wu Long applauded.

"That's right, your analysis is right. That's why you were asked to practice martial arts. If you don't practice martial arts and don't know how to fight, you won't understand why John didn't shoot the head or the torso, but the feet. The most stable."

Assassin's training, the most important thing is shooting and close combat, but these two contents are actually separated and fragmented for them.Even if some killers can switch freely, it's just a switch.

Therefore, the killer either uses a gun in the middle or long distance, or uses a knife in close combat.

And Fox's melee combat and marksmanship are very strong, and he can switch freely, so he can survive many fights.

But he can't do it like John in the movie.

Without Wu Long's explanation and hearing Wu Long talk about gun fighting, even if he watched the movie "John Wick", he would still think it was impossible in reality.

Now, he believes that if a similar scene occurs in reality, Wu Long will be able to easily do it.

"John killed the fourth killer, and the fifth killer also appeared at that position. Why didn't he continue shooting where he was, but jumped down and shot again?" asked Wu Longkao Fox.

Fox laughed:

"Even if I don't have gun fighting skills, I will do it. Because I can't stay in one place for too long. The same is true when playing the No.1 shooting battle game. You have to keep walking. Staying in one place in the process of time is easy to be caught. kill."

Some people don't understand this truth.In fact, it is a matter of changing from static to dynamic, and from dynamic to dynamic.

From stillness to movement, the time and strength required are definitely longer than from exercise to exercise.A moving target is more difficult to aim than a stationary target.

The second killer who rushed out probably already judged John's position from the previous movement, and he could immediately shoot at the judged position when he rushed out.

If John is still standing in his original position, he is stationary and easier to target.

The rushing killer is mobile, and it is not easy to be targeted by John.

In terms of danger, John is more dangerous to stay where he is than to move.That's exactly what happened. After John jumped down, he was hit by a bullet where he had been.

Even if John can hit the opponent in the original position, it is still possible for both of them to be hit by the opponent at the same time.And John is alone, and there are other killers on the other side.

The two communicated until very late.Wu Long didn't go home, but slept in Fox's guest room, and the two went to film together the next day.

During the filming of "John Wick", "Kung Fu" was released simultaneously in China and Hong Kong Island.

Wu Long did not go back to perform at the premiere. Luo Chang, Qi Ke, Fang Zhuming, Sun Jian, Lin Shangxiong and others performed at the premiere.

Sun Jian performed the plot of chartered public Tai Chi fighting.Qi Ke performed Twelve Pool Legs, Fang Zhuming performed Iron Wire Fist, and Luo Chang performed Wulang Bagua Stick.

Lin Shangxiong performed Hama Gong.

Huoyun Cthulhu, Yang Guo, and Little Dragon Girl, etc., everyone doesn't know what the stalks are, because Wu Long didn't write "The Legend of Condor Heroes", nor did he write novels related to Huoyun Cthulhu.

But the toad skill, anyone who has watched "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" knows that it is the famous stunt of Ouyang Feng, the western poison.

In "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", only one yang finger can break the toad kung fu.Now in "Kung Fu", Ha Toad Kungfu is broken by Ah Xing's Tathagata Palm.Everyone doesn't know that Tathagata God's Palm is also the work of another martial arts novel.


But the beggar who used martial arts cheats to deceive children, among the five books on display, included "Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon" and "Yiyang Finger". ".

"Shadows and Voices" also posted a film review in the first place.

"In "Kung Fu", the character creation is very successful, each character has its own characteristics, which makes people remember.

Ah Gui, a deep-fried peddler who speaks English, is generally condescending to the charterer.Who would have thought that he was the most powerful martial artist among the three?

Master tailor A Sheng, a coy rabbit, was teased and joked by the charterer, looking like a woman.Who would have thought that what he practiced was actually a masculine Iron Line Fist.

On the contrary, the coolie is strong, and he showed his skill at the beginning.

Gu Yazhen, I thought she was a beautiful woman.Who would have thought that she would have justice in her heart, and stand up against the renter for the coolie?You know, when the charter woman pointed and scolded someone, no one dared to speak back.

That shorts are always pulled down, who would have thought that he was serious?Facing the ax of the Ax Gang, dare to say that you are not afraid, and want to say that if you kill one of me, there will be tens of thousands of me?

Even Sixth Aunt, in front of the bathing room, faced the charterer's inquiry and pointed her finger at the charterer's eyes, which was impressive..."

In addition to the film critics of "Shadows and Voices", there are also many people's comments, which also proves that the film "Kung Fu" is loved by many people.

"When the coolie strong, the tailor Ah Sheng, and the fried peddler Ah Gui beat the Ax Gang, I still thought it was average. It was just using some exaggerated techniques.

When the sky is missing, the sound of the piano is simulated with knives, fists, and skeleton soldiers, which really makes me feel amazing. "

"I heard that the pieces that are missing from heaven and earth are adapted from classics and played by Brother Long. No one was invited to play."

"Brother Long is amazing, he can play anything."

"It's nothing to be short of heaven and earth. It's fun and funny when you are beaten by a private Taijiquan."

"I think the charter woman's lion's roar is funny, and the transformation is exaggerated."

"The lion's roar uses a bronze bell as a trumpet. It is also a genius. Brother Long really figured it out."

"Huoyun Cthulhu is still the most powerful, wearing a vest, shorts and slippers, and a bald greasy uncle. Then the bullet said, the world's martial arts can only be broken quickly. I almost thought he was the protagonist."

"Ah Xing's Tathagata palm that descended from the sky, I thought it was an exaggeration. When he pierced through the entire building with his palm, I was completely stunned."

There are a lot of comments about "Kung Fu", but the one with the most likes is somewhat surprising, and that is the heroine Zhao Liying who has the fewest roles.

However, although Zhao Liying didn't play much time, people can remember her appearance.She also became famous overnight because of becoming a dragon girl.

A week after its release, the domestic box office exploded.Everyone is sure that this year's box office champion must be "Kung Fu", no surprises.

Hong Kong Island's box office is also a big hit.In just one week, it is also certain that it can win the annual box office champion of Hong Kong Island.

There was a wave of "Kung Fu" craze in this country and the whole of Southeast Asia.

Not only because of Wu Long's fame, but also because this movie is really good.If "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" surpasses previous martial arts films, then in terms of martial arts design, "Kung Fu" surpasses "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

Although, there is no long shot of martial arts in "Kung Fu", and there is no beautiful and picturesque background.

But "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" shows the elegance of martial arts, and "Kung Fu" shows the rhythm of imagination.

The crocodile gang boss bullied the police and yelled "who else" arrogantly.

He was solved by the ax gang when he went out.

The Ax Gang bullied ordinary people, but was dealt with by three hidden masters.

Afterwards, Tian Can Di Que appeared on the stage and solved the three hidden masters.

Then the charterer and the charterer appeared on the stage to solve the problems of heaven and earth.

Huoyun Cthulhu appeared on the stage to deal with the charterer and the charterer.In fact, the charterer and the charterer cannot defeat Huoyun evil god.Even if Huoyun Cthulhu doesn't cheat, Huoyun Cthulhu can still defeat the charterer and the charterer.

From the confrontation between Zhulong Walled City and Ah Xing, we know that in the headquarters of the Axe Gang, the Huoyun evil god did not use the toad technique.

At that time, it was very easy for him to pack the renter and the renter, and the lion's roar of the renter was useless to him.It's just that I didn't expect that the charter woman's lion's roar skill could be used by knocking down the top of the bell to use it as a loudspeaker, and it would be so powerful.

If he doesn't hold back, with his speed, he can completely dodge it.

He wholeheartedly wanted to find an opponent who could beat him, and wanted to try the power of the big horn and lion's roar, but he was injured in the end.He will sneak attack when he is unable to counterattack for a while.

In the end, Ah Xing came out to deal with Huoyun Cthulhu.

This step-by-step escalation of martial arts is not found in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" seems a bit aggrieved to Orientals, not happy enough.

"Kung Fu" is relatively cool, so everyone likes to watch it.

Due to film scheduling, the screening of "Kung Fu" in the western film market will be later than that in the mainland.

With the blessing of Wu Long's fame, even if "Kung Fu" is a Chinese film, many fans of Wu Long will watch it.Under the influence of Wu Long fans, some people saw so many people watching "Kung Fu", so they bought tickets to watch it.

Contrary to the expectations of Lion Films and Weiner Films, "Kung Fu" actually became McCann's temporary annual premiere box office champion.

However, after watching it, other film companies analyzed that the box office of "Kung Fu" was only good at the premiere, and the box office after that will definitely decline.Even after a week or three days, the box office plummeted like diving.

Even Lion Pictures and Weiner Pictures made such predictions.

The result surprised them. Although the box office trend of "Kung Fu" did not rise, it did not decline sharply, but maintained a slow downward trend.

Looking at the online audience's comments, I found that although everyone thinks that the plot of "Kung Fu" is too simple, it is not as good as "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", and the picture is not as beautiful as Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.But in terms of fighting imagination, many people think that "Kung Fu" is better than "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

This surprised experts, film critics and studios alike.

"Kung Fu" does not have a long shot of martial arts, so why is it not as good as "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"?

The audience can't say anything, but they feel that the people in "Kung Fu" are better than those in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

The sound of the zither can also kill people, the roar can form the power of a strong wind, the toad kung fu is like a human-shaped cannonball, and the palm of the Tathagata actually falls from the sky.

One palm can destroy buildings, which is comparable to artillery shells and missiles.

In fact, to put it bluntly, three people hit an ax to help so many people, which is the same as a few people fighting a group of people in a Western hero movie.

He was also very surprised for Wu Long. To be honest, he did not expect the box office of Merican Country to be so high.

According to the information provided by the system, the original version of "Kung Fu" in the previous life had a box office of more than 700 million US dollars in North America.

The current "Kung Fu" has completely surpassed the box office of the original version in North America.

This may be the role of Wu Long, a martial arts star.

Zhou Xingchi in his previous life did not know martial arts himself.At the same time, Zhou Xingchi's reputation abroad is not as famous as that of Wu Longxian in the international global film market.

Wu Long took advantage of his fame to make "Kung Fu" a hit.Zhou Xingchi has no reputation to use when he is abroad.

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