I'm not just an action star

Chapter 396 Long Shot Reappearance

"Tom, don't be led away by Wu Long." The senior executives obviously expressed doubts about Tom, although they didn't say that.

But obviously, it is doubtful that Tom is helping Wu Long to speak up everywhere. "20.00% commission, and various expenses such as publicity and distribution? Do you think we are doing charity?"

"Lion Films will never give such a price."

"If we offer such a price, we will be laughed to death or even scolded by our peers. Laugh at us for being stupid, and scold us for breaking the rules in order to grab business."

"Yeah, we can't be the rule-breakers, and we can't start it."

"Wu Long is just defrauding us, he is using despicable business negotiation methods."

Tom argued:

"However, Wu Long said very firmly. If he doesn't give him this price today, he will sign a contract with Lion Films and stop talking with us."

"That's Wu Long scaring you, Tom. It's just a bargain, just to make you think he got a better price. Sometimes in such a situation, you only need to put it aside for a few days, and Wu Long will rush to the door." "Tom You should be able to understand Wu Long's tricks, this is the most commonly used trick in shopping malls. They Orientals like to use this trick the most."

"However, I think Wu Long's expression is very determined, it's not fake. Besides, Wu Long doesn't like playing tricks like that very much." Tom still insisted that Wu Long's words were true.

"Tom, Wu Long is an actor, best actor, his acting skills are enough to make people think it's real. He plays a killer, and the audience thinks he is a killer. Is he really a killer? He can really eat People? He plays a killer, and the audience also thinks he is a killer. Is he really a killer? Can bullets really bend? Don’t be funny, don’t be deceived by his acting.”

In the end, Tom failed to convince the company's top management.When he came to Wu Long's office, he looked depressed.

"Long, I can't convince the company. Sorry, I tried my best."

"It's okay, we're still friends."

Wu Long asked someone to inform Xing Zhongfei that he could sign a contract with Lion Films.

"Long, tell me the truth, the price quoted by Lion Films is really 20.00% commission including other expenses such as publicity and distribution?"

"Forgive me for not being able to tell you. Unless you join Feihong Pictures, I can't tell." Wu Long said seriously.

As I said before, it is because everyone is in the negotiation stage.You can be true, or you can be false.Now, the situation is different.

Whether Tom believes it or not, or others believe it or not, this kind of business secret cannot be revealed casually.

Xing Zhongfei signed the contract with Lion Pictures, and after the two parties shook hands, Lion Pictures couldn't wait to ask about the script of Wu Long's new film.

They were dumbfounded when they got the script.

That's it?

Xing Zhongfei had already left, and the people from Lion Films quickly called Wu Long.

"Long, did you give the wrong script for your new film?"

"No, it's not wrong."

"However, your new film is still a killer, and it's just an old-fashioned revenge. There is nothing new, and even the reason for revenge is ridiculous. Such a script, so to speak, receives tens of thousands of copies every year."

"So, do you want to invest?" Wu Long didn't care.It seems to people that they tricked Lion Pictures into signing a contract to release "Kung Fu", and just took a script to deceive Lion Pictures.

"Long, do you want to change the script?"

Because the contract has already been signed.There is a detailed list in the contract that stipulates the release date and the publicity of the investment.Therefore, if Lion Pictures wants to suppress "Kung Fu", it is a breach of contract.

"You have to believe me, I won't make fun of my reputation. If my new film hits the market, how will Feihong Pictures open up the global market in the future?"

Since the new film was cast by Lion Films, apart from Wu Long's domestic market, the global market is still operated by Lion Films.If the new film hits the street, the global film market will no longer be optimistic about Wu Long, and Feihong Pictures will surely fail if it wants to use Wu Long to develop the global film market.

From this point of view, it is really impossible for Wu Long to make fun of this new film.

"However, we can't see where the bright spots of this new film are. You have to give us some confidence, right?"

"Yes, the highlight is gun fighting, bang bang bang!"

The executives of Lion Films were very depressed, feeling that they had fallen into Wu Long's trap and were played by Wu Long.The term gun fighting technique looks cool, but no matter how cool the term is, people can't imagine how cool he is.

It's just a budget of 3000 million US dollars, which is simply a cost price of conscience.

For the film "Kung Fu", the people at the screening meeting are generally not optimistic.If it is not aimed at Wu Long's name, it is estimated that this kind of film, like many martial arts films on Hong Kong Island, used to fill the inventory and enter the video tape market, and now it is filling the DVD, TV station and online markets.

However, the production cost of "Kung Fu" is considered a large production in Wulong country's film production, and a lot of computer special effects are used.

It's just that this kind of computer special effect doesn't look good in the eyes of professionals in Haolaihu.

The 20.00% commission also includes various expenses such as publicity and distribution. The executives of Lion Pictures are worried that they may lose money.

"Fox, your basics are well practiced." Wu Long handed Fox a USB flash drive. "Here is the theory of gun fighting, including geometrical calculations and other knowledge. You can learn it by yourself first when you have time. When you talk to the crew, take a look at the simple gun fighting."

These learning materials are exchanged from the system.

Fox took the USB flash drive and asked in surprise, "You want to put gun fighting skills in the movie?"

Wu Long nodded.

"But, doesn't that make everyone know about gun fighting?"

"Yes, there are smart people who can learn gun fighting skills from it. However, what is shown in the movie is only simple gun fighting skills. Without the theory of gun fighting skills, it is difficult to learn advanced gun fighting skills. Even if it is simple Without strong wrist and arm strength, and without the basic training of Chinese Kung Fu, it is difficult to perform it without practicing vigorously."

"I've heard Rocky talk about staying strong, but I probably haven't practiced it yet."

"It's not easy to practice strength. Your fighting is too strong, and the muscle memory of your body has been formed. It will not happen overnight. You need me to point out the direction of the big muscles for you and correct my muscle memory before you can practice. Work hard."

"Rocky was able to train his strength because he was weaker than me when he started to receive your training?"


"When will I accept your training?"

Fox himself is a powerful and brilliant killer, so he cannot be trained like ordinary people.

"Don't worry about it. After watching the gun fighting techniques I filmed, plus your understanding and theory, when I point out the direction of your tendons, you will easily understand."

"John Wick" is a low-budget B-grade film, without any big scenes, and the shooting cycle will not be very long.Fox mixed into the crew, just a humble intern assistant.

There are no bright spots in the first three and 10 minutes of the film, but it makes people feel silent.That's why the original movie didn't do so well at the box office.

Wu Long did not change the script.In fact, regardless of his salary, the production cost of this film is very low.Although the box office of the original version is less than [-] million yuan, the return on investment is considered good.Otherwise there would be no sequel.

The first shootout scene was at John Wick's house.It was a group of killers sent by Trasov's father, Vigo.

The killer played by the group, a trio approached Wu Long.


"All of you, move in a triangular battle formation, each in one direction. I will come out from behind this wall and shoot you in the head, because you are facing me."

Wu Long told the play to these three people, first let them stand in their positions, and he made gestures for them.

"Then I grabbed your arm with one hand, raised your muzzle, and your bullet hit the ceiling." He finished speaking to the second group speaker, and then addressed the third group speaker: "Whoever is holding a gun at the same time Without raising his right hand, he shot you directly at the waist, hit your foot, and you fell to your knees."

Then he told the second group speaker: "Because I grabbed your arm and lifted the gun, you walked behind me, trying to break free. After I shot his foot, I turned around and immediately shot you in the stomach. You If you get shot in the stomach, you must be instantly powerless to resist, and then I will shoot you in the head."

Wu Long turned around and said to the third group speaker: "After you knelt down, you wanted to raise your gun to resist again. Unfortunately, it was too late. After I shot his head off, I turned around and shot your head off. Fall on your back, fall down the stairs."

These group performers are actually people from the Rocky Boxing Gym.Wu Long once asked them if they were interested in acting as extras in movies.The money is definitely not much, the main thing is to be able to participate in Wu Long's movies, which is a kind of qualification for them.

Who is Wu Long?Rocky, the UFC champion, was trained by Wu Long.Being able to make a movie with the legendary Wu Long, I usually talk about it with my friends, and many girls will automatically stick to it when they hear it.

Therefore, Wu Long's movies require professional stunt actors except for speeding stunts. For other group performances, he will let people from the Rocky Boxing Gym perform.

Anyway, I don't care about acting skills, and I am resistant to falls. I know how to protect myself when I fall.

Wu Long said to the fourth group speaker: "You are downstairs, you heard the movement from here and ran out from there, and saw that I wanted to raise my gun and shoot. Unfortunately, I shot first, and you were headshot and fell to the ground."

Fox listened carefully to Wu Long's explanation, holding a handheld digital camera in his hand to film Wu Long's explanation.This was Wu Long's assignment to him, and he had to think about why he did it when he returned home.If he was faced with such a situation, how would he face it and how would he solve it.

Wu Long then addressed the fifth group speaker: "When you heard the movement, you also ran out and shot at me."

The killer played by the fifth group performer will take the position of the fourth killer after he comes out.

"But I'm going to jump off the stairs and you're going to miss it. I'm going to shoot you in the stomach first and you're going to fall over. You're falling over here so your head is exposed to my gun. , was headshot by me."

The fifth group performer nodded.

Wu Long said to the sixth group speaker: "You came out of that aisle, and I shot you in the head."

He walked to the wall and spoke to the seventh group speaker: "You are on the other side of the corner. When you heard me changing the clip, you raised your gun with both hands. I smashed your gun with a gun, and then smashed your gun with a gun. Throat, pulls you this way. Then, throws you over the shoulder, throws you down, and drags you here again."

The seventh group performer nodded to show that he understood.

Wu Long said to the eighth group speech: "You came out from the other side of the stairs, and I shot you in the head."

He looked at the seventh group performer. "And then I'll blow your head off."

He went to the living room and gave a speech to the ninth and tenth groups:

"You two come over there, one goes outside and the other goes into the living room. I flashed out from here and shot you."

Wu Long said to the ninth group speech:

"You're not dead. I jumped on top of you, with one arm around your neck and your feet between yours, just like this."

He jumped up and threw himself on the ninth co-star, pinching each other with his feet and wrapping his left arm around him at the same time.Holding a prop gun in his right hand, pointing at the tenth group performer in the living room.

"Meanwhile, I shot at you. You fell down and got up again."

Wu Long continued his ninth group speech:

"After I shot him, I threw you to the ground and put my knees on you."

He exerted all his strength, and Wu Long involuntarily threw the ninth group performer to the ground, and Wu Long pressed his body with his knees.Because Wu Long pressed very skillfully, the ninth group performer felt that his breathing was weak and he couldn't exert his strength all over his body.

The ninth ensemble saw Wu Long address the tenth ensemble:

"You got up after being shot and fell to the ground. You wanted to shoot me, but I shot you first and shot you in the head."

Wu Long held up a prop gun and pretended to shoot.He finished speaking to the tenth group, and then addressed the ninth group who was pressed to the ground by his knees:

"Then I'll shoot you in the head again."

After speaking, Wu Long let go of his knees.The ninth group performer suddenly felt the master's fresh air rushing into his lungs, as if the character in the game was resurrected with full blood when playing a game.

Wu Long got up and turned to the direction the two came from, and addressed the No.11 group:

"You came out from over there, and when you saw me raising the gun, you immediately jumped and hid behind this wall. My bullet failed to hit you."

No. 11 group performers expressed their understanding, and according to Wu Long's request, one of them dodged and hid behind the wall.Wu Long walked to his hiding place and showed him how to do the moves:

"I'll be on the other side of the wall, and we'll both flash out at the same time and shoot at each other. This is how you shoot..."

Wu Long demonstrated, raising his gun with his right hand and keeping his left hand in front of his eyes.

"Your guns are equipped with flashlights, so you subconsciously cover your eyes with your hands to prevent the flashlight from shining into your eyes. Actually, I don't have a flashlight, and you just acted subconsciously."

No. 11 group performers nodded, imitating Wu Long's appearance.

"Yes, that's it. I'll crouch down and shoot you at an angle. So your bullet doesn't hit me, and mine hits you."

"You were injured and fell, and you supported the ground with your hands." Wu Long demonstrated again, and the other party followed suit.

"And I have no bullets at this time, and I am changing the magazine."

"You stand up and shoot at me, I dodge and grab your hand. Then I'll shoot you in the eye and kick you in the crotch. I'll sit down and throw you back , you have to break the glass and fall out. I will replace the magazine and kill you with a headshot."

Wu Long gave a speech with the rest of the group, and everyone rehearsed dozens of times before shooting.

In this scene, Wu Long did not edit it by shooting multiple sets of shots as in the original version, but took a long shot.

Such a long shot is as exciting as an action long shot, and it feels extremely exciting.Even, this kind of close-range gun battle makes the audience feel even more thrilling.And the fresh gun fighting technique and Wu Long's special shooting movements will definitely amaze the audience.

When such a long shot passed perfectly with just one shot, more than a dozen group performers couldn't help cheering.

"Ha, that's great!"

"Just now, I felt like a killer."

"I also felt like a killer, but unfortunately I was shot in the head."

"Just now, Brother Long shot at me. Although he was holding a prop gun, I still felt the bullet shot into my head, and I was killed by the headshot."

Everyone was talking about this miraculous experience, while Wu Long sat on the monitor and played back to see the effect.

For gunfight movies, Wu Long's control is very strict, mainly because he is worried that someone will cause trouble.When shooting close-ups of gun bullets alone, live ammunition is used.

If it is non-close combat shooting, use blank ammunition.

If it is a close-range shooting, it is a prop gun, and there will be no empty bullets without bullets.The muzzle flare and the ejection action all use post-production special effects.The recoil of the gun is reflected in the performance.

Before shooting, Wu Long will also exchange the safety confirmation card to check whether the shooting is safe and ensure nothing goes wrong.

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