I'm not just an action star

Chapter 395 Bargaining

Weller Pictures, the high-level meeting that Tom participated in, caused controversy again because of Wu Long.

Some people say that since Wu Long wants to develop his own channel, it is not worth wooing.Anyway, Weiner Pictures also made a lot of money from Wu Long.

Some people say that you can't bow to Wu Long.Wu Long is just an outsider. We need to let him know that he is supported by us, so that he can be what he is today.

Tom huddled in a corner, head down, frowning.If Weiner Pictures no longer cooperates with Wu Long, I am afraid that his status in Weiner Pictures will drop again and again.Even the office will be taken away and returned to one of my old desks.

Like, the original Wesley in League of Assassins?

Yes, since working with Wu Long, he has forgotten what he was like back then.

Instead of being like now, he is eligible to come in and attend any high-level meetings related to Wu Long.

He is not qualified to sit on the conference table.Being able to audit is already a great honor in the company. Many people want to audit, but they are not qualified.

In fact, if he is swept back to his original position, he can resign and quit.Based on the money he won from buying Rocky in the past few years, it is enough for him to live leisurely for the rest of his life.

But if he resigns and doesn't help Wu Long, others will definitely think him ungrateful.Especially Rocky, Rocky will definitely not wait to see him.

At the beginning, he said to Wu Long that it was Weiner Pictures that gave him the opportunity to cooperate with Wu Long and gave him his current status.He will never forget the opportunity Wu Long gave him, but without Weiner Pictures, he would not even have the chance to cooperate with Wu Long.

Weller Pictures has been kind to him first.

But now, Weiner Pictures has a different attitude towards Wu Long, which confuses him.

Can't the higher-ups see it?Wu Long not only relies on Weiner Films, but in addition to Weiner Pictures, there are also Lion Pictures and other powerful film companies with distribution capabilities.

A shrewd person like Wu Long did this because he was sure of this point.His reputation has risen and cannot be suppressed.

Weiner Pictures refused to give up high profits and refused to cooperate with Wu Long, while other companies were very willing to cooperate with Wu Long.It's not that much money, but it's better than nothing.

If McCann's film company can join forces to deal with Wu Long, then Wu Long has no choice but to succumb.

But will all of McCann's film companies join forces?

Will not.Tom shook his head inwardly.

After arguing for a long time, someone suddenly shouted:

"Tom, you know Wu Long very well, let me tell you."

Everyone looked at Tom.

Tom adjusted the tie on his chest to make himself look more formal and dignified.

"I think Wu Long is using the film "Kung Fu" to test our attitude and also test the attitude of other film companies."

"If anyone agrees to release "Kung Fu" and gives the best price, Wu Long will cooperate with whomever he makes his next film."

Someone interjected: "Didn't you say that Wu Long told you that the new film he is going to make is the Killer series?"

Tom nods.

"Since it is still a killer movie, I don't think Wu Long's new movie will be a hit, and it is more likely to hit the market. Three killer movies in a row, the audience will get tired of it." The man said.

Another person asked Tom: "What are the attractive ideas for Wu Long's new film?"

Tom shook his head: "He didn't say it. I don't think he will disclose it until a cooperation is reached."

"Hmph, Wu Long did this on purpose. He didn't have any new ideas at all, that's why he did this. I think Wu Long has no good ideas. Everyone's life curve will have highs and lows, so let's call every actor And the director, it's all the same, no exception! Wu Long, has been going high, and now he's starting to go down the peak and slide to the bottom. He knows this himself, so "Kung Fu" only sells the distribution rights of Merican. He thinks he If you control the global distribution, you will earn more and make up for the loss of the new film hit the market!" Those who opposed Wu Long spoke with eloquence.

Tom was silent and made no rebuttal.He didn't continue until someone reminded him to continue.

"If all the film companies in Haolaihu can unite and unify the asking price for Wu Long, there is no need to worry that Wu Long will not give up the global distribution rights." Tom took a deep breath. "But, it can't be done, right? Even if everyone agrees when talking together, how reliable is this promise?"

"Even if the film companies with global distribution capabilities can unite, there are still those film companies that only have the distribution ability of McCann. They should not join forces. Instead, they will cooperate with Wu Long. Anyway, they don't have the ability to distribute globally. They don't care. .”


Someone slapped the table.

"Damn! This Wu Long is too hateful! He made sure that we can't join forces to deal with him, so he did this!"

"Wu Long never thought about it. Without our Weina Pictures, his "Shaolin Bodyguard" would not be a big hit, let alone win an award!"

"Without the support of Weina Films, his "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" would not be so beautiful, sweeping the Golden Hill Awards and Hauska!"

"In their oriental dialect, Wu Long is ungrateful!"

The corner of Tom's mouth twitched imperceptibly.Xin Dao, Weller Pictures also made a lot of money from Wu Long.The money he makes is more than the films he casts, which makes other film companies jealous.

"Tom, do you have a solution to this? Maybe Wu Long gave the global distribution rights to Feihong Films, but he himself is not willing? Let's give him some favors in private, or help him get a green card, or find him a beautiful woman , tether him to Merrickan," someone suggested.

Everyone looked at Tom.

"Wu Long is not short of women. He is not short of money either. I mentioned green card to him before, and he said it is not necessary." Tom replied.

"Then threaten him! This is Merickan, our territory!"

Several people looked at the person who threatened Wu Long, causing him to wonder, "Look at me?"

Someone smiled.

"Dylan's death, in fact, some people suspected that it was related to Wu Long, but there was no evidence. Some people suspected that Freeman's death was caused by Wu Long, but there was no evidence. Don't do stupid things. Wu Long can't find it. Whoever instigates it may kill all the people in this room, and it is not impossible. After all, he is a perverted murderer."

The man frowned.

"That's a rumor."

"Of course it's a rumor. If it was true, Wu Long would have been arrested long ago. But we don't need to risk our lives to verify this rumor, do we?"

"Let Tom talk about it. He has a good relationship with Wu Long, so there should be a way."


Tom knew he had to say it.This is one of the reasons why he can come to this meeting.

"I think if you charge more than 40.00% as usual, it will definitely not work. Others will take less than us. Usually, if you have a good relationship, the commission can be reduced to 30.00%. This will not work either, and there will definitely be fewer people."

Tom considered it for a while, and continued to say: "If it's possible, we can do it all at once, and only charge 20.00% to 20.00% or even [-]% commission, so that we should be able to win the distribution rights of "Kung Fu" and Wu Long's future films. It can also win the investment in Wu Long's new film."


"No, 20.00% five is too low, you actually proposed 20.00%?"

"Tom, I know that you made a little fortune with Wu Long, so your heart is for Wu Long. But, don't forget, you are from Weiner Pictures. Without Weiner Pictures, you would have no chance of contacting Wu Long." , not to mention making a small fortune."

"Tom, if everything is solved with a low price strategy, people will only be taken advantage of. If everything is solved with a low price, there will be no marketing methods and promotion strategies. Ideas are better than low prices."

"You and Wu Long have a very good relationship. We need to rely on ideas and feelings to solve the problem, rather than sacrificing the interests of the company."

Tom was amused in his heart, and he knew that these people would object to him speaking out.These people are so high above that they can't stand the loss of meat in their bowls.

"Okay, okay, everyone, don't blame Tom. Tom, 40.00% is not enough, but 20.00% five is too low. You weigh the company's interests, plus your relationship with Wu Long, you decide, how much is appropriate? We all Stop arguing, just listen to Tom. After all, he knows Wu Long better than us."

In the final result, Tom slowly increased, and it was determined that the commission was 30.00%, and Weiner Pictures had the priority distribution and priority investment rights for the next film.

Tom knew that this price could not win Wu Long, but he still bit the bullet and saw Wu Long.

When he came to Wu Long's office, he saw Xing Zhongfei was there.

"Long, can we talk alone?"

Wu Long agreed, and Xing Zhongfei left knowingly.

"Come on, what's the problem?"

"I originally wanted to fight for a 20.00% commission. But the company only agreed to 30.00%. I don't want to play the emotional card, but I have tried my best."

"20.00%? Your vision is really accurate." Wu Long smiled.

Tom looked bad.

"Someone only smokes 20.00%? Impossible!"

Wu Long smiled and nodded.

"Really, I didn't lie to you."

Tom shook his head.

"No, no, no, 20.00%, will the publicity fee be calculated separately?"

Wu Long raised his eyebrows. "The publicity fee is incorporated into the commission."

Tom shook his head even more.

"It's impossible!"

"Long, friends, you don't have to lie to me. According to the usual practice, North American box office revenue is 30.00%, global box office revenue is 40.00%, and copyrights such as video discs, TV copyrights, Internet copyrights and their peripherals are 50.00% I don't need to lie to you about this, you can find out by yourself."

"There is no global distribution right, only Microcon distribution rights, at least 40.00%. If it is less than 30.00%, the publicity fee and other related expenses will be calculated separately."

"This is the rule."

"Don't get excited, have a sip of coffee first." Wu Long pointed to the coffee in front of Tom. "Since it's a rule, why would you propose a 20.00% commission to your company?"

Tom drank his coffee from his mug, trying to calm himself down.As a result, Wu Long came to say such a sentence, which made him almost spray coffee on Wu Long's face.I fought for your interests, my fault?Are you using this to refute me?

"Long, I will fight for your interests only because we are friends. You can't confuse my selfishness of fighting for interests as a friend with the business affairs of other film companies. It's not fair."

"It has nothing to do with public or private affairs, it's only about interests. You and I are friends, and you fight for me. I thank you for that. But you can be friends with me, and others also want to be friends with me. That's normal, right?" .”

Tom's expression changed.

"Which company is it?"

"Lion Films." Wu Long was not afraid to tell him.

"Lion Films? How could they do this? Long, I hope you are not lying to me. This is about your friendship with me."

"I'm not lying to you. If you don't believe me, you come to Feihong Films as the general manager of the North American company, so that you can sign a contract with Lion Films on behalf of Feihong Pictures. In this way, you will know whether I am lying to you."

"Long, give me some time, I'll go back and report right away, and try to negotiate with you at this price. Wait for my news, okay?"

"Yes." Wu Long nodded.

After listening to Tom's report, Weiner Pictures held another meeting to discuss.

"Wu Long said that Lion Pictures is willing to only charge 20.00% of the commission, which also includes the promotion fee?" A senior executive asked Tom.

Tom nods. "Yes, that's what Wu Long said. I told him, don't make fun of my friendship with him, and he said he wouldn't lie to me."

"Ha ha!"

"No, Wu Long is just deceiving you. This is the most common method in business negotiations. He is deceiving you, Tom. You have been tricked by Wu Long!"

"If Wu Long said that Lion Pictures took 20.00% nine or 28, I would believe it. 20.00% is too low and has no credibility."

A high-level person tapped his finger on the table and said slowly:

"I'm sure that the minimum for Lion Films is 20.00%[-], and the publicity and distribution fee is calculated separately. Then because it is a Chinese film, Wu Long finally decided not to do publicity, which will save a lot of costs. The rest of the cost, Wu Long asked to be included in the commission, and Lion Pictures finally agreed to this condition."

"I agree with that analysis." Someone seconded.

"Tom, if the offer from Lion Pictures is this, what do you think we should offer to win it? Don't think from Wu Long's point of view, but from Lion Pictures and Weina Pictures, There are other film companies considering this issue from the perspective."

Tom was thinking hard and struggled for a long time before quoting the price. "20.00% five commissions, including publicity fees and other expenses?"

The high-level people shook their heads.

Tom was swearing in his heart, so he could only lift up one by one.In the end, the 20.00% [-]% rake includes publicity and distribution fees and various other expenses before getting the approval of the senior management.

Negotiations, that's all.In many cases, it is not possible to negotiate a deal in one negotiation.It takes a long time to talk back and forth.

"Kung Fu" has been seen at the film screening, and everyone is not optimistic about this film.

It does not have the background of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", nor does it have the beautiful picture of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", and it does not contain so many things in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

The plot of "Kung Fu" is simple and old-fashioned.Just like "League of Assassins", you can know the result after looking at the front.

The kung fu in it is more exaggerated than "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", so exaggerated that people can't believe it.There are also some intentionally funny episodes that don't make people laugh.

When Tom came to negotiate again, he discussed this with Wu Long, expressing that the high-level executives were not optimistic about the film "Kung Fu", and only made concessions to maintain the relationship between the two parties.

"20.00% [-]%, including publicity and distribution fees. Long, this is the limit of what I can do. I hope you can see the sincerity of me and Weina Pictures."

Wu Long patted Tom on the shoulder.

"I have seen your sincerity, but I have not seen the sincerity of Weiner Films. If you can't do the 20.00% rake including the publicity fee, forgive me for making a choice. Sorry, we can only choose to cooperate with Lion Film industry cooperation."

"Long, don't be like this, I am really sincere and care about our friendship."

"I cherish our friendship, and I will cherish my friendship with Lion Films."

"Long, I'm really hard."

"It's okay, we will cooperate again when we have a chance in the future. We are still friends, you don't have to worry about that."

"Dragon, give me a little more time."

"Tomorrow at the latest. Lion Pictures has already urged us. If they get impatient and think that we are not sincere and just borrow them to lower your price, maybe Lion Pictures will give up. So, I can only decide as soon as possible .”

"Tomorrow, you must wait for me!" Tom hurried out.

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