Falling in love with you, I'm not just an action superstar

In addition to Wu Long himself, Xing Zhongfei and his team came to Merican this time.

The global distribution of "Kung Fu" has been discussed and decided not to go through the channel of Weiner Films or Lion Films.

Do it yourself!

However, the distribution in Merican Country still has to go through Weiner Films or Lion Films.Or, other film companies.

What is the most important thing about a movie?

Some people say that it is a director, and a famous director can turn stones into gold.

Some people say that they are actors, and famous actors can bring audiences and box office.

Some people say that it is a film company that has the vision to make good movies.

In fact, the most important thing is the distribution of movies, that is, the sales of movies.Distribution is the top predator of the industry chain in the film industry, taking at least one-third of the box office revenue.

This is also the reason why Weiner Pictures or Lion Pictures can make a lot of money even if they give Wu Long a profit share.They rely on distribution commissions, which increases film costs and reduces profits.Profit declines, share income must decrease.

A film company wants to establish a distribution channel, especially a global distribution channel. First, establish and expand itself, and second, directly acquire an existing distribution company.

The most convenient is to acquire an existing distribution company outright.But this situation is rare, and few issuing companies will sell it.What's more, it takes a lot of money to collect an issuing company.

Wu Long and the others chose the most difficult path, establishing and developing channels by themselves.

""Kung Fu" only gives us the distribution rights of Merican? Not worldwide?" Tom frowned.He knew the moment had come, and it had finally come.

In fact, the higher-ups had already received word that Xing Zhongfei was running distribution channels around the world.He also told him to try his best to persuade Wu Long to cancel such a plan.

"Is it possible?" Wu Long asked back.

"Actually, the higher-ups have received news that you have newly established Feihong Films, which is developing global film channels. Is the global distribution going to be operated by them?" Tom glanced at Xing Zhongfei.

Feihong Films is a distribution company established by Wu Long for the global film market.Originally, Xing Zhongfei named it Longyun Films, but Wu Long vetoed it.

Dragons are good and auspicious in the East, but in Western cognition, dragons are evil.

Since Feiyun and Hongyun are involved, it is better to use the name Feihong.

"This is Xing Zhongfei from Feihong Pictures. "Kung Fu" will be distributed globally by Feihong Pictures. This time I'm here to introduce you to each other. He will discuss the details."

Xing Zhongfei handed Tom his business card.Tom took the business card with both hands, read it carefully and put it away, and gave Xing Zhongfei his title.

However, when talking, Tom is still used to talking to Wu Long.

"Dragon, if it's only published by Merrickan, the commission will be very high, probably more than 40.00%..."

Xing Zhongfei frowned.But he didn't interrupt, and continued to listen to Tom talking to Wu Long.

"Actually, if you look for channels by yourself, you will not only waste a lot of time and money, but the final commission will only be higher than our global agency. You don't need to do that. Many well-known directors and actors have also established their own film companies. But their distribution will also be handed over to us."

"Why? They also know how to reduce middlemen and want to make more money by themselves. But in the end they all gave up. If they want to do their own distribution and find channels, it will cost a lot of money, material and manpower, which will distract them and prevent them from doing their jobs well. Work."

"And we have invested huge costs, and it took more than ten or 20 years to have these distribution channels. Long, this can't be done in a day or two, nor can it be done in a year or two. If you distribute globally, I'm afraid next year, you The "Kung Fu" is only shown in a limited number of places."

"Do you know how many people need to be distributed all over the world for Weina Films to maintain this huge distribution channel?"

"At least a few thousand people!"

"This is still the basic number of people. If you add temporary project employees, it will be even more! This is a heavy burden, not all companies can afford it, and not all companies have the time to afford it."

"Dragon, the whole world is a village. Everyone does their own work. What you lack, others trade with you. What others lack, others trade with you. Each of them is doing professional things, so that they will not be repeatedly consumed, and they will be done well. better."

In fact, Tom's theory is very classic and similar.There is no problem in using it in other industries.

For example, it is better to buy than to make.

It's not good to make it yourself, so why make it, just buy it.The concept of the global village, you have me, I have you, everyone talks about credibility and professional ethics, etc...

Is Tom's previous analysis correct?That's right.

Developing global distribution channels by myself, the commissions received in various markets will not be much less than that of Weiner Pictures, if not more.

What's more, a behemoth in the global film industry like Weiner Films has really turned its face, and can threaten some small distributors around the world through card sources and other means.

But why did Wu Long do it?

That is, even if the commission is the same, or because of maintenance costs, even if the commission drops, the income will not be more than that of distribution to Weiner Pictures.However, the channel is in your own hands, not in the hands of others.

If you don't have a channel, others can figure it out.Even if you want to lose money and make money, it is possible that you will lose money.

It means that others have taken your distribution rights and won't show it to you.Do you want to promote your own culture?Can't advertise.

"Tom, I came here today to bring Mr. Xing to the door. How to talk about it, you can talk about it. By the way, I'm going to make a movie and see if you, Weiner Pictures, are interested."

"What play? Is there a script?" Tom's eyes lit up.

"The script is being written. I believe that if the issue of "Kung Fu" is resolved, I will be able to write it well." Wu Long said solemnly.

"What kind of film is it, can you tell me?"

"Let's go with Killer, Killer's Revenge. "Kill Bill" and "League of Assassins" are doing well at the box office, so let's continue."

Tom frowned.

"Three killer films in a row? I'm afraid the audience will be tired. Is there anything new? You won't be making corner bullets again? With all due respect, Long, if you still come to the type of corner bullets, relying only on computer special effects, I'm afraid the audience won't come back." Buy it."

"It's not the type of "League of Assassins", it's similar to the type of "Kill Bill". The plot is extremely simple, there are not many computer special effects, and the investment is not large. It is the whole process of killing, killing, killing, using guns and not knives. The gunfight action scene can make the audience Enduring the urgency to urinate and not going to the bathroom." Wu Long did not reveal more.

"If that's the case, I'll talk to the higher-ups and try my best to help you fight for it. Long, don't worry about the new movie, just wait for my news. No matter what the cooperation with "Kung Fu" is, it won't affect Weina Films' full support for your new movie."

"I'm looking forward to it." Wu Long shook hands with Tom.

Xing Zhongfei also shook hands with Tom to say goodbye.

The two left Weiner Pictures, and Xing Zhongfei was not unhappy because Tom ignored him.

"How is it? Mr. Xing. Tom is actually right. He didn't scare us or deceive us. You are in charge of developing overseas markets, so you should feel the difficulties and pressure. And the number of employees around the world is indeed a huge expense."

Xing Zhongfei smiled and said:

"In the past, people laughed at me as a lunatic and a businessman. Now, I have become a person of importance. Who gave this to me? It's not the money, nor my theory, but you and your plan. "

"Tom is right, it's better to buy than to build. Of course they want this, otherwise how can they control us? Many people in China are talking about this and the global village, otherwise how can they make money?"

"Actually, to tell you the truth, it's not that no one has thought of doing it before. Some people must have thought of it, and I have thought of it myself. But no one wants to do it. Why? Because Tom is right."

"It's not just a question of making it better than buying it, but also because no one who can fight stands up and shouts."

"Don't talk about our country, even if it's easy to call, who of those top big-name directors doesn't have their own film company? Don't they want to open up the global market by themselves?"

"Of course they want to. But they dare not."

"Because they can't guarantee whether their next movie will hit the street. Why can't they guarantee it? Because they are not acting, directing and editing."

"Wu Long, you are different from them. You can edit and write, you can act and play, and you can sing as a director. You are omnipotent! From the perspective of omnipotence, you can ensure that the movie will not hit the market by considering all aspects. .As long as your movie does not hit the market, the flow of water will not be cut off, you are not afraid that the market will not buy it, and you are not afraid that the movie theater will not show your movie!"

"Except for you, which director or actor dares to say that the movies he makes guarantee the box office and guarantee that they won't hit the street? No!"

"Since the global film industry knows that your film makes money, why doesn't it show your film?"

"Because of you and your box office appeal, it is possible for you to engage in global film distribution channels. Without the support and attention of the state, I'm afraid I can't get so much money." Speaking of this, the corner of Xing Zhongfei's mouth rose .

He is now very important in the official eyes of the domestic film industry.Because of him, he represented Wu Long in this global film distribution channel.

With this channel, it is possible to export domestic film and television dramas that could not be released to the outside world before.There is no need for that kind of stereotyped propaganda, it is only necessary for people all over the world to understand the real and flourishing land of China.

From this point of view, even if you lose money, you still make money.

Cultural propaganda does not need to be obvious.

As Wu Long said, the West and Africa will not understand the humor and culture of the East.If you take the high-grossing movies that made you laugh out loud in China and show them overseas, not to mention other places in Asia, even Hong Kong Island, not many people can laugh.

Get less than that point.

But if you show gunfight movies and action movies, the audience will easily accept it.Let people see it first, then talk about publicity.Don't even look at it, it promotes loneliness.

And science fiction films are suitable for everyone in the world.If you make a good film, everyone will be subtly influenced by watching it too much, thinking that Hao Lai Hu is as good and as strong as Hao Lai Hu.Only in this way will we be valued and valued.

Wu Long went to Haolai to get the award, but this award is not the purpose.To prove to the world that you have done a good job and make a name for yourself is the purpose.

Making a shady, award-winning film doesn't prove to be a job well done, nor does it earn a reputation.Everyone knows how such a film can win an award.

When people give you an award, they want to tell the whole world that this land of yours in the east is just like this, it’s just dark.Presenting the award to you is acknowledging the darkness reflected in your film.

Nothing else.

Even any acting skills are just a joke.The real purpose is self-evident.

What do you want to defeat a powerful enemy and a powerful barrier?

Use his spear to attack his shield!

It doesn't matter whether you win the prize or not, the box office is the most important thing.A high box office means more viewers watch it, which means more people agree with you.Rather than the so-called expert judges.

The next day, Wu Long took Xing Zhongfei to Lion Films.Lion Films also received the news that Feihong Films has developed a global film channel.After all, it is impossible to touch other people's cheese without disturbing the owner of the cheese.

But what can be done?

Quanmai Rickon banned Wu Long and "Kung Fu"?If Wu Long became famous before and didn't win the best director and best actor, it might be possible.

Now, there are not only Weiner Films and Lion Films in All-McRicken that have the ability to distribute films.These studios are competitors with each other and rarely join forces.

This is also the reason why Wu Long didn't cooperate with all the film companies when he came here before.If they have all cooperated, it is really possible for them to unite to harvest Wu Long.

In the current situation, in the past few years, Weiner Films and Lion Films have eaten a lot from Wu Long, and other film companies have not eaten a piece of meat.You asked them to jointly block Wu Long, okay, spit out what you ate before and share it with everyone?

is it possible?

Weiner Pictures eats the most, will it share it with others?


If it's just the movie "Kung Fu", maybe everyone won't lower the commission.Because "Kung Fu" is not a popular film, but a Chinese film.Who knows if it will be unacceptable and thrown into the street?

But Wu Long let out the news that he was about to shoot a new movie in Haolaihu, and the situation was different immediately.

Weiner Pictures and Lion Pictures want to pinch Wu Long and block Wu Long?Great, the other studios applaud and celebrate.Then, they came to lick Wu Long.

Wu Long, come to my place to shoot.If you want money and people, give what you want!

Wu Long's films have a very high rate of return.Although it is not the kind of ridiculously high investment with a small investment and a big box office, it is still above the stable line.

Many blockbuster films with a box office of hundreds of millions have an ROI of less than 2.However, Wu Long's films have less investment, and the return on investment all exceeds 3, and even reaches 4 or 5.

For example, "League of Assassins", which was not nominated for the Golden Hill Award and Hauska, had an ROI of over 3.5.

Wu Long just brought Xing Zhongfei to Weina Films and Lion Films, and Xing Zhongfei brought his own team to discuss other film companies.

In Rocky's boxing gym, many professional boxers are training.The sound of punching sandbags echoed in the boxing gym.

Wu Long walked into the boxing gym and was recognized immediately.

"Kung Fu Dragon!"

"Teacher!" Some people are not Wu Long's students, but they think they can call it that.Because Rocky calls Teacher Wu Long, they call Coach Rocky, so they can also call Teacher Wu Long.

Now Rocky's boxing gym is very famous all over the world.One is that Rocky was trained by Wu Long, and the other is that Rocky is still the UFC heavyweight champion.

There is another most important reason, the new UFC lightweight champion comes from Rocky's boxing gym!

The lightweight champion was a UFC professional before training at the Rocky Gym.It's just that the results are not very good, with fewer wins and more losses.

He trained in Rocky's boxing gym for more than a year and won the championship gold belt.This also directly doubled the charges of the Rocky Boxing Gym.

Uma is also there, and Gu Kong whispers to Wu Long that Nat is dead.

Rocky didn't tell Wu Long that Nat was stabbed to death.He thought that Nat was not familiar with Wu Long, so there was no need to talk to Wu Long and disturb Wu Long.

Nat was seen arguing with the killer, and it was believed to be a case of injury caused by an altercation.

Wu Long didn't say anything to Umado, he saw Fox squatting.

"His name is Fox, and he asked me to learn Chinese Kung Fu. I only taught him the basic skills. He works very hard and is very talented." Rocky noticed Wu Long's gaze and introduced Fox to Wu Long. "He said he wanted to learn martial arts from you, but he couldn't find you, so he came to me."

When Fox saw Wu Long, he stopped and walked towards Wu Long.

"Mr. Wu, can I learn Chinese Kungfu from you?" Fox said in not-so-fluent Chinese.

"Do you like Chinese Kung Fu?"


"I'm glad you like Chinese Kung Fu. It's just that I don't have time to teach people Kung Fu. I want to make movies."

"I will pay a lot of tuition. As long as you ask for a price, 1000 million US dollars a year, is it enough?" Rocky was stunned when he heard that Fox was willing to spend 1000 million to learn martial arts from Wu Long.This guy is so rich, did his money fall from the sky?

Who will spend 1000 million to learn martial arts?

Rocky suspected that he had heard wrong.

"It's not about money..." Wu Long shook his head.

"Then I'll go to your crew to help. When you have time, you can guide me? From now on, as long as you film, I'll work for you, is that okay?"

Wu Long pretended to think, thinking that Fox could really act.If you think about it for a while, you will understand that it is normal.Fox is a killer, and killers are all about camouflage.If you don't know how to act, how can you pretend to hide your identity and whereabouts.

"Okay. Come to my crew to help, and let me see how long you can persist." It's just acting, and Wu Long is a piece of cake as an actor.

This kind of acquaintance process, even if something happens to Fox in the future, there is no way to implicate Wu Long.

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