I'm not just an action star

Chapter 393 Kung Fu in "Kung Fu"

Falling in love with you, I'm not just an action superstar

After returning to China, Wu Long continued the filming of "Kung Fu".

The Pigpen Walled City has been built and is ready for filming.The group performances and the main actors were in place, and Wu Long rushed to the Pig Cage Walled City the next day after his return.

Zhao Liying's filming has finished, but she still came to the crew.I said I was here to help, but I actually came to watch the filming and wanted to learn something.

Wu Long didn't stop him either.

First shoot literary dramas, and then shoot dramas.

The camera panned from the four ancient characters of "Pig Cage Walled City", showing the whole picture of Pig Cage Walled City.

Then shoot the scene of the Pigpen Walled City in the morning.

.Wu Long originally cast the role of Baoyazhen.As a result, Pandona personally came to the door to ask for an act, even if she wanted to be ugly, she still had to appear in Wu Long's movie.

Wu Long still remembers teasing Pandona at that time, if she plays the woman of the boss of the Crocodile Gang, she can be pretty without being ugly.

Pandona refused.

She also knew that the woman of the boss of the Crocodile Gang had no place for her to show off her acting skills.She died after the opening, and she didn't know how to act after only appearing for 1 minute.

So, Pandona played Gu Yazhen.Not to mention, Pandona, who is made up with buck teeth, makes people who know and are used to her face feel funny.

On the other hand, Sun Jian, at the beginning of Pig Cage Walled City, the charterer he played needed to be cheap and lewd, which was a big challenge for him.

He was born in martial arts, so it's okay to be a stand-in for roles that don't require acting skills.The role of Bao Zugong still requires acting skills. With his basic skills and having not acted in any drama for many years, he really needs to hone his skills.

In order for him to perform well, Wu Long needs to tell the story.

"Drinking alcohol is like drinking water. Rinse your mouth with wine after breakfast. Although this is water, you have to perform the casual feeling of treating wine as water."

Sun Jian thought for a while and said to Wu Long:

"Or change to a bar, low-alcohol alcohol."

Considering that Sun Jian can drink, Wu Long nodded.

"You still have to be a philistine and greedy for cheap things. The deep-fried peddler, A Gui, didn't take his money, and gave him a fried dough stick. The charterer took an extra one, and took another one when he wanted to leave."

"When it comes to rent reduction, in fact, ghost knows that it is impossible, and the charterer also knows that it is impossible. But he said it firmly, no matter whether others believe it or not, anyway, he himself believed it at the time."

Luo Chang played the fried peddler ghost, listening from the sidelines.Knowing that the ghost I play is pretending to let myself believe that the rent can be reduced, and I have to pretend to say a word of thanks in English very sincerely.

Wu Long continued to tell Sun Jian:

"I'm going to try to shoot a long shot first. You then walk along the shop at the bottom of the building. When someone greets you, you have to show an indifferent attitude, but you also have to respond. It means that I agree with you, and I think I think highly of you."

"When you see Xiao Zhu, you should look at her back with lustful eyes."

"Go into the tailor's shop and play dirty jokes with the tailor."

Wu Long said to Fang Zhuming: "The tailor you play is a rabbit, so you have to act like a woman."

Fang Zhuming nodded. "I understand." He made an orchid finger, and his whole body became awkward.Make the person next to you laugh.

"You don't need the orchid finger, but you need the palm of your hand to look like a woman." Wu Long pointed out the improvement. "There are also some body language, which are also common movements of women."

He turned to Pandona and said:

"Dona, when you appear on the stage, your voice should be coquettish, flattering, and a bit coquettish. This kind of coquettishness is not the kind of coquettishness that you want to hook up with men, but..."

Wu Long replaced Baoyazhen, with his mouth stretched open, but his expression was like a proud peacock.

"It doesn't matter how ugly others think I am, I think I am the most beautiful woman in the world. And I have to show my beauty to everyone."

In fact, it is not difficult to act.Because Pandona is not ugly in itself, but ugly in makeup.Even if she is not the most beautiful woman in the world, she is much more beautiful than ordinary women.So she has the right to think that she is the most beautiful woman in the world.Although she is not.

"When you come out of the tailor shop, do this..."

Wu Long swung his hands and swung them in a circle like swimming and paddling.

"You have to twist when you run, you know?" Wu Long pretended to teach Pandona. "There has to be a sense of slow motion."

Pandona nodded to show that she knew, but in her heart, like everyone else, she suppressed a smile.

"Then, Sun Jian, you chase it out. You have to have the stumbling gait of drinking too much. You have to laugh, the happy one after being drunk, the only smile I have is the happiest in the world. You also need to have a sissy like a tailor Look like Bao Yazhen running. It's just a kind of play, a kind of fun."

"Dona, when Sun Jian told you not to leave, you have to show that kind of contrived dislike."

Wu Long waved his hands like a woman, and said "Mmm".

"Remember, when looking back, the body should be tilted. There must be an ups and downs in the process of running away after finishing the movement."

Seeing Wu Long's appearance, everyone finally couldn't help laughing out loud.

Wu Long wasn't angry, nor did he put on a serious face.The plot itself is laughable, the actors and staff all laughed, which shows that it can make the audience in front of the screen laugh.

It is anti-human not to make people laugh at this time.

"I took this long shot, followed by the charterer chasing Bao Yazhen, and the camera burst into the sauce in front of the faucet."

For the role of Jiang Bao, in order to pursue the original version as much as possible, I also searched a lot.This kind of role is not easy to find in regular actors, and finally found out in group performances.

When Wu Long positioned Jiang Bao, and the shorts would always be pulled down, everyone laughed again.It's hard to imagine that this kind of movie with frequent laughs will be played well.

Unfortunately, everyone knows that it will be very exciting.Because the fighting scene in the headquarters of the Ax Gang has already been filmed, everyone is looking forward to this film.

After the filming of the literary play, the filming of the fight scene began.

The first fight scene in Pigpen Walled City is when coolie kicks the ax gang.

.Coolie is played by Qi Ke.Qi Ke knows kicks, but not pool legs.Wu Long passed on his Twelve-Road Tan Legs, which he used for filming after he practiced them well.

In the play, Qi Ke fights against the Ax Gang, except for the group performers around to help out, it is the martial arts team led by Qi Ke who is really beaten.

There is no way to use a long shot for this fight scene.It is impossible for Qi Ke to really kick, and his martial arts can't make some dangerous moves that are kicked away.

There are some actions that can be shot in succession.

Tailor Ah Sheng practiced Iron Fist.

Tiexianquan, also known as Hongjia Tiexianquan, belongs to the Hongquan boxing family.It is the unique skill of Iron Bridge Three, specially designed for training bridge players.

Fang Zhuming, who plays the tailor Ah Sheng, does not know iron fist, but Hong fist.So after he was taught Iron Wire Fist by Wu Long, he played well.

In "Kung Fu", the coolie only uses kicks, the tailor Ah Sheng uses more fists, and the fried peddler Ah Gui uses sticks and spears.

Luo Chang, who plays the fried peddler ghost, can dance sticks, and also can't use the Goro gossip stick used by the character.

According to legend, Yang Wulang turned a gun into a stick, referring to the stick method created by Taiji Bagua, so it is called "Wulang Bagua Stick".

Among the three, Coolie Qiang is the weakest in martial arts, Tailor Ah Sheng is the second most powerful, and the fried peddler Ah Gui is the strongest.

This is not just because Ah Sheng and Ah Gui have weapons, while coolies only have thighs.

Regardless of the fact that the three of them had a duel at the corner of the stairs, none of the three of them could beat the other on the scene.But that's a point-and-shoot competition. Everyone lives in seclusion here, and of course they all hide their clumsiness.In order to give each other face, it is enough to play a few tricks to enjoy themselves.

In fact, from the moment Ah Gui took the shot, he knew that he was the strongest among the three.

First, he threw a bamboo stick out and smashed the guns of the ax gang.He also smashed the gun in the ax helper's hand with a bamboo stick, and the barrel was bent.

When the sky and the earth are missing, you can see their strength.

Strong coolies should have no internal strength, so they can't even guard against the attack of the killing piano.It's just that he found something wrong through the abnormal situation around him, but he was killed directly after finding out that something was wrong, and there was no room for resistance.

Tailor Ah Sheng could sense that the sound of the piano was not right.He couldn't see the attack of the piano sound, he only felt the danger based on his intuition and the wind he heard.Relying on somersaults, the tailor Ah Sheng avoided the first piano attack.

Because of the cut on his face, it made him realize that the sound of the piano can kill people.

The tailor Ah Sheng should develop internal strength, but it is not strong, and the internal strength cannot reach the weapon.In a hurry, he blocked the sound of the piano with the iron ring on his arm, but his iron ring was cut by the sound of the piano.

When the sound of the zither released by Tian Can Di Que converged into several fists, the tailor A Sheng couldn't avoid it by distinguishing the sound of the wind.

The deep-fried peddler Ah Gui came out to save people, and he leaped to fight back with a gun. It can be seen that his skill is the highest among the three.

With lightness skills, you can see the attack of the sound of the piano, and you can use weapons to block the attack of the sound of the piano.It's a pity that the long spear in his hand is not an iron spear, and it cannot withstand the pressure of the strength of both sides.

If the three of them fight together against Heaven and Earth, they still have a chance of winning.This is also the reason why Heaven and Earth were separated and attacked first.

There are three fight scenes in Pigpen Walled City.

The first game is the three of them fighting against the Ax Gang during the day.

The second game is the three-person battle at night.In fact, there were only two of them, and Coolie Qiang was instantly killed in advance.

The third scene is at the end, Ah Xing beats the ax to help the crowd and fights the fire cloud evil god.

At the end, the scene where Ah Xing fights the ax gang, and the fight scene at the corner of the stairs, Wu Long didn't change the scene.Because, here is not so exaggerated, it can be shot with one shot.

There were also two people who were elbowed by Wu Long and fell through the guardrail below the railing. It was dangerous here.But the lens does not move down, so placing the sponge pad below will not wear it.

In this scene, those beaten by Wu Long are all experienced martial artists.In advance, he had these martial arts rehearse hundreds of times. How each person moved and attacked in several batches, he required that no mistakes should be made according to the design requirements.

In this way, people will be convinced when he develops Wuxiang Gong.

The first person to make a move was a martial artist from Sun Jian's martial arts team. Everyone was familiar with it. He was also very happy to entrust this role to him.

When shooting the original version, several camera cuts were made.

There is no camera cut here for Wu Long.The camera seat is just outside the stairs, through Wu Long's shoulder, looking up at the Wu Xing who jumped down with an ax and chopped.

Then, the machine position moves back and pulls away, and rises.In the camera, Wu Long turned around gracefully, and the ax just slashed in front of Wu Long.

Wu Xing, who was given an explanation, knew that filming with Wu Long was a real fight.Even if they had real knives and axes in their hands, they didn't have to worry about hurting Wu Long, because they couldn't hurt Wu Long at all because of their strength.

And because he was influenced by Wuxiang Gong to enter the film, he thought he was a member of the Ax Gang, so he really chopped Wu Long hard during the filming.

Such a scene, even if the ax is a prop, looks very thrilling.

Wu Long gave way to the axe, and with a swing of the hammer, the opponent was sent flying, hitting several ax gangs who followed closely.

The two axemen who were not hit helped the axeman to chop Wu Long from top to bottom with the ax behind Wu Long.

Wu Long took a step back and split the air with two axes.Wu Long hit back with both elbows, and the two Wu Xing were bent over, smashed through the guardrail and fell down.

A few more axes came down from upstairs to help the axemen, and Wu Long solved them one by one.

Axemen rushed up from downstairs, and axemen rushed down from upstairs at the same time, forming a circle of encirclement.

Wu Long stomped on the feet of these axemen again and again, the speed was as fast as setting off firecrackers.These martial arts are really painful, coupled with the influence of Wuxiang Gong, everyone thought that their feet were really trampled, and they all screamed in pain.

They are not acting, but showing their true feelings.

There was no rotten shoes on the scene, and special effects will be done in the later stage.This play is over.

One by one!

The ensemble cheers.Some ensemble performers are filming Wu Long's scene for the first time. Seeing such a fight scene, others have to shoot many times and take multiple shots to complete it.Wu Long, however, made a mistake. These group performers who were filming Wu Long's play for the first time felt that Wu Long was really a super actor and super director. Substitute into the play.

When filming just now, they seemed to think that they were members of the Ax Gang.

Someone thought of Wu Xing who was kicked away just now, and quietly asked if it hurt.From their point of view, kicking so far, flying so far, and knocking down other people must be very painful, and there is a possibility of internal injury.

But Wu Xing laughed.

"Brother Long's kung fu has reached the state of returning to the basics. The strength is just right. Although it hurts a bit, it won't hurt internally. Just rub it with medicinal wine for a day and you'll be fine."

"Impossible?" The extras didn't believe it.

"It's because you don't understand the real Chinese Kung Fu. This is the difference between strength and strength. If strength hit me and sent me flying so far, I would definitely suffer internal injuries. But if it was strength, it would be different."

There are a lot of things, anyway, it's hard to understand no matter how much you say.Only by experiencing it for yourself will you know that the rumors are true.

Action scenes, continue to shoot.

The fight scene between Wu Long and Lin Shangxiong was the most difficult and troublesome to film.Many need to hang wires, and not just two wires.

For example, when Ah Xing hit Huoyun Cthulhu, Huoyun Cthulhu said: "That's right, come on." Then, Huoyun Cthulhu was kicked out of the building by A Xing.

If all these actions use post-production special effects, it will not only increase the funds, but also increase the production time.

The old method is still the most economical and practical solution.

This shooting, of course, will not really knock Lin Shangxiong downstairs who plays the evil god of fire cloud.That's too dangerous and unnecessary.

The railing is broken, and the process of the post-stage special effects being broken by the upper railing is just fine.

Lin Shangxiong was hanging with several wires, and the wires were also pulled by his feet, forming a posture of being beaten and flying away.

Wu Long pretended to hit Lin Shangxiong with a punch, and Lin Shangxiong pretended to be hit so that he turned around and flew out obliquely.At this time, the head and upper body of Wia pulled out like this, but the feet were restrained by the pull of Wia, so they didn't go out, so they looked like they were being beaten and flew out obliquely.

This pose is more uncomfortable, but fortunately, this kind of shot is also a pass, nothing.

In another shot, Lin Shangxiong was hoisted and pulled by several wires, forming a bent over posture when Wu Long jumped out and kicked him.

Wu Long was also hanging on Wia, jumped out, made a flying kick, and kicked Lin Shangxiong in the abdomen.

In the same way, Wu Long knee-kicked Lin Shangxiong in the air, and he also used Wia to shoot it in the same way.

Wu Long is fast in filming, and he is famous in the industry for his mistakes.Even if "Kung Fu" needs to shoot a lot of shots, and it needs to hang Wia, it's the same.

After the shooting is completed, it is the most important post-production special effects.Wu Long requested that the special effects of martial arts should show a sense of speed and power.

With a bang, he was sent flying like a cannonball.Knock down doors, break railings, you name it.

He participates live in the studio, asks live, and then corrects.A lot of special effects production will be subcontracted.

This is not only to exercise Shi Lei and his team, but also to select domestic talents for more cooperation in the future.

After another year, Wu Long has been participating in the post-production special effects of "Kung Fu".

Since the beginning of the Golden Hill Awards, "League of Assassins" has not received any nominations.Although he was invited to participate, he did not go because he could not spare the time.

Angeli was also invited.She asked Wu Long, and Wu Long thought she could participate to increase exposure and popularity.

When the Hauska Awards Ceremony was held in March, Wu Long still did not attend. "League of Assassins" encountered the same embarrassment as the Golden Hill Awards, and was also not selected for any nominations.Likewise, Hoska invited him and Angeli to attend.After discussing with Wu Long, An Jili went by herself.

Neither the Golden Hill Awards nor the Hauska was nominated for "League of Assassins", and Wu Long did not attend these two award ceremonies. Such a situation can't help but make people think too much.

Did Wu Long have a conflict with Hao Lai?Is someone crowding out Wu Long?

There have been signs of this since "Kill Bill", but Hoska still gave "Kill Bill" an award.This year, even Hoska didn't even give Wu Long face, and there wasn't a single nomination.

Many movie fans around the world complained about Wu Long.

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