I'm not just an action star

Chapter 392 Magical Technology

"Gun fighting?" Fox said he didn't understand. "Is it fighting with a gun?"

Why do you fight with a gun when you have a gun?

Isn't that a fool?

"You know I know how to conceal weapons?" Wu Long asked him.

Fox nodded. "You have a special cold weapon attack method in the east, the most common is the flying knife. This country also has this method."

"You can think of a gun as a hidden weapon, but it is faster and has a longer range. Thinking of a gun as a hidden weapon is a kind of martial arts and gun fighting. Of course, this is just a way of saying."

"Actually, the gun fighting technique first aims at melee combat and close combat, and then gradually expands outward to the distance. It is a comprehensive attack method that integrates body technique, spear technique, and fighting."

"Theoretically, it needs to be calculated to output the attack with the maximum damage in the position and posture that suffers the least damage."

"By changing the posture, let the firearm in your hand achieve an all-round attack without dead ends."

"Basic theory involves mathematics such as geometry, statistics, and mental arithmetic..."

"Wait, I need to calculate wind speed, distance, and ballistics when I'm sniping. But at close range, such as within the range of a pistol, I need these too?"

"Need more. Of course, if you are one-on-one or one-on-two, you don't need these. But what if there are more enemies? Are you surrounded? At that time, you need to calculate who to kill first, and you have to Which position is most beneficial to you."

Fox spread his hands.

"Sorry, I don't understand."

"Can you give me an example first, so that I can understand a bit. Then I can better understand your theory?"

Wu Long nodded.

"Have you brought a gun? Unload the magazine, unload the bullet, let me show you."

Fox was not worried that it would be dangerous for Wu Long to give the gun to him.He took out the gun on his body and unloaded the magazine, and then ejected the bullet in the chamber.

Wu Long took out a laser pointer from the drawer and tied it to the gun with a rope.There was glue on the scotch tape, and Wu Long was afraid that Fox would be upset if the gun was covered with glue.

He exchanged the "Gun Fighting Technique" and turned on the switch of the laser pointer.

"Assume this laser is the ballistic of my shot."

He faces inward.

"Someone came in from the kitchen right now and tried to shoot me. What would you do if you were in my position?"

Fox said: "If there is time, I will turn around and shoot."

He took the gun from Wu Long's hand and put it back into his holster.

"My gun is very fast, and I can usually shoot first."

After finishing speaking, he quickly turned around, fired his gun, and simulated the sound of shooting: "Bang!"

At this time, the place where the laser passes is exactly the height of the human head.Suppose someone comes out from behind the door and will be irradiated with a laser on the head.If you replace the laser with a bullet, you will be hit on the head by Fox.

Wu Long applauded.

"It's really fast and accurate. What if you find out that your opponent is too late, and it's too late to turn around and shoot?"

"I'd jump over to the couch first and then turn around and hit back."

After finishing speaking, Fox made a diving leap, turned around in the air and drew his gun to fight back.The place where the laser is irradiated is still at the height of the head of a person.

If someone misses the attack and wants to chase them out and continue the attack, they will definitely be hit by Fox.

Wu Long stretched out his hand, pulled up Fox who was lying on the sofa, and took his gun.

"If it were me, it wouldn't be such a trouble."

Wu Long returned to his previous position.

"If someone comes out from the kitchen behind me and tries to attack me, there are two quick ways to fight back with gunfighting."

"One, the gun is under the left rib. When I drew the gun, I turned my body in the opposite direction. You see, I turned my body to the left to speed up the speed of drawing the gun. At the same time, I also turned my left side to the kitchen to get out of the way. A ballistic trajectory. At this time, I can shoot directly."

Fox looked at Wu Long and the laser beam from the laser pointer in surprise.Because Wu Long's gun was still under his left armpit at this time, and he didn't raise the gun to aim.

But the position of the laser beam is exactly the position of the human torso.

Fox also heard Wu Long say three times: "Bang bang! Bang!"

The first two sounds are connected quickly, and the third sound is slightly slower.

"Three shots?"

Wu Long nodded. "Three shots."

"A person's torso is the largest area and the easiest place to shoot. What's more, if you develop this habit, when the muzzle moves from bottom to top, you can shoot faster."

"The first two shots depend on personal habits. Some people hit the abdomen with the first shot, the chest with the second shot, and the headshot with the third shot."

"Even if the opponent is wearing body armor, the impact of the bullet will slow down his attack. His slowness buys time for my attack."

Fox is a killer with rich shooting experience, so he immediately understood what Wu Long meant.

"Three shots, what a waste of bullets." He sighed.

"It's better to have more bullets than no bullets. Besides, bullets are not for wasting, but for saving your life. If you run out of bullets, can't you use the enemy's guns and bullets on the ground? If necessary, you can pass Calculate the position and attack sequence, so that you can always ensure that you can get the enemy's weapon."

"Moreover, if you only attack the head. If the enemy is attacking while crouching, your attack will miss. When you adjust again, the enemy will definitely shoot before you. I shot the abdomen first. If the enemy crouches and attacks, I will kill you." head shot."

Fox was surprised in his heart, Wu Long must be a well-hidden killer!Otherwise, absolutely cannot speak of such a great experience!

"I did encounter opponents who squatted and attacked. Fortunately, I reacted quickly and dodged the opponent's bullets." Fox still has lingering fears when he says it now.

"Actually, the first shot to hit the abdomen or chest is not fixed. You can also hit the opponent's feet or hands first depending on the situation. For example, the muzzle of my gun is pointing down, and it is too late to raise it higher. For example, if I fall to the ground, the muzzle of the gun is the same. It's too late to raise it higher..."

Fox is really talented as a killer, and he already understood what Wu Long meant.He interrupted Wu Long's words, and continued Wu Long's words:

"If my muzzle moves to the opponent, the opponent aims at me first. At this time, my muzzle can only hit the opponent's arm. People's habits will move to the torso or head and then shoot, which will make the opponent Shoot first. I shoot the opponent's arm first, and the opponent will not be able to shoot immediately, and I will win time to continue attacking and kill the opponent."

"So, the purpose of the first two shots is not to kill the enemy, but to interrupt the enemy's attack or weaken the enemy's attack. Because you don't know whether the opponent's gun is faster or your gun is faster. As long as the opponent is shot, whether it is shot It is impossible to accurately attack where it hits and the moment it is hit."

Wu Long nodded.

"Yes, that's the reason. This is very important when you are surrounded by many people, because your time is limited."

Fox looked very excited, he apologized:

"Sorry, I was too excited to interrupt you just now. Excuse me, what about the second one you mentioned?"

Wu Long demonstrates the second method.After he drew the gun, he leaned forward, turned his arms inward, and in a weird posture, he didn't look back, and he shot backwards.

Fox was once again surprised to find that when Wu Long's hand was fixed, the position where the laser beam irradiated was still at the height of the human torso.

"Bang bang! Bang!" Wu Long raised the muzzle of the laser beam slightly to the height of the human head.

"How could you do it without looking back!" Fox exclaimed.

"This is geometry. You must always know where the enemy may appear with yourself as the center of the circle, what posture you use, and the gun can be aimed at the position where the enemy appears. You don't need to aim, you just need to practice more and rely on your hand To control the posture of the hand, so as to ensure that the muzzle can be accurately aimed at the position where the enemy appears."

Fox was greatly admired.If he sees the target, he can guarantee 100% of his bullets will hit the target.If you can't see, just rely on feeling, his accuracy will be much worse.

Now, of course, it's a simulation, and the gun has no recoil.But thinking about Wu Long's skill, I'm afraid the recoil will not interfere with Wu Long.

"The second type should be slower than the first type. Why is there a second type?" Fox thought a lot.

"Because maybe the kitchen is just the first enemy, and there is a second enemy at the door inside. At this time, the second posture can turn the gun around faster and aim at the enemy inside."

Wu Long's originally slanted body straightened, and with a turn of his arm, the muzzle of the gun was aimed at the door inside.When the laser beam stops moving, it still shines at the height of the torso.

"Boom! Boom!"

Fox gestured at the changes in the two postures with doubts.Also the muzzle moves 180 degrees, the movement of the first posture is relatively rigid.The second posture, because the four joints of the waist, shoulders, elbows, and wrists rotate at the same time, actually gives people a sense of smoothness of modern mechanical rotation.

"People who are not sensitive can't feel the difference in speed at all. But I have to say that the speed of the second type is indeed a little bit faster."


Fox lamented that there is such an exquisite means of firearm attack in the world.Although I didn't learn how to shoot when the bullet turned around, it was not in vain!

I must learn this spear fighting technique!

Seeing Fox's longing eyes, Wu Long knew that Fox was attracted by gun fighting.

"Two shots to the torso and one shot to the head", such a statement and shooting method, had a name in Wu Long's previous life called Mozambique Shooting Technique.

It is a point-and-shoot technique in which two quick shots are fired into the target's torso in quick succession followed by a quick shot to the head.

Hitting the torso is easier than hitting the head, so the purpose of the first two shots is to hit the target faster and more accurately, making the target unable to resist for a short time and giving the shooter a chance to continue shooting.

This is when Mike Rousseau encountered mercenaries at close range in Mozambique. He only had a pistol in his hand and faced the opponent's strong firepower advantage. At that time, he chose this shooting method.

This method of shooting was eventually named after Mozambique.

These, Wu Long will not tell Fox.He just explains:

"Three shots are not absolute. When you are sure, you can still headshot with one shot."

"Can I learn gun fighting skills?" Fox looked at Wu Long expectantly, even pleading in his eyes.

Wu Long did not immediately agree, but said:

"There is another feature of the gun fighting technique. In order to prevent the gun from being snatched in close combat, the arm is often bent and the gun is held closer to the body. This can also shorten the distance and time from drawing the gun to raising the gun to aim. .”

"However, there is a consequence of doing this, that is, the reaction force when firing the gun will put a very heavy burden on the wrist. Not only will it lead to inaccurate shooting, but it may even cause the gun to drop from the hand or dislocate the joint."

"So, if you want to practice gun fighting, you need to practice basic martial arts. It will be very boring and hard. It is not easy to learn the theory."

Wu Long looked at Fox.

"If you want to learn, I can teach you. However, I don't know if you can persevere. I don't want to teach halfway, you give up, and let me waste my time and thought."

Without hesitation, Fox immediately swore:

"I swear, I will insist on finishing my studies!"

"One more thing. After you learn it, you can no longer shoot innocent people. Unless innocent people shoot you, you have no choice but to protect yourself."

"I promise you, I swear."

"Rocky has been trained by me, and he now has a martial arts gym. You can pay to learn, instead of learning fighting and fighting, you can learn the basics of Chinese Kung Fu."

"is teacher."

On the same day, Fox went to the martial arts gym opened by Rocky to pay for learning.Wu Long didn't say hello to Rocky, and Fox was smart enough to know this, and didn't say he knew Wu Long.

"You just want to learn Chinese Kung Fu?" Rocky was curious about Fox when he heard someone calling him to learn Chinese Kung Fu. "why?"

"Because I think Wu Long is the King of Kung Fu, and I want to learn Kung Fu from him. However, that is definitely not possible. You are Wu Long's student, and I hope that by learning Kung Fu from you, I can become stronger. I can Double the tuition."

"However, if you only learn Chinese Kungfu, not only do you have to practice for a long time before you can achieve results, but it is also more difficult, tiring and boring than practicing modern martial arts. Also, even if you learn Chinese Kungfu well, you will not be able to compete in UFC and other fights Boxing ring." Rocky persuaded Fox.

"I know, but I still want to learn. Can you teach me? Or, Wu Long won't let you teach the kung fu he taught you?"

Rocky smiled, shook his head and said:

"Not everything can be taught. Some basic ones can be taught. Because these things are also taught in other Chinese martial arts."

"Basic ones are fine." Fox remembered that Wu Long wanted him to learn basic martial arts from Rocky.

"However, you are already very old. Chinese Kung Fu pays attention to starting from a young age..."

"How old were you when Wu Long taught you Kung Fu?" Fox asked Rocky. "I can fight and fight, I have the foundation."

Although Rocky is the UFC champion, in the eyes of Fox, he really doesn't think much of it.Maybe in the ring according to UFC rules, he can't beat Rocky.But if there were no rules for a duel, he believed that he could...kill Rocky.

He doesn't have much experience in beating opponents.But killing opponents, he is experienced.

If Rocky is angry, if Rocky doesn't teach him, he will go to other Chinese martial arts to learn.

Rocky looked at Fox seriously for a long time, Fox and Rocky looked at each other.

"Okay, I'll teach you. Just let me state first, if you can't learn well or can't learn, it's not because I didn't teach well, or I didn't teach well. If you agree with this, I can teach you. And you Don't use this to promote, saying that I only accept money and don't teach real kung fu."

This is what Rocky worries about.Suddenly someone came and asked him to learn Chinese Kungfu, he couldn't help but think about it.

He is the UFC champion, and most of the people who come to him to learn boxing come to learn mixed martial arts.Even if you learn Chinese Kung Fu, it is also Chinese Kung Fu integrated into mixed martial arts.Instead of just learning Chinese Kung Fu like Fox did.

His fees are expensive.It is better to go to a Chinese-owned martial arts gym than to learn Chinese Kung Fu.

"So you're worried about that. No problem, I'm not that kind of person."

"That's good. I'll write that in the contract."


As Fox went to pay his tuition, Nat walked in.

"I heard that someone came here to learn Chinese Kung Fu?" he asked Rocky. "is it him?"

Rocky nodded: "It's him."

"Are you sure you want to teach him?"


"That will affect your training, what will you do next game?"

"It's okay, I'll just adjust the training rhythm."


Nat actually thought it was best that way.Rocky's training is not good, the game is lost, and he has completed the task.

This task is now on his mind, and the pressure is getting heavier and heavier, and he feels a little out of breath.Always worried that one day things would be exposed and he would be discovered by Rocky and Wu Long.

"Want to drink tonight?" Nat asked.

"not going."

In the evening, Nat drinks at the bar to relieve his worries.He staggered out of the bar and bumped into someone.

"Fack! Dead alcoholic, how do you walk, looking for death!" The other party scolded Nat.

"Looking for death? Just you? I can punch you with ten punches, no, five punches can knock you down!"

The two pushed and shoved each other.

The other party suddenly took out a small knife and stabbed it directly into Nat's heart.

"Someone asked me to send you a message. Collecting money will not do anything, and it will lead to death. Some money is not so easy to get, and it is not given for nothing."

Nat suddenly felt the power flow from him.Regrets that I had never had before, came to my heart and mind along with the pain.

The murderer pulled out a knife and stabbed Nat a few more times before he knocked Nat down and left the scene quickly.

"Boss, the Nat next to Rocky has been resolved."

In Freeman's former office, his subordinates reported to Freeman's eldest son.The murderer who killed Nat was not the person who reported it.

After listening to the report, Freeman's son nodded.After his father died, he took over his father's business.There are also some of the father's people who began to pay homage to him.

From this, he knew the plan to give money to Nat and let Nat drug Rocky.

Who is the murderer who killed his father, the police have no clue.There is a phone number that Freeman's confidant called before he died.But such calls could not be checked, and the clues were cut off.

Maybe his father died because of this?

He didn't want to end up like his father.Nor will it publicize this matter to attract the attention of Rocky and Wu Long.

However, Nat took the money and did nothing, which made Freeman's son unhappy.He didn't want to make this matter public, because he was worried that someone might think of his father's grievances with Wu Long or Rocky.

This matter is over.

For him, keeping the property he inherited from his father is the most important thing for him.He has no grievances with Rocky and Wu Long, so there is no need to have trouble with Rocky and Wu Long.

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