I'm not just an action star

Chapter 389 I want to have a friend

Fox had been observing Wu Long, and when he saw that Wu Long's expression didn't change in the slightest when he heard the content on the phone, he couldn't help but secretly praised Wu Long.

Reminiscent of Wu Long's ability to kill three high-level killers alone, he also admires Wu Long's skill.

It seems that Wu Long's fighting skills are not fake.

From the coins in the killer's eyes, it can be seen that Wu Long's oriental hidden weapon technique is really clever and practical.

"Okay, I'll take it. Give me a channel, and I'll send you the account number."

"No problem, you go to the Hyacinth Flower Forum, and I will leave a channel for you on it. As usual, I will propose all the commissions."


"I knew you would accept the order when you heard this name. No one can refuse, kill a God of War. 'Fox', you will definitely have the title of 'God Slayer'. There is a small request, tomorrow "Assassin" Before the premiere of "Alliance", Wu Long must die. I think with your skills, you should be able to do it, right?"


The two ended the call.

"I'll accept the order, and he won't find anyone else. I'll try my best to find him before the premiere of "League of Assassins" tomorrow, and help you solve the trouble."

Wu Long was a little puzzled.

"But, you accepted the order but didn't execute it. Didn't you break the rules? Isn't it bad for your reputation in the industry?"

Fox smiled.

"After I kill all the people in the organization, I don't plan to do this business anymore. The money of the organization is in my hands, enough for me to enjoy my old age. Why should I risk my life?"

"If you help me, there will be danger, right?"

"That's different. No matter what you think of me, I regard you as a friend. Or, more friends than friends. "Kill Bill" made me determined to take revenge, and you can treat it as me repaying your favor."

"Is there any tape with a large circle?" Fox asked Wu Long.

Wu Long went to the window, opened the drawer and took out a large circle of tape.

Fox sealed the mouths of the three killers familiarly, leaving two holes for them to breathe.They dislocated their shoulders and bound their hands and feet together with their bodies with tape.

Skilled action.

He also took out the coin from the killer's eye and returned it to Wu Long.

"You clean up the blood yourself. I'll bring the car in."

After Fox took him away, Wu Long began to clean the room.

In a dim room, Fox took turns interrogating the four killers he had captured.In the end, by cruel means of torture, they found out the whereabouts of Hyacinth.

Ordinarily, when a killer receives an order, he may not necessarily know the identity of the broker.Many brokers don't want the killer to know their identity.

Brokers also don't want their employers to know their identities, and employers don't want brokers to know their identities.

Everyone and every link try their best to protect themselves.

But the reality is that the killer will do everything possible to understand the identity of the broker.Because it is not only related to their own lives and safety, but also related to their remuneration status.

It is not uncommon for brokers to run away or not pay the rest of their fees.

Brokers set up traps or gave inaccurate or deliberately concealed information, which led to escalation of actions.

So the broker didn't want the killer to know his identity, so as to avoid involving himself.The killer wants to know the identity of the broker, just in case he can get revenge.

Likewise, employers don't want brokers to know their identities, lest the killer's carelessness implicate the employer.But the broker wants to know the identity of the employer, so as to protect his own life.

This is the game between them.

Asking Hyacinth's identity and location, the four killers lose their value.Only by disappearing from the world will the world become safer for the worthless key person.

This is the code of conduct for killers.

Gu Yu

After dealing with the four killers, Fox received a call from the "big-headed ants".

"Big-headed Ant" is a hacker with strong skills.According to the "big-headed ant" itself, its technology ranks among the top five in the world.

Once, the task given to Fox by the organization was to kill the hacker.Fox eventually spared the "big-headed ant" and replaced it with another corpse, and asked the "big-headed ant" to cooperate with him.

After the "big-headed ant" changed his face, he became Fox's personal partner.It was also because of the help of the "big-headed ants" that Fox was able to figure out the context and details of the organization.It can be said that the "big-headed ants" helped Fox kill all the people in the organization.

Fox received [-]% of the organization's money and gave it to the "big-headed ants", and the "big-headed ants" also reaped a lot.

"Big-Headed Ant" has a program installed on Fox's business mobile phone. All calls with Fox, as long as there is enough time, the program can trace the source of the call.Even if a springboard is used, the "big-headed ants" can find a way to track it.

Hyacinth called Fox, and there was a message on the Hyacinth Flower Forum. "Big Head Ant" finally helped Fox find out where Hyacinth was hiding.

As confessed by several killers.It's just that the killers only knew that Hyacinth was in Chijiago, but the "big-headed ants" knew a more detailed address.

And by locking the places where Hyacinth often goes in and out, comparing, and big data calculations, delineate the person Hyacinth and the surveillance photos of Hyacinth.

Hyacinth is a middle-aged uncle who likes bars and nightclubs.There is also a place to inquire about news.

Drink at night and find a woman.But he never spends the night with a woman because he is worried that he will talk in his sleep and say what he shouldn't.

Last night, "Fox" accepted the order, and he transferred half of the remuneration to "Fox" after deducting the commission, which meant that Wu Long was dead before the premiere of "League of Assassins" today.

So last night I drank a little more and went a little crazy.After finishing the two women, I went home to sleep and slept until very late.

I went shopping in the supermarket in the morning, bought some daily necessities and food, and didn't come home until after twelve o'clock.

Put things in the refrigerator, grab a can of beer, and relax on the sofa in the living room first.

Then he saw a man enter the living room.

Not good!

Hyacinth looked at this uninvited person, thinking about what to do.He didn't believe that this person who broke in without authorization would bring him good things.Besides, I didn't hear the door knock just now.This person should have been lurking in the house and waiting for him to come back.

"Don't think about the gun under your table, I have already taken it." Fox walked up to Hyacinth.

"Don't even think about the gun you hid in the crevice of the sofa, it was also taken away by me."

"If you want to take out your gun, then see if your gun is faster or mine."

Fox is also sitting on the sofa, with a relaxed and natural posture.It's like being at an old friend's house, sitting on the sofa and chatting with old friends.

"Who are you?" Hyacinth asked.

"Don't worry about who I am, tell me who you are. Let's make sure, lest I find the wrong person." Fox looked into Hyacinth's eyes and asked, "Are you Hyacinth?"

"Don't rush to answer, you only have one chance. If not, I'll leave now. If it is, let's chat."

If you don't admit it, you leave?Of course Hyacinth would not believe such words.The other party will indeed leave, but he will definitely kill people before leaving.

In other words, if the answer is no, you must die.

Admitting that he is a hyacinth, maybe there is still a way to survive.


"Okay, then we can have a good chat." Fox smiled at Hyacinth.

"I took a few hours on an early flight from Los Angeles looking for useful information..."

Hyacinth's eyes trembled.Los Angeles?Wu Long?Could this person in front of me be...

Fox caught the change in Hyacinth's eyes and was even more sure that the other party was Hyacinth.

"Someone wants to kill Wu Long. I want to know who it is. Don't say you don't know. If you don't know, it means you are worthless. I can only wait here until Wu Long appears at the premiere tonight. Your The employer is calling to question you."

"Believe me, if I can find you here, I can find your employer. Asking you, I don't want to waste too much time."

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