The door opened quietly, and Wu Long didn't feel any danger.

He knew the person who walked in.

The man who met on the Great Wall claimed to be a killer. After seeing it, he decided to avenge his father.

The visitor glanced at the killer with bleeding eyes under the window and closed the door.

"It seems that I am late."

The other party walked up to the killer, slashed the killer's neck with a hand knife, and directly knocked the killer unconscious.

"Go into the house and say, it's easy to be seen outside."

He grabbed the killer by the back collar and dragged the killer into the house after Wu Long.When passing the hall, he dragged the killer on the ground into the living room.

"What would you like to drink?"

The visitor glanced at the glass jug.

"That will do."

Wu Long took out two new glasses, poured two glasses of water respectively, and handed one of them to the other party.He took a sip of the cool white water in his hand.

"What should I call you?"

"You can call me Fox." Fox took a sip of water and put the glass back on the table.

"Why did you come to me? Didn't you take revenge?" Wu Long asked him.

"It's been killed. It's funny to think about it. I thought the organization was very strong, but it turned out to be so weak. If I hadn't read yours, I'm afraid I've been hesitating all the time, and I might die in the mission in the end, unable to take revenge .”

Wu Long shook his head and sat on the sofa.And motioned Fox to sit down too.

"No, maybe it's just that you are familiar with your organization, have been planning, know the weakness of the organization, and suddenly launched an attack. Otherwise, it may be another ending."

"Besides, I also want to say, maybe it's just your luck."

Fox froze for a moment, lowered his head in thought, and took a long time to look up.

"Thank you. That's true, I actually became proud. Maybe I destroyed such a powerful organization by myself, I was a little arrogant, thinking that I was very powerful. If I accept the task with this mentality, I am afraid that the next task will fail, or even die in the mission.”

Wu Long smiled.

"Not necessarily. Maybe it's just that the stone in your heart has been removed, and the whole person seems relaxed. This is a state and mood that you have never had before, so you become like this. Once you pass this state, you will feel relaxed again. Get back to your original calm self."

"Maybe." Fox knew that it wasn't what Wu Long said at the end, but that he really almost became arrogant.

"When I killed my boss, I talked to him. He said that if it wasn't for you and me, I wouldn't kill him in front of him."

"In order to survive, my boss told me that someone is going to kill you. I don't know who paid the bounty, but someone took the job."

"After I ended his life, I rushed to Los Angeles. Because I was not sure whether the news was true or not, I didn't call you. Unexpectedly, their assassination operation against you has already begun."

"You come out of the company and someone reports your itinerary. The truck driver is a fake and one of the killers of this operation. Don't worry, he will die in the hospital soon."

"I've caught the person who reported your itinerary. I'll take these people away too, and ask who gave them the list. I won't let them die with you."

"Why help me?" Wu Long asked Fox.

"Because, and because I feel, I want to help you." Fox shrugged.Perhaps, this is the mutual watch between heroes?He didn't know how to express it.

Freeman watched the TV news, which was broadcasting Wu Long's car accident, and the reporter was interviewing Wu Long.

He drank the wine in the glass, smashed it out, and cursed.

Then, his confidant knocked on the door and walked in.

"They can't be contacted, maybe they are in action, maybe they have failed, something happened." The confidant told Freeman.

"What do you mean?"

"The intermediary told me that this time it was an action team. This kind of action team usually has one person in charge of logistical support, and this logistical support can communicate with the outside world at any time. The person in charge of the operation will not communicate with the outside world."

"However, the middleman contacted the logistics support just now, but the other party did not answer. Maybe there is no time, maybe something happened. No one can say for sure."

Freeman frowned.At this moment, he felt that he desperately wanted Wu Long to die.

"Is there no other way? I want Wu Long not to appear at the premiere tomorrow. If those people can't do it, will they apologize with death? What if they miss? The middleman is so disreputable?"

The confidant hurriedly said:

"The middleman said a way. He said that Wu Long's Chinese Kung Fu is a bit unusual, and ordinary assassinations may not succeed. It is also based on this that he judges that those people may fail."

"Maybe it failed? The news is out, and they don't read the news?" Freeman was obviously angry. "If it's not possible, it's a failure!"

"The car accident is just the first method. If the car accident is not successful, they will wait for Wu Long at Wu Long's home. However, the middleman said that when Wu Long was in Hong Kong Island, someone tried to kill him but failed, so he thought Wu Long's kung fu was too much." Powerful, it's hard to kill him when you get close to him."

Freeman was impatient.

"The middleman said so much, it's all nonsense!"

The confidant quickly went on to say:

"The intermediary said another remedy."


"What plan?"

"A stronger killer please."

Freeman smiled coldly.

"This is asking me to add money, right?"

Confidant nodded:

"Yes. For the money we paid before, the person we hired may not be able to kill Wu Long."

"It's okay to add money. Can the middleman guarantee that Wu Long can be killed? I can give the money, as long as he promises that Wu Long must die before the premiere tomorrow."

"The middleman can't guarantee it, but he said that there is one person who can kill Wu Long."


"A killer named 'Fox'. Not long ago, that killer named 'Fox' killed all the killer organizations he belonged to by himself."

Freeman stared at his confidant in surprise.

"Did you just say that a killer named 'Fox' wiped out a killer organization?"

The confidant nods.

"A person who can kill so many killers should be a killer among killers. He must be very strong."

Freeman also nodded in agreement.

"King of killers? It's normal for such a person to charge a high fee. Let the middleman contact that 'fox'."

Confidant explained:

"The intermediary said that half of the remuneration should be paid first according to regulations. If Wu Long has been killed by the first group of people, the remuneration paid in advance to 'Fox' will not be refunded, nor will his commission be refunded. The remaining remuneration of the first group of people, Pay them too."

Freeman scolded:

"Shet, darker than me!"

"Follow their rules."

In the living room of Wu Long's house, Fox was about to leave.

"I'll try my best to track it down. If I can find out the broker who gave them the order, maybe I can find out the person behind it and help you solve the trouble."

"Thank you." Wu Long probably guessed that it was Freeman's instigation.But he won't tell Fox, let Fox help him kill Freeman.

Just then, Fox's cell phone rang.

He apologized to Wu Long, walked towards the kitchen, and answered the call.


"it's me."

"There's a big order, I wonder if you'd like to take it?"

"who are you?"

"You can call me 'Bluebell'."

"It turned out to be you. I'm on vacation recently, and I don't accept business for the time being."

"That's such a pity, the order is huge, twice your market price."

"Sorry, my vacation is not over and I don't want to work."

"Wait, the target is a famous person. If you kill him, you can make your name even bigger."

celebrity?With a flash of inspiration, Fox turned to look at the living room beyond the door.In that living room, there was also a celebrity standing there.

"who is it?"

"You know the rules."

"Forget it. Thank you for calling me, and we will cooperate again when we have the opportunity."

Fox wanted to hang up.

"Wait, listen to me, you swear you can't tell it. After you swear you know the target, you must pick it up."

Fox replied: "I can swear not to say it, but I don't promise to answer it. I'm famous now."

"Wait, well, you won. The target is Wu Long."

Fox was surprised that someone wanted to ask him to kill Wu Long.He quickly walked back to the living room, made a silence gesture to Wu Long who was looking at him, and then turned on the speakerphone.

"What did you just say? Did I hear wrong? Who did you say was the target?"

Wu Long heard his name coming from Fox's cell phone.

"The target is Wu Long, you heard it right. How about it, are you surprised? Wu Long, who is known as the King of Kung Fu in the East, is also called the God of War. People on Hong Kong Island can't kill him even if they want to. If you kill him, you His fame will surely spread all over the world.”

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