I'm not just an action star

Chapter 390 Resolved

Many things are impossible to be perfect.

Like finding someone to do the dirty work.If you change people frequently, you can guarantee your own safety and concealment.However, if you change people frequently, you can't guarantee the smooth completion of dirty work and the perfection you want.

Because, for the new partner, you don't know the credibility of its ability.This is more risky.

With more cooperation, you can understand your partners and build a certain relationship of trust.Don't worry about the dirty work being handed over or not being done or done perfectly.

With a relationship of trust and more cooperation, another risk is added, that is, it is easy to expose yourself.

It's not easy being a broker.Sometimes it's not because you want to steal the money, but because the employer defaults or the employer can't pay the rest of the money.

As a middleman who only makes the difference, what can I do?Do you put your own money into it?

Do not make jokes.

So much money, how to fill.

Even if you have money to fill in, you won't be so stupid to use your own money to work for others.

Therefore, after the second cooperation, the broker will always find a way to inquire about the employer's news.

Hyacinth knew who paid to kill Wu Long, because he did a lot of dirty work for the other party.

But if he said it casually, he would also come to the end of his life.

Of course, if you don't say it, you will die faster.

He had already guessed the identity of the person in front of him.

With the power of one person, kill a killer of a killer organization, nicknamed "Fox".

Such a person would have no mercy.

If you say kill, you will kill.Not humorous enough to joke with him.

He believed what the "fox" said, and he had the ability to find out who was behind it.Without this ability, there is no way to destroy a killer organization.

Even the killers inside this killer organization can only kill one or two people they know at most.Wouldn't the killer organization guard against its own killer?

impossible.Such a killer organization can't live long at all.

Therefore, "Fox" must have its own energy and team.

What Hyacinth did was to come up with a reason within this short period of time so that the "fox" would not kill him.

There is no impatience in seeing the eyes of "Fox", which is what makes "Fox" scary.If impatience is shown, Hyacinth believes she will fight desperately.But the "fox" who is not even half impatient, once he thinks that the time is too long, he will decisively rush to the killer.

It must be like this.

Hyacinth, whose mind was spinning rapidly, suddenly flashed a person in his mind.

Wu Long!

Yes, the key is Wu Long!

Hyacinth smiled.Yes, he thought he had to remain calm and confident so that he and the "fox" would have an equal chance of negotiating.

If the status is not equal, "fox" may not agree with his statement.

"Fox" does not agree, his end is still dead.

"I know that after I speak out, you will kill me. But have you ever thought about it, I actually have the value of living."

Fox showed a thoughtful look and motioned Hyacinth to continue.

"I don't know why you want to help Wu Long, but since you want to help Wu Long, you alone are not enough. You succeeded this time, what about next time?"

Fox narrowed his eyes slightly, like a tiger taking a nap.

"I'm a broker, and I buy and sell news. There's a lot of news, and I know it better and faster than you."

"Why don't I join you, and if there is any news that is unfavorable to Wu Long in the future, I will notify you or Wu Long."

Hyacinth finished speaking, waiting for Fox's decision.If Fox disagrees, he decides to fight Fox desperately.Even if he knew that he was not as good as Fox, he didn't want to wait for death.

Fox considered Hyacinth's words.This time, he was just lucky to learn that someone was going to kill Wu Long from the boss.If there is no such luck, Wu Long will be in danger.

Will he have that luck next time?

No, the killer craves luck, but doesn't depend on luck.

After he retires, it is even less likely that he will have well-informed news.


Perhaps, Hyacinth has his value alive.The premise is that he is really obedient.

"How can I believe you?" Fox looked into Hyacinth's eyes, trying to judge the credibility of Hyacinth's words from Hyacinth's eyes.

Hyacinth didn't dodge, and met Fox's gaze.

"The other party calls and can't speak. If I don't speak within three seconds after answering, he will hang up. If you want to catch the other party or kill the other party, it will be faster with my help."

Fox thought for a moment and asked the other party to take out all the mobile phones they were using.

"You need to install a monitoring program on your mobile phone. If you are willing, it means you have my trust temporarily."

"No problem." Hyacinth took out the two mobile phones on his body and opened them to Fox.Through Bluetooth, Fox loaded a program on his phone into Hyacinth's phone.

This program is written by the "big-headed ants". Once installed in the mobile phone, it will automatically identify and upload the mobile phone information to the server designated by the "big-headed ants".

No authorization from the mobile phone owner is required, the program automatically obtains all permissions of the mobile phone.Including listening, monitoring, and positioning.

"We are going to set off right away. The person who wants to kill Wu Long is in Los Angeles. If Wu Long doesn't die tonight, I'm afraid the other party will go directly to the people in Los Angeles." Hyacinth said straightforwardly.

"Go." Fox signaled Hyacinth to go ahead.

Hyacinth did not play tricks, and flew to Los Angeles with Fox honestly.When they arrived in Los Angeles, Hyacinth was taken to a remote place by Fox.

"If you want to join us, you can't just rely on your verbal promise. Now is a test for you. If you cooperate well, you will pass the test."

"Are you willing to take the test?"

Hyacinth complained in her heart, do I have a choice?

He smiled. "I would."

Fox took out a special belt and tied it to Hyacinth.

"There are cameras here, don't leave the range of the cameras..."

Hyacinth rolled his eyes, a fool could see what was on the belt.


He'll be blown to pieces.

After hearing Fox's request, Hyacinth nodded in agreement.Can he resist?Since he can't resist, what else can he do?

Fox left and came to the roof of a building with a weapon.

In the telescope, a building in the distance is drawn closer.He quickly found a window and looked in through the window. Inside was the target he was looking for, Freeman and his henchmen.

After observing Freeman's habits, Fox called the messenger.

"You call now and tell him that the killer in front of him has missed. I have arrived in Los Angeles, and I will help them get rid of Wu Long soon."

Hyacinth called Freeman's confidant according to Fox's request.Freeman's confidant did not avoid Freeman, and used the speakerphone to answer Hyacinth's call in front of Freeman.

Fox confirmed by reading lips that Freeman's confidant was talking to Hyacinth.In this way, he was sure that Freeman really wanted to kill Wu Long.

When Hyacinth said it was Freeman, Fox began to investigate why Freeman wanted to kill Wu Long, and learned that Freeman's daughter was Lily Dylan's best friend, guessing that Freeman blamed Wu Long for her daughter's death dragon.

In the office, Freeman heard the conversation between his confidant and Hyacinth.After finishing the call, Freeman poured red wine.

"Will Wu Long be sure to be killed by long-distance sniping?" he asked his confidant.

The confidant replied: "I found someone to know about 'Fox'. The killer organization he belongs to has several powerful killers, and he was killed by him from a long distance. Even senior killers can't escape the bullets of 'Fox'. It’s amazing, and I shouldn’t be able to hide.”

Freeman took the wine glass, walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows, looked out the window, and took a sip of the wine.

"Do you know what to do if 'Fox' fails?"

The henchman came behind Freeman.

"Get rid of this middleman."

Freeman watched the afterglow of the setting sun in the sky.

"My money is not so easy to get."


A blood hole appeared on the top of Freeman and his confidant's head almost at the same time.

One shot with two heads.

Fox packed his weapons, cleaned up the traces of his presence, and left.

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