Falling in love with you, I'm not just an action superstar

—— "I'm Not Just an Action Superstar" Chapter 385 new filming starts

Wu Long personally called 99 interviewees and told them that it was a pity that they were not selected for the role this time.And give a photo signed on the spot, if you need it, please come and get it when you find time.

When Zhao Liying received a call from Wu Long telling her that she was selected, she shouted excitedly, forgetting that she was still on the phone with Wu Long.

Then, she couldn't wait to ask: "Brother Long, when will I learn martial arts from you?"

"The heroine you play does not need martial arts, you just need to maintain your current state. You have to remember that if your current state changes, you may not be able to play the heroine in the end. During this time, you have to observe and practice, how to act A girl who can't speak. When you come to sign the contract, you're given the script."

"Ah?" Zhao Liying's voice was obviously disappointed when she heard that she couldn't learn martial arts from Wu Long.

Signing the photo on the spot, signing 99 times, is still very tiring.

Just today, someone has posted a beautiful picture of this casting on the Internet.All were taken by reporters and media, and of course I also obtained my consent.

Even if he fails to be selected, this draft can be regarded as a chance to make a name for himself.

Some, right away, have an advertising contract.For some people, a brokerage company immediately indicated that they could sign a contract.

More than a month of routines, including martial arts, must be practiced together.In the several battles in Pigpen Walled City, the ax gang also had to have rules in group fights.

Now that Sun Jian's martial arts team has expanded, even Qi Ke has brought a lot of people, which can be regarded as two martial arts teams used by Wu Long's queen alongside Sun Jian's martial arts team.

The Pig Cage Walled City, an important scene in "Kung Fu", is still under construction.At the beginning, I negotiated with Xing Zhongfei to invest in the filming, and the production cost budget exceeded 2000 million yuan, which shocked Xing Zhongfei directly.

When Xing Zhongfei heard that in order to make this film, he needed to spend at least 2000 million to build a pig cage city in the movie, Xing Zhongfei was so shocked that he covered his chest.

He said to Wu Long at the time: # …

Chapter 385 Filming starts, click on the next page to continue reading.

"Wu Long, I also want to call you Brother Long. Not to mention the mainland, even Hong Kong Island doesn't have such big money. Even if there are such big money, in fact, if it is only counted as the real box office, it will be a real loss."

"Piggy Walled City can be used as a tourist attraction, Internet celebrity hotel. Those strange hotels can make money, so there is no way my Piggy Walled City can't do it." Wu Long suggested. "However, if that's the case, I'm afraid 2000 million is really not enough."

Of course, this suggestion is just an idea. As for making money or not, it has nothing to do with him.

"It's not impossible for you to say that." Xing Zhongfei thought for a while. "Why don't you bring Hongyun entertainment together?"

To be honest, he was brainless in supporting Wu Long.But supporting Wu Long without brains does not mean supporting Wu Long inflexibly.It is not good to eat too much alone, especially if the risk is increased.

If you want to expand the global market, you must invest in the first few years without much benefit.Even if he is too rich, Xing Zhongfei will start saving money.

Qiu Ya is in charge of the new company internally, and he is responsible for the external.This position has great responsibilities, and if it succeeds in the future, it will have the greatest credit.

This can be said to be a credit that can be recorded in history.

And he has also become one of the heroes of the domestic film and television industry to open up to the outside world.

Jiang Yunpeng agreed to invest, but he was skeptical about building the Pigpen Walled City into an internet celebrity hotel.After asking people to do research and evaluation, it was agreed that it was not cost-effective.


Maybe a year or two after "Kung Fu" is released, there will be people staying in the internet celebrity hotel in the Walled Pig Cage.But when the heat drops and the occupancy rate drops, the pig cage Walled City Hotel will become tasteless.If it continues, it will become a loss-making operation.

The operation of the hotel requires management and maintenance costs. Without the support of scenic spots around, the hotel itself will not have strong market competitiveness and attractiveness.

Just like many man-made scenic spots such as gourmet street food city and folk custom street, the business was good in the first few years, but then they couldn't continue to operate.

Wu Long didn't care about the construction of the Pigpen Walled City.  …

Chapter 385 Filming starts, click on the next page to continue reading.

He began to seize the time, first filming the scenes in the film and television city.Then, shoot the scene where the heroine appears.

The heroine in "Kung Fu" doesn't have much time to go abroad.Under the influence of Wu Long, Zhao Liying performed well, basically it was just one thing.

Soon, all the scenes in the film and television city were filmed, and the blue-screen scenes began to be shot in the studio.

The scenes in the Ax Gang were also set up in the studio.After filming the others, I finally filmed the charterer and the charterer fighting the evil spirit of fire cloud.

The fighting in "Kung Fu" surpasses ordinary martial arts, and there is no way to use long shots to reflect it.The charter woman's kung fu is just a show, and the moves are okay on the show, but the real fights are not so smooth.Can only take the usual shooting method, hanging wire.

Although the actor of the original Huoyun Cthulhu has kung fu, he was once a kung fu star.But when I was filming "Kung Fu", I was already very old, and I hadn't filmed for a long time, so I couldn't kick the sky kick.

Lin Shangxiong is not young. As a martial arts instructor, he has not been a stand-in for many years.Taking this into consideration, Wu Long originally wanted to use computer special effects to make Huoyun Cthulhu lift his feet and kick upwards.After Lin Shangxiong knew it, he told Wu Long that he didn't need it.

It turned out that after he got the script, he started practicing again.In the end, kicking into the sky was achieved during filming.

It's not easy either.

In the words of Lin Shangxiong, the signature of Wu Long's movies is real kung fu.No matter how high the martial arts in the movie are, if he had to use computer special effects to kick the sky, he would have smashed Wu Long's brand.

He didn't want to be the one who smashed Wu Long's signboard, let alone be the first one to smash Wu Long's signboard.

In order to play Huoyun Cthulhu well, Lin Shangxiong also specially cut Huoyun Cthulhu's hairstyle.He also humbly asked Wu Long for advice on how to play the domineering Huoyun evil god well.

Wu Long is known as the actor with thousands of faces. He showed Lin Shangxiong the appearance of Huoyun Cthulhu, and then Lin Shangxiong followed suit.

Lin Shangxiong didn't think about it by himself, nor did he add drama by himself.He knew that his experience was not as good as Wu Long's actor, so he honestly followed Wu Long's Huoyun Cthulhu...

Chapter 385 Filming starts, click on the next page to continue reading.

try to figure out.

The appearance of Huoyun Cthulhu was in great contrast.Not to mention in the dungeon of the mental hospital, Ah Xing met after opening the door.

Just say that in the ax gang, sitting on a chair, crossing his legs, wearing slippers, shorts, and a white vest, he is just an ordinary bald uncle.

Even his expression and demeanor didn't have the grandeur and aura of the ultimate number one murderer.Even if he was beaten, he still smiled.

In the scene where he was sitting on a chair and his glasses flew off, the fist actually missed him, and a thin string was tied to the glasses.When he was punched and he fell back, the person off-camera pulled the fishing rod like a fish, and his glasses were blown away.

It wasn't until he pinched the bullet that hit his temple with his fingers that his arrogance leaked out.

In the movie, there is a scene where Ah Xing is chased out of the pig cage walled city by the renter.In this scene, their feet used the exaggerated expression method of anime.

When filming, both of them were filming under the blue screen.The two were wearing blue stockings, and the fans were blowing on them, doing various actions under the blue screen.

When the charter woman flew up, Wia flew up hanging.

Ah Xing drilled the bottom of the car, using a painted blue base and turntable.Wu Long was wearing blue stockings, lying sideways on the turntable, and the staff in blue jumpsuits turned the turntable and moved.

The result after synthesis is the effect of Ah Xing passing under the car.

The filming of the studio is completed, and the Pig Cage Walled City is about to be completed.During this period, Wu Long went to Merican, and "League of Assassins" began to be released.

"Long, why don't you have a performance at the premiere tomorrow?" Tom asked Wu Long.

"It's not easy. What are you going to do? Do the bullets turn? Don't say it's impossible to shoot live. Even if you can, the bullets won't turn."

"Car stunt?"

Wu Long shook his head.

"Car stunts are nothing unusual here. There's no special show, no need to do it."

After the two discussed "League of Assassins", Wu Long left. #...

Chapter 385 Filming starts, click on the next page to continue reading.

like i'm not just an action superstar


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