I'm not just an action star

Chapter 386 Distress

Gein was thinking about something in the office when his subordinates broke in suddenly.

"Boss, the black thorn is over!"

When Gein heard the news, he put his hands on the desk suddenly, stretched out his neck, and stared at his subordinates with wide eyes.

"What did you say? Blackthorn is finished?"

"It's over."

"Is the news confirmed?"

"There shouldn't be a fake, everyone is spreading the word. The 'fox' claimed that his father was a killer of the Black Thorn organization. Because his father was killed by the Black Thorn, he himself survived by chance, so he joined the Black Thorn. etc. After mastering the list of all members of Blackthorne, he started his revenge plan and wiped out the entire Blackthorne."

Gein sighed: "He is telling everyone that he is not crazy, and he did it for a reason."

A lunatic, everyone is worried that one day they will go crazy on their own heads.It is impossible to say that they will join hands to deal with such lunatics and make the world peaceful.

"Fox" told the reason and told everyone that he was a normal person.As long as you don't mess with him, he won't make trouble either.In this way, the possibility of joining forces to deal with him becomes very small.

The "Fox" incident will start shortly after the release.

At that time, there was a big event in the underground world.Blackthorn, a killer nicknamed "Fox", suddenly killed many high-level officials of Blackthorn for some reason.

Blackthorn was originally a killer organization.After the boss learned of the situation, he immediately issued a black arrest warrant, offering a reward for the head of the traitor "Fox".Whether you provide information or kill the "fox", you can get rewards of different prices.

When Gein's subordinates were excited, Gein suddenly thought of it.In the novel, the heroine is a member of the snake killer organization.Because he was killed by his boss, after he survived by chance, he began to take revenge on the members of the organization.

Looking at the situation now, this "fox" is also a member of Killing the Black Thorn, and the incident looks a bit like revenge in the movie.

There are killers on both sides, and Gein feels that there is no need to get into trouble.He ordered his subordinates to ask for news, but not to participate in this matter.

Now, the "fox" has really wiped out his own organization, isn't that the same?

Although there is only one part and no second part, everyone has not seen the ending.However, anyone can guess that the protagonist will definitely be able to destroy the entire snake killer organization and avenge himself.

"Fortunately, I apologized and apologized to Wu Long in time." Gein couldn't help but sigh.

The subordinates disagree.

"Boss, what does this have to do with Wu Long? 'Fox' is the killer of Blackthorn, not a killer trained by Wu Long."

"What do you know. If I don't apologize, some of my enemies will come to Wu Long, and Wu Long will definitely train my enemies like that, let them seek revenge from me. Just like that, like that 'fox' destroying himself organization."

"Didn't you see, 'Fox' did the same thing? And it just so happened that after the screening, something like this came out."

The subordinates did not refute.Gein was his boss, and there was no use in contradicting the boss.But he would not agree with Gein's statement, thinking that Gein was just forcing two things together.

The boss is too afraid of Wu Long, Gein's subordinates thought so.However, the boss was still far-sighted and did not let everyone participate in this matter.If they get clues about "Fox" and tell Blackthorn, "Fox" may start to retaliate against them now.

However, if they really had clues about "Fox" and told Black Thorn, then "Fox" would be killed by Black Thorn, and there would be no chance for them to seek revenge.

Whether this kind of thing is right or wrong, good or bad, is hard to imagine.It is also possible that because of Gein's timidity, these people missed a windfall.

Wu Long drove home alone. The green trees and scenery on both sides of the road made Wu Long think about what to make in Hao Lai Hu's next movie.Suddenly, a burst of palpitations came to my heart.

He had felt this way before.During the filming, Wia was tampered with, and Hei Diao drove a motorcycle to try to kill him. He has felt this way before.

This is the Tmall Nine Lives Gong who sensed danger and gave him a reminder.

He immediately looked around and found a heavy truck coming from the opposite lane in the distance.

The roar of the engine of the heavy truck seems to be transmitted very far.Like the roar of death, it poured into Wu Long's ears.

Intuition made Wu Long think that the heavy truck coming from the opposite lane was the source of danger!

There is no isolation pier in the middle of this road, and oncoming vehicles only need to turn the steering wheel to cross the lane on Wulong's side.

If the heavy truck turns one steering wheel and deviates from the direction, it can immediately pull into the lane in his direction and hit him.


Brake, impossible to avoid.Inertia still leads to rushing forward.

Heading into the oncoming lane?

The heavy-duty truck blocked the line of sight, and I wondered if there were other cars behind it.If there is, Wu Long just drives to the lane of the heavy truck, and there will be a collision accident.

Moreover, the heavy truck also has a long container trailer.It is also possible that he crashed into the container trailer.

With the roar of the engine of the heavy truck getting louder and louder.The surrounding sounds seemed to disappear, and everything became quiet and slow.

The heavy truck in front of him was getting closer and closer, like a god of death holding a scythe, with his black mouth open, rushing towards him close to the ground.

Wu Long runs the Tmall Nine Lives Kungfu to analyze calmly, and his brain is like a quantum computer to perform various data calculations in an instant.

Only by suddenly accelerating and rushing from the edge of the road on the right can there be a chance to escape.

Sure enough, as if to prove that the prediction of Tmall Nine Life Skills was correct, the heavy truck coming from the opposite direction did not slow down, but suddenly accelerated to the left, deviated from the direction, crossed the center line in the middle of the road, and rammed towards Wu Long.

Get a warning in advance, so that Wu Long has time to react and think of a way to deal with it.

He immediately increased the accelerator and turned the steering wheel to the right.

The car suddenly shifted to the right and drove to the right side of the road.In order to avoid the heavy truck that hit him, his car seemed to rush out of the road.

Wu Long suddenly turned the steering wheel to the left, and when the right wheel came to the side of the road, the huge inertia caused Wu Long's right side of the car to be thrown upright.

One-sided two-wheel driving stunt!

Also known as Blade Drive!


Wu Long drove the car leaning sideways, brushing the edge of the front of the heavy truck before it hit it.

The two right wheels of his car were facing the sky, and he only relied on the left two wheels to drive on the right edge of the road, without going out of the road.

The heavy-duty truck did not hit Wu Long's car, but brushed against the rear of Wu Long's car and rushed out of the road.


Heavy big truck overturned.

Behind, there was a screeching sound of brakes.

After Wu Long's car was out of danger, Tmall Jiuminggong no longer warned of danger.Turning the steering wheel slightly, Wu Long's car landed on the right side.Brake, come down and check the scene.

The car that was originally following Wu Long also stopped. Fortunately, this car was far away from Wu Long's car, so it stopped the car and did not hit it.But it is also very dangerous, almost hit it.

The driver also got out of the car to check.More cars stopped, more people came down to check and make phone calls.

Someone recognized Wu Long.

"Hi, you're Wu Long, Kung Fu King?"

Wu Long nodded: "It's me."

Everyone went to check and found that the driver of the heavy truck had blood on his head and he was not dead.

"too frightening!"

"Wu Long, you were almost hit just now!"

"Your driving skills are too good." With the palm of the hand, Wu Long imitated the appearance of Wu Long driving sideways on two wheels just now. "If your car doesn't stand up, it's going to go off the road. If you don't drive over the edge, you're going to get hit again."

"If it were me, I'm afraid I would just scream and slam on the brakes."

"Then, the car was smashed into scrap metal."

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