I'm not just an action star

Chapter 384 It's Her

After returning from Los Angeles, Meng Lu's salary increased again.Envious, jealous, and sighing, many people once again set their sights on the casting of the heroine.

A total of 100 people stood out from the audition.The crew paid the round-trip fare, air ticket, and accommodation, and asked them to come to the imperial capital for an interview.

Media reporters were all squatting outside Wu Long's studio, filming how beautiful the girl who was chosen was.

In addition to Wu Long, Qiu Ya was in charge of the interview.

When one of the interviewers came in, Wu Long looked at him twice, and his temples twitched.Even Qiuya next to her seemed to feel something, and turned to look at Wu Long.

"Hello Brother Long, Hello Sister Qiu." The girl looked very quiet and a little green.

Sentimentality and quietness are Wu Long's requirements for character design.Qiuya knew this request.And the plain makeup is the same as the video during the audition, very beautiful.

"Please sit down."

"Thank you." The girl sat down, looking a little nervous.

"Please introduce yourself."

The girl first stood up and nodded to Wu Long and Qiu Ya, then sat down and introduced herself.This kind of behavior made Qiu Ya develop a good impression of her.

"My name is Zhao Liying, and I was born in an ordinary family. After the high school entrance examination, I chose to major in flight attendant. I dreamed of becoming an actor since I was a child, but I have no skills, so now I work in sales..."

Qiuya thought to herself, so she had studied flight attendant major, no wonder she was better at etiquette.It's just that she hasn't formally studied acting. I'm afraid this is her disadvantage.

On second thought, Wu Long didn't come from a major.This should not be a big deal in Wu Long's eyes.

Wu Long looked at Zhao Liying in a daze, his appearance was really similar, even his experience was similar.

"Thank you for introducing yourself." Qiu Ya touched Wu Long with her arm, bringing Wu Long back to his senses.

"Have you studied acting?"

Zhao Liying shook her head. "No."

When she answered, she seemed to think that her answer would not be recognized by Wu Long.She knew that Wu Long was a group performer and not a major, but she studied acting by herself.And she didn't work hard to learn acting by herself like Wu Long.

"Since your dream is to be an actor, why don't you teach yourself acting?"

Zhao Liying bit her lip.

Sure enough, I still asked this question.Zhao Liying sighed inwardly.

"I'm actually very confused. The family conditions are very ordinary, and I need a job. I also thought about learning acting by myself for my dream, but when I think about my academic performance, I'm not confident enough to learn by myself. It's a way to become a group performer, but when I There were very few chances to do group gigs, and I didn’t make a lot of money. I didn’t know what to do, so I did sales work first.”

Qiu Ya asked suddenly: "Since you think so, why did you sign up again?"

"Brother Long is my idol, and I am his die-hard fan. I want to act with him. Even if I can't act, I can meet him face to face. If I see such an opportunity and don't sign up, I think I will be very old when I grow up." It's a pity." Zhao Liying looked at Wu Long, the eyes are the eyes of fans looking at idols.

Qiu Ya was speechless.The number of Wu Long's loyal fans is too large, and there are too many groups. She has long stopped directly managing Wu Long's loyal fans.

"It doesn't matter if you haven't studied acting. Some people are very talented and understand everything." Wu Long looked at Zhao Liying and began to write questions. "Now you perform 'Rage'."

Zhao Liying instantly acted angry.At the beginning, her performance was still immature, but gradually, even Qiu Ya could see that her anger was real.

Qiu Ya couldn't help being surprised by her performance like this. Could it be true that Wu Long said that there are people with high talents?This is why Wu Long pays special attention to her?

"Okay." Wu Long asked Zhao Liying to stop the performance. "This anger, the traces of performance are very high at the beginning, and the traces of performance will disappear slowly. If it is someone else's assessment, it will not give you so long. Seeing your performance at the beginning may directly judge you as unqualified .”

"Can you tell me why you were really angry later?" Qiuya asked.

"At first, I imagined how I would look angry. Then I thought someone on the Internet said Brother Long was bad. I was very angry and argued with the other party. It turned out that the other party was a pure black and troll, and then I became angry."

Hearing Zhao Liying's explanation, Qiu Ya couldn't help laughing.

"Now you show an angry look again." Wu Long asked the question again.

Seeing that Zhao Liying's mouth was tightly shut, her cheeks were protruding, and she looked swollen with anger.

Qiuya thought to herself, this time it will be quite fast.

"Okay." Wu Long asked again: "What do you think is the difference between anger and anger?"

Zhao Liying thought for a while and replied:

"The essence should be the same, but the degree is different. Anger is more serious than anger. In addition, anger can be silent and not expressed. Being sullen and ignoring others is also a kind of anger. Anger can cause anger and make people feel angry. feel it."

"You perform 'hi'."

The shape of Zhao Liying's mouth changed slightly, her eyebrows and the corners of her eyes became curved, and an expression of joy appeared on her face.

"Happy." Wu Long said again.

Zhao Liying smiled and covered her mouth with her hand.


Zhao Liying showed the angry expression just now, and gradually her brows came together.

"The hatred of killing one's father is irreconcilable."

Zhao Liying's eyes widened and bulged.

"My boyfriend was robbed."

Zhao Liying was stunned for a moment, then looked at Qiu Ya.Slowly, he tilted his head slightly, staring at Qiuya with squinting and white eyes.

Qiuya felt a murderous aura covering her with Zhao Liying's eyes.

"Stop." Qiuya shouted.

Zhao Liying stopped performing and resumed her original expression.

"What were you looking at me for?" Qiuya asked.

"I'm sorry, sister Qiu. Brother Long said that my boyfriend was robbed, so I saw you." Zhao Liying nodded.

"Meaning I stole your boyfriend?"

Zhao Liying shook her head.

"No, Sister Qiu, I just borrowed you to perform. I imagined that you snatched Brother Long from me, and I immediately wanted to find you desperately."

Qiu Ya glanced at Wu Long, and said to Zhao Liying:

"Now you perform, Wu Long is hospitalized."

Zhao Liying was stunned again, then laughed happily, and quickly covered her mouth.

Qiuya asked strangely:

"Brother Long is in the hospital, you are smiling so happily? You still say you are his die-hard fan? Shouldn't you be worried? Are you gloating in this performance?"

"I'm sorry, sister Qiu, I laughed. Brother Long is so strong, how could he be hospitalized?" Zhao Liying explained.

Of course she wouldn't be out of her mind to tell the truth, saying that she thought Qiu Ya was taking revenge on her performance just now, so Qiu Ya deliberately used Brother Long's hospitalization as a question, so she laughed.

Qiu Ya shook her head:

"But now it's an interview, and if you laugh, you'll lose points."

Wu Long said with a smile:

"Unless you have a reasonable explanation, points will really be deducted and it will affect your grade."

Zhao Liying tilted her head and thought for a while, then said:

"Of course I'm very happy that Brother Long is in the hospital. Because Brother Long is usually so busy, I can't even see him, let alone be with him. Now that he is in the hospital, I have more time to spend with him. And a chance to take care of him."

Qiu Ya rolled her eyes and curled her lips.

"Thank you for coming to the interview today. Please go back and wait for the notification. Whether you are selected or not, we will call you."

Zhao Liying stood up and bowed to Wu Long and Qiu Ya respectively.

"Thank you Brother Long and Sister Qiu for your guidance, I'm going out first."

Zhao Liying took a few steps back before turning around and walking out. After opening the door, she turned around and bowed to Wu Long and Qiu Ya again before going out.

The interview continues.In two days, 100 people were interviewed.

"In the end, who do you decide?" Qiu Ya asked Wu Long.

"What do you think?"

"Zhao Liying?"

Wu Long nodded.

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