I'm not just an action star

Chapter 381 Future Plans

In a corner of Los Angeles, there is no one around.

From time to time, there was a muffled sound of being beaten.

"Nat, you have to do things when you get paid. You messed up things, didn't you think that you had money to spend your life?"

"Ah!" Nat let out a dull scream.

"Okay, stop for a while. Let him talk about why he doesn't do something!"

Nat cursed these beaters in his heart.If these people fight him one-on-one, without using knives or guns, he will not be afraid of these people.

It's a pity that he didn't dare to resist when someone pointed a gun at him.

The most hateful thing is that these people don't listen to his explanation, and they beat him when they come up.Now that I am tired, I stop and let him explain.


"It's Uma, that bitch. She suddenly said that she would give Rocky the water she loves. She said that Rocky would win the game if he drank the water she soaked in love. Drink. I have no choice but to knock out the water."

"I promise, Rocky will lose the game next time!"

Nat could only curse in his heart, but did not dare to resist on the surface.

"For such a reason, do you think we will believe it?"

"Even if we believe it, do you think my boss will believe it?"

"Do you know that Rocky didn't lose, how much did my boss lose?"

"Who will pay for the money?"

These people talked and started hitting Nat again.

They didn't stop until Nat was too painful to scream anymore.

"Listen, you have no chance of going back on your word now. Even if we don't kill you, do you think that Rocky will let you know that you betrayed him? The people around Rocky know that their companion is a traitor and will let you go?"

"There is another person, after he knows, he will never let you go. That is Wu Long!"

"If you don't want to die, there is only one way. Destroy Rocky and Wu Long. Only when the two of them lose their ability to attack you can you survive."

"Be sober, you have no other choice."

Finally someone kicked Nat and they left.

After about an hour, Nat was able to stand up slowly.


"You bastards!"

Nat cursed in a low voice, venting his anger.At the same time, his resentment towards Uma was added.

He didn't dare to tell Locke that he was injured, so he only called Locke to ask for leave for a while.Rocky will have to adjust for a period of time after the game.

For a champion, he won't play as often.Just maintain a certain state and physical condition.

As those people said, there was only one way for him to go, and it was true.

If Rocky and the others knew at this time, even if no harm was done, Rocky or the team would not let him go.The word spread, and his reputation was also rotten.

Rocky is the UFC champion, and many people bought Rocky to win.There are also many fans of Rocky. If anyone acts impulsively, he may come to trouble him.

And Wu Long.If Wu Long knew about it, someone would definitely attack him.I heard that Wu Long's filming was actually filmed for the gangsters in his own country.Wu Long didn't need to do it himself, someone would kill him for Wu Long.

Nat regretted it. He shouldn't have taken this matter because he was greedy for this huge sum of money.

He envied Rocky, envied Rocky's luck.If Wu Long had taken a fancy to him at the beginning, he would have become a UFC champion like Rocky and made a lot of money.

It was for this reason that he couldn't resist the temptation to accept this matter.

The Golden Hill Awards in January started as scheduled.

Nominated for Best Film Score, Best Supporting Actress, Best Actress, Best Director, and Best Drama Film.

For a time, the scenery is infinite.

However, none of the crew, including Wu Long, was interviewed by the host on the red carpet.This made everyone realize that something was wrong.

When the awards ceremony began, the awards were announced one by one, and one by one lost.

At the end of the awards ceremony, there was no harvest.


In the audience, only Wu Long, who had expected the result, remained indifferent.There is no anger and embarrassment, nor loss and disappointment.

Meng Lu was a little disappointed, and forced a smile with Uma.

"Brother Long, is someone targeting us?" On the way back, Uma couldn't help asking.

The others looked at Wu Long, waiting for his answer.

Wu Long smiled.

"Don't think about it like this. In fairness, is the winning film worse than you? Is the Best Actress winner worse than you? Is the Best Supporting Actress winner worse than you?"

The last sentence was for Menglu.

Meng Lu thought for a moment, then shook her head and answered.

"Not worse than me."

After Uma thought about it seriously, she had no choice but to answer:

"It's not worse than me."

"Look, if we don't stand on our own side, wouldn't there be such doubts? Awards and life are the same. How can we be as we want every time?"

"You have to think, when you win the award, will others say that it is aimed at them?"

"Well, I was wrong." Uma was a little frustrated.

Monroe was relieved.I know that I am too eager to win the prize, so I have such an idea.

In fact, because Wu Long has won too many awards, they all take it for granted that as long as it is Wu Long's movie, he should win an award, or even win an award.

Wu Long knew that Freeman tried his best to influence the results of the selection of the Golden Hill Awards.Maybe without Freeman's shot, maybe he can get an award.

This is true for the Golden Hill Award, the same is true for Hauska, and Freeman will also make a move.

Wu Long and Meng Lu returned to China, while Shi Lei and the others stayed in Los Angeles to do post-production special effects.

In Freeman's plan, there was no plan to target Shi Lei's team, nor to physically destroy the film.

Engage in Rocky, you can make money.

Building them and the movie, Freeman has no money to make, and the potential for big trouble, he's not going to do that.

There is no money to be made, and it is possible to anger two, or even all, film companies at the same time. Freeman usually does not do such a bad deal.

Hatred hadn't driven him mad, nor would it make him mad.

Wealth is the most important thing to him.

"Brother Long, you can't give up the domestic film market, this is your root." After Wu Long came back, Qiu Ya immediately mentioned this matter to Wu Long.

Wu Long looked at Qiuya with reassuring eyes.

"Don't worry, I haven't forgotten the domestic market. Do you think that if domestic films want to go global and face the world, I can rely on me alone and my martial arts?"

Qiuya shook her head.

"No. At present, there are domestic films that can win awards in the global film market, but there are basically none that can win the box office except you. Even in the heyday of Hong Kong Island films, there were few global box office films that could match you."

"I want to change that."

"Impossible." Qiuya shook her head again. "Cultural differences make it impossible."

"What you call cultural differences is nothing but the present and going forward from now on."

"What do you mean?"

"What about the future?"


"Yes, the future. Have you seen those foreign blockbusters? In addition to costume fantasy, it is future science fiction. And those costume magic, or current magic, tell simple stories, with special effects and imagination."

"However, future science fiction, in addition to large investment, also requires technology, special effects technology."

"Shi Lei's team is already learning. This is their learning opportunity. This year, I will shoot a Kung Fu movie in China, which requires a lot of special effects. It will be their practice. If it is done well, there will be funding and technology. , our own films can enter the global film market.”

"The future, science fiction, will be something that the world faces aliens or the unpredictable future. The cultural differences between the East and the West will not be so important in the eyes of the audience. Of course, Western actors are needed. But the background can Happened in our country."

"With futuristic and sci-fi themes, let the global film market accept us. At the same time, we can also slowly show our culture and values ​​to the outside world. Show the hard work of our people and the strength of our country."

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