I'm not just an action star

Chapter 382 Casting

Qiu Ya is very sensible and was not moved by Wu Long's words.

"However, this is easier said than done. The global film market will refuse to allow our films to enter the global market because of their arrogance."

"Of course it is difficult, but I will still try my best. It is one thing to succeed or not, but it is another thing to do it or not. Even if it fails, what do I have to lose? Investing is not my money. I All I lost was some prestige. As long as I don't lose my money, I can live the rest of my life comfortably."

Qiu Ya couldn't help but give Wu Long a supercilious look.This made Wu Long smile, and his expression said, when did you learn to roll your eyes?

"Look, Jiang Shuang'er won the Best Actress Award, and she started to have film contracts abroad. Meng Lu played very well this time as Yulian Ishii, and she also started to have foreign film contracts. Their faces are constantly appearing in the global film market, and gradually It can make the audience change their minds and accept our movies in the future."

Qiuya stopped talking about this issue.Since Wu Long wants to do this, he can only support him.

"If you want to enter the global market by yourself, you still plan to use the channel of Weina Films?"

Wu Long shook his head.

"No. In that case, they will eat too much. The film market of Merican and its neighboring countries should be handed over to Weiner Films or Lion Films. For other markets, we will come and talk about it slowly. This book China’s market should be fine.”

"In that case, you should set up a company, right?"

"Yes. I think such a plan will be supported by relaxing the review of my plays in China. If it is a new company, I want you to be responsible."

Qiuya shook her head:

"I'm not capable enough. Being in charge of the country is already my limit."

Wu Long was a little surprised. "Sure?"

Qiu Ya nodded: "Sure."

"Okay, you are in charge at home, and we will talk about it abroad. It is estimated that it will be possible to develop it in a few years. In the past few years, I have tried my best to expand my influence. Let the global audience downplay the differences between the East and the West because of me."

For the new company, Wu Long doesn't plan to pay for it himself.There are many rich people, and there is no shortage of him.Besides, he was nothing compared to those real rich people.

In Xing Zhongfei's office, Wu Long stood side by side with him in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows looking at the scenery.

"Wu Long, it's rare that you come to see the scenery with me." Xing Zhongfei sighed.

Wu Long was not polite to him either, and went straight to the point.

"I have two things to do when I come back this time. One, I will make a Kung Fu movie this year. Do you want to invest in it..."

"Of course, how can you forget about me. Do you remember the shares of the Feifan brand? It is now the number one brand in the country. Linghu Miao has tried to talk to me about repurchasing several times but failed. That guy is really stingy. Money is not worth it. If you give enough, you want to get back the shares? Dreaming."

"I'll send someone to monitor the quality and prevent him from ruining Feifan. If you're free, I'll return Feifan's shares to you."

Wu Long shook his head: "That's yours. I focus on making movies and don't have time to worry about this."

Xing Zhongfei nodded.

"That's right, your movie makes more money than selling this. And if there is anything, it will affect you instead."

"The second thing is about the development of our films in the future. What do you think is the reason why our films cannot go global?"

Xing Zhongfei disagreed.

"What else? Technology, and the Western barriers to our culture. As for funding, we barely have it now."

"In terms of labor costs, it is indeed possible. Technical issues are for Shi Lei and the others to learn. The kung fu film I will shoot this year is also for Shi Lei to practice. If they succeed, they can be masters. His team can teach more More people, bring more people.”

"Our domestic novels and ideas are not necessarily worse than those abroad. As long as the technology keeps up, and more people who are willing to do it, there is hope to enter the global film market."

"Haha, Wu Long, your words make people my age feel excited, and they want to throw off their arms and do it with you."

"Going global, we have to open up global channels. Are you interested in joining and forming a company for the global market?"

Xing Zhongfei's eyes lit up.

"Okay, you finally took me to play."

"It will take a few years of development, it will be difficult, and you may lose money."

"In the early stage of the market, which one didn't lose money?" Xing Zhongfei rolled his eyes. "However, your plan is just you and me?"

"You are a senior in this regard, and I am here today to ask you for advice."

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"Haha, Wu Long, play this with me, you underestimate me too much. You are here to play, and you still ask me for advice? I should be asking you for advice."

"That's different."

"Since that's the case, how about bringing Hongyun Entertainment in?" Xing Zhongfei probed.

"You are a senior, listen to you."

In the preparation of the new film, we need to find two special actors.

One is fat.In many online novels, there will always be a fat man next to the main character.

Another one is still fat.But this character is a woman, fat, aggressive in appearance, and kind in heart.

The first fat male character does not need to know martial arts.

The second fat female role is best if she knows martial arts.No martial arts, need to train in advance.

The primary selection of the role will be handed over to Qiuya.

"What? You told me you were going to make a kung fu movie, so that's the name of the movie?"

Wu Long nodded.

"Aren't you being too perfunctory?" Qiuya felt that Wu Long was being lazy and didn't want to think of a nice name.

"Why bother with these details."

"Where is the mistress?"

"I want a newcomer to play the heroine. The faces of Jiang Shuang'er and Pandona are not good enough, they are not fresh enough."

Wu Long thought for a while and asked Qiu Ya:

"How about you come to play?"

"Me?" Qiuya was a little surprised, then shook her head. "I'm old. Besides, I don't want to act, and I don't know how to act."

"What if I want you to act?" Wu Long stared at Qiu Ya.

Qiu Ya and Wu Long looked at each other.

"If you want me to act, I refuse."


The supporting characters in this film are all wonderful.In order to ensure that the characters can be as close to the original version as possible, Wu Long personally selected the characters.

Charterer, intends to let Sun Jian act.He has now become a well-known martial arts instructor in the film and television industry, busier and thinner.

Huoyun Cthulhu can be played by Lin Shangxiong.Although Lin Shangxiong's appearance is different from the original actor, but in terms of age and momentum, he is competent.Lin Shangxiong also played many small roles when he was young, and his acting skills are no problem.

Strong coolie, Qi Ke.

Tailor master, Fang Zhuming.

Fried hawker, Luo Chang.

In terms of age, both Fang Zhuming and Luo Chang do not match the original version.But Wu Long couldn't find the same martial arts actors as before, so he could only find them.I also hope that they can have a place in the global film market in the future.

Fang Zhuming played the villain in Wu Longzhi's play, and now he plays a twitchy man, which makes the audience feel fresh.

He and Luo Chang can properly increase their age through makeup.

Others, Charter Po, Fat Tsai Cong, Brother Chen, Jiang Bao, Tian Cang and Land Queue are all pending, waiting for Wu Long to choose a suitable actor.

The heroine Fang'er is a mute, there is not a single line in the whole play, and she doesn't have much appearance time, which is a test of her acting skills.

And if you want to show the innocence and youthfulness of the heroine, in addition to the appearance requirements, you must not let the audience have preconceived ideas about the actors.

For such actors, it is the most common and effective way to recruit newcomers.

When the casting of the heroine and other supporting roles was sent out, many people rushed in immediately, and many of them found Wu Long through relationships.

Wu Long felt that the casting was really troublesome.

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