I'm not just an action star

Chapter 380 Plan Failed

Nat didn't think Uma suspected anything, or that anyone knew about his betrayal.He just thinks that this woman, Uma, is really annoying, and her unintentional move ruined his plan.

He can only think of a way now, to see how to change the package.

Unexpectedly, Uma had been observing Nat secretly, and seeing Nat's expression seemed wrong, she had a faint guess in her heart.

Thinking of Wu Long's exhortation, she was also afraid that she would wrong someone by guessing wrong and affect the unity of Rocky's team.

"Hey, Nat, don't frown. Well, you're Rocky's brother, and I won't treat you badly."

She stuffed the water in her hand into Rocky's hand, and snatched the water from Nat's hand.

This grab was beyond everyone's expectations, and also beyond Nat's expectations.If Nat was careful, he would definitely not be robbed of the water by Uma. Now that the water was robbed by Uma, he suddenly became anxious and wanted to get it back.

Uma dodges, avoiding Nat.She has also learned kung fu, and she is really not as good as Nat in fighting, but she can dodge a few times.

"Haha, is this water your treasure? Are you in such a hurry?" Uma said this intentionally, but Nat was stumped.

That's right, if this bottle of water is not important, why are you grabbing it?Nat knew that this bottle of water was important, others didn't.If he values ​​this bottle of water so much, it will inevitably make people suspect that there is something wrong with this bottle of water.

Taking this opportunity, Uma took out the pocket knife she carried with her and cut off the trademark on the water.

"What are you trying to do?" Nat was a little annoyed.

Everyone also looked at Uma strangely, as if they sensed that something was wrong with Uma today.

When Uma put away the knife, she took out a lipstick from her pocket and daubed it on her lips.After she put away her lipstick, she began to kiss the bottle of water until the surface of the bottle of water was covered with lip prints.

Some people couldn't help laughing, thinking that Uma was just being funny.

Just when everyone and Nat thought that Uma was going to give the bottle of water covered with lip prints to Rocky, Uma opened the water directly.

Uma then smiled and handed Nat the opened water.

"Nat, you are Rocky's brother. I don't want to make your relationship bad because of me. I invite you to drink this bottle of water with my lip print on it. I hope you will not be angry."

"Haha, Nat, you earned it!" Someone thought it was very funny. "Nat drank it, it was Uma's love!"

"Uma, if you do this, Rocky will be angry."

"Uma, you gave Nat your love, Rocky will be sad."

Uma hurriedly explained to Rocky:

"Rocky, you won't be jealous, right? I just see that Nat is upset, and I'm worried that I'll spoil your relationship. Otherwise, I'll drink it myself, so you won't be upset."

After speaking, Uma wanted to drink the water by herself.

"You can't drink!" Nat subconsciously called out.

A hand suddenly stretched out from the side, snatching the water from Uma's hand.

"Haha, this is the red lip water of a movie star. If Nat doesn't drink it, I will drink it!" It turned out that someone saw that since it was a joke, in order not to embarrass everyone, he decided to drink the water, so that he would not have to fight over a bottle of water stand up.

"You can't drink either!" Nat yelled, swooping in.

If someone drinks it, they will know that there is something wrong with the water!

Everyone thought that Nat just wanted to drink the water with Uma's red lips, and immediately joined the fight.

Uma proudly took the water that was stuffed into Rocky's hand just now, and stuffed it into her arms, in the valley.Then he leaned into Rocky's arms and watched these people grab the bottle of water.


Nat couldn't grab the water, so he knocked it out in a hurry.Water fell on the ground and flowed out of the bottle.

If the mission fails this time, he can beg the other party to give him another chance.

If the water is drunk by Rocky during the rest of the first round, Rocky will attack in the second round.

Lack of concentration may be due to a bad state or a physical problem.This happens even during normal training.Therefore, it is difficult for Rocky to suspect that it is a water problem.

Also, a urine test won't detect a problem.

Gu Wei

But if the water is drunk by others, they will definitely know that there is a problem with the water.

"Hey, Nat, you won't drink it yourself or let us drink it."

"What a pity."

"Forget it, the time is almost up!"

Freeman watched the live broadcast of the UFC championship fight. At the end of the first round, the camera happened to be shown to Rocky who was resting. He saw Rocky drinking water and rinsing his mouth.

It doesn't matter if Rocky doesn't drink the water.As long as you rinse your mouth, the medicine inside can also take effect.

For the bottle of water given to Nat, instead of simply taking the needle and injecting the medicine into the bottle, the bottle was opened to release the medicine and then recapped.Then give Nat the bottle of water in question.This is to prevent someone from finding a problem with the bottle.

At the start of the second round, Freeman poured himself a glass of wine.Hats off to Rocky playing on screen.

"Respect for your failure, Rocky."

"Your failure will make me a lot of money."

"I can make money, but also ruin you and Wu Long. Thinking about it, I think we should celebrate."

The money has been sent to Nat.Although it is only half of the money, the money is also a criminal evidence, so don't worry about Nat not following his plan.

As for the remaining half of the money, Freeman did not intend to pay.

"Nat, as long as the dead don't talk, you understand."

More than two minutes into the second round, Rocky suddenly launched a fierce attack.There was a loophole in his opponent's defense, but Rocky seized the opportunity and hit him hard with his left fist, directly knocking him to the ground.


In general, the fist of the dominant hand will be heavier.Rocky's fists do not distinguish between left and right, and the left and right fists are equally heavy.

Generally speaking, the forehand punch is not too heavy because of the distance and most of it is a test, and it is rare to KO the opponent with one punch.Rocky's fists are not divided into front and back hands, and his forehand punches are also heavy.Because he practiced with Wu Long, using the Chinese martial arts method of exerting force.

Rocky, you'll be strong!

It is precisely because of this that if you don't pay attention, if you are used to defending against forehand punches, you will make defensive mistakes because Rocky's forehand punches are heavy.

His opponent had made such a mistake.

In fact, the opponent had already attached great importance to Rocky's forehand punch, but unexpectedly, Rocky's forehand punch was as heavy as the backhand punch.Moreover, Rocky's ability to seize opportunities was extremely accurate and strong, and he was caught by a loophole in less than a second.

Rocky is no longer like when he first boxed, he controlled to win in the third round.Now that he has a chance, he must seize the opportunity to win.

After making a hole in the forehand punch, he immediately attacked the opponent.In the opponent's defensive habits, there was a loophole in the defense on the right again. Rocky caught him, broke through the opponent's defense line with his left hand, and hit the opponent heavily.

In the second round, Rocky directly KO'd his opponent.

Seeing Rocky raising his hands in celebration, Freeman was dumbfounded.


Freeman threw the wine glass in his hand.


"Damn Nat!"

His plan was good, and the Golden Hill Awards were drawn, but Wu Long fell into scandal.As a result, Nat was useless and his plan didn't work out!

"You ruined my good work, Nat!" Freeman's face was unusually calm. "Not only did you let my plan fail, but you also cost me a lot of money!"

The next day, Uma called Wu Long about what happened yesterday.

"Brother Long, I suspect that Nat."

"Uma, don't mess with suspects without evidence. He's not happy, maybe you broke their habit. If you snatch his water, he's anxious, maybe he feels offended."

In the absence of evidence, if Uma behaves wrong, it is easy to cause discord among Rocky's team.

Nat, he will find a way to deal with it.

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