I'm not just an action star

Chapter 379 Rocky's Game

Holding a glass of red wine, Freeman stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office, looking at the scenery outside the window.

The Golden Hill Awards will be held soon, and the wave of small gifts he gave Wu Long must have made Wu Long feel uncomfortable.

Since his daughter's death, he has been looking for someone to investigate Wu Long.

After Dylan died, it took him a long time to get Dylan's assets into his hands.It took a lot of time and energy to control Dylan's company and businessmen.

He didn't take time to deal with Wu Long until everything was on the right track.

Freeman will not let Wu Long die so soon.Let Wu Long be afraid and worried first, not knowing where the enemy is.Let Wu Long feel that death is approaching step by step, and finally tighten the rope and complete the strangulation of Wu Long.

The first step is to spread rumors about Wu Long.Find a relationship and prevent Wu Long's film from winning the award.

Step two, Rocky!

Wu Long exchanged an item card, and after using it, he knew that Joseph Freeman was behind the scenes.

Dylan's best friend's father!

Freeman's daughter was killed by Dylan by mistake, but Freeman blamed Wu Long for the crime.

Then exchange the item card, narrow the scope, Cha Freeman dealt with Rocky, and got the result.

Among the people around Rocky was a guy named Nat.He took Freeman's money to kill Rocky.

Freeman gave Nat a bottle of water, which looked the same as what Rocky usually drank. In fact, there was a medicine in it that made Rocky lose his concentration.

In a duel between masters, lack of concentration is enough to lead to Rocky's defeat.Presumably, Freeman may buy Rocky's opponent to win.

Maybe Nat just thought that the person who asked him to do this was just trying to win money.Little did he know that Rocky lost the match, and he could use this to convince the public that Rocky had been punching fake punches.Believing in Rocky's fake punches, and then believing in Wu Long's fake punches and manipulating the fake punches, Wu Long's reputation plummeted and he lost his reputation.

However, it is impossible for Wulong to tell Rocky without evidence that Nat wants to harm him.Even if Rocky believes it, other people around Rocky will feel bad about it.

It also seemed unnatural for Wu Long to go to give Rocky water to drink by himself, and it would also arouse the thoughts of sensitive people around Rocky.

Maybe someone can do it.

He calls Uma:

"Uma, are you free tomorrow?"

"Brother Long? I'll play with Rocky tomorrow."

"It's like this. The incident against me this time seems to be a premeditated action. I don't think the other party will be just like this, and there will be further plans. I guess, they may use Rocky's game tomorrow to deal with me."

"Use Rocky? Brother Long, what do you mean?"

"If Rocky loses tomorrow's game, it will not only hurt Rocky, but also shake Rocky's heart. Rocky may doubt himself, and then doubt me, doubt you and me. In order to ensure that Rocky can win tomorrow, I think when you play with Rocky tomorrow, you will drink the water you brought for Rocky, and don’t let Rocky drink water from other people. Even if the water is given by the partners around him, it won’t work. Prevent those water from being stolen by others Hands and feet, his partner doesn't know."

"I'm guessing without evidence. Maybe no one hurt Rocky. There's something wrong with doing this. If people around Rocky feel that you don't trust them, it will disappoint them, and it's easy to give birth to a heart of betrayal." Rocky can have those partners to accompany him in boxing and help him fight, I don't want to cause a bad relationship between them because of this."

"You are an actor and have very good acting skills. Just treat it as you love Rocky, play a little romance with Rocky, let Rocky drink your love water, and cheer for Rocky."

"Doing this will neither harm Rocky's relationship with other people, nor prevent someone from trying to harm Rocky through people around Rocky."

"I mean, do you understand?"

Uma didn't answer right away, she seemed to be thinking.After a while, Uma replied:

"I think I should understand. In order to avoid someone hurting Rocky through Rocky's drinking water, I personally bought water for Rocky to drink. I can't tell Rocky or show it yet, so as not to cause a rift in his team. I want to show It turns out that this is not to prevent someone from harming Rocky, but a way for me to express my love out of love."

"Doing this can prevent people around Rocky from having a rift with Rocky if no one harms him. It can also prevent people around Rocky from having any intention of harming Rocky, but someone giving Rocky They didn't know that they still gave Rocky to drink."

Gu Huai

"Yes, that's it. You don't need to buy it. If you bring it from outside, some people may object. It is the water that meets the requirements that Rocky usually drinks, but it can't be brought to Rocky by others, and you can't bring it from outside. Someone else took it and gave it to Rocky. They have a place to put water, so you can pick a bottle yourself. Make sure that Rocky uses the love water you gave when he rinses his mouth or drinks water during the break between rounds."

Nat would not let Rocky drink the water Freeman gave him in advance, and no medicine could guarantee exactly how long it would take before the onset occurred.

The easiest way to do this is to rinse your mouth or take a small sip of water during the break for the first round, and then attack within a few minutes.

As for that Nat, Wu Long didn't intend to deal with him now.If Nat is dealt with in advance, Rocky will have doubts about others after knowing the truth.In the team, the most terrifying thing is the crisis of trust.

Most failures are due to internal reasons.

No matter how strong a fortress is, it is often breached from within.This is true even if it is not a war.

The next day, ufc match.

"Hey, Rocky, here you are." Uma handed Rocky a bottle of water. "This is the blessed water I kissed. It contains my love and blessings. You must drink my water. For me, it's not water, it's my love."

"Ha, baby, no problem." Locke and Uma kissed.

Nat on the side couldn't help frowning.Of course there is a problem, Locke can only drink the bottle of water in his hand.Otherwise, he can't explain.

When the two separated, Nat stepped forward.

"Locke, let's drink this bottle."

"It's all the same." Uma Paloki agreed with Nat's suggestion and spoke first.

"It's against the rules," Nat said.

Uma smiled when she remembered Wu Long's words.

"Hey, Nat, don't be so serious. I can still hurt Locke? Besides, I took this water from you, and it's the same place as the water in your hand, isn't it?"

Uma smiled and looked at the others, begging everyone with her acting skills:

"Please, this is my love for Rocky, and it doesn't violate anything. Don't you think it's wrong?"

If these people think it's not good, she would rather Rocky break up with these people, and insist on not letting Rocky drink the water from these people.If it didn't work, she said it was Wu Long who said it.

Because they have no reason to object.If it was the water she brought herself, it would be fine for these people to object.If the water is different, they have reason to object.

Now, her bottle of water and Nat's water are of the same brand, and they are still stored in the same place. Is there any reason to say that this is not in compliance with the rules?

Everyone was also stunned, it seemed that Uma was right.But for a while, no one spoke.It's not good to agree with anyone.One is his companion, and the other is Rocky's girlfriend.

Rocky also froze for a moment, then patted Nat on the shoulder and said:

"Hey bro, don't be nervous. Uma won't hurt me. Besides, the water is the same brand, and everyone can see her water, so it will be fine."

"I see. Haha, brother, you won't be jealous of Uma, will you?"

"Rocky, I'm going to put water on my chest to keep the temperature of my love."

Someone whistled, someone laughed.

"No problem, baby. Your love must make me stronger."

"But..." Nat still wanted to fight, but he really didn't know what to say.

A companion interrupts him.

"Forget it, Nat. Uma got her water there too, no problem."

No, there is a problem!Nat knew the hard way.

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