I'm not just an action star

Chapter 378 A Little Trouble

These news quickly spread all over the world.Passed to Hong Kong Island, passed back to the mainland.

The matter of Wu Long and the famous female stars, without these gossip news, has long been rumored on the Internet.

Some were envious, some were jealous, and some said it was a matter of course.

Even women have objections and envy.Some people even declared on the Internet that they hoped that Wu Long could take a look at him, and that he could do whatever Wu Long wanted.

Many actresses dare not speak out, but they are saying it in their hearts.I also wanted to be forced, but Brother Long didn't give me the chance.As long as I get an award, it's okay to be forced.Even if some people were unspoken rules, they failed to win the prize.Some people were unspoken and only got a small role.Don't talk about winning awards, there is no chance to be popular.

Wu Long contacted Zhang Zhulin and Chen Shibei and told them to be silent and ignore them.This kind of news, the more you respond, the harder it is to sink.

As a result, Zhang Zhulin asked him, if she expressed her gratitude for his support, would that be okay?

Wu Long thought about it and said it was up to her.

Zhang Zhulin expressed her gratitude to Wu Long for her support while surrounded by reporters.Claiming that without Wu Long's guidance, her acting skills would not have improved, and she is still just a vase.

Chen Shibei listened to Wu Long's words and did not respond.

In China, Meng Lu also left a message on Weibo after seeing Zhang Zhulin's response.

"Thanks to Wu Long for bringing me into the play, allowing me to experience how to really play a role well. Thanks to Wu Long for allowing me to play Mei Chaofeng, Cai Xiangmei and Ishii Yulian, and let my acting skills gradually improve under his guidance."

Tian Feng also posted Weibo.

"Brother Long's acting skills are nothing to say, with him filming, even as a group actor can also be included in the film. Thanks to Brother Long for your guidance, which made my acting skills go further."

Tian Feng's current film salary has increased a lot, and his acting skills have indeed improved, so it is natural to speak for Wu Long at this time.Of course, he will not comment on Wu Long's affair with the actress.

Li Siyi posted on Weibo:

"Brother Long never forced me. When teaching me martial arts, he never said or behaved impolitely. Thank you Brother Long for teaching me martial arts, training my will, and teaching me acting skills. Thank you!"

Jiang Shuanger's Weibo is quite different.

"Brother Long is handsome, good at acting, he can write songs, he can sing, he is both civil and military. Is it normal for a woman to like him? I like Brother Long and I never deny it. When the company asked me to film with Brother Long, I was happy for a long time. That night Did not fall asleep.

If Brother Long asks me to marry her, I will immediately agree.

Thank you Long Ge for teaching me martial arts and acting.Thank you Long Ge for giving me the opportunity to play Yujiaolong and get the best actress.

There have been rumors about me and Brother Long from the very beginning.I don’t know why so many popped up all of a sudden this time…”

Several main characters in the movie feel that they are really wronged.The gossip media talked about Wu Long, but actually involved them too.

After they had discussed it, they made speeches one after another.Wu Long has never done such a thing to them, this is a slander to them and Wu Long.

Judy said:

"Brother Long never forced or forced me to do anything. During the filming, Brother Long pointed out my acting skills and let me play better in the later shoots. Thanks to Brother Long, without him, I would have neither would achieve such a great result.”

Faced with the reporter's question, Angeli smiled and said:

"Brother Long has never forced anyone to do anything. I have always believed in this. He is handsome, strong and powerful, with strong martial arts, accurate marksmanship, and good driving skills. I admire, like, and even admire such a man. He is unmarried, I don't have a girlfriend either. I'm not married and I don't have a boyfriend. If we're together, there's nothing wrong..."


Uma did not make a statement, and immediately explained to Rocky after seeing these messages:

"Don't believe those words, Brother Long and I have nothing at all. Nothing, that's slander, I swear!"

Rocky reassures his girlfriend:

"I know, I believe in you, and I also believe in Brother Long. These guys are really scribbling. Brother Long doesn't like men at all!"

That day, Wu Long asked Tom:

"You said, who is behind the scenes? I don't believe that no one is behind the spread of these rumors on such a large scale."

Wu Long hasn't exchanged the items for Kacha yet, wondering if he has any enemies in Merikan.

Tom shook his head:

"Because of the impact, the company also held a meeting to analyze, but there was no result. If you have no enemies, it means that people in the industry don't want to see you too strong. Or other film companies are worried that the box office will be too high, and they are secretly playing tricks."

What Tom said was also Weiner Pictures' careful thinking, which made Wu Long dislike other film companies and would not cooperate with other film companies in the future.

Afterwards, Weiner Films and Lion Films both issued statements, not disapproving, but confident in Wu Longhe.The reason for the joint investment is that Wu Long has a good relationship with the two film companies, and everyone cooperates together.

"Brother Long, I believe you about the rumors about Uma and you." Rocky called.

Wu Long didn't call Rocky, just wanted to see Rocky's reaction.If Rocky believes the rumors and doubts him, it means that Rocky can no longer be used.

"They also said how I treated you. You must know the truth."

"However, this reminds me of one thing. It seems that you are going to have a boxing match tomorrow? Be careful, and watch out for someone to tamper with you. Be careful with what you eat and drink, and keep food samples for testing."

This was Wu Long's temporary thought.Since someone slandered him for making fake punches and Rocky for making fake punches, it's hard to say that he wouldn't use Rocky's game tomorrow as a trick.

"Brother Long, don't worry, the people around me are good brothers. I treat them well, and they won't betray me."

"Well. You have to be careful." Wu Long knew that this was actually very difficult.If no one betrays, Rocky shows that he doesn't trust his own people, which will cause these people to feel that Rocky doesn't trust them, so they may betray.

After finishing the call with Rocky, Wu Long called Tom and asked him if he still wanted to buy Rocky's game, and if he did, he would not buy it for tomorrow's game.

"No way?" Tom immediately thought of these rumors with Wu Long and agreed. "Okay, I listen to you, don't buy it."

Wu Long checked the system, wanting to see if someone would mess with Rocky's game tomorrow.It turns out that the exchange and use of item cards is quite complicated.

There are many kinds of prop cards, and it will cost a lot of prestige points to determine whether there will be any manipulations in tomorrow's Rocky game.After checking, I realized that even if it was not aimed at him and Rocky, but only for this game, anyone could do anything to Rocky.

The more factors that need to be calculated, the higher the prestige value that item cards will cost.

It also costs a lot of prestige points to target whether Rocky has manipulative prop cards.Rocky himself is the UFC champion, even if it wasn't because of Wu Long, someone might target Rocky.

Besides, targeting Rocky is not necessarily just targeting the game, but also targeting from other aspects.So there are a lot of factors to consider.

If only there were people around Chaloki who betrayed Rocky, such an item card would not be expensive, but there were still loopholes.

For example, it is not necessarily the person who betrayed Rocky who did something to Rocky.For example, the person who betrayed Rocky may not necessarily be tampering with tomorrow's game.Therefore, finding out who is targeting Rocky does not necessarily guarantee that there will be no problems in this game.

Besides, Wu Long told Rocky that the people around him were unreliable, but there was no evidence, how could Rocky believe it?Even if Rocky believed it, how could he convince others?If others are not convinced, it will still affect other people's loyalty to Rocky.

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