I'm not just an action star

Chapter 377 Bad News

Wu Long's filming progress is very fast, which has been verified again.This is true whether you are shooting on location or in a studio.

After filming, the post-production special effects began.In this later stage, Wu Long couldn't take advantage of the influence of Wuxiang Gong.

The system should have corresponding props, but Wu Long didn't want to waste reputation points in exchange.Shi Lei led his team to work for a world-renowned film special effects company, and secretly stole the teacher according to Wu Long's instructions.

"Long, there are some bad rumors recently, how do you think we should deal with them?" Tom came to Wu Long's studio and showed Wu Long a stack of newspapers and magazines.

Wu Long picked it up and looked through it.Tom folded the pages of bad rumors.

After reading these magazines and newspapers, look at the comments on the Internet that Tom printed out for him.

These unfavorable rumors are divided into two aspects, one is aimed at Wu Long personally, and the other is aimed at the movie.

As for Wu Long personally, let me first say that Wu Long is a representative deliberately introduced by the great eastern powers. The purpose is to get in and spread Chinese culture all over the world, and carry out cultural influence and invasion.

Here is an example of why Wu Long Kungfu is so good. Only by putting all the resources of the whole country on Wu Long and inviting reclusive masters from various sects to teach him in person, can we teach such a young man with good martial arts.

This is why Wu Long burst out suddenly, and suddenly became very strong in martial arts.Combined with the fact that the mainland has specially loosened the restrictions on Wu Long's movies and allowed the introduction of Wu Long's movies, it seems like a solid hammer.

Next, let's start with the example of Wu Long's unspoken rules for actresses.

Meng Lu was an actress who played opposite Wu Long. At that time, Wu Long played Ximen Qing and Meng Lu played Pan Jinlian.It is said that Wu Long used to force Menglu to do the fake show late at night on the grounds of the opposite play.

Because Wu Long knows martial arts and has great strength.In addition, Wu Longyi had a good relationship with the director, and threatened that if Meng Lu did not follow suit, Meng Lu would not be allowed to play Pan Jinlian, and the people behind him would block Pan Jinlian.

In order to make a living, Meng Lu had to submit to Wu Long with tears.

This can be proved by the fact that Meng Lu has never been in contact with Wu Long since then, nor has he filmed with Wu Long.

Wu Long was upset because Meng Lu avoided Wu Long.Wu Long asked the people behind him to block Meng Lu, so that Meng Lu couldn't even do commercial performances.In the end, Meng Lu had no choice but to beg Wu Long to satisfy Wu Long again in order to make a living. Only then did Meng Lu start to act and get important roles.

After Meng Lu saw it, she satisfied Wu Long in various ways, and was highly praised by Wu Long, and was awarded the most important role in the play, Ishii Yulian.

The role of Ishii Miren is very brilliant, even surpassing the bride played by the protagonist Uma.Why?Wu Long did this on purpose just because Uma was Rocky's girlfriend.

When Wu Long was acting, he molested Tang Shuang and wanted Tang Shuang to submit.Xue Bo stopped him and ended up being mentally ill.Tang Shuang has never dared to face Wu Long, let alone appear on the same occasion with Wu Long.

Pan Duona, who was in the same crew, saw that Wu Long was too powerful, so she had to give in.But because he was not active enough, no matter if he was or was, he could only play a small and inconspicuous role.But he can only dare to be angry but dare not speak.

Filming on Hong Kong Island, taking advantage of the filming opportunity to take advantage of Zhang Zhulin.And choose a day to get Zhang Zhulin drunk, forcing Zhang Zhulin to succumb to her.

After Zhang Zhulin was forced to succumb to Wu Long, the Hong Kong Island film and television industry had many accusations and complaints against Wu Long.In order to quell the anger of Hong Kong Island's film and television industry, Wu Long strongly encouraged Zhang Zhulin to make a literary film for her alone, allowing Zhang Zhulin to win the Hong Kong Island Golden Fragrance Award for Best Actress.

On Hong Kong Island, there is also a hostess, Chen Shibei.Inviting Wu Long is a program, Wu Long took the opportunity to ask Chen Shibei to accompany him.Chen Shibei was reluctant at first, but many local companies on Hong Kong Island stood up for Wu Long, forcing Chen Shibei to give in.

In fact, Wu Long's victory over the three Shuanghuaxiongguns was due to the pressure from the forces behind it, forcing the local company to let the Shuanghuaxiongsticks accompany Wu Long in acting.Hei Diao refused to accept it, complained a few words after drinking, and was framed by Wu Long and imprisoned.

There is also a dragon and tiger master in Hong Kong Island, who also pointed out that Wu Long was too arrogant and disrespectful. As a result, he was framed by Wu Long. He fell off while hanging the wire and broke his legs.

And, under the pretext of training Li Siyi and Jiang Shuang'er, Wu Long used his demonic claws on them.In the end, the two failed to escape Wu Long Yinwei and surrendered to Wu Long.

Because Jiang Shuang'er was given to Wu Long for the first time, Wu Long asked her to play the heroine Yu Jiaolong, and praised her as the Best Actress of Ska.

Wu Long came to Haolaihu to develop, and then extended his claws to Haolaihu.

He first took a fancy to Rocky and took Rocky with him.Training Rocky for a year, yes, it also made Rocky succumb for a year.It can be seen that Wu Long is really perverted.He is not a perverted murderer, but a perverted aspect, both men and women.

Casting, it is said that no matter male or female, only those who submit to him are selected.

Gu Xiao

It is rumored that Lily Dillon knew about this and warned Wu Long not to make trouble in Haolai out of justice, but Wu Long brutally killed her.The death of Lily Dylan has a lot to do with Wu Long.The murderer behind it is Wu Long!

Demi went to Wu Long with the script, and Wu Long fell in love with Zhu Di.Forcing Judy to succumb to him, he praised Judy as the queen of the Golden Hill Award and Hauska.

And when it comes to Rocky's girlfriend, Uma, that's wonderful.Wu Long knew that Rocky had found a girlfriend and wanted to engage Uma secretly.And use Rocky to threaten Uma and force Uma to submit.

After going to Uma, in order to appease Uma, I don't want Rocky to guess.He taught Uma to let Rocky ask him for a role, so he became the heroine.

Poor Rocky, who didn't know it all the time, thought his teacher was a good man.

If you think about it seriously, if Uma is just Rocky's girlfriend, why would Wu Long give Uma the heroine?What is Rocky in Wu Long's eyes?It is said that it is Wu Long's student, but it is actually just a pawn of Wu Long.

Wu Long used Rocky to make documentaries and fight UFC, and made an unknown amount of money!Rocky is not important in Wu Long's eyes.

Wu Long fell in love with Takako Kuriyama and asked Chiba Huasui to threaten Takako Kuriyama. If he did not submit to him, it would be detrimental to Takako Kuriyama's parents.Takako Lishan was worried about the safety of his parents, so he had to succumb to Wulong.Wu Long also gave Takako Kuriyama the role of Guoguo as comfort.

In the shooting club, Wu Long took a fancy to Angeli.In order to threaten An Jili, Wu Long wanted to threaten An Jili's father's life, An Jili had to agree to Wu Long and succumbed to Wu Long.

Some people said that Wu Long came alone, how could he threaten Angeli's father?

That's because these people don't know that Wu Long had a boxing match with former UFC champion Barrett.And the supporter behind Barrett is an underground gangster called Pointed Shoes Joe.

In the last game, Wu Long won.Why?Because this is a round in itself, a fake boxing match.

Wu Long is not that strong at all, he can't even beat Barrett.He teamed up with Pointy Shoes Joe to make Barrett lose to him!

The cooperation between Wu Long and Qiao continued until Rocky came back for a boxing match.Joe kept buying Rocky to win and made a lot of money.Because Wu Long and Joe bought off Rocky's opponents, or arranged for opponents who were weaker than Rocky, Rocky kept winning the game.

Afterwards, Wu Long set up a scheme for Joe to bet all his assets, and borrowed foreign debts to buy Rocky to win.He told Joe to deliberately let Rocky declare that he would lose with a right hand injury, so that the odds could be maximized.

Joe thought he would make a lot of money this time, but Wu Long tricked Joe and made Rocky lose the game on purpose.Joe not only lost all his assets, but also owed huge debts.

Joe is dead, killed by his rival "Bison Gein".This Gein is also a big shot, as Joe's rise threatens him.

He figured out that Qiao had made so much money by teaming up with Wu Long, so he approached Wu Long.The two teamed up to set up a bureau to divide up Joe's assets.Because Joe's foreign debts all came from Gein.

There is evidence for this rumor. A property belonging to Qiao was replaced by Wu Long with a modern office space.And Qiao's real estate was given to Wu Long by Gein.With pictures, publicly available information.

Wu Long and Ge Yin knew each other, and they were the thread led by Chiba Hua Sui.In the accompanying picture, Gain and Wu Long entered the Chiba Kendo Hall successively.

These online and offline media, after attacking Wu Long personally, began to attack Wu Long's current movies.

Said that he would no longer follow the Wulong fighting route, but instead use a gun.This is because Wu Long's films have begun to make the audience feel fatigued, and he needs to transform.

For transformational works, most box office will be dismal.In order to attract investment and hype in advance, Wu Long deliberately used the fake video of the shooting club to hype.

Even so, Weiner Pictures and Lion Pictures are not optimistic about this movie.In order not to destroy the cooperative relationship with Wu Long, they jointly funded the filming of this film.

If they are really optimistic about this film, they will definitely invest in the filming by themselves as before, and there is no need to give up profits to competitors.

But what film?According to insiders, it's just a stereotypical avenging father movie, with shootouts, car chases, and nothing else.

For such a script, there are several cars every year.Don't say that Weiner Films and Lion Films are not optimistic, no film company will be optimistic.

No matter how Wu Long hypes it, it is destined to be a blockbuster movie that has a poor box office and makes investors lose money!

These speeches, fragmented and integrated, were reported in print media and online media, and circulated on various websites and social platforms, attracting the attention of many people, jumping out to participate, gaining popularity, and rapidly fermenting.

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