In the movie, the next wonderful stunt scene, except for the train, is that Wesley finally enters the textile factory.

Wu Long wanted to jump over a non-existent glass window, and then add special effects to the glass window in the later stage to form a shot through a broken window.

In the original version, whether it is the shot of breaking in through the window, or the shot of Wesley rushing in and killing people while running, they are all quickly edited from multiple sets of shots.

Wu Long didn't shoot like that.Although the shots he took were not considered long shots, there were not many shots edited into them.Instead, two and a half minutes of shots were edited together to form a pseudo-long shot of more than 1 minute.

If it weren't for running with a dummy, there would be no need for the middle cut to be opened and then connected.

This wonderful segment begins with Wesley breaking through the window.

Breaking the window into time and space and shooting, the action is chic and the aura is wide open.The lens zooms out slightly, and you can see two enemies on both sides of the window.

When Wesley was about to land, his hands spread out to the sides, and he shot directly without looking or turning his head to aim.That scene had the aura of an eagle spreading its wings.


In the original movie, this was a bug.The direction of Wesley's muzzle was not aimed at the enemy at all.

With Wu Long coming to play, such a situation will never happen.Even if the muzzle is thrown back to the sides, it is aimed at the enemies on both sides.

Freeze the picture, take a ruler to measure, you can draw a straight line, and the bullet hits the enemy's head.

Afterwards, the two co-stars still expressed their lingering fears.Although Wu Long was holding a prop gun in his hand, they seemed to see the muzzle of the black hole pointing at them, and a bullet hit their foreheads, making them think that they had been shot and died.

When Wu Long landed, the camera circled around him and took a bird's-eye view of him, and he could see the enemies in various places in the factory. They found that Wu Long came in and wanted to fight back with a gun.

The camera turned around and returned to the front of Wu Long, and looked down at Wu Long, looking up and roaring like an angry lion.

According to the language of the camera, Wu Long should be shot upwards, so that Wu Long can stand tall and appear heroic or imposing.

But if you shoot upwards, you will not be able to capture the enemy in the same frame because of the obstruction of the textile machines on both sides.

The cameraman thought that the overhead shot would weaken Wu Long's momentum.Unexpectedly, Wu Long's acting skills exceeded the cameraman's expectations.Even if it is an overhead shot, Wu Long's acting skills and momentum also make the overhead shot have the effect of an upward shot.

Afterwards, the cameraman said to everyone that Wu Long's acting skills definitely surpassed the level of actor.Even if it is an overhead shot, it can't change the aura of Wu Long's protagonist.

Tilting and looking down, Wu Long crossed his hands and shot to both sides.In the corners on both sides of the camera, two enemies who were about to raise their guns were shot.

The familiar feeling came, and it seemed that the scene of the knife fighting in the shopping mall reappeared.

It's just that it's not the same.

Wu Long no longer needs to protect people, and what he holds in his hand is not a flying knife, but a gun.

What's more, he no longer walked, but ran forward, sprinted, and shot people on both sides while running wildly.

If there are people on both sides, the camera will be tilted in front of the camera, and the enemies on both sides of the camera can be seen falling to the ground.

If only one side has enemies.Wu Long didn't turn his head, he only used his peripheral vision.But the camera is turned to the opposite side of the enemy. The close shot is the figure of Wu Long, and the long shot is the scene of the enemy being shot.

Although it is a long shot, the lens is constantly changing, zooming, and moving, giving people a very real sense of movement and tension.

In the camera, Wu Long moves cleanly and quickly, holding the gun like a sword like a knife, without shaking the gun or the gun.

One shot at one person, killing two people in one step, is like entering the land of no one.

His own bullets were gone, so he didn't change the bullets, he just grabbed the enemy's gun and continued to charge in, shooting continuously to kill the surrounding enemies.

Until he met the mechanic who trained him.The repairman who was in the way tried to punch Wesley, but Wesley shot him.

Then, Wu Long needed to rush forward holding the repairman dummy.He not only used the corpse to block bullets, but also put the gun in through the repairman's eyes, and shot while rushing across the head.

Wesley fell down after being shot, and the person lay on his back on the ground and slid forward. In the original version, he was pulled by a car and slid forward. After hitting the corpse lying on the ground, he jumped up with the help of Wia.

Grain rice

Wu Long has kung fu, so he doesn't need to do this.Without being pulled by a car and sliding on his back, he was just a sliding shovel.When bumping into the fake corpse, Wulong can jump up by himself, without Wia.

This kind of kung fu made the people on the scene amazed.

The king of kung fu is the king of kung fu, there is nothing to say, no one can compare.

Jump up and grab the chandelier and swing forward, jumping up the landing.The original version also had to be shot separately, using a green screen stand to jump the protagonist onto the landing.

Wu Long has kung fu, this is not a problem for him, he can do it without using props.

In this way, one pass, a wonderful pseudo-long shot of the gun battle was completed.

Everyone applauded and admired Wu Long from the bottom of their hearts.Not only a good director, but also an excellent actor.All the shots were taken one by one, which made people care about it. It is not too easy to film with Wu Long.As long as you follow Wu Long's instructions carefully, it will be completed soon.

Wu Long's filming period is short and his work is smooth. Everyone wants to work in Wu Long's crew.Someone has already secretly approached Wu Long. If Wu Long forms his own team, he hopes to join.

Even if Wu Long doesn't form his own team.Build a good relationship with Wu Long, and Wu Long will look for them next time he makes a film.

You can't wait until the filming is over to do things like building relationships.In the daily time of the crew, we have to do it bit by bit.

After passing through the textile workshop on the first floor, Wu Long came to the slaughter workshop.

This is the place of the butcher.Once, Wu Long learned knife skills from butchers here.

The butcher who taught Wesley how to practice knives is played by Wu Longrang Chiba Framesui.

This is interesting.

Chiba Huasui once led his disciples and students of Chiba Kendo Hall to kneel down to Wu Long in the street.Maeda Shinichi even publicly apologized to Wu Long for stabbing himself.

Everyone also knows that because Chiba Huasui had the courage to kneel to Wu Long, she got a supporting role in the movie.The disciples and students of his kendo gym also starred in group performances.

It also made the Kendo Gym of Chiba Kasui famous all over the world.

Qianye Huasui once publicly admitted that his sword and sword skills were not as good as Wu Long's, and followed Wu Long to learn and improve.

He called Wu Long his teacher.

As a result, now Wu Long wants to learn sword skills from him instead.

It's a bit like Rocky's repairman playing Wu Long's Wesley, but it's different.

These two castings can make the audience feel differently.

Different from the original version, Wesley went to see a movie before learning the truth and going to the textile factory for revenge.

In the movie theater, Wesley saw a plot that did not appear in the movie in reality. Baimei played by Wu Long taught the bride knife skills.

In this plot, there is no need for the bride played by Uma, only the white eyebrow taught by Wu Longhua, played by Wu Longhua.

When Wesley went to the slaughterhouse for revenge, the butcher did it to Wesley.Wesley used the knife skills he learned in the movie to kill the butcher.

Chiba Chiho, who has participated in the role, is no longer limited to two-handed samurai swords, and his one-handed swordsmanship is also very smooth.The movement routine taught by Wu Long was quickly practiced.After the two set up their moves, they played very tacitly.

This is inseparable from the good foundation of the Chiba frame.The level of Kendo masters is really not comparable to Luo Chang, Qi Ke, and Fang Zhuming.

In the original movie, the butcher's knife can split Wesley's bullets, and Wu Long continues to use this design.But instead of following the original plot, Wesley shot the butcher's spike into the butcher's chest.

Here, one of Wesley's guns is hacked off, running out of bullets.The last few bullets were split by the butcher with a knife until the bullets were empty.

Wesley gets a knife while dodging, and fights with the butcher.Because he learned his sword skills from the butcher, he couldn't beat the butcher.He was also ridiculed by the butcher that it was impossible for the students to beat the teacher, not to mention that the teacher didn't teach all the students, so he kept a hand.

Wesley, who was in trouble, thought of the knife technique taught by Li Baimei, and killed the butcher with Baimei's knife technique.

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