I'm not just an action star

Chapter 375 Driving skills that cannot be done in reality

Angeli trusted Wu Long so much, she was so frightened that she became weak again.Changing the substitute to play Wesley, Wu Long can't guarantee whether the other party will escape at the last moment.

Don't say that Angeli is a woman, and the substitute is a man.It has nothing to do with men and women, it has nothing to do with guts or luck.

After convincing Ross and his team, the rest of the shoot went much smoother.According to Rose's design, it is similar to the original shooting.

When all these shots were taken, everyone cheered.

In the second highlight shooting, Angeli needs to tie a safety rope, really stick out of the car, lie on the front cover, and shoot behind her with a prop gun.

Of course, the sports car did not start, and there was a car in front pulling the sports car, and the speed was not fast.These shots required taking multiple shots and trying various shots.Take more shots and save them for later editing.

In this plot, many shots were actually shot on green screen in the studio and synthesized in post-production.

It is such a combination of fiction and reality that makes the audience mistakenly think that it is really a car chase scene on the street.Movie special effects are movie magic.

The third highlight of this car chase, the sports car rolls over the interception.

In one shot, the sports car drives over a sloping board, forming a shot that leaps down.This shot will be edited after the bus rolls over, forming a scene where the sports car jumps off the bus.

Take a shot of a bus flipping over and throwing sparks.This shot will be edited after the shot of the sports car rolling over and hitting the side of the bus.Visual logic makes the audience think that the sports car rolls over the heads of the police and police cars, hits the bus in the air, knocks the bus down and rolls over.

.Take a shot of a sports car rolling over.This shot was not fully CG generated, but a model of a sports car, mounted on a roller.Crews push the rollers, creating shots of the sports car rolling over the police and police cars.

Many shots are edited together, false and real, with green screen and CG special effects, and finally a wonderful stunt of a sports car rolling over police and police cars will be synthesized.

After Wesley left the army, he began to carry out the assassination mission. In one plot, the sports car driven by Fox braked to lower the front of the car, and the car driven by Wesley stepped on the accelerator to accelerate and raise the front of the car.Wesley's car rode onto Fox's sports car, using the springboard to flip over the roof of the target's car.

The target's car has bulletproof glass around it, which cannot be pierced.However, the target opened the roof window to let in the smoke. As a result, Weiss used this trick to shoot and kill the target from the roof.

Is this stunt possible in reality?

The answer is impossible.

Even if Wu Long has superb driving skills, it is impossible.

Speaking of this stunt, Ross also carefully asked Wu Long if he could do it.When he saw Wu Long shaking his head, he felt relieved.

"It's a good thing you can't do it, otherwise you would not be a car god, but a god. This kind of thing is impossible in reality, only a miracle can."

"Are you so sure?"

Ross nodded.

"First of all, if you slam on the brakes, the front of the car will be lowered, but the lowering will not be too large. The suspension system of each car is not allowed to change too much, otherwise such a suspension is not qualified at all, and it is useless. "

"We do car stunts, and we have paid attention to this. Generally, compared to sports cars, the maximum range of change will not exceed eight centimeters. If it is an ordinary car, the maximum range is about ten centimeters."

"Secondly, no matter how low the front of the sports car is, the front of the car is not sharp, just like a ridge. Therefore, it is impossible to use it as a springboard for another car."

"No matter how high the other car's head is raised, it's impossible to get over this hurdle."

"So in reality, if two cars collide like this, it is impossible for the other car to fly. The strength of the front fender and front cover of the car is not enough to face the impact at such a speed. The result can only be that the two cars are directly smashed The front crashes, and the other car bounces up, but it doesn't fly out."

"What if we add a slanted nose to the front of the sports car? Another car is refitted and the front is raised higher. Is this possible?" Wu Long asked.

Ross showed a very professional quality and shook his head in denial.

"It's impossible. We usually use the springboard to shoot speeding cars. The car must go through the entire springboard and take off from the end of the springboard. If you add a front nose and raise the front of another car, although you can ride on the sports car. However, it will always Drive up and it won't fly until the roof."

"At this time, two situations can be foreseen. First, you cannot make a 360-degree roll while the car is flying forward. Because, if you want to roll sideways, you must take off with one side high and one side low. Only in this way can there be a lateral force to allow the car to roll over 360 degrees. Otherwise, it can only roll over 180 degrees at most, and the roof of the car hits the ground heavily."

"Some people may say that one side of the wheel is pressed against the roof of the sports car, and the other side of the wheel is pressed against the window of the sports car, which can form one high and one low. Let's ignore that the corner of the sports car roof will push against the chassis of the car, let's assume In such a situation, there will be no 360-degree rollover. Because this is not one high and one low, but the wheel is pressed against the window of the sports car, forming a sinking force."

"This subsidence force will pull the car down. The car can't fly, it just rolls over to one side, and then because of the lack of height, the roof hits the ground."

"Second, even if you have good driving skills and have a way to make the car roll 360 degrees, the front windshield and roof of the sports car can't stop such an impact. The front windshield will be broken and dented, and the roof may be dented , is more likely to be knocked out. In such a case, the driver in the sports car will definitely be injured."

Ross is right.Wu Long checked through the system, and in the reality of this world, this stunt really cannot be done.

Green screen, separate shooting, combination of springboard and other tools and methods, and finally computer synthesis, to create this classic assassination plot with fiction and reality.

Throughout the movie, a large part of the scenes were shot in the textile factory.

Wesley's training started with a repairman.Wu Long asked Rocky to play the role of the repairman.His fists are more convincing than the original actors.

The person who plays Wesley is Wu Long, and Wu Long is Rocky's teacher.The identities of Wu Long and Rocky in the movie are interchanged with those in reality, which makes the audience who know their identities feel very novel.

In Rocky's documentaries and movies, Rocky was taught and beaten by Wu Long.Rocky can't beat Wu Long, he can only be beaten.

In this film, Wu Long is taught by Rocky and beaten by Rocky.Wu Long couldn't beat Rocky, he could only be beaten.

This exchange of identities makes the audience feel very exciting.

There is a sense of substitution.

Coupled with Wesley's female boss and dog colleague, it's like the people the audience met in reality who couldn't be beaten or couldn't be beaten were exchanged in the movie, and they beat up the people who couldn't be beaten in reality.

At this time, the audience is not replaced by Wesley, but by Rocky.They hope that they will become Rocky, become stronger, and beat up those who bully them in reality.

This experience of not substituting the protagonist can make the audience feel more fresh and fun.

.In the performance of the two, because Wu Long practiced Wuxiang Gong, Rocky acted very realistically.So much so that after filming, someone asked Rocky if it felt particularly good to hit the teacher in the movie.

Rocky said with a smirk: "That feeling is really flattering. I have been beaten by him for a year, and I finally have a chance to beat him. I will never have nightmares at night again, dreaming of being abused by him."

Everyone laughed.This is a true portrayal in Rocky's documentary. Rocky was really beaten by Wu Long in his dream.

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